Muscatine County, Iowa |
DIRECTORY and BUSINESS RECORD of the City of MUSCATINE Iowa for 1883-1888 |
Agr. | agricultural | Ins. | insurance | Res. | residence |
Bds. | boards | Lab. | laborer | S. S. | south side |
Bet. | between | Mnfr. | manufacturer | S. | south |
Blk. | block | N. | north | S. E. | southeast |
B.r. | Burlington road | N. E. | northeast | S. M. | South Muscatine |
Cor. | corner | N. W. | northwest | S. W. | southwest |
E. | east | Opp. | opposite | Wks. | works |
E. S. | east side | P. O. | Post office | W. | west |
Imp. | implements | Propr. | proprietor | W. S. | west side |
Taddicken, H. B., confectioner, res 514 Mulberry. |
Tadewald, Herm, mill hand, res 991 Butlerville road. |
Tallant, Thos. B., a resident of Muscatine since 1865, res No. 417 w Third. |
Tappe, Chas., saloon, 202 Second, res same. |
Tappe, Mrs. F.. widow, res over 200 w Second. |
Tappe, Wm., printer, bds Mrs. F. Tappe. |
Tarr, Mrs. Mary, widow, res 909 e Eighth. |
Tarr, Sam'l., printer, bds 999 e Eighth. |
Taylor, J. W., harness maker, res over 320 e Second. |
Taylor, T. G., a resident of Muscatine since 1878. Physician & Surgeon, office 112 w Second, res 210 Sycamore. |
Teller, Joseph, mill hand, bds E. Gesell. |
Temm, John, mill hand, bds E. Lamprecht. |
Terry, Chas., marble cutter, No. 427 e Second. |
Terry, Miss Emma, res 915 e Seventh. |
Terry, John, teamster, res 719 e Sixth. |
Terry, Mrs. Sarah, widow, bds 1223 e Eleventh. |
Terry, Wm., lab, res 615 Spring. |
Terstege, Mrs. B., widow, res 989 Lucas Grove road. |
Terstege, John, lab, bds 989 Lucas Grove. |
Tesmann, Aug, mill hand, bds 1200 Fifth, S. M. |
Thacker, R., lab, bds 510 Second, S. M. |
Thatcher, F., barber with Grossheim, bds Wm. Hueper. |
Thauren, Anton, lab, res 107 e Seventh. |
Thauren, John; lab, bds 107 e Seventh. |
Thien Geo., brewer, bds 700 Mulberry. |
Thomas, Geo. B., mill hand, bds 1056 Lucas Grove. |
Thomas, J. J., gardener, res 1056 Lucas Grove. |
Thomas, M., expressman, res over 218 Walnut. |
Thomas, Wm., res 212 e Third. |
Thorley, John, carpr, res 519 e Sixth. |
Thorman, Aug, mill hand, res 1091 Lucas Grove. |
Thornton, C., expressman, bds over 514 Mulberry. |
Thornton, Clyde, teamster, bds 979 Lucas Grove. |
Thornton, Clyde, expressman, bds over 514 Mulberry. |
Thornton, Clite, teamster, bds 979 Lucas Grove road. |
Thornton, James, res rear 207 w Fifth. |
Thornton, J. T., teamster, res over 514 Mulberry. |
Thompson, Albert, lab, bds 516 Mulberry. |
Thompson, B. W., a resident of Muscatine since 1854. Physician and Surgeon. Office 101 e Second, cor Iowa av, res 307 Sycamore. |
Thompson, Chas. H., farmer, bds 1215 Second, S. M. |
Thompson, Edwin, lab, bds 516 Mulberry. |
Thompson, Ellsworth, lab, bds 516 Mulberry. |
Thompson, Geo., lab, res 516 Mulberry. |
Thompson, J., lab, res 1215 Second, S. M. |
Thompson, Martin, res 1552 Grant. |
Thompson, R. T., seeds, No. 213 w Second, res 204 w Fourth. |
Thompson, Robt., bds 204 w Fourth. |
Thompson, Sam'l., real estate dealer, bds 516 w Second. |
Thompson, S. St. J., with J. Pfeiffer, res w Front, cor Linn. |
Thompson, Theron, hardware, No. 131 w Second, res 405 w Third. |
Thompson, T. J., a resident of Muscatine since 1877. Propr. of the City Hack & Bus Line, Livery, Sale & Feed Stable, 414 Mulberry, res 412 e Fifth. |
Thompson, Wm. L., with Theron Thompson, bds 204 w Fourth. |
Thralkeld, C. L., with W. H. Snyder. |
Throop, B., engineer, bds 520 e Fourth. |
Thurston, Mrs. F., widow, bds E. H. Dolsen. |
Thurston & Dolson, Dealers in Fine Boots and Shoes, No. 117 e Second. |
Tibbetts, I. E., agent sewing mach., res 210 e Third. |
Ticke, D., Miss, res over 209 w Second. |
Ticke, Fred., plasterer, res 718 Sycamore. |
Ticke, Fred., traveller, bds 209 w Second. |
Ticke, Hy, traveller, bds over 209 w Second. |
Ticke, Miss L., res over 209 w Second. |
Tiedmann, Wm., mill hand, res 515 Third, S. M. |
Tillard, Thos., mill hand, res 1408 Third, S. M. |
Tillman, H., bds Chris. Schlipf. |
Timm, Fred., teamster, res 208 w Fourth. |
Titus, Geo. M., a resident of Muscatine since 1877. Richman & Titus, res 509 w Third. |
Tobias, W., lab, res 404 Mulberry. |
Tobin, David, sexton, res 515 Linn. |
Tobin, Miss L., bds 1215 e Second. |
Toborg, Peter, mill hand, res 102 A, S. M. |
Tomnay, John, a resident of Muscatine since 1850. Alderman First Ward, res 811 w Second. |
Toohey, C., bartender, bds P. Toohey. |
Toohey, Patrick, saloon, No. 118 Chestnut. |
Toole, James, blacksmith, bds Scott House. |
Tooman, J. T., lab, 316 Orange. |
Torbert, Chas. R., bds with J. J. Torbert. |
Torbert, David, watchman, res 544 Graded road. |
Torbert, John Jas., salesman, res 538 Graded road. |
Towers, C., res rear of 713 w Front. |
Townley, Peter, res over 119-121 Chestnut. |
Townsend, Chas., lab, bds 314 w Seventh. |
Townsend, Jesse, lab, bds 314 w Seventh. |
Townsend, Wm., lab, res 314 w Seventh. |
Trick, Mathias, wagon maker, res 404 Orange. |
Tracey, James, lab, bds Sog w Front. |
Tracey, James, lab, res 809 w Front. |
Tracey, John, lab, bds S09 w Front. |
Tracy, Sam'l, brickmaker, bds 503 e Tenth. |
Tracy, Thos., lab, res 809 w Front. |
Trask, L. Mrs., widow, bds 705 e Ninth. |
Tribune, Daily and Weekly, by Muscatine Tribune Co., No. 213 Iowa av. |
Troop, D., engineer, bds Miss Gemmill. |
Trumpp, Geo., clerk. |
Tuerk, John, carpenter, res 816 e Eighth. |
Tuerk, G. T., mill hand, bds 816 e Eighth. |
Turner Hall, (Deutsche Turn-Verein,) 516 Iowa av., Bar, 100 w Sixth. |
Turpen, James, lab, res 1119 Fourth, S. M. |
Turpen, James, Jr., lab, bds 1119 Fourth, S. M. |
Tutt, --, res 209 w Fifth. |
Tuttle, F., Mrs., widow, res 318 Pine. |