Transcribed, as written, by Beverly Gerdts on June 26, 2019

Page 95


    Shirley along with her three sisters and one brother are the children of Lula and West Estabrook that lived on the corner of Dewey and Indiana streets in South-end. Her sisters are Thelma Estabrook Franks, Zella Estabrook Sander and Darlene Estabrook Krueger. Her brother’s name is Harold Estabrook.

     She heard about the reunion thru the grape vine and called to see if she could get her and her sisters biography in the book. I thought since she went to that much trouble, it would be nice to include it, so here it is.

     Shirley attended Old Garfield from 1940 thru 1946 and lived at 209 Dewey Ave. In 1946 they all moved to Hammond, Oregon, living there till 1950 and then returned to Muscatine. In 1952 she married Louis F. Staley, Jr. and soon became a camp follower by leaving Muscatine to travel with her husband who was then in the U. S. Army. Her travel took her many places in the United States and abroad, including Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma. Her over seas places of interest were Munich, Kitzigen and Frankfurt, Germany. Her husband since he was a career soldier (see icon) also served 2 tours in Korea and one tour in Japan. Her husband retired in 1969 after serving his country for well over 20 years, retiring in 1969 and went to work for H. J. Heinz as a supervisor.

     They have 5 children, David, Suzanne, Glen, Charles and Jolynn. Seven grandchildren and 1 great grandson; 4 step grandchildren. In 1971 they moved to their farm and in 1992 her husband died after a 5 year battle with cancer. Through the years she has kept busy with raising her children, active in scouts, traveling, doing cake decorating, porcelain dolls, crafts and children clubs. Since her husband’s death she has been active with two craft clubs; a doll club; President of the Conesville Trees Forever; a Board member of Muscatine County Iowa Sesquicentennial Commission, asst. Brownie leader and very active in her church. Her greatest joy are her children, grandchildren and great grandson.

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