Muscatine County, Iowa |
DIRECTORY and BUSINESS RECORD of the City of MUSCATINE Iowa for 1883-1888 |
Agr. | agricultural | Ins. | insurance | Res. | residence |
Bds. | boards | Lab. | laborer | S. S. | south side |
Bet. | between | Mnfr. | manufacturer | S. | south |
Blk. | block | N. | north | S. E. | southeast |
B.r. | Burlington road | N. E. | northeast | S. M. | South Muscatine |
Cor. | corner | N. W. | northwest | S. W. | southwest |
E. | east | Opp. | opposite | Wks. | works |
E. S. | east side | P. O. | Post office | W. | west |
Imp. | implements | Propr. | proprietor | W. S. | west side |
Machlan, W., mill hand, res 1005 Fourth, S. M. |
Mackey, Mrs. E., widow, res 513 w Fourth. |
Mackey, Miss F., clerk, bds 513 w Fourth. |
Mackey, Phillip J., head clerk S. & L. Cohn, bds 513 w Fourth. |
Mackenzie, G. M., sec and treas Muscatine Mortgage Co., res 406 Broadway. |
Madden, Mrs. A., widow, res 900 e Sixth. |
Madden, H. C. Doran & Madden, bds 701 w Fourth. |
Madden, Hy., carpenter res 701 w Fourth. |
Madden, John, lab, bds 900 e Sixth. |
Madden, R., with Huttig Bros, res over 204 w Second. |
Magee, R. J., marble cutter. |
Magoon, Geo., carpenter, res 105 w Fifth. |
Mahany, Edward, laborer, res 511 e Poplar. |
Maher, John, lab, res 1016 e Third. |
Maher, P., carpr, shop 119 Sycamore. |
Maher, Thos., mill hand, bds 1210 e Second. |
Mahin, Hon. John, a resident of Mscatine since 1842. Editor-in-chief of the Muscatine Journal, and of Journal Printing Co., res 513 w Second. |
Maloney, Jas, boilermaker, bds 1014 e Third. |
Maloney, M., lab, res 1014 e Third. |
Maloney, Thos., mill hand, bds 1014 e Third. |
Malvin, James H., res 614 Linn. |
Manley, Geo., whitewasher, res 407 w Third. |
Manley, Geo., Junr., bds 407 w Third. |
Manley, Chas., lab, res 410 e Fifth. |
Manley, Wm, teamster R. T. Wallace, bds 905 e Seventh. |
Mansfield, John, lab, res 1016 Cypress. |
Masonic Hall, over 120 Iowa av. |
Mascka, Chas., bds Chris Schlipf. |
Manlove, M. D., gardener, river road S. M., nr city limits. |
Mark, Mrs. E., widow, res 409 e Fourth |
Mark, Frank, res 616 e Fourth |
Mark, Fred J., F. J. Mark & Co., res 411 e Fourth. |
Mark, F. J. & Co., clothiers, No. 105 e Second. |
Mark, Hy, carpenter, res 404 e Fifth. |
Mark, J. B., a resident of Muscatine since 1863,of Mark & Wittich, res 603 e Ninth, cor Orange. |
Mark, John, expressman, bds 409 e Fourth. |
Mark & Wittich, Muscatine Furniture House, Furniture & Undertaking, No. 219 e Second. |
Markmann, John, tailor, res 612 Chestnut. |
Marshal of the City, Elijah Baker, office City Hall. |
Martens, Charles, a resident of Muscatine since 1881. Sample Rooms, 101 e Front, cor Iowa av, res same. |
Martens, John, with Chas. Martens, bds 101 e Front. |
Martin, Adam, res 1235 e Eleventh. |
Martin, Chas., millhand, bds 1058 Lucas Grove. |
Martin, F., cooper, bds 1484 Burdett. |
Martin, Henry, with C. E. Richards. |
Martin, Henry, a resident of Muscatine since 1855. Cooper. Cooperage of all kinds done to order shop 1488 Burdett road, res 1484 Burdett road. |
Martin, Hy, of Martin & Hyink, bds 402 Oak. |
Martin & Hyink, proprietors Eagle millls, 301 Mulberry, cor Third. |
Martin, Jacob, lab, res 1058 Lucas Grove road. |
Martin, Jacob, Jr., mill hand, bds 1058 Lucas Grove. |
Martin, John, mill hand, bds 1484 Burdett road. |
Martin, John, res 1000 Mulberry. |
Martin, John, mill hand, bds 1058 Lucas Grove. |
Martin, J. K., of Martin & Hyink, res 402 Oak and Fourth. |
Martin, Wm., mill hand, bds 614 e Third. |
Mathewson, Isaac, c e, bds 1323 Iowa City road. |
Mathis, C. W., pumps, &c., 503 e Second, res 215 Cedar & Third. |
Mathis, L. E., traveller, res over 210 e Second, third floor. |
Matthews, Chas., boilermaker, bds 1532 Grant. |
Matthews, Wm., butcher, res 1532 Grant. |
Matthews, Wm., Junr., boilermaker, res 1344 Sherman. |
Mathewson, J. A., c e, res 1323 Iowa City road. |
Matten, John, mill hand, res 415 Third, S. M. |
Mattern, Joseph, blacksmith, bds 931 Lucas Grove road. |
Mattern, Matthias, saloon, 031 Lucas Grove road, res same. |
Mauck, I. R., grocer, No. 216 Iowa av, res 319 w Fourth. |
Maurat, F., lab, res 505 w Fifth. |
Maurat, Vincent, blacksmith, res 700 Cedar. |
Maurat, Joseph, machinist, bds 700 Cedar. |
Maxson, L., brakeman, res 111 e Third. |
Mayes, Chas., printer, bds 210 Linn. |
Mayes, James, foreman, Tribune news room, bds 210 Linn. |
Mayes, R., carriage trimmer, bds 210 Linn. |
Mayes. U. C., carer, res 210 Linn. |
Mayes, U S., carpr, shop back of 311 Chestnut, in alley. |
Mayor of the City, Roby. T. Wallace. Office City Hall. |
Mee, Wm. John, mill hand, bds 206 First, S. M. |
Mee, W. J., shoemaker, res 206 First, S. M. |
Meerdink, Albert foreman Van Nostrand's, res 711 Chestnut. |
Meerdink, G. J., lab, res 600 w Seventh. |
Meerdink, Hy, teamster, res 714 w Eighth. |
Meerdink, Wm, lab, bds 600 w Seventh. |
Meisenbacher, John, lab, res 321 Green. |
Mentink, G., lab, res 992 Lucas Grove. |
Meason, Geo., res 619 Iowa av. |
Merchants Exchange National Bank, 101 w Second, cor Iowa av. |
Merdink, Mrs., widow, bds 524 e Second. |
Meredith, Hy, mill hand, res 1070 Burlington road. |
Merrill, Chas. B., bookkeeper, bds 310 e Third. |
Mertz, C., carriage trimmer, bds Mrs. Wm. McCormick. |
Mette, Geo., grocer, store 422 Mulberry, res 420 Mulberry. |
Metteer, Geo., lab, bds 404 Walnut. |
Metteer, Geo., res 1206 Iowa City road. |
Mettteer, James, lab, res 404 Walnut. |
Metz, Mrs. Res 719 e Sixth. |
Metz, Mrs. H., widow, res 213 Mulbetty |
Metz, Miss Lizzie, bds 719 e Sixth. |
Metzger, Hy, shoemaker, res 408 Fifith. |
Meyer, Miss Annie, teacher, bds 1002 e Ninth. |
Meyer, Chas., blacksmith, bds 1002 e Ninth. |
Meyer, Fred, res 1002 e Ninth. |
Meyer, Geo., mill hand, bds B. Priester. |
Meyer, John, mill hand, bds B. Priester. |
Meyer, John, mill hand, res 511 Third, S. M. |
Meyer, John H., mill hand, res 820 Pine. |
Meyer, Mrs. K., widow, bds 988 Lucas Grove. |
Meyer, N., mill hand, bds 104 First, S. M. |
Middleton, B. F., packer, res 314 Orange. |
Middleton, C., bds Mrs. Julia Middleton. |
Middleton, Frank, lab, res 1113 Second, S. M. |
Middleton, Mrs. Julia, widow, res River road, S. M., nr city limits. |
Mikesell, M. L., post offie clerk, res 613 Iowa av. |
Mikesenn, Mrs. A. M., widow, res 403 e Fifth. |
Miles, D., mill hand, res 1001 Fourth, S. M. |
Miller, A., res 1026 West. |
Miller, A., Junr., carpr, bds 1026 West. |
Miller, Barney, lab, bds 502 e Eighth. |
Miller, Chas., mill and, bds 1112 e Eighth. |
Miller, Rev. Emil, pastor Evangelical church, res 202 e Fifith. |
Miller, F., lab, bds Chris Schlipf. |
Miller, Fred, carpr, 216 e Sixth. |
Miller, G., harness maker, bds 1026 West. |
Miller, Geo., painter, bds 1112 e Eighth. |
Miller, Geo. W., teacher, res 1359 Sherman. |
Miller, Gustav, carpr, res 202 w Eighth. |
Miller, H., mill hand, bds 1043 Lucas Grove. |
Miller, Dr. H. C., res 319 e Front. |
Miller, Hy, mill hand, bds 1112 e Eighth. |
Miller, Jacob D., painter, res 1112 e Eighth. |
Miller, J. K., with Geo. Innes & Co., res 309 e Front. |
Miller, John, bds Ryan's, Burlington road. |
Miller, John, lab, res Second, bet Burlington road and Muscatine slough. |
Miller, John, bds 1026 West. |
Miller, John K., lumber, res 607 Sycamore. |
Miller, John L., bds Ryan's Burlington road. |
Miller, Joseph, bs 1359 Sherman. |
Miller, Joseph, lab, res 714 e Seventh. |
Miller, Joseph, lab, res 408 Walnut. |
Miller, Louis, canmaker, res 608 Linn. |
Miller, Mrs., widow, res 502 e Eighth. |
Miller, Miss Mollie, ress 111 Graded road. |
Miller, Mrs. M., widow, bds 9117 e Eighth. |
Miller, Peter, mill hand, res 1533 Steward road, S. M. |
Miller, Robt. W., teamster, 411 Spruce. |
Miller, Wm., bds 411 Spruce. |
Miller, Wm. F., painter, res 714 Lombard. |
Millett, Wm., carpr, res 110 e Seventh. |
Mills, Amos, expressman, res 817 e Seventh. |
Mills, F., expressman, res 1107 e Tenth. |
Milwood, C., lab, bds 402 Walnut. |
Minturn, B.S., mill hand, res 1011 Fourth, S. M. |
Missel, Joseph, carpr, res 1019 Cypress. |
Mittelander, John, lab, bds 703 w Fourth. |
Mittlander, M., butcher, bds 615 Pine. |
Mittlander, P., butcher, res 615 Pine. |
Mohnlein, Mrs. A., widow, res 208 Green. |
Mohnlein, John, mill hand, bds Mrs. A. Mohnlein. |
Mogneu, Louis, res 201 w Third. |
Moler, G. J., conductor, bds 1170 Iowa City road. |
Molis, August, engineer, bds 307 e Third. |
Molis, Chas., engineer water works, bds 307 e Third. |
Molis & Co., gunsmiths, No. 225 e Second. |
Molis, Henry, of Molis & Co., res 307 e Third. |
Molis, W. M., a resident of Muscatine since 1855. Supt of the Muscatine Water Works. Office at works, res 117e Seventh, cor Sycamore. |
Montgomery, M., lab, bds 514 Oak. |
Montreal, John A., res 328 Green. |
Montreal, W. B., lab, bds 328 Green. |
Montreal, Wm., hostler, bds 317 Cherry. |
Moore, Mrs. C., res 1015 e Ninth. |
Moore, Geo., bds 716 w Third. |
Moore, Mrs. Hannah, bds with O. G. Jack. |
Moore, H. S., hardward merchant, bds 716 w Third. |
Moore, H. W., a resident of Muscatine since 1848. Iron and Hardware Merchant, and Pres. Muscatine Savings Bank. 218 & 220 e Sceond, res 716 w Third. |
Moore, Misses Martha & Mary S., bds 716 w Third. |
Moore, Otto, lab, res 1011 Poplar. |
Moore, W. R., traveler F. Daut & Co. |
Morford, Thos. J., traveller, res 873 Newell's road. |
Morgan, E., mill hand, bds 729 Second, S. M. |
Morgan, S., mill hand, bds 729 Second, S. M. |
Morgan, Thos., bds 408 e Fifth. |
Morgridge, G. O., a resident of Muscatine since 1878. Physician and Surgeon. Noo. 118 Iowa av, res 313 Cherry. |
Morgridge, Harry, bds 313 Cherry. |
Morris, D., boarding house, res over 312 e Second. |
Morris, James, barber, bds 708 Lombard. |
Morris, John, bds Ryan's, Burlington road. |
Morris, John C., res 708 Lombard. |
Morris, M., house mover, res 600 e Sixth. |
Morris, Mrs. M. C., widow, bds 113 e Fourth. |
Morris, Robt., lab, bds, with Mrs R. Woods. |
Morris, Thos., bds Wm. Morris. |
Morris, Wm., bds D. Morris. |
Morrison, Mis Amelia, res 415 Sycamore. |
Morrison, Miss Annie, 415 Sycamore. |
Morrison, F., livery, 313 Mulberry, res 607 e Sixth. |
Morrison, Joseph, res 516 e Sixth. |
Morse, F., bds Ryan's, Burlington road. |
Morse, L L., with Dr Eade, res over 424 e Second. |
Morse, Martin, saloon, 502 Mulberry. |
Morson, F., horse dealer, res 607 e Sixth. |
Moser, Geo., bds 1114 e Tenth. |
Moser, Jacob, bds 1114 e Tenth. |
Moser, John, res 1114 e Tenth. |
Moser, L., bds 111 e Tenth. |
Moses, Robt., lab, bds 122 w Third. |
Moses, Saml, mill hand, res 122 w Third. |
Mottschall, Fred'k, shoemaker T. S. Stewart, res 714 e Eighth. |
Mowl, J., mill hand, bds F. Hautsch. |
Moxley, Robt., carpet weaber, 1159 Burlington road, res 1165 Burlington road. |
Moxley, Wm., mill hand, bds1165 Burlington road. |
Moynahan, F., Clerk, bds J. T. Moynahan. |
Moynahan, J. T., grocer, No. 417 e Second, res same. |
Moynihan, John, moulder, bds 311 w Fifth. |
Moynihan, John H., barber T. Grossheim. |
moynihan, T., bds311 w Fifth. |
Mucha, --, lab. Res 204 w Seventh. |
Mucha, John, night policeman, res 513 Chestnut. |
Mulford, Jos. S., of Huttig Bros. Mfg Co., res 508 w Fourth. |
Mull, B. F., res over No. 104 e Second. |
Mull, Chas. L. & Son, wholesale grocers, No. 210 w Second. |
Mull, Chas. L., Chas L. Mull & Son, res 802 e Sixth. |
Mull, Wm. L., Chas. L. Mull & Son, res 407 e Fifth. |
Mullen, Mrs. B., widow, res 416 w Sixth. |
Muncey, M., Mrs., widow, res 705 w Fifth. |
Munn, Olver, mill hand, res 1105 Third, S. M. |
Munroe, J. H., a resident of Muscatne since 1847, of Smith Cook & Munroe, res 417 w Third. |
Munthie or Mincey, John, mill hand, bds Joseph Munthie. |
Munthie or Mincey, Joseph, Lab, res 218 Washington av. |
Murdock, Wm., fruit packer, bds A. Woodruff. |
Murphy, G. A., lab, bds 1425 Burdett road. |
Murphy, Mrs. H., widow res 297 Fourth. |
Murphy, Mrs. J., widow, res 309 w Fifth. |
Murphy, James, with M. Murphy, bds same. |
Murphy, Jas. E., carpr, bds 1500 Iowa City road. |
Murphy, J. H., lab, bds 1425 Burdett road. |
Murphy, John, with Barry & Son. |
Murphy, John, lab, bds 309 w Fifth. |
Murphy, Michael, grocer, No. 102 e Second, res 315 w Sixth. |
Murphy, P., lab, bads 309 w Fifth. |
Murphy, P., carpenter, res 1425 Burdett road. |
Murphy, Phil. J., res 109 e Eightth. |
Murphy, Phillip, with M. Murphy, bds same. |
Murphy, Phillip, lab, bds 309 w Fifth. |
Murphy, Phillip, farmer, res 1500 Iowa City road. |
Murphy, Wm., teamster, bds 979 Lucas Grove. |
Murphy, Wm., expressman, bds 818 Pine. |
Murphy, Wm., policeman, 818 Pine. |
Murphy, Wm. J., mill hand, res 1437 Burdett road. |
Muscatine Boiler & Sheet Iron Works, John Baker, prop, office and works 801 to 811 e Front. |
Muscatine Elevator, Wm. G. Block, manager, located on levee. |
Muscatine Furniture House, Mark & Wittick, proprs, No. -- Second. |
Muscatine Gas Light & Coke Co., J. B. Dougherty, President, Truman Cowell, Sec. & Treas., A. B. Brown, Ass. Sec. & Treas., Jas. Hannan, Gen'l Supt. Board of Directors, J. B. Dougherty, T. Cowell, G. B. Denison, W. F. Branman, S. G. Stein, P. M. Musser, A. B. Brown, 122 e Second. |
Muscatine Journal, (Daily, Tri-weekly and Weekly,) office 214 Iowa av. |
Muscatine Lumber Co., Incorporated Dec., 1881. J. S. Patten, Pres, and Treas., P. Jackson, V. Pres., S. B. Cook, Sec. Office 113 Oak. |
Muscatine Mortgage Co., W. F. Brannan, Pres., W. Hoffman, Vice Pres., G. M. Mckenzie, Sec. Treas. No. 116 Iowa av. |
Muscatine News, (Weekly,) office e Second. |
Muscatine Novelty Works, I. A. Kerr, propr, Muscatine, Iowa. |
Muscatine Oat Meal Co., office 219 w Front. |
Muscatine Royal Canning Co., Fred. Daut, Pres., W. G. Fayle, Sec. and Manager. Office and factory 129 e Front. |
Muscatine Pottery Co., T. R. Goddard, manager, n s Third bet C & D, S. M. |
Muscatine Savings Bank, H. W. Moore, Pres., J. B. Doughtery, Jr., Vice Pres., F. R. Lewis, Cashier. No. 101 w Second. |
Muscatine Tribune Co., Established 1879. General Bookk and Job Printers and Publlishers of the Muscatine Daily Tribune (morning,) No. -- Iowa av. |
Muscatine Water Works Co., Pres., A. Jackson, Vice Pres., R. Musser, Sec. J. Carskaddan, Treas. H. W. Moore, Supt. W. M. Molis; Directors, R. Musser, W. M. Molis, A. Jackson, S. Cohn, J. Carskaddan, F. Kaufman, H. W. Moore, S. G. Stein, P. Musser, L. W. Olds. Front, bet Chestnut and Pine. |
Musser Lumber Co., Peter Musser, Pres., Richard Musser, Vice Pres., P. M. Musser, Treas and Sec., C. R. Fox, Yard Supt. Office White, bet First and Second. |
Musser, Peter, a resident of Muscatine since 1869. President Musser Lumber Co., res 5-2 e Front. |
Musser, P. M., a resident of Musccatine since 1873. Treas. and Sec. Musser Lumber Co., and of Cook, Musser & Co., res 407 e Front. |
Musser, Richard, a resident of Muscatine since 1854, of Musser Lumber Co., res 606 w Third. |
Musser, W., bds 606 w Third. |
Myers, H., mill hand, res 1202 e Second. |
Myers, John, expressman, bds M. thomas. |
Myers, M., sawyer, res 400 First, S. M. |