Transcribed, as written, by Beverly Gerdts on June 22, 2019Page 16
Carl Strause To Represent City In State Marble Joust
(Article appeared in the May 3, 1949 Muscatine Journal)
Carl Strause Student at Garfield school and lives at 1211 Wisconsin Street, will represent Muscatine in the state marble tournament to be held at Ames on May 14, 1949. The meet sponsored by Veterans of Foreign Wars post. Carl won the Muscatine championship at Jefferson field Saturday, beating our other schools champions in a tournament following the deciding of the school titles.
In the final meet were Dick Ware, champion of Franklin School; Don Bromwell, Jefferson champion; Albert Meyers; Junior High title holder; Melvin Reed Lincoln; John Hazelwood, McKinley; Chet Ballenger, Washington; and Ronald Evans, Zion Lutheran.
Evans of Zion Lutheran finished second and Hazelwood of McKinley finished in third place. The Muscatine tourney was sponsored by the John Harold Kemble Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and was in charge of Bob Sander, Director at the Y.M.C.A.
Strause Leaves For Ames To Vie In State Marble Joust
(Muscatine Journal May 14, 1949)Muscatine's city marble champion- Carl Strause of Garfield school- left at 6 a.m. today for Ames to compete with other city champions in the state marble tournament
Carl, who lives at 1211 Wisconsin street, won the city championship by beating out seven other school champions in a city contest held at Jefferson school recently.
At Ames, he will be competing with the best marble shooters in Iowa as selected in city tournaments held throughout the state under the sponsorship of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
The John Harold Kemble post of Muscatine is sponsoring the city champion's trip to Ames. The youth was accompanied to Ames today by Fred W. Lange, a member of the local post.
Carl Strause Is Eliminated In Marble Tournament
(Muscatine Journal May 16, 1949)Carl Strause, Muscatine's city marble champion, was eliminated by Bill McDonald, Dubuque, in one of the preliminary matches of the state marble tournament at Ames Saturday with Dick Atwell of Fort Dodge finishing as the state champion.
Carl, from Garfield school here, was tied with McDonald at 6-all when a rain storm halted competition and the tournament was moved to the old high school field house where mats were laid on the basketball court and play was resumed. Carl knocked the remaining marble to the edge of the circle but then Bill finished the game with his next shot.
Ed Collins, Fort Dodge, was second, Ray Weeks of Ottumwa was third and Carl's opponent, McDonald, finished fourth in the tourney.
The boys viewed the Beisha parade at Ames and the 15 airplane maneuvers as guests of the Ames post of the Veterans of...
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...Foreign Wars, sponsors of the meet. A banquet was served at 6 o'clock in the Sheldon-Munn hotel for the contestants and their sponsors and a large group of invited guests.
Talks were made by Gov. William Beardsly, Mayor Allen, the dean of men at the college and others. Gov. Beardsly presented the winners their awards.
Dick Atwell of Fort dodge will be the Department of Iowa VFW champ to represent the state at Pittsburgh, Pa., in the national tourney.
The Muscatine tournament and the champion's trip to Ames was sponsored by John Harold Kemble, Veterans of Foreign Wars, here.
Awards Made To Cub Scout PackVarious awards were made when Cub Scout Pack No.118 of the Latter Day Saints church met Thursday at the church. Those receiving awards were the following: Michael Day and Robert Stickrod, Bobcat certificate and pins; Donald Schmidt, Wolf badge; Marlin Stickrod, Bear award and bear gold and silver arrows; and Charles Slater, gold and silver arrows. Carl Strause received his Webelo badge and was graduated into the Boy Scout organization. Color bearers were Boy Scouts Merle Strause and Max Colberg.
Den No. 5 had the largest parent attendance at the meeting.
Contest Staged in Kite-Flying Cub Scouts of Den No. 5 pack 118, participated in a den kite-flying contest Thursday afternoon at the Oregon street ball diamond.
Leroy Miller and Bob Steckman had the highest flying kites and Leroy Miller's kite was judged the best decorated. The most unusual kite was entered in the event by Donald Schmidt.
Pack Beats Troop in Kitten ball Tilt Cub Pack 118 defeated Troop 118 by a score of 17 to 9 in a kitten ball games Saturday night on Oregon field. Batters were Ed Riefert and Bob Steckman for the Cubs and Merle and Carl Strause for the Scout Troop. Both organizations are sponsored by the Latter Day Saints. In another game recently the Cub Pack defeated pack 123 of St. Mathias church 27 -1.
Cub Pack No. 118 Defeats Pack 121 in Softball Clash Cub Pack No. 118 of the Latter Day Saints church defeated Cub Pack No. 121 of the Park Avenue Methodist church, 6 to 3, in a softball game played at the Oregon street diamond Wednesday night.
Ed Riefert and Bob Steckman were on the mound for the winners with Roger Lewis and Noel Potter chucking for Pack No. 121.
Cub Scouts Defeat Wildcats by 10-4 Cub Pack No. 118 defeated the South End Wildcats, 10 to 4 in a kittenball game played Thursday night at Oregon field. Ed Riefert pitched and Bob Steckman caught for the winners while Lonnie Wilson tossed and Carl Strause was the receiver for the Wildcats.