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Funeral home records vary greatly. One book may contain hand written information as to the name of the deceased, date, cost of funeral services and who paid for it. Another book might give age at death, date of death, date of burial, place of internment, itemized components of the funeral and their cost. Notes could include who ordered the services and their address.Some books, with typeset print, asked questions similar to what was on the county death certificate form. Name of deceased, date and place of birth and death, name of parents, cause of death, occupation, name and address of spouse, informant and their address. Sometimes answers were filled in and other times not.
In recent years funeral homes have been keeping copies of obituaries in their files. All have web sites and offer access to current and past obituaries on-line.
The following is a brief history of Funeral Homes of Muscatine County. The information was compiled from City Directories, obituaries, interviews with Funeral Directors and information found on their web sites. It is hoped that these resources will aid your search!
WEST LIBERTY Snider Furniture and Funeral Home
The Gehrke's later purchased the private residence of Mr. Pickering at 205 E. Third Street and converted the home into a funeral home. Gilbert Barker bought the funeral home and furniture store in 1969 and operated it along with the Barker Funeral Home in West Branch. In 1984 Scott Henderson joined Mr. Barker and continued with him until 1996 when he purchased Gilbert's interests in West Branch and West Liberty. The business came to be known as the Henderson-Barker Funeral Home. In 2001 Ben Palmer joined Scott Henderson as a Funeral Director.
About 1910 Sherman and Carrie Snider moved from Washington, Iowa to open the Snider Furniture and Funeral Home in West Liberty. They were later joined by the Snider's daughter and son-in-law Virginia and Raymond Gehrke. The funeral home was located at 105 West Third St. in a downtown store front next to the furniture store.
Henderson-Barker Funeral Home Henderson-Barker Funeral Home 205 E. Third Street 201 Pedersen St. West Liberty, IA 52776 West Branch, IA 52358 319-627-2151 319-643-2121 Web site: https://hendersonbarkerfuneralhome.com The Henderson-Barker Funeral Home in West Liberty holds funeral records from 1900 to present, however there are time periods where records are missing. At this time, the staff does not have an index of all the record books they hold.
Scott Henderson also holds computerized photo collection of all the grave markers in Oakridge Cemetery in West Liberty. This photo database was created by Al Wilson of West Liberty who gave it to the funeral home to assist families in locating their family graves at the cemetery.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ WILTON Griffith Funeral Home
William George Griffith came to Wilton Junction in 1895 and was identified with the furniture, hardware, undertaking and embalming business under the firm name of Whitmer & Griffith. It was said that the firm owned the building that it occupied at 109 W. Fourth Street.The furniture and hardward store was operated on the ground floor and the undertaking business was conducted on the second floor of the building.
William George Griffith’s son Harry joined him in the business in 1921 after graduating from the Cincinnati College of Embalming. Some time in the 1930’s the business was moved “up-town” to 803 Maurer Street in Wilton.
After his father died in 1936, Harry ran the business with his wife, Nellie, until 1980. The Griffith Funeral Home closed upon Harry’s retirement in 1980.
Gill Memorial Home
Louis C. Gill operated the Gill Memorial Home located at 302 W. 5th Street that opened in 1958. After his death in December 1975 the business was sold to Allen Lacock who owned the Lacock Funeral Home in Durant. The funeral home changed hands again in 1993 when Mr. Lacock sold the business in Durant and Wilton to Henry Bentley in 1993.
Bentley Funeral Home Bentley Funeral Home 302 W 5th Street. 101 6th Street Wilton, IA 52778 Durant, IA 52747 563-732-2272 563-785-6152 Web site: https://www.bentleyfuneralhome.com/home/index.cfm?fh_id=14919 Henry Bentley holds the Wilton funeral home records from the Gill Memorial Home and Gilbert Funeral Home from 1922 to present.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ MUSCATINE Goff Mortuary Parlor
M.P. Goff, Undertaker. It was located at 202 W. Second Street and was in business from 1900 through 1928. None of their funeral records exist today.Meyers Funeral Home
In 1911 was listed as Myers & Gettert located on 204 E. Second Street. In 1921 the business had moved to 401 E. Seventh Street and was operated by N.W. Meyers. This funeral home business was acquired in 1942 by Riley’s Funeral Home. The Rileys purchased the business and the building but did not get any of the Meyers Funeral Home records.Riley Funeral Home
Walter Riley owned and operated the Riley Chapel in Iowa City from 1936-1941. In 1941 he purchased the Myers Funeral Home in Muscatine and renamed it the Riley Funeral Home. Walter’s son Edward joined the business and in 1963, purchased the funeral home from his father. He continued running the funeral home until 1988, when his daughter, Jennifer Riley-Vogel joined the business. They ran the business together until 1996 when Jennifer purchased the business. The Riley Funeral Home merged with the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home and moved into their new location at 1931 Houser Street in 1996. J. W. Rankin MortuaryIn 1911 this funeral home was located on 300 E. Second Street. In 1923 Mr. & Mrs. Roy L. Fairbanks bought them out. Whether they acquired the old burial records is unknown.
Fairbanks Home for Funerals
In 1934 the funeral home was located at 114 W. Fourth Street. The business became known as Fairbanks-Lamb Chapel in 1972. It remained as such until 1988. Jeffrey Nichols purchased the building and George M. Wittich Funeral Home acquired a portion of the business and some of their burial records.Nichols Funeral Home
1988 this funeral home was located at 114 W. Fourth Street and was operated by Jeffrey Nichols. In 1998 a new building was added which housed a crematory, the first in the Muscatine area.Nichols Chapel Funeral Home and Crematory closed in 2008. The premises were sold to the Wesley United Methodist Church of Muscatine. Jeffrey Nichols opened a new business in Rock Island, Illinois.
Hoffman Funeral Home
This funeral home was owned by A. Ernest Hoffman. It was listed in the 1921 City Directory as located on 527 Mulberry Avenue. In 1927 it was located at 300 E. Second Street. By 1938 the address was given as 215 E. Fourth Street. The Hoffman Funeral Home closed in 1942. Their funeral records no longer exist.Wittich Bros. Funeral Home
Werner Wittich opened a furniture and undertaking business in 1867 in Muscatine. In 1893 the business was listed as Wittich & Sons located at 219 E. Second Street. By 1900 the business was known as Wittich Bros. Funeral Home and was run by Werner’s sons, George and Werner. In 1919, Wittich Brothers Undertaking and Furniture Store was located at 210-212 Cedar Street.The brothers parted as partners in 1932 when Werner Wittich and his son, Ralph, opened their own business and named it the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home.
George M. Wittich Funeral Home
After the brothers parted, George ran the business a few more years at 210-212 Cedar Street, than sold it to Thomas F. Beveridge and Floyd Downey in 1936. Thomas acquired sole ownership in 1945.The building and business were purchased by D. Stacy Lewis in 1978. In June 1983 the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home was moved into a new facility at 2907 Mulberry Avenue. Presently Funeral Directors; Eric Snyder, John Hansen, Jay Erickson, Holly Kiwala and Kirstin Hogan work with Stacy Lewis in providing services for Muscatine and three other locations. They are the Stacy-Lewis Funeral Home in Columbus Junction, Iowa, Sorden-Lewis Funeral Home in Lone Tree, Iowa, and the Sorden-Lewis Funeral Home in Riverside, Iowa.
Funeral records held are;
Wittich Brothers Funeral Home records from July 1919 to 1933.
Fairbanks Home for Funerals records from October 26, 1929 to August 18, 1934.
George M. Wittich Funeral Home records from 1933 to April, 2019.Snyder and Hollenbaugh Funeral and Cremation Services
April, 2019 D. Stacy Lewis retired. He sold his business, buildings and records of George Wittich-Lewis Home for Funeral & Cremation Services to Eric Snyder and Whitney Huddle Hollenbaugh. This included the Stacy-Lewis Funeral Home in Columbus Junction, Sorden-Lewis Funeral Home in Lone Tree, Sorden-Lewis Funeral Home in Riverside.Snyder and Hollenbaugh Funeral and Cremation Services Established in April, 2019 after purchasing the busines from D. Stacy Lewis. In August, 2019 Eric Snyder and Whitney Huddle Hollenbaugh acquired Dudgeon-McCulley Funeral Home in Wapello, Hagele & Honts Funeral Home in Morning Sun, Hagele & Honts Funeral Home in Mediapolis, and Winfield Funeral Home in Winfield, Iowa.
2907 Mulberry Avenue
Muscatine, IA 52761
(563) 263-8112
Web site: https://www.sandhfuneralservice.com/Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home
Werner Wittich and his son, Ralph, opened this business on August 5, 1932 at 216 West Third Street. Edward Freers joined the firm in 1933. Following Werner’s death in 1944, Ralph sold Edward Freers a partnership in the business. The business continued that way until 1964 when Edward purchased the entire business from Ralph Wittich.In 1970 Edward’s son, David Freers joined him as a funeral director. David purchased the business from his father on January 1, 1978. Edward Freers continued to work at the funeral home until his death in 1986.
The Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home served the families of Muscatine at the same location for sixty-four years until the merger with the Riley Funeral Home in 1996, when they then moved into their new location at 1931 Houser Street. Working with David Freers and Jennifer Vogel-Riley are Funeral Directors Gregory Lamb and Edward Riley.
Ralph Wittich-Riley-Freers Funeral Home & Cremation Specialist
1931 Houser Street
Muscatine, IA 52761
Web site: https://www.wittichfuneralhome.comRalph Wittich-Riley-Freers Funeral Home holds funeral records from January 1934 to present including some records from Riley’s Funeral Home.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Meyers a Pioneer in Construction of Funeral Home
Muscatine Journal & News Tribune Saturday, December 30, 1933The N.W. Meyers Funeral home at 401 East Seventh street has a place in Muscatine’s history all its own. Mr. Meyers is proud of the fact that he had the first up-to-date funeral home in the city and also that he had the first automobile hearse in Muscatine.
Since building his funeral home, however, Mr. Meyers has added to it in both size and equipment until now he has one of the most modern funeral homes in this section. Associated with Mr. Meyers is Mrs. Meyers, who is well versed in the art of funeral direction and who also acts as an assistant. A call to 805 will always bring prompt and courteous attention.~ * ~ * ~ * ~ George Wittich a Veteran in Field Proprietor of Funeral Home Identified With Business Here about 50 years With more than 60 years of service in Muscatine to its credit, the George Wittich Funeral home 210 Cedar Street, needs no introduction to the citizens of Muscatine and vicinity.
Muscatine Journal & News Tribune Saturday, December 30, 1933
It was about 50 years ago that George Wittich, the present proprietor, entered the business with his father and for almost that entire time the institution has been under his management. Associated with Mr. Wittich at present are Kenneth Daut and H.B. Gilliland.
Mr. Gilliland has been with the funeral home for some time. He came here from Des Moines with a background of 15 years of experience in the funeral directing profession.
About 10 years ago Mr. Wittich found it necessary to build an addition to his funeral home and the modern roomy present building is the result. This building is equipped with a modern amplification system which makes music and the words of speakers heard distinctly in any part of the building. Also, there is an up-to-date cooling system which makes it pleasant inside even on the hottest of days.
Added to the equipment of the George Wittich Funeral home a short time ago was a modern Meteor ambulance made by one of the foremost manufacturers of ambulances and hearses in the world. The motor equipment is complete in every way with the ambulance completely equipped with first aid kits, pulmotor and other articles for use in emergency calls.
Ample room is afforded at the funeral home to conduct funeral services. Courteous, efficient services, a watchword at the George Wittich Funerla home for years, has brought the organization increasing business year by year, Mr. Wittich maintains.~ * ~ * ~ * ~ W.G. Griffith, Longtime Wilton Resident, Dies
Muscatine Journal, Wednesday, June 11, 1946Wilton – William G. Griffith, 80, who for many years operated the Griffith Funeral home here until his retirement in 1936, died at the Griffith residence at 2;20 p.m. Tuesday after a lengthy illness.
Mr. Griffith was engaged in the funeral business for more than 50 years, most of the time in this community. He was a member of the National Funeral Directors Association.
The son of Peter F. and Mary J. Griffith, he was born in Muscatine on Sept. 11, 1865, and resided in Muscatine before establishing his home in Wilton 50 years ago. He married Ollie M. Johnston in Wilton on Jan. 16, 1894.
Surviving are one son, Harry J. Griffith of Wilton, four nieces, Miss Margaret Griffith, Mrs. W. E. Downer and Mrs. E.C. Nichols, all of Muscatine, and Mrs. Ralph Pott of Cincinnati, O., and one nephew, L.R. Hawley of Highland Park, Ill. He was preceded in death by his wife, one son, his parents, five sisters and two brothers. Funeral services will be conducted at 2;30 p.m. Friday at the Griffith Funeral Home with the Rev. J.M. Newgard in charge. Burial will be in Oakdale cemetery at Wilton.~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Sherman Snider Retired Funeral Director, Dies
Muscatine Journal & News Tribune, Tuesday, May 13, 1958 page 1West Liberty – Sherman Corbley Snider, 89, owner of the Snider Funeral Home and Furniture Store here until 1946, died about 8 p.m. Monday at the Hawker Nursing Home after a lingering illness.
A son of Corbley and Louisa Simington Snider, he was born Jan. 25, 1869, at Kalona. He had resided here since 1909. His marriage to Carrie Merrill took place Jan. 25, 1899, at Bennett. She died in 1956.
Mr. Snider was a member of the Methodist Church; charter member and past president of the Rotary Club, 50 year and 32nd degree Mason; and member of the consistory of Kaaba Shrine’ Order of Eastern Star Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sisters. He attended Johnson county schools and the Iowa City Academy.
At one time he served as president of the board of stewards of the Methodist Church and was one of the early licensed embalmers in Iowa.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Ray Gehrke of West Liberty; two grandchildren; and two great grandchildren.
Services are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at the Snider Funeral Home. Burial will be in Oakridge cemetery.* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *