Muscatine County, Iowa |
DIRECTORY and BUSINESS RECORD of the City of MUSCATINE Iowa for 1883-1888 |
Agr. | agricultural | Ins. | insurance | Res. | residence |
Bds. | boards | Lab. | laborer | S. S. | south side |
Bet. | between | Mnfr. | manufacturer | S. | south |
Blk. | block | N. | north | S. E. | southeast |
B.r. | Burlington road | N. E. | northeast | S. M. | South Muscatine |
Cor. | corner | N. W. | northwest | S. W. | southwest |
E. | east | Opp. | opposite | Wks. | works |
E. S. | east side | P. O. | Post office | W. | west |
Imp. | implements | Propr. | proprietor | W. S. | west side |
Wacht am Mississippi die, Published weekly in the German Language, H. Stoltzenau, Editor and Proprietor, No. 213 Iowa av. |
Wachter, Fred, lab, res 417 w Fifth. |
Waggoner, Hy, mill hand, res 206 w Seventh. |
Waide, Arthur, with S. L. Wadte & Co. |
Waide, Mrs. E. A., bds 413 e Front. |
Waide, S. L. & Co., dry goods, No. 104 w Second. |
Waide, S. L., lawyer, and of S. L. & Co. |
Waide & Co., 104 w Second, res 413 e Front. |
Waide, H. Milton, with S. L. Waide & Co. |
Walcott, Wm., fireman, res 706 e Seventh. |
Waldron, Geo. A., teamster, bds 508 Chestnut. |
Waldron, Mrs. N., widow, res over 209 w Front. |
Walker, --, teamster, res 300 w Sixth. |
Walker, Chas., mill hand, bds 113 e Third. |
Walker, Mrs. C., widow, res 113 e Third. |
Walker, F., barber, bds 300 w Sixth. |
Walker, S., blacksmith, bds 113 e Third. |
Wall, J. J., diver, res 413 w Fourth. |
Wall, W. H., fisherman, res 988 Lucas Grove road. |
Wallace, Robt. T., a resident of Muscatine since 1856. Mayor of Muscatine. Dealer in Building Material and Coal. No. 115 w Front, bds Commercial House. |
Wallace, Wm. N., with R. T. Wallace, bds Commercial House. |
Wallingford, H., clerk Commercial House. |
Walter, Frank, carpenter, res 1203 e Front. |
Walters, Joseph, with F. L. Smalley. |
Walter, John F., res 1106 e Ninth. |
Walter, O., tinner, bds 1106 e Ninth. |
Walter, Mrs. N., widow, res 109 Brook. |
Walter, S., res 1336 Sheridan. |
Walton, C., miller, &c., res 1201 e Second. |
Walton, Isaac, (ye olde tyme angler,) res 408 w Fourth. |
Walton, J. B., architect, res 306 e Eighth. |
Walz, Chas., boilermaker, res 308 e Second. |
Walz, F. J., a resident of Muscatine since 1869. Dealer in Wine, Beer & Cigars, No. 321-323 w Front, res same. |
Waltz, H., engineer, res 801 e Sixth. |
Warfield, A. O., a resident of Muscatine since 1841. Freight Agent C., R. I. & P, & B., C. R. & N. Railroads, bds Commercial House. |
Warfield, Chas. L., a resident of Muscatine since 1852. Depot Ticket Agent of C., R. I. & P. & B., C. R. & N. Railroads, office Union Depot, bds Commercial House. |
Warfield, Geo. A., tel. operator C., R. I. & P. Freight Depot, bds Commercial House. |
Warner, Chas., bottler for F. L. Schwertfeger. |
Warren, E. W., res over 215 Iowa av. |
Warren, Herbert, lab, res 304 e Sixth. |
Warren, W. H., mill hand, res 911 e Tenth. |
Washburn, Chas., lab, res 1119 e Eighth. |
Washburn, Chas., lab, bds 702 e Fifth. |
Washburne, David, house mover, res 514 Oak. |
Washburne, Mrs. E. A., widow, res 702 Walnut. |
Washburne, F. H., bds 702 Walnut. |
Washburne, F. P., conductor, bds 702 Walnut. |
Washburn, Frank, bds 702 e Fifth. |
Washburn, G., carpenter, res 1201 Second, S. M. |
Washburn, Miss Jesse M., teacher, bds 702 e Fifth. |
Washburn, L. H., real estate, res 702 e Fifth. |
Washburn, M., popshop, popshop 1203 Second, S. M. |
Washburn, Mrs. Nancy, widow, res 1113 e Eighth. |
Washburn, Norman, mill hand, res 605 w Fifth. |
Washburne, S. A., com. traveler, bds 702 Walnut. |
Water Works, W. M. Molis, supt., bet Chestnut & Pine, on River Front. |
Watkins, Mrs. Susan, widow, bds 413 w Seventh. |
Watson, Mrs. R., widow, res 1116 e Eighth. |
Watkins, Mrs. Jane D., res 115 e Fourth. |
Webb, John, brakeman, res 614 Mulberry. |
Webel, Fred., res 1302 Sheridan. |
Weaver, carpenter, bds Scott House. |
Weaver, Wm. C., carpenter, bds Scott House. |
Weber, Christ., showman, res 1051 Burlington road. |
Weber, J. A., bds H. J. Herman. |
Webster, W. W., a resident of Muscatine since 1861. Importer, Manufacturer & Dealer in Marble and Granite Monuments, Mantles, Statuary, &c., No. 319 e Second, res 503 w Second. |
Weed, Mrs. C., widow, res 205 Cherry, cor w Second. |
Weed, James, farmer, n e cor Graded and Burdett roads. |
Weggen, Mrs. Augusta, res 913e Seventh. |
Weggen, Jacob, mill hand, bds 1051 Lucas Grove. |
Weggen, John, farmer, res 1051 Lucas Grove. |
Weidling, Mrs. Wm., widow, a resident of Muscatine since 1855. Proprietor of the City Steam Brewery, 1037 Burlington road, res same. |
Weiman, F., mill hand, bds Geo. Weiman. |
Weiman, Geo., gardener, Star nr city limits, Butlerville. |
Weiman, Geo., Jr., mill hand, bds Geo. Weiman. |
Weiman, Hy, mill hand, bds Geo. Weiman. |
Weiman, Jacob, mill hand, bds Geo. Weiman. |
Weinand, Christ., wagon maker, res 605 Walnut. |
Weindgard, Peter, res 108 e Eighth. |
Weingart, P., lab, res 307 w Seventh. |
Weir, R. H., apiarist, bds 317 Cherry. |
Weise, J. H., clerk, res over 200 w Second. |
Weiss, Geo., Geltz & Weiss, res Muscatine, Butlerville. |
Weis, Joseph, lab, res 1113 e Eleventh. |
Weissenhagen, Chas., wagon maker, bds 877 Morford road. |
Weisinger, G., lab, bds 1071 Burlington road. |
Welch, James, tailor, bds 205 w Seventh. |
Welch & Knopp, merchant tailors, 116 e Second. |
Welch, Michael J., Welch & Knopp, res 113 w Seventh. |
Welch, P., lab, res 205 w Seventh. |
Welch, Robt., a resident of Muscatine since 1856. Propr Commercial House Sample Room & Billiard Hall, 1607 w Front res 615 Chestnut. |
Welch, Wm., peddler, res 1518 Stewart road, S. M. |
Welker, F., superintendent Muscatine Oat Meal Mills and Produce Merchant, bds 102 e Fourth. |
Wells, Sam'l, mill hand, bds 703 e Seventh. |
Wells, Sam'l, mill hand, res 713 e Seventh. |
Weltz, Geo., bds 1094 Burlington road. |
Weltz, John, blacksmith, res 1009 Burlington road, res 1094 same. |
Weltz, Geo., bds 1094 Burlington road. |
Weltz, John, blacksmith, res 1009 Burlington road, res 1094 same. |
Wentz, Geo., marble engraver, res 1013 Poplar. |
Werber, Carl, mill hand, res 975 Lucas Grove. |
Western Brewery, junction of Sixth and Eighth. |
Western Union Telegraph Co., A. F. Graeltz, Manager, 110 Iowa av. |
Wheeler, M. W., with J. Henderson, bds No. 600 Walnut. |
Whisler, C., mill hand, res 1219 e Second. |
Whicher, Geo., bds 311 Sycamore. |
Whicher, Frank, bds 311 Sycamore. |
Whicher, S. E., a resident of Muscatine since 1839. Loan & Real Estate Agency, No. 211 Iowa av, res 311 Sycamore. |
White, Aug., mill hand, res 1073 Lucas Grove. |
White, C. A., mill hand, res 604 e Eighth. |
White, Cephas, brakeman. |
White, C. W., a resident of Muscatine since 1865. Propr of the Eastern House Sample Rooms and Billiard Hall, No. 325 e Second, res 307 Chestnut. |
White, Forest, lab, res 110 e Eighth. |
White, Geo., res 1154 Iowa City road. |
White, J., brakeman, bds W. H. McAnulty. |
White, John, res New road, 2 blocks e of Iowa City road. |
White, John, res 307 Chestnut. |
White, Wm., a resident of Muscatine since 1851, res 109 e Second. |
White, Mrs. Wm., Business established 32 years, Dealer in Millinery, Fancy Goods and Notions, No. 100 e Second, res same. |
Whittaker, Joseph, teamster, res 414 e Seventh. |
Wickers, Hy, lab. 509 w Fifth. |
Wicky, Mrs. C., widow, res 514 Cedar. |
Wickey, Paul, mill hand, res 617 Second, S. M. |
Wienkler, Joseph, brickmaker, bds 503 e Tenth. |
Wier, Mrs., widow, res over 425 e Second. |
Weir, James M., a resident of Muscatine since 1867. Wine & Liquor Merchant. Sample Rooms 229 e Second and Cedar, also Sale Stable, 112 Orange, res same. |
Wiggers, John B., lab, res 907 Lucas Grove road. |
Wiles, G. H., blacksmith, res 516 e Seventh. |
Wiles, Thos. H., Adams & Wiles, res 501 e Seventh and Mulberry. |
Wiles, Thos. S., bds 501 e Seventh. |
Wilhelm, Simon, teamster, res 703 e Seventh. |
Wilhelm, William, mill hand, bds 703 e Seventh. |
Wilkie, Andrew, bakery, 226 Iowa av, bds Mrs. Wm. White. |
Willard, E. B., mill hand, res 721 Second, S. M. |
Willard, Fred. N., bds 709 e Seventh. |
Willard, J. W., carpr, res 709 e Seventh. |
Williams, Mrs. B., widow, res 984 Lucas Grove. |
Williams, Blake, assistant pressman Tribune, bds 705 e Fifth. |
Williams, Jacob, shoemaker, res 985 Lucas Grove. |
Williams, Mrs. Robt., 705 e Fifth. |
Williams, R. B., with Tribune Co., res 705 e Fifth. |
Williams, Mrs. S., janitor, res 532 Graded road. |
Willits, H. G., salesman, res 945 Lucas Grove. |
Willmering, Geo., painter, bds Mrs. Willmering. |
Willmering, H., cigar maker, res Sixth, bet Orange and Oak. |
Willmering, J. H., cigar maker, res 612 e Sixth. |
Willmering, Mrs., widow, res over No. 303 e Second. |
Wilson, Frank, marble cutter, bds 316 w Fourth. |
Wilson, Geo., bds 316 w Fourth. |
Wilson, Harry, with Wm. Hendricks. |
Wilson, H., clerk, bds Miss Gemmill. |
Wilson, James, farmer, res 506 e Sixth. |
Wilson, J. C., clerk, res 111 e Fourth. |
Wilson, John A., res 316 w Fourth. |
Wilson, J. A., No. 216 e Second. |
Wilson, Riley, mill hand, res 608 e Second. |
Wilson, W., porter, bds Commercial House. |
Wingerter, Peter, mason, res 896 Morford road. |
Winn, A. M., merchant, res 907 Foster road. |
Winn, G. A., bds 811 e Seventh. |
Winn, G. C., marble cutter, res 811 e Seventh. |
Winn, John, teamster, res 407 e Seventh. |
Winn, John, railroad agent, res 900 e Eighth. |
Winnemore, Geo., bds D. Morris. |
Winning, Ed., grocer, bds 1051 Burlington road. |
Winning, Hy, mill hand, 206 Broadway, S. M. |
Winning, H., Jr., mill hand, bds H. Winning, Sr. |
Winning, John, mill hand, bds H. Winning, Sen. |
Winslow, C. C., dealer in sewing machines, No. 224 e Second, res same. |
Winslow, E., teacher, bds C. C. Winslow. |
Winter, Arthur W., druggist for J. H. Canon, bds 405 Walnut. |
Winters, Geo., lab, bds 303 First, S. M. |
Winter, Mrs. V., widow, res 405 Walnut. |
Wintermute, J. A., a resident of Muscatine since 1882. Attorney at Law, office 112 w Second, res 511 e Fifth. |
Winzer, A., homeopathic physician, office and res 109 w Second. |
Wippelhauser, Peter, grocer, 419 First, S. M., res same. |
Wise, Hy, res 801 Mulberry. |
Wisner, W. H., bds D. Morris. |
Wittich, Geo., with Mark & Wittich, bds W. Wittich. |
Wittich, W., Jr., bds 109 w Sixth. |
Wittich, W., a resident of Muscatine since 1852, of Mark & Wittich, res 109 w Sixth. |
Wittmann, C., mill hand, res 1071 Burlington road. |
Wittemann, Fred., cabinet maker, res 309 w Seventh. |
Wolff, Chas., bds R. Hinkhouse. |
Womochen, Joseph, mill hand, bds with Mrs. S. Binz. |
Wood, Clara, bds Mrs. N. Waldron. |
Wood, D., bds 1210 e Second. |
Woods, L. M., deliverer for Geo. E. Jones, res 211 Cedar. |
Woods, Mrs. Rebecca, widow, res 1373 Iowa City road. |
Woodruff, A. A., Woodruff & Hittle, res 216 Iowa av. |
Woodruff & Hittle, billiard hall, No. 101 e Second. |
Woodward, Wm. H., a resident of Muscatine since 1842. Loan, Real Estate, General Insurance & Steamship Agency, 204 Iowa av, res 219 w Second. |
Worden, Mrs. Mary, res 813 e Seventh. |
Worden, John, teamster, bds 813 e Seventh. |
Worsham, David, bookkeeper W. G. Block, res 411 w Third bet Linn and Spruce. |
Worsham, Mrs. R., widow, res 411 w Third. |
Worst, Jacob, wagon maker, res 505 e Ninth. |
Worst, Wm., brakeman, bds 505 e Ninth. |
Worst, Joseph, hostler, bds 505 e Ninth. |
Worthington, A. T., clerk C., R. I. & P, bds Commercial House. |
Wrede, F., cigar maker, bds P. Toohey. |
Wright, Geo., lab, res 413 w Front. |
Wright, R., mill hand, bds Mrs. R. Wright. |
Wright, Mrs. R., widow, res F. S. M. |
Wright, Wm., farmer, res 1245 Iowa City road. |
Wrolich, Aug., gardener, bds 206 Cherry. |
Wyant, W. H., marble cutter, bds S. Dunn, Sixth. |
Wymer, Miss A., bds 1316 Iowa City road. |
Wymer, S., farmer, res 1316 Iowa City road. |
Wunderlich, Mrs. M., widow, bds 1205 e Second. |