Transcribed, as written, by Beverly Gerdts on June 26, 2019Page 91
DONALD "SQUEAKY" OLSON Donald attended Old Garfield from 1941 thru 1946 and then going on to Ole Muskie High. He enlisted in the United States Army in 1954 and served his country until 1961. In 1960 he married Margaret McHarg and have been happily married since that time. Donald started to work for the Rock Island Arsenal and worked for them for 28 years before retiring in 1992.
He now plays in a band, playing Country and Western and Oldies music. He used to carry drum sticks but gave them up for a steel guitar. He is one of the type that does not care for the cold weather in Muscatine so he travels to Apache Junction, Arizona in the winter time. He plays in a band with some friends from Montana while he is (Vacationing in Arizona). Donald is looking forward to seeing old classmates and friends at the Old Garfield Reunion. Let's hope he doesn't bring that horse he was riding the last time I saw Squeaky.