Muscatine County, Iowa |
DIRECTORY and BUSINESS RECORD of the City of MUSCATINE Iowa for 1883-1888 |
Agr. | agricultural | Ins. | insurance | Res. | residence |
Bds. | boards | Lab. | laborer | S. S. | south side |
Bet. | between | Mnfr. | manufacturer | S. | south |
Blk. | block | N. | north | S. E. | southeast |
B.r. | Burlington road | N. E. | northeast | S. M. | South Muscatine |
Cor. | corner | N. W. | northwest | S. W. | southwest |
E. | east | Opp. | opposite | Wks. | works |
E. S. | east side | P. O. | Post office | W. | west |
Imp. | implements | Propr. | proprietor | W. S. | west side |
La Grille, John J., painter, bds 308 Sycamore. |
La Grille, Robt. T., printer, bds 308 Sycamore. |
La Grille, T. J., painter, &c., res 308 Sycamore. |
Lamar, Frank, Mill hand, bds 704 e Sixth. |
Lamar, Geo., boat builder, &c., res 704 e Sixth |
Lamar, Miss Kate, bds 704 e Sixth. |
Lamb, Levi, farmer, bds 1012 Third, S. M. |
Lamb, S., farmer, res 1012 Third, S. M. |
Lambert, D. M., attorney at law, 101 e Second cor Iowa av, res 517 w Second. |
Lambert, Frank, bds 517 W Second. |
Lampert, Joseph, saloon, 214 e Second, res same. |
Lane, W. V., night operator telephone, over 118 Iowa av. |
Lang, Charles, a resident of Muscatine since 1878. Maltster and propr of the Muscatine Brewery. Sample Rooms attached. 700 Mulberry, res same. |
Lang, Hy, bds 700 Mulberry. |
Lang, John, mill hand, re 1017 Lucas Grove road. |
Lang, Joseph, lab. Res 1024 Lombard. |
Lang, Leonard, mill hand, res 611 w Eighth. |
Lang, P., beds 700 Mulberry. |
Lange, Fred, lab, res 515 w Sixth. |
Lange, H, mill hand, bds 1087 Lucas Grove. |
Lange, Hy, lab, res 713 Locust. |
Lange, John, lab, res 510 w Sixth. |
Lange, Wm., mill hand, res 1987 Lucas. |
Langridge, Mrs. W. B., res 401 w Second. |
Langstrath, J. R., mill hand, bds 1013 Second, S. M. |
Lantz, Chas., bds 412 e Eighth. |
Lantz, Ed., bds 412 3 Eighth. |
Lantz, Homer, lab, bds 1113 e Second. |
Lantz John, butcher, res 412 e Eighth. |
Lanbscher, A., mill hand, res 1100 Burlington road. |
Lauder, H. J., a resident of Muscatine since 1873. Attorney at Law, 123 e Second, res 116 Broadway. |
Laurent, Rev'd P., pastor St. Matthias Church, res at parsonage, Eighth. |
Lawless, James, lives on James Weed's farm. |
Lawrence, A. S. clerk, res 401 w Third. |
Lawrence, Carl, teamster, bds 979 Lucas Grove. |
Lawrence, C. C., egg packer, res 705 w Eighth. |
Leatherman, D., mill hand, res 413 Oak. |
Lechner, F., mill hand, bds Mrs. S. Herget. |
Lee, Alfred W., a res of Muscatine since 1875. Business Manager and member of the Journal Printing Co., bds 125 w Third. |
Lee, John B., a resident of Muscatine since 1875. Treasurer of the Journal Printing Co., res 125 w Third. |
Lee, Joseph J, Mail agt, bds 125 w Third. |
Lee, Martin, res 1004 Third, S. M. |
Lee, Sam, laundry, No. 219 w Second |
Lee, Wm., farmer, beds 1004 Third, S. M. |
Leffingwell, F. R., Mrs., widow, res 704 e Fifth. |
Leffler, Arthur, mill hand, bds 1223 e Second. |
Leffler, Ira mill hand, bds 1223 e Second. |
Leffler, Jas., mill hand, beds 1223 e Second. |
Leffler, Mrs. L., widow, res 1223 e Second. |
Leibbrand, Jacob, tailer, res 409 w Fifth. |
Leibbrand, John, mill hand, res 409 w Fifth. |
Leibbrand, Wm., tailor, bds 409 w Fifth. |
Lemkan, C., lab, res 504 Third, S. M. |
Lemkan, C., mill hand, bds 506 Third, S. M. |
Lemkan, John, lab, res 506 Third, S. M. |
Lemp, John, bds 403 e Front. |
Lentz, Sam'l res 312 Cedar. |
Lentz, V. res 219e Sixth. |
Leonard, Patrick, res 1009 e Second. |
Leppelgoes, W.,Mrs. Widow, res 511 Cedar. |
Lerch, H., brickmaker, bds J. Wienkler. |
Lesenea, J., lab, res over 400 Mulberry. |
Lesh, E. B., mill hand, res 1014 Lombard. |
Lessard, John, lab, First, S. M. nr city limits. |
Leu, Fred., confectionery, &c., No. 115 w Second, res same. |
Leuchterhand, John, lab, res 608 w Eighth. |
Leutzinger, A., mill hand, res 207 D, S. M. |
Leveritch, R. W., county school superintendent, office court house, res 401 e Eighth. |
Lewis, --, brickmaker, res 1215 e Eleventh. |
Lewis, C. M. dry goods, res 118 w Third. |
Lewis, E. B., tailor, Noo. 112 Iowa av, res 514 e Fifth. |
Lewis, F. R., a resident of Muscatine since 18--, Cashier Merchants Nat'l Bank, and Muscatine Savings Bank, res 213 w Third. |
Lewis, J. H., dry goods, res 311 Pine. |
Lewis, John, mill hand, bds J. H. Rigss. |
Lewis, J. P., city assessor res 891 Newell's road. |
Lewis, T. B., lab, res 402 Mulberry. |
Lewis W., mill hand, res 617 W. Eighth. |
Leyda, B. W., marble polisher, res 510 e Ninth. |
Leyda, Howard, compositor Journal, bds 510 e Ninth. |
Leyda, J. A., carpenter, res 817 Morford road. |
Leyda, L., foreman Webster's marble works, bds 510 e Ninth. |
Leyson, Chas. Bds 892 Morford road. |
Leysen, Chas., macinist, res 314 w Second. |
Leysen, Geo., bds 710 Pine. |
Leysen, Jacob, with G. Schmidt & Bro., bds 710 Pine. |
Leysen, John, mill hand, bds 710 Pine. |
Leysen, Mrs. M., widow, res 892 Morford road. |
Leysen, Mary, housekeeper St. Matthias' parsonage. |
Leysen, Peter, maill hand, res 710 Pine. |
Lezott, G. D. (M. D.) a rsident of Muscatine since 1882, of Cobb & Lezott, res 108 Spruce. |
Liebbe, H., mill hand, res 211 Wahington av, Burlington road. |
Liebbe, Hy, mill hand, res 213 Washinton av, B r. |
Liebbe, Hy, Junr, mill hand, bds H. Liebbe, Senr. |
Liebbe, Wm., mill hand, bds H. Liebbe, Senr. |
Liebrecht, Geo., saloon, No. 117 Iowa av, res same. |
Lietzman, Emil, with Gobble Bros., bds Commericial House. |
Libhart, John H., mill hand, res 318 Hanover. |
Light, Jacob, mason, res 317 e Front. |
Lillibridge, Chester, a reisdent of Muscatine since 1844, of Jackson & Lillibridge, res 402 Iowa av. |
Lilly, Ben. E., a resident of Muscatine since 1842, of Lilly & Hine. Alderman third ward, res 713 e Sixth. |
Lilly, Chas. Bds 713 e Sixth. |
Lilly & Hine, est 1879. Dealers of Dry Goods, Notions and Carpets. No. 103 e Second. |
Lindsay, Mrs. M., widoe, res 1025 Burlington road. |
Linfield, Rev. G. F., pastor Baptist church, res 309 Sycamore. |
Link, Ed, mill hand, bds Geo. Link. |
Link, F., mill hand, bds 504 First, S. M. |
Link. Geo., cabinet maker, res 1218 e Second. |
Link, Hy, lab, res 504 First, S. M. |
Link, Otto, painter, bds Geo. Link. |
Link, Robt., mill hand, bds Geo. Link. |
Linnenkamp, John, res 419 w Seventh. |
Little F. H., a res of Muscatne since 1855. Physician and Surgeon. Office Cannon's building, 116 w Second, res 405 e Fifth, bet Mulberry and Walnut. |
Little , J. G. H., res 405 e Fifth. |
Little, B., bds 307 Sycamore. |
Lloyd, Stephen, farmer, res 412 w Eighth. |
Loeb, S., clerk, res 215 e Second. |
Loeshe, Hy, molder, bds E. Gessell. |
Lofland, H., agt Sprague marble works, res 900 e Eighth. |
Logan, Chas., a res of Musatine since 1858, of Stockdale & Logan, res No. 1003 Lucas Grove road. |
Lohr, Wm., turner, res 111 w Seventh. |
Lohr, W., Junr., cabinet maker, bds 111 w Seventh. |
Long, Benj., mill hand, bds Mrs. Julia Middleton. |
Long, Ben, farmer, bds 1125 Burlington road. |
Long, Mrs. Betty, widow bds Mrs. Julia Middleton. |
Long, John J., insce, res 710 Lombard. |
Long, Nelson, lab, res 1125 Burlington road. |
Long, Wm., mill hand, res 700 w Eighth. |
Lorber, Geo., mill hand, res 332 Green. |
Lord, B. W., teamster, res 508 Chestnut. |
Lord, Richd, Senr, bds 508 Chestnut. |
Lorentz, Jacob, gardener, res 950 Butlerville road. |
Lorentz, Louis, mill hand, res 911 e Sixth. |
Loser, A. J., cigar maker, bds Eatern House. |
Loser, John, cigar makerrooms over 101 e Front. |
Loughlin, James, bds 520 e Second. |
Loughlin, John, foreman, res 520 e Second. |
Loughlin, John, bds Chris Schlipf. |
Lourie, Dan'l, farmer, beds Philip Stohr. |
Lucas, Misses Mary, Louisa and S., res 306 e Seventh. |
Ludke, Wm., mill hand, res 611 w Seventh. |
Lukens, Clarence, bds 504 e Eighth. |
Lukens, J. H., teacher, res 504 e Eighth. |
Lumpe, Mrs., widow, res 990 West. |
Lumpe, Fred'k., of Huttig Bros. Manufacturing Co., res 405 e Sixth. |
Lyman, John, cane seats chairs, res 513 e Fourth. |
Lynch, Francis, moulder, bds 816 e Sixth. |
Lynch, Mrs. M., widow, res 816 e Sixth. |