![]() | Muscatine County, Iowa | ![]() |
Page | NAME OF ADVERTISER Transcribed by Kim Kessel and Lynn McCleary |
2 | SNIDER'S ~ Established in 1909, Funeral Home - Furniture Store. Raymond E. Gehrke & Virginia S. Gehrke |
2 | SINCLAIR PRODUCTS, West Liberty ~ John Ruby - Cleo Misel |
3 | WEST LIBERTY STATE BANK ~ Our Community - The place to Buy! The place to Bank! Officers and Directors: R. S. Kirkpatrick … President & Director Irwin D. Mosher … Vice President & Director George W. Drahos … Cashier & Director Chas. E. Mackey … Ass't Cashier Vaughn E. Will … Ass't Cashier Robert F. Barclay … Director Preston W. Brown … Director James C. Carey … Director Will G. Eichenauer … Director Employees: Ray S. Heath Vernon Seberg Loletta Mackey Frances Billick Evelyn McCann Orma Heick Sandra Murdock Evelyn Morehead |
4 | IREY'S CONFECTIONERY ~ Lunches, Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Candy, Cigarettes, Tobacco. Wayne Irey |
4 | H. D. CLINE COMPANY, West Liberty ~ McCormick Tractors and Machines. Kewanee Sales and Service |
5 | WALNUT GROVE PRODUCTS COMPANY INC. ~ Picture: West Liberty, Iowa -- Here is Walnut Grove's manufacturing plant at West Liberty, one of five plants producing '4x4' Livestock Feeds and Minerals. |
6 | IVAN INGHRAM ELECTRIC, ~ Superintendent of Electricity for over 20 years, West Liberty |
6 | MORRIS SUNDRIES ~ Fountain Service, Cosmetics, Paints, Office Equipment. West Liberty's Oldest Name in Retail Business since 1854. Evans V. Morris |
7 | IOWA - ILLINOIS Gas and Electric Company |
8 | IOWA MEMORIAL COMPNAY~ on Hiway No. 6, West Liberty and 519 E. 6th St., Muscatine. R. H. Little & Robert Little, Jr. |
8 | PARIS CLEANERS ~ 203 E. Third St., West Liberty. Shirts Laundered Beautifully, Dry Cleaning, Hats Cleaned and Blocked. |
9 | RAY WUESTENBERG AGENCY ~ Insurance is Our Only Business, West Liberty |
9 | WEST LIBERTY OIL CO. ~ DX Products, Tank Wagon and Service Station. Goodyear, Auto, Tractor and Implement, Tires and Tubes, Parts and Accessories, Complete Brake Service, Washing, Greasing, Guaranteed Tire Recapping and Vulcanizing, Bear Wheel Alignment. Clare and Tom Brooke, West Liberty |
10 | BROOKE DX ~ on Hwy. N. 6, West Liberty. Findlay and Beryl |
10 | MILLERS DEPT. STORE. ~ West Liberty. Fred Barnhill |
11 | JEHLE & CONNOR AGENCY ~ Insurance, Real estate, Bonds, Farm Loans, Notary Public, Safety Deposit Boxes. Ken Jehle, Leota Connor, Dale Mohr, Salesman. West Liberty |
11 | DITMARS-KERR CO. ~ West Liberty. Lumber, John Deere Implements, Full line of Repairs, Hardware |
12 | WEST LIBERTY TELEPHONE CO. 1905-1962 ~ 413 N. Calhoun St. West Liberty |
12 | SMITTY'S FORD SALES ~ West Liberty. Ford Cars and Trucks. DeWayne Smith |
13 | THE BREESE CO., INC ~ Since 1955, Quality parts, tools, equipment and supplies. Managed by "Duke" Wolf. 4th & Calhoun in West Liberty. Other locations in Muscatine, Tipton, Iowa City and Marengo |
13 | A. L. DICE CO. ~ Builders Super Market, West Liberty |
14 | WEST LIBERTY IMPLEMENT STORE ~ Ford Tractors and Implements. Fran Toburen & Dean Toburen |
15 | THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL~ Your community Daily Newspaper, established in 1840 |
16 | CARR'S LUNCH CAR ~ on Hi-way Six, West Liberty |
16 | PAPENTHIEN MORTORS ~ West Liberty. J. E. Pap, Your Chevy dealer for 39 years |
17 | RUTHENBERG CLO. CO. ~ West Liberty since 1919, clothing and furnishings for men and boys. Featuring brands of Curlee, Stetson, Stevens, Enro, Hubbard, Oshkosh, Big Smith, Ball Band, Fairfield, Portage. Ed & Martha Baldwin |
17 | GRUNDER'S WEST LIBERTY READY MIX ~ West Liberty. Concrete to Your Specifications. Jim Grunder, Manager and Les Henderson |
18 | WEST LIBERTY CREAMERY CO. ~ FELCO and SUPERSWEET FEEDS. 48 years of service. |
18 | POTTER & WEBER ~ Coal and Ice. R. A. Peters, Owner. 1872 - in business at the same place 91 years - 1962 |
23 | GARLAND'S SUPER MARKET ~ West Liberty, Iowa. Every day low food prices, plus Gold Bond Stamps for extra savings. |
23 | MOBEL TWIN GABLES TRUCK STOP. Bob Gaunt, Mgr. Tires, Batteries, Gasoline, Oils and Diesel Fuels, Propane Gas and Bunks. West Liberty. |
26 | ROHNER MACHINE WORKS, INC. ~ West Liberty, Iowa. John Roner, Prop. |
26 | BROWN LYNCH SCOTT ~ Hardware, Houseware, Farm Supplies, Devoe Paint. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Myers. West Liberty, IA. |
27 | KENT FEED DEALERS IN YOUR COMMUNITY: West Liberty Grain & Feed Co., West Liberty, IA Atalissa Grain & Feed Co., Atalissa, IA Nichols Grain & Feed Co., Nichols, IA Lone Tree Grain & Feed Corp., Lone Tree, IA Kent Drive-In-Store, Muscatine, IA |
28 | BENDER TRUCKING ~General Trucking, West Liberty. C.C. Bender |
28 | DR. LILLIAN BROWN, Chiropractor ~ 518 N. Spencer St., West Liberty, IA |
29 | HEINOLD HOG MARKERTS, INC. ~ Daily Hog Buying Monday thru Friday, 7 :00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. Marvin Prohosky, Buyer. Jim Jesen, Ass't Buyer. |
30 | PANTEL'S TRUCKING ~ Rock, Sand, Agricultural Lime, Liquid and Dry Fertilizers. Skip & Orpha Pantel, Dale Mohr, dealer. |
30 | DEXTER PLUMBING ~ 115 W. Third Street, West Liberty, IA. J. R. Dexter. |
31 | BARGAIN CORNER ~ West Liberty, IA. Mr. & Mrs. C. R. Paisley, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. D. Gordan, Bill Coons, John Walker, Florence Duncan, Frances Moylan, Lyle Weas. |
32 | RAY MORRISON CONSTRUSTION CO. ~ The Contractor and Builder, West Liberty, IA. |
32 | RIDDLE BODY SHOP ~ 304 E. Fifth, West Liberty, IA. Complete Body Repairing, and 24 hour Wrecker Service. |
33 | OTTO H. NEALSON ~ Realtor and representing The Paul Revere Life Insurance Co., West Liberty IA. |
34 | WEST LIBERTY SHEET METAL ~ Lennox Heating & Air Conditioning. 107 W. Third St., West Liberty, IA |
34 | LEHMAN'S RECREATION AND LUNCH ~ P. C. Lehman, West Liberty, IA. |
35 | COLLURA RADIA & TELEVISION SALES AND SERVICE ~ 313 W. Fifth St., West Liberty, IA. |
36 | WINFIELD'S GROCERIES & MEATS ~ West Liberty. |
36 | CRYSTAL CAFÉ AND SHELL SERVICE STATION ~ Operated by Lucile and Harry Reinsager. |
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Page created March 10, 2019 by Lynn McCleary