The Official Publication of Nichols High School

Vol. VII No. 14      May 12, 1931

Submitted by Charlene Hixon, December 14, 2013



            The Seniors of 1931 will present their class paly at the Opera House Friday evening May 15 at 8:00 P.M.

            The play is a very clever Comedy Drama in three interesting and entertaining acts.

            The cast has been working hard and earnestly for some time and can promise an evening of entertainment well worth your time.

            If you would see some plain and fancy eye rolling, if you would take lessons in the gentle art of selling stocks, if you would see some third degree work trimmed “with Hayseed” then you will not miss Countess De Selles (Margaret Oostendorp), Jimmie Barnes (Duane Neff) and Constable Boggs (Waldo Elder) in Mary’s Millions Friday night.  And the entire case does equally well.

            Who got “Mary’s Millions” and how?  Let the following cast show you and your friends Friday evening:

                        Charles Fox as Jack Henderson

                        Duane Neff as Jimmie Barnes

                        Ralph Borgstadt as Ezra Stoneham

                        Waldo Elder as Abija Boggs

                        James Elder as Count Victor De Selles

                        Cressie Hahn as Jane Stoneham

                        Beula Sutton as Eudora Smith

                        Margaret Oostendorp as Countess De Selles

                        Christine Metcalf as Mrs. Mudge

                        Marie Milder as Betty Barlowe

                        Guila Billick as Mary Manners.

            See the full page ad in this issue.  Tickets go on sale at Pikes Wed. A.M.



            The Annual Junior Senior Banquet of Nichols High School was held at the Muscatine Hotel Thursday April 30.

            The Japanese Room was the scene of the affair, and was decorated in maroon and gold streamers and light shades, carrying out the Senior colors, as did also the attractive menu cards and American beauty rose buds which were used as favors.

            The toast program, which followed the suggestion of the Senior motto: “We’ll Find a Way or Make One”, was as follows:  Toastmaster – Waldo Elder; “Finding the Way Through Schooling” – Charles Fox, “Finding the Way Through Experiences” – Doris Poole; “Making the Way Mentally” – Margaret Oostendorp; “Making the Way Physically” – Ralph Borgstadt; “The Way of Life” – Mr. Bellamy.

            After the toast program, most of the groupenjoyed a movie at the Amuse-U together.


            The State Academic Home contest was held in the local schools of over 350 entries, Tuesday May 5.

            While we do not yet know how our scores will rank with those of other schools, we are pleased to indicate here the winners in each subject in which tests were given in our own classes.  The report of our ranking with other schools will be out about May 26.       

            The local winners were:  Economics – 1st, Duane Neff; Second – Charles Fox.  English Lit – Duane Neff, 1st and Ortha Neff, second.  Physics – Duane Neff, 1st and Ralph Borgstadt, second.  Geometry – Dorothea Rummells and Avis McMichael, tied for first and 2nd.  World History – Genevieve Metcalfe, 1st & Louise Heath 2nd.  Algebra – Marie Neff, 1st and Ionne McMichael,second.  English Correctness IX, Marie Neff, 1st and Marie Oostendorp, second.  English Correctness X, Louise Heath, 1st and Avis McMichael, second.  English Correctness XI, Ortha Neff ,1st and Ralph Borgstadt, second.  English Correctness XII, Marie Milder, 1st and Duane Neff, second.

            These folks are hereby complimented by the Nicholite for their efforts.  May some of their marks be high enough to secure for our school representation in the State Contest in June.


            The 5th Annual School and Home Day will be held Monday May 18.  An interesting and attractive program has been provided for everybody.  At ten o’clock there will be exhibits made by the pupils from the various grades of the school, to which your attention is especially directed.  At 11:00 there will be an Assembly program to consist of songs, class day, special features, and the awarding of monograms for various types of school proficiency.  At 12:30 there will be a picnic lunch, to be followed by miscellaneous activities to attract all.  The day will be concluded by a ball game or possible two ball games with the high school team and the town boys competing in one of them.

            It is hoped that a good crowd will turn out.  It will be appreciated by the school, and we feel you will enjoy a real day of fun.  EVERY ONE COME MAY  18.


LAST ISSUE  1930-31

            This is the last issue of the Nicholite for 1930 – 31, which financially at least has been the best year to date for your school paper.  The staff thanks its subscribers and its advertisers for their support.

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The Nicholite is the official publication of Nichols High School, issued fortnightly by the student body and supported by the community as a whole.

The   Staff

                                    Editor in Chief                                      Charles Fox

                                    Business Manager                                 Duane Neff

                                    Ass’t Editor                                          Ortha Neff

                                    Ass’t Bus. Manager                              Waldo Elder

                                    Editorials                                              Guila Billick

                                    Make Up Editor                                   Marguerite Foley

                                    Circulation Manager                             Margaret Oostendorp

                                    Ass’t Circ. Manager                             Russell Reynolds

                                                                                                Louise Heath

                                                                                                Lester Hillyer

                                    Society                                                 Dorothea Rummells

                                    Grade News                                         Doris Poole

                                    Town News                                         Beula Sutton

                                    Country News                                      Marie Milder

                                    Sports                                                  Ralph Borgstadt

                                    Jokes                                                   Wesley Haury

                                    Literary                                                Edwin Nash

                                    Cartoonist                                            Loretta Hazen



            The School year is near a close and we will soon go our own ways to work this summer.  We may forget all about our school work, but not about our friends.  Friendship is a sweet attraction of the heart toward the merit we esteem, toward the affections we admire, and produce a mutual inclination in two or more persons to promote each others’ interest.  Friendship relieves our cares, raises our hopes and abates our fears.  A friend talks himself into new pleasure.  Friendship improves happiness and doubles our joys.  Here is a poem, “Old Friends” which is pertinent in this article.

                                    There are no friends like old friends,

                                                And none so good and true.

                                    We greet them when we meet them

                                                As roses greet the dew.

                                    No other friends are dearer

                                                Tho born of kindred mold;

                                    And while we prize the new ones,

                                                We treasure more the old.


                                    There are no friends like old friends

                                                To calm our frequent fears.

                                    When shadows fall and deepen

                                                Thru life’s declining years;

                                    And when our faltering footsteps,

                                                Approach the great divide

                                    We’ll long to meet the old friends,

                                                Who wait on the other side.

                                                                        L.M. ’34  (David Sickles)



            The Senior Class this year has chosen the motto “We’ll find a path or make one”.

            Find and making a path are two different things.  There are few people who can step out into life and find a path which leads to success in the real sense.  Most people who are in the responsible positions have arrived there by a long process of making a path.  And those who are now retired and looking back with satisfaction on lives well spent are doing so because they followed a path which they themselves hued out of obstacles.

            But of course, they found out their possibilities, and had the intuition to recognize the abilities they had to work in the field they finally chose.  So we hope these Seniors will be able to find the path of their greatest abilities and then to make the path of their success.

            The question for them is to keep to this path which they will find, for the success of our lives depends upon our ability to find out what we ought to do and then to make our path thru it.

            The best wishes of the Nicholite go with our Seniors of ’31.  May they both find their path and then make it.

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Christian Church Notes

            The Christian Delta Alpha Class sponsored a “Mother’s Day Program” which was given at the Church Sunday morning.

            The Delta Alpha Class held a bake sale in Kirchner’s window last Saturday.

            The regular meeting of the Delta Alpha Class was held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Meese.  The afternoon was spent with a business meeting, work and a social hour.

M. E. Notes

            Program for May 17

            Sunday School             10:00 A.M.

            Epworth League            7:00 P.M.  Leader Rev. Druse

            Baccalaureate Services   8:00 P.M.  Sermon by Rev. Nickle, music high school groups.

            The Ruthian Class will hold its May social at the home of Geraldine Kreider.

            Special Mothers Day numbers were sung by the choir last Sunday.

            The Men’s class and the Young Men’s Class have organized Kitten Ball Teams.  They played their first game Saturday evening at six o’clock.  It is hoped that similar teams may be organized in the other churches so that some fun may be had during the summer with a series of games.

            During the business meeting of May 3 the Epworth League elected its officers for the next six months.  Those chosen are as follows:  President – James Elder; Vice President – Dorothea Rummells; 2nd Vice President – Ortha Neff; 3rd Vice President – Edwin Nash; 4th Vice President – Louise Heath; Secretary, Duane Neff.

            The Epworth League held its April social in the form of a Wiener roast in Nichols Timber east of town.  About 15 members were present and report an enjoyable evening.

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Primary News

            Edna Rollins has entered School again.

            The first grade have nearly finished their literary readers.

            The hand work classes are making vegetable girls and health automobiles.

            The second grade is studying the care and habits of canary birds.  And in connection with this they are making bird cages and birds.

            Robert Borgstadt was absent Monday and Tuesday.

            The spelling classes are graphing their grades by placing gold stars and butterflies for each one hundred percent mark.

Intermediate  News

            Robert Leonard has reentered the fourth grade here after an absence of four weeks.

            Edward Quinlin was absent a half day Tuesday on account of illness.

            The sixth graders have completed their history texts and are now reviewing.

            The 4th grade have completed the hygiene text and are taking up supplementary preview.

            The 4th grade is taking up fractions in arithmetic.

            They are getting along very well.

            The fifth grade are now writing letters.

            The fourth grade is making health posters.

            The girls in the intermediate room had a very enjoyable time on the hike they took one day last week.

Grammar News

            Vergil and Carl Poole were absent last week on account of illness.  Both had enjoyed a perfect attendance record for the year prior to this.  Carl had had perfect attendance for four years.

            Jack Ellis was absent Friday afternoon.

            The Grammar Room will have semester exams the 19, 20 and 21st of this month.

            The pupils of the Grammar room, their mothers and the faculty pleasantly entertained their teacher, Mrs. H. Walker with a shower at the Elder Hall Wednesday evening from 4:30 to 7:00 P.M.  A pot luck supper was served after which games were played.  Mary Genevieve Smith in behalf of her school mates, parents and teachers presented Mrs. Walker with a beautiful pewter tea set with the best wishes of all present.

High School Dope

            The Freshman class are ready to start on the chapter “Planning Our Occupation” in the Occupations course.

            The freshman English class is studying the sentence rhetorically considered.

            The girls in the Freshman class are working on their good dresses.  It won’t be long until they are finished.

            In algebra the freshmen are working problems related to geometry.

            The Manual Training boys are completing their projects and getting ready for the School and Home Day exhibit.

            In geometry the Sophomores are studying measurement of circles and taking up exercises in the work books.

            In Occupations they are studying about personal characters.

            The classic being studied in English is “Treasure Island”.

            The Results of the World War are being studied by the history class.

            The Junior and Seniors are starting on the homeward stretch.  In bookkeeping they are completing the last set which will finish the work for the year.

            In English Lit the classes are beginning the chapter on “An Essay on Recent Literature”.  The classic “The Tale of Two Cities” is progressing rapidly and is very interesting.

            Taxation is the very interesting and important subject now being studied by ecnomics class.  The students are gathering all outside material time will allow.  The tariff will next be studied.

The six cases of convex lenses constitutes the work of the Physics class at present.

            The Seniors have received their invitations.

            Muscatine Junior College was host to the Seniors and faculties of the neighboring towns last Tuesday and Wednesday night at the Junior College play “Smilin’ Thru”.

            Here we turned the event into the Annual Nicholite Party, the staff, Seniors and faculty attending.  The excellent performance was enjoyed by all.  After the play the group returned to Nichols for refreshments.

            Last Saturday the Seniors went to Davenport to have their class pictures taken.  After the sittings in the morning the group went to Credit Island for a wiener roast after which they visited “Little Bit of Heaven” and drove thru the Rock Island arsenal Grounds, returning thru Moline and Rock Island.

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H.   S.

Guila K. Billick – Spartan Play four years.  Senior Class Play.  Declam 1929-31.  Nicholite Staff; Jokes, Grade ed., Society, Editorials, Ass’t Bus. Mgr. Glee club 1929-31

Class Officer; Vice Pres. 1 year, Sec’y 1 year.  Student Council Member 3 years; Sec’y 1 year.  Spartan Pres ‘30-31; Sec’y ‘1929-’30.  2 girls P.T. Letters.  Perfect attendance Soph. year.

            Earle Whitlock – Nicholite Sports Ed. 1929.  Student Council 1929-31.  Alpha Omega Lit. Society.  Baseball letters ‘27-31.  Basketball letters ‘28-31.

            Marie Milder – Alpha Play 3 years.  Alpha Vice Pres. 1930-31.  Senior Play 3  years.  Glee Club ‘29-31.  Nicholite Staff; Grade Ed 1929, Editorials ‘29-30, country News 1931.  Scholarship 2nd 1928-29;  letter ‘29-31.  Girls P.T. letter ‘28-30.  Valedictorian of class.  Orchestra.

            Chad Fox – alpha Plays 4 years.  Senior Class Play 2 years.  Declam 1930-31.  Nicholite Staff ‘27-29 staff member, Ass’t Bus Mgr 1929-30, Editor 1930-31.  Alpha Society Pres 1930-31.  Scholarship letter ‘28-’29, ‘30-’31.  Baseball 3 years.  Basketball 3 years.

            Cressie J. Hahn  -- Member Alpha Omega.  Alpha play 2years.  Girls P.T. Letter 1928-29, 1929-30.  Senior Class Play.

            Beulah Sutton – Member Spartans.  Spartan Play 2 years.  Senior Class Play.  1931 Town Ed. Nicholite.  Glee club ‘28-31.  Girls P.T. Letter ‘28-30.

            Duane Neff – Alpha Omega Play 2 years.  Senior Play 2 years.  Declam 2 years; 1st in Prelim.  29-30. Nicholite Bus Mgr 30-31.  Scholarship letter 1928-31.  Salutatorian.  Basketball letter ‘30-31.  Quiz book contest ‘29-31.  2nd Place State Academic Meet Geom.  ‘38-39.

            Christine Metcalf – Spartan Play ‘30-31.  Senior Class Play.  Member of Spartan Society.  Glee Club ‘29-31.

            Margaret Oostendorp – Alpha Plays ‘29-30, ‘30-31.  Senior Class Plays ‘29-30, 30-31.  Nicholite staff, Grade Ed, Lit Ed, Ass’t Circ Mgr, Circ Mgr 2 sems.  Glee Club ‘29-31.  Class Officer, Vice Pres ‘28-29, Sec Treas ‘29-30, Sec Treas ‘30-31.  Alpha Society Vice Pres ‘29-30.  Scholarship letters ‘28-’31.

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            Mr. and Mrs. Will Heath and family spent Sunday at the Steve Milder home.

            Mrs. Stephen Brigman and Miss Tillie Brigman returned Sunday from Davenport where they had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pothoff.

            Mr. and Mrs. J. Mason went to Columbus Junction Saturday to spend the week end at the home of their son.

            Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Zybarth and son, Jimmy, of Davenport spent Sunday visiting with friends and relatives here.

            Mrs. James Oostendorp was caller in Muscatine Wednesday.

            Mrs. Wilma Mills and Mrs. Millie Bottomley were Muscatine callers Saturday.

            Miss Lydia Hanson of Iowa City spent Sunday visiting with her parents.

            Mr. and Mrs. Jean Borchardt and daughter Joyce of St. Louis Mo. are visiting at the J. W. Rummells home.

            Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kopp were entertained Wed. evening at the C. A. Richards home in Muscatine.

            Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eckey and son Tommy, of Des Moines spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Nichols and family.

            Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wildman of Davenport spent Thursday evening at the John Wildman home here.

            John Healey a former Nichols resident now living in San Diego Cal visited friends and transacted business here Wednesday and Thursday.

            Richard Slator of Chicago is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morris.

            Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fox and son Norbert, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cullins, and Walter Gruver visited in Lone Tree Wed. evening.

            Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Rosenfield were callers in Muscatine Saturday evening.

            Mrs. Walter Cullins returned Wed. night from a 10 days trip, visiting relatives in Gordon, Neb.

            Gus Kaiser was a business caller in Muscatine Thursday.

            Everett Pike served on the jury in Muscatine last week.

            Mr. and Mrs. Fred Poole, Betty and Dick were Muscatine callers Saturday evening.

            Mr. and Mrs. Wm Poole and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pike were West Liberty callers Sunday.

            Lawrence Foley Sr. and son Lawrence and Ed Zybarth were callers in West Branch Sunday.

            Leland McClure returned Saturday evening from a visit in Missouri.

            Several young people of this community enjoyed a picnic at the Ira Pike cottage Sunday.

            Clarence Whitlock and son, Lawrence returned Saturday evening from Wellman where they have been employed.

            Agnes and Ann Morrison of West Liberty were callers in Nichols Saturday evening.

            Beula and George Sutton and Charles Oostendorp were callers in West Liberty Thursday evening.

            Albert Pike, Charles Fox, Charles Clark, Robert Poole, Robert Chown, Burton Mills and Lawrence Solemink were callers in Muscatine Sunday evening.

            Della Buell, Margaret Green, Mildred Flake, Eva Dodson and Nettie Lutz of Lone Tree were attendants at the ball game here Wednesday.  Nichols won 8 to 7.

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            Another School year is fast approaching its close.  It has brought with it experiences and event of many colors.  Many of them have been brightly tinted, while others take on darker hues, but with it, if we can but feel that we have done our best, then ours is the satisfaction of the honest worker, whether brilliant or not.

            And may we teachers take this opportunity of thanking you as the community for your fine support of our activity program, which we realize is a heavy one, but worthwhile withal we hope.  Without the community these extra things of a developmental nature which we try to do for your boys and girls would fail.  Perhaps mistakes have been made, but if they have, may it be certain that we will profit by our experiences, and that all of us may look forward to still another year of working together with a spirit that purposes to keep in mind the words “And a little child shall lead them” for such are our schools made.  G. B.

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            Mr. and Mrs. Beezer of Muscatine spent Sunday with relatives in Nichols.

            Mr. and Mrs. Lou Schmitt and daughter Gladys, and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Pruess and Everett Stock spent Sunday in davenport with Mr. and Mrs. William Wagschall.

            Kenneth Pruess spent Sunday at the Lou Schmitt home.

            Miss Johanna Stoelk spent Sunday with her mother at Wilton.

            Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkpatrick spent Sunday afternoon at Mount Pleasant.

            Mr. and Mrs. John Stolley spent Friday evening at Lone Tree.

            Miss Edith Stolley spent the week end with her parents.

            Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson of West Liberty spent Monday evening at the Jim McMichael home.

            Louise Heath spent Sunday with Dorothea Rummells.

            Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heath were business callers at West Liberty Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hadley and son Rodney of Davenport, spent Sunday at the L. A. Billick home.

            Miss Guila Billick accompanied them home and spent Monday at Davenport.

            Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elder were business callers in Muscatine Saturday.

            Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hahn and family were business callers in Muscatine Saturday.

            Miss Cressie Hahn spent Sunday with Miss Goldie Carney.

            Miss Julia Gabel of Chicago spent the week end visiting with her brothers William and Ted Bagel.

            A large number of friends and relatives surprised Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Braun Saturday evening, giving them a farewell party.  Everyone brought well filled baskets and all had an enjoyable time.  Mr. and Mrs. Braun are moving to Muscatine.

            Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Feugan, the Misses Dorothy, Letha and Marie Wieskamp of Davenport and Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Heuvelman of Iowa City spent Sunday at the William Wieskamp home.

            Miss Cecilia Janson was a business caller in Muscatine Saturday.

            Mr. and Mrs. William Oostendorp and children were business callers in Muscatine Saturday.

            Mr. Arthur Hahn and son Lloyd spent Thursday in Muscatine.

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            The Nichols Cemetery Association desires the assistance of all persons interested in the care and improvement of the Cemetery.

            Please make arrangements with the superintendent, W. R. Schmitt for the care of your lots.  Your lot or lots will be mowed during the season from May to October by the man in charge of the grounds, working under the direction of the Association.  We hope that all will be interested in having their lots cared for.  Your prompt attentions will be appreciated.

            Persons desiring for their lots perpetual care under the state law may secure this by a deposit with the association, the sum based on the size of the lot.

                                                            By order of trustees Pike Twp.

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Baccalaureate  Sermon  May  17

            The Baccalaureate Sermon for the Senior Class of Nichols High School will be given Sunday evening, May 17 at 8:00 P.M.  The Rev. Nickel of the Christian Church will deliver the sermon.  The program for the evening is as follows:

                        Processional                                                     Marguerite Foley

                        Prayer                                                              Rev. Druse

                        Hymn “Onward Christian Soldiers”                   Congregation

                        Song “Cast Thy Burden”                                   Girls’ Glee Club

                        Sermon “The Challenge of Living”                     Rev. Nickle

                        Song “Now the Day is Over”                            Double Quartette

                        Song “Recessional”                                           Girls’ Glee Club

                        Benediction                                                      Rev. Druse

                        Recessional                                                      Marguerite Foley

            It is hoped that a goodly number of people will be present at this event in honor of the Class of 1931.

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            The Class Play Friday night of this week will be the last public appearance of our Seniors as High School representatives.  And then, too, everybody is interested in a Million Dollars.  Come and see what the Seniors do with it Friday night.

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Commencement  Exercises  May  21

            The Commencement Exercises for the Class of 1931 will be held at the Christian Church May 21 at 8 o’clock.  The Commencement address will be delivered by the Rev. R. C. Merrifield of the Congregational Church of Muscatine.  Rev. Merrifield is a former Reformatory Chaplain and also served as chaplain to an overseas regiment during the World War.  Therefore he comes with a wealth of interesting experiences which we feel sure will stand him in good stead.  We trust a large turnout will attend.

            The program is as follows:

                        Processional                                                     Ralph Borgstadt

                        Invocation                                                        Rev. Druse

                        Song of Spring                                                Girls’ Sextette

                        Salutatory                                                         Duane Neff

                        Presentation of Scholarship Awards                  G. G. Bellamy

                        “When Twilight Weaves”                                  Girls’ Glee Club

                        Valedictory                                                       Marie Milder

                        Commencement Address                                  Rev. R. C. Merrifield

                        Presentation of Diplomas                                  G. G. Bellamy

                        Congratulatory                                                   Ralph Ralph Borgstadt

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Happy  Commencement  Seniors!


By Marie Milder – Historian

            On Jan. 21, 1913, one mile south of Riverside, a little boy opened his eyes to view the world.  He was called Earl Whitlock.  When he was six, he started to country school.  After some changing around, he went to the Riverside town school, beginning in the fourth grade.  In 1927 he started as a freshman in Nichols High School.  He has been an active member in athletics, winning four letters in baseball and three in basketball.  He was a member of the Alpha Omega Literary Society and a member of the Student Council in 1930-31.  He was also sports editor for the Nicholite in 1929.

            Christine Metcalfe was born Sept. 6, 1912, three and one half miles north of Nichols.  She has attended Nichols Public Schools all her school life.  She has been a member of the Glee Club for three years.  Christine is a member of the Spartan Literary Society.  She played the part of Louise Caldwell in the Spartan Literary Society Play “Winning Schemers”.  She plays the part of Mrs. Mudge in the Senior Class Play.

On Sept. 17, 1913, Duane Theodore Neff looked around and found himself living 3 and ľ miles south of Nichols.  When he was two years old he moved with his parents to a farm 3 miles south of Nichols.  He attended Pike School No. 2, graduated from the 8th grade in 1927 and started as a freshman in Nichols Public School in the fall of 1927.  He has been a very active member of the Student body.  He took part in the plays “Nobody But Nancy” in 1929-30”, “Mummy and the Mumps” 1929-30, “Ducks” 1930-31 and will play the part of Jimmie Barnes in the Senior play “Mary’s Millions.”  He took Declamatory work both years it was offered winning the oratorical division both years.  He is business manager for the Nicholite this semester.  He is a member and secretary of the Alpha Omega Society.  He has won scholarship monograms the last three years.  Two years ago he won second in the State Contest in Geometry, a high honor, indeed.  Duane won his basketball letter in 1930-31.  In the Quiz book contest given last year, Duane won the local contest and was awarded a trip to Detroit with all expenses paid.  Duane is also Salutatorian of his class.

            In the south part of Nichols, on the cold, cold morning of Jan. 21, 1914, a little girl was born.  She was named Beula Dorothy Sutton.  When she was five years old she started to attend the Nichols Public School.  She has been a member of the school ever since.  We can’t forget Beula when she has played such good negro parts as “Miss Molly” 1929, and in “Winning Schemers” 1931.  She also plays the part of Eudora in “Mary’s Millions.”  She is town editor of the Nicholite this semester.  Beula has been a member of the Glee Club ever since its organization three years ago.  She is a member of the Spartan Literary Society.  Beula won P. T. Letters in the years ’28 and ’29.

            Charles Fox was born Aug. 11, 1913 at Morning Sun, Iowa.  When he was still quite young, he and his parents moved to Nichols.  Here he has attended Nichols Public School.  In 1927 Charles entered high school.  Since then he has been an active member of the student body.  Charles has proved himself quite an actor, taking parts in two Senior plays, “Mummy and Mumps” and “Mary’s Million” and also parts in four Alpha plays, “Squaring it with the Boss” “Leave it to Dad” “Nobody But Nancy” and “Ducks.”  Charles took part in Declam work this year and has been a member of the Nicholite Staff all four years.  He is Editor in Chief this year.  He was a member of the Student Council ‘27-28 and ‘30-31, being president the last term.  Charles is an Alpha Omega and its present President.  He won a scholarship monogram in 28-29 and ‘30-31.  Charles has been a member of both baseball and basketball teams since he was a sophomore, winning letters in these sports each year.

            On April 20, 1912, on a farm 2 ˝ miles northwest of Coneville, a little girl was born.  She became known as Guila Kathryn Billick.  She first attended school at Oakland rural school.  She also attended Buffalo Bluff and Lacy and graduated from Pike No. 2.  In 1927 she entered Nichols High School.  Guila’s acting abilities have been portrayed in “Miss Molly” “Cyclone Sally” “Winning Schemers” “Marrying Off Father” and “Mary’s Millions.”  She took Declamatory work the last two years.  In her career as a Nicholite Staff member she has held the following positions, Joke ed, Ass’t Bus. Mgr., Grade Editor, Town News, Society and Editorials.  She was a member of the Glee Club her Junior and Senior years and also a member of the Sextette.  She was Vice Pres. of the class one year and secretary another.  For three years she was a member of the Student Council, acting as secretary 2 years.  She was secretary for the Spartans in ‘29-30 and is President this year.  She won a perfect attendance award her sophomore year and has won 2 P.T. Letters.

            Cressie Hahn was born one mile north of Illinois City Aug. 27, 1912.  At the age of six, Cressie entered the Illinois City School.  In 1922 she moved with her parents to Iowa and entered Hope School.  In 1924 she moved to Nichols community and entered Buffalo Bluff School.  In 1927 she graduated from the 8th grade at Buffalo Bluff and entered Nichols High School.  Cressie is a member of the Alpha Omega Literary Society. That she has acting ability is attested to by the fact that she played in “Nobody But Nancy” in 1929-30, “Ducks” in 1930-31 and is playing in “Mary’s Millions” this spring.  Cressie has won a scholarship monogram and 2 P.T. Letters.

            Margaret Oostendorp was born Feb. 11, 1913.  She has attended Nichols Public School all her life.  She has been an active member of the Student body.  She has been a member of the glee club and of the sextette.  In her career as Nicholite staff member she has filled the following positions:  Grade Editor, Literary Editor, Ass’t Cir. Mgr. twice; and Circulation Manager.  Margaret was Vice Pres. of her class in ’27, Sec. Treas. in ’29, and again in 1930-31.  She is a member of Alpha Omega Literary Society acting as Vice Pres. last year.  She was awarded scholarship monograms in 1928-29, ‘29-30 and ‘30-31.  Her dramatic ability was used in “Nobody But Nancy” “Ducks” “Mummy and the Mumps” and “Marys Millions”.

            Marie Milder was born March 22, 1914 two miles north of Nichols.  She attended Siloam School for six years.  She then entered Nichols Public School.  Here she has completed her grade and high school work.  Marie has been an active member of the Student body, taking part in three Senior plays, “His Uncle’s Niece,” “Mummy and the Mumps” and “Mary’s Millions” and also in three Alpha plays, “Squaring it with the Boss,” “Nobody But Nancy” and “Ducks.”  She was also a member of the Glee Club for three years and a member of the Sextette.  She started her career on the Nicholite Staff in her sophomore year, being elected grade editor.  This she held for 3 semesters, and then was editorials writer for 2 semesters and is now Country News editor.  She is vice pres. of the Senior class and a member of the Alpha Omega Lit. Society.  She was awarded second place in scholarship when she was a sophomore and a scholarship monogram both her senior and junior years.  Marie is the valedictorian of her class with one of the highest four year averages ever to be made at N. H. S.

            This is the individual history of the members of the class of 1931.  As a group they have been actively loyal in the support of their school activities, in the maintenance of the ideals of their school and in doing their work in such a manner that in years to come the community may profit by their having attended Nichols High School.

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5th Annual


May 18, 1931

            An announcement of interest to the community is that the school board recently declared Monday, May 18, 1931 the date of our 5th annual School and Home day, an event which has come to be looked forward to by many.  While the general plan of the day will remain the same as that used in the past, this year’s program will differ in that there will be no prizes awarded for any of the athletic events.  With present farm and business conditions as they are, it seemed advisable not ask for the prizes this year.  This need not detract at all from the good time which we are sure all will have who come.


10:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. solicited.
Registration and Exhibits. Note: There will be exhibits of work done in each room this year. Some interesting work will be shown, and your interest is.
11:05:00 AM Class Day Program in Assembly Room.
     Music ~ ~ Girls Glee Club
     Class History ~ ~ Marie Milder
     Award of prizes to grade spellers
     Class Will ~ ~ Duane Neff
     Award of Athletic Letters
     Class Prophecy ~ ~ Charles Fox
     Award of Girls’ P.T. Letters
     Award of attendance monograms
     Award of Declamatory letters
12:00 Noon Picnic lunch on the school grounds.
Everyone plan to come for the lunch. This has proved to be one of the best opportunities of the year to meet your friends on an occasion of mutual interest to all. Let’s make the most of the opportunities offered by this social hour. It might be suggested that each family bring a generous portion of some one thing rather than a balanced lunch for just the family. Thus when things are all put together it will be easier to serve cafeteria style.
1:00 – 3:00 Athletic program
(No prizes for any events. Ribbons may be awarded tofirst and second place winners in the lower grades.)
     Kitten ball game - team picked from Nichols Grammar Room vs team picked from boys not on high school ball team, final rules for selection to be determined later.
     Kitten ball games to be played by both boys and girls of Intermediate Roomage, sides to be chosen from both town and country pupils.
     Informal Race program for Primary children and Grammar Room girls. (Miss Wheeler in charge.)
     Tug of War (men from north of Main St. vs men from south of Main St.)
     Tug of war (women from north of Main St. vs women from south of Main St.)
3:00 P.M. Baseball Game – High School vs


            Let’s all plan to use this occasion as an All Community Day.  Everybody has an interest in your school and school children.  Farm work is well along this year.  Can we break our attendance record?  Lket’s try with the result that more of us will enjoy a day of relaxation and fun.



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Seniors  1931

N. H. S.


A three act Comedy Drama


Musical Numbers

Opera House             May 15, 8:00 P.M.

Reserved seats on sale – Pike’s Store Wed. May 13

35  &  50 cents              Gen. Adm. 25 cents


         Jack Henderson, engineer for Consolodated Air Line ~ ~ Charles Fox

         Jimmie Barnes, his friend from New York ~ ~ Duane Neff

         Ezra Stoneham, Mary’s Uncle and guardian and store-keeper and postmaster ~ ~ Ralph Borgstadt

         Abija Boggs, a human flivver; he can do anything ~ ~ Waldo Elder

         Count Victor De Selles, another reason for a protective tariff ~ ~ James Elder

         Mrs. Ezra Stoneham, Ezra’s better half, who has ambitions ~ ~ Cressie Hahn

         Eudora Smith, the Stoneham’s hired gal ~ ~ Beula Sutton

         Countess Lola De Selles, the right kind of a sister for Victor ~ ~ Margaret Oostendorp

         Mrs. Amanda Mudge, wedded to her Oiuja board ~ ~ Christine Metcalf

         Betty Barlowe, the school teacher at Rocky Hollow ~ ~ Marie Milder

         Mary Manners, a ward of the Stoneham’s and heiress to millions ~ ~ Guila Billick

         The choir ~ ~ Dorothea Rummells, Louise Heath, Doris Poole, Pearl Metcalf, Beula Oostendorp.

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            We, the class of 1931, in nine individual and distinct parts, being in full possession of all knowledge obtainable, a perfect memory, and almost superhuman understanding, do make and publish this, our last will and testament, hereby revoking and annulling all former wills made by us at any time heretofore.

            First we do direct that our wishes be carried out as herein expressed.  We appoint our superintendent and his all wise and competent faculty, who have been our guardians, executors.

            We dispose of our estates, which time with the aid of our own mighty hands, has secured for us, as follows:

            We give and bequeath to the Nicholite and its future editors, all the events of our lives past, present and future.  We hope that they will furnish enough material for news, so that the editors will have to go to little trouble to fill the paper.

            We bequeath to our beloved faculty all the facts, theories and general information that we have furnished them in various examination papers.

            I, Guila Billick, do will and bequeath my gift of gab to Wesley Haury, and my position on the Student Council to Madison Hadley, providing he doesn’t go to sleep during Council meetings.

            I, Charles Fox, will and bequeath my good looks and ability to attract the girls to Robert Elder, providing he will wink and smile at every girl that looks at him and that he won’t break any more hearts than I did.

            I, Cressie Hahn, will my good behavior in school to Lawrence Foley, providing he doesn’t pass any more notes than I did, and my seat to Russell Reynolds providing he puts his initials on it within one week after school starts.

            I, Christine Metcalf, will and bequeath my ability to sing, to Ardelle Kirkpatrick providing she doesn’t sing anything but hymns, and doesn’t abuse her horse by singing on the way to and from school.

            I, Marie Milder, do will and bequeath my good grades to Clinton Schmitt, providing his spends all his study periods trying to appear busy.  I also will my stature to Louise Heath provided that she will use it to good advantage.

            I, Duane Neff, do will my job as Business Manager to Waldo Elder, providing he always gets his ads in on time.  I also will my job as driver of the south Nichols Bus to my beloved sister, Ortha Neff, providing she doesn’t drive over any worse roads than I have.

            I, Margaret Oostendorp, do will and bequeath my good humor and my ability to vamp the boys, to Dorothea Rummells, providing she doesn’t spend any more time studying than I did.  I also will my ability to get to school on time to Robert Poole, providing he gets in before 3:00 A.M.

            I, Buela Sutton, do will and bequeath my permanent to Miss Peterson, providing she maintain it from time to time as necessary.  I also will my ability to invent a reason to speak during study periods to Doris Poole.

            I, Earl Whitlock do hereby will and bequeath my ability to sleep in school time to James Elder providing he doesn’t overwork it.  I also will my basketball ability to Ralph Schmitt providing he gives none of the other players a chance to score on him.

            Collectively, we the senior class of 1931 do also will and bequeath to the Juniors our spirit of cooperation and enthusiasm.       By Duane Neff, Class Attorney.



By Chas, Fox, Class Prophet

            So the great German Hypnotist and fortune teller, Herr Chiece Von Limburg was in town.  I availed myself of the great opportunity of meeting him.  We entered a small square room with glaring lights, unshaded overhead.  He began the interview by asking me several questions, such as my name, address, business etc. till I was fairly blinded by the lights.  He suddenly dimmed them, which left me temporarily blind.  At this point his will overcame mine, and I fell into a stupor.

            As I recovered my senses, I found myself in a large ball park on opening day.  There!  The Mayor of Chicago, throwing the ball into the park was Duane Neff.  Imagine my surprise, when Earl Whitlock, who I learned was manager of the Chicago Cubs, stepped across the field to shake hands with the Mayor.  Of course I got in on the hand shaking and back slapping that followed.

            Again I slipped into a stupor and roused to find myself in a large auditorium.  A lady was delivering an address on the nutritive value of synthetically produced foods.  I recognized her as Guila Billick, one of the greatest home economists of her time.  The speaker who followed her was Margaret Oostendorp, an authority on styles of Women’s Apparel.  After a short talk with the pair, I found them as charming at fifty as they had been when I had last seen them.

            Another shift found me in the new capitol at Washington, D. C.  While listening to a debate in the Senate, I located Cressie Hahn, a stenographer, taking notes in shorthand for the Congressional Record.

            A farmhouse appeared almost immediately.  I met the farmer’s wife, formerly Christine Metcalf, but still the same Christine.  The size and condition of the farm gave evidence as to the industry of her husband and four boys.

            A haze then drifted before my eyes, and when it cleared I found myself in a large factory in France.  Here Beula Sutton, no longer Sutton, was busy at her work as scent tester for the quality of a certain brand of French perfume.  She told me that she was supporting a large family and a crippled husband.

            Another shift returned me to America to a large University.  There sitting at a desk was Marie Milder – still Milder.  She introduced herself as Dean of Women.  I returned the introduction by identifying myself as the President of the Uniersity of Florida.  She told me of her success and happiness in the field she had chosen.  I told her of my success and unhappiness in the field of my choice.  Of course, I told her about all our classmates of 30 years ago, all alive and ranging from Mayor of Chicago to the wife of a tiller of the soil (I know not which is the better job), and every one apparently happy and satisfied with life as they had found it.

            A faint calling plus a none too gentle shaking aroused me to the fact that I had been the victim of another night mare, and that breakfast was ready.  It wasn’t such a bad night mare at that, considering the happiness and success my class mates and I had seemed to have in store for us in thirty years.

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            Perhaps the faculty have no part nor parcel in a senior issue of the school paper.  However, the space permits, and the heart has the desire, so here goes.

            It is impossible to watch a class go thru four years or three years or even one year of high school work, without a feeling of attachment and hope growing up in the minds and hearts of those who are charged with its direction.  Such a feeling has grown up.  And the faculty, wishing in these last days, to leave a challenge that will be accepted, wishing that time and energy in months gone by would have permitted giving you more of the worthwhile things it is the duty of the school to provide, say to you now that we will with your parents and friends, watch your careers with interest, hoping for each of you the very best that your efforts and abilities deserve.

            This is a happy time of life for you.  It is a period the exact like of which you will never again experience.  So make the most of, that its memory may long remain as a red letter time throughout the future.  May yours be a life of happiness – happiness that is the result of service to your families and your communities.  These are the wishes of your faculty.

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            Nichols and West Liberty traveled to West Liberty April 27 to take part in the County Baseball Tournament, and our boys came home again, carrying the bacon, even if there was a dispute about it.

            In their first of the two games, we defeated Wilton, slamming out a one sided victory 21 to 10.

            In the final game, Nichols and West Liberty, who had drawn a bye in the first round, fought on even terms, the final score being 6 to 5 in our favor, but due to a disagreement over an umpire’s decision, both teams entered the District Tournament at Yarmouth.  In that this game was reported by the newspapers as ending in a tie, a word is included here, correcting this error.  The game ended 6 to 5 in Nichols favor according to the decision.  If this decision had been reversed as a result of a protest (which it never has been) the game would still have ended in a tie.


            May 1st proved to be disastrous to our team, as they lost the first game of the tournament to Morning Sun by the narrow margin of 15 to 14.  The slug fest was surely hard on all pitchers.  Unheard of numbers and types of errors by the local spelled their defeat as they out hit Morning sun.

            West Liberty lost their game to Yarmouth who finally copped this division of the Centerville Tournament and who were defeated in the final at Centerville the next day.


            A hard playing nine from Lone Tree travelled over here last Thursday to lose a ball game to our home squad by the narrow margin of 8 to 7.  Both teams played hard but Nichols had a decided edge.  The score at the end of the 6th was 8 to 4 which shows what a comfortable lead the Old Gold and Purple had, but the Lone Tree aggregation crept up for three runs nearly tieing the score in the 7th.

            Hits were numerous with four men, three from Nichols taking hitting honors.  Nash, Whitlock and W. Elder of our boys each got two singles.  Flake the opposing pitcher helped along his own game by collecting the same.  The home team got nine hits.  Pike & Whitlock allowed Lone Tree 8 hits, each a single.  Strike outs were rare as were walks.


            The members of the Girls P.T. Class are finishing up the stunts on the schedule serving as basis for the award of P. T. letters.  All Tests will be finished this week.  The letters will be awarded at the assembly program the morning of School and Home Day.  Seven letters will be awarded.

            In addition to the letters, merit badges will be awarded to all girls who pass the required number of events which serve as the basis for these awards.  The girls are hard at work to develop sufficient proficiency to win them.


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            Girl (to Companion):  I like a man’s suit to match his hir.  Brown Hair – Brown Suit.  Black hair – black suit.

            Bald Man:  And what suit for me?


            Waiter:  Mr. Brown left his umbrella again.  I believe he would leave his head if it were loose.

            Manager:  I dare say you are right.  I heard him say only yesterday he was going to Switzerland for his lungs.


            Lady:  Can you give me a room and a bath?

            Clerk:  I can give you a room madame, but you will have to take your own bath.


            Mike:  The horse you sold me is a fine animal but I can’t get him to hold his head up.

            Ike:  Oh, it’s because of his pride.  He’ll be all right as soon as he’s paid for.


            Boarder:  I say, I hope you won’t charge me for a hot bath.  It was only luke warm.

            Land lady:  Oh, no.  Hot bath sixpence.  Cold bath – 3 pence.  So, luke warm would be nine pence.


            Friend:  Whom does your little son look like.

            Mr. B.:  His eyes are like his mother’s, his nose is like mine, and I think he got his voice from our auto horn.


            Boss:  You’ve been away over half an hour and only had to go around the corner.

            Office Boy:  I know sir, but a man dropped a half dollar in the gutter.

            Boss:  And did it take a half hour to find it?

            Office Boy:  No, Sir, but I had to wait till the man went away.



* * * * *


Elmer Poole Garage

J. R. Borgstadt

Illinois Oil Co., D.W. Kopp, Agt.

Rice Café

Kaiser & Heizer

Green’s Dairy

Nichols Implement Company

F. A. Kirchner

Nichols Savings Bank

Ira L. Pike

Nichols Lumber Co.

Sinclair Service Station

W.A. Rice

Poole Transfer

E. R. Swickard, Dealer

Mills Motor Company

H. N. Ryan

Ira L. Pike

* * * * *

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Page created December 14, 2013 by Cindy Booth Maher & Lynn McCleary