Muscatine County, Iowa |
DIRECTORY and BUSINESS RECORD of the City of MUSCATINE Iowa for 1883-1888 |
Agr. | agricultural | Ins. | insurance | Res. | residence |
Bds. | boards | Lab. | laborer | S. S. | south side |
Bet. | between | Mnfr. | manufacturer | S. | south |
Blk. | block | N. | north | S. E. | southeast |
B.r. | Burlington road | N. E. | northeast | S. M. | South Muscatine |
Cor. | corner | N. W. | northwest | S. W. | southwest |
E. | east | Opp. | opposite | Wks. | works |
E. S. | east side | P. O. | Post office | W. | west |
Imp. | implements | Propr. | proprietor | W. S. | west side |
Haas, Fred, mill hand, bds 614 e Seventh. |
Haas, Mrs. M. B., widow, res 614 e Seventh. |
Hacker, Conrad, shipping clerk, res 315 w Third. |
Hacker, Mrs. E., widow, bds 315 w Third. |
Hacker, F. A., news agent, bds 329 w Front. |
Hacker, Mrs. Mary, res 329 w Front. |
Hacker, W., bds 315 w Third. |
Hackett, O. L., commercial traveller, bds 415 Iowa av. |
Hadley, F. M., res 125 e Front. |
Hagemeister, C., brickmaker, res 927 Morford road. |
Hagemeyer, John, lab, bds 408 First, S. M. |
Hagermann, Carl, brickmaker, bds 927 Morford road. |
Hagerman, H., gardener, res 1202 Snake bet e Eighth and Grant. |
Hagerman, Wm., teamster, bds 941 Morford road. |
Hagerman, Wm., lab, 1202 Snake, bet e Eighth and Grant. |
Hagerman, W. H., brickmaker, res 1104 Oak. |
Hahn, Chas., shipping clerk, bds 200 w Fifth. |
Hahn, John, clerk, res 20 w Fifth. |
Hahn, John, miller, res 319 w Seventh. |
Hahn, John, of Smith Bros. & Hahn, res Muscatine Island. |
Haifleigh, Howard, teamster, bds 1029 Lucas Grove. |
Haifleigh, Jesse, teamster, bds 1029 Lucas Grove. |
Haifleigh, John, teamster, res 1029 Lucas Grove. |
Haines, Chas., lab, res 312 Orange. |
Haines, John, teamster, res 1317 Sherman. |
Haja, J., mill hand, res 108 Walnut. |
Hake, Hy, mill hand, bds H. Wiening, Sen. |
Hall, Hy, mill hand, bds 1106 Fifth, S. M. |
Hallam, Thos. J., Veterinary Surgeon, res 414 Graded road. |
Halter, W. A., restaurant, res 116 Chestnut. |
Hampe Bros., harness, &c., No. 126 w Second. |
Hampe, G. J., Hampe Bros., res 126 w Second, cor Chestnut. |
Hampe, T. C., Hampe Bros., res 126 w Second, cor Chestnut. |
Hampe, Mrs. M., widow, res over 126 w Second. |
Hampshire, --, miller, bds Miss Gemmill. |
Hanbaum, F, mill hand, bds Mrs. S. Herget. |
Hanke, Aug., res 707 w Seventh. |
Haney, Richard, 1es 203 w Third. |
Hanlan, A., clerk, bds Scott House. |
Hanlan, A., clerk, bds Scot House. |
Hanlan, Mrs. Mary, widow, res 1017 e Ninth. |
Hanlan, Wm., lab, bds 1017 e Ninth. |
Hanley, J. R., a resident of Muscatine since 1876, of Brown & Hanley, res 611 e Ninth cor Orange. |
Hann, H. W., clerk, bds 802 w Fifth. |
Hann, N., mill hand, res 802 w Fifth. |
Hanna, Mrs. E., widow, res 516 w Second. |
Hanna, Thos. D., American Ex., res over 122 w Second. |
Hannan, James, a resident of Muscatine since 1877. Gen'l Supt. Muscatine Gas Light and Coke Co. Res 210 Cherry. |
Hannon, Peter, bds Chris Schlipf. |
Hansen, C., lab, res 100 e Ninth. |
Hansen, Chas., mill hand, bds 415 Third, S. M. |
Hansen, Chas., lab, bds 319 First, S. M. |
Hansen, Hy, lab, bds 1000 e Ninth. |
Hanson, H., logger, res 209 Reed, S. M. |
Hanson, John, lab, res 319 First, S. M. |
Hanson, mill hand, bds John Hanson. |
Harbaugh, J. W., barber, 123 Iowa av, res 210 Sycamore. |
Hardman, J., (D. D. S.) a resident of Muscatine since 1855, of J. Hardman & Son, res 615 e Fifth. |
Hardman, J. F., (D. D. S) of J. Hardman & Son, res 615 e Fifth. |
Hardman, J. & Son, Dentists, office 129 e Second. |
Harmeyer, B, clerk, bds Mrs. Wm. McCormick. |
Harker, Mrs. Ann, widow, bds 411 Iowa av. |
Harker, Daniel, Justice of the Peace, Attorney at Law, and Auctioneer. Office over 211 Iowa av, res 411 Iowa av. |
Harker, Geo., clerk, 411 Iowa av. |
Harker, Mrs. R., widow, res 716 Spring. |
Harker, Link, butcher, bds 411 Iowa av. |
Harker, Lincoln, butcher, bds 326 w Second. |
Harkman, John, mill hand, Third bet Burlington road and Muscatine slough. |
Harrington, Mrs. W. E., hair dresser, over 110 w Second. |
Harrington, W. M., fisherman, res over 110 w Second. |
Harrison & Co., junk store, No. 205 w Front. |
Harrison, F. M., junk dealer, res 306 e Sixth. |
Harrison, W. H., cigar maker, bds Scott House. |
Hartman, Adam, harness maker, Burlington road, nr C. L. |
Hartman, Adam, carpenter, res 1084 Burlington road. |
Hartmann, B., blacksmith, bds 600 w Eighth. |
Hartmann, Bunk, blacksmith, 112 e Seventh. |
Hartmann, F., locksmith, res and shop 311 e Third. |
Hartmann, Geo., lab, bds 205 e Sixth. |
Hartmann, Hy, lab, res 312 Locust. |
Hartmann, John, bds 600 w Eighth. |
Hartmann, John, cigar maker, res 205 e Sixth. |
Hartmann, Wm., lab, res 600 w Eighth. |
Hartmann, Wm. W., county sheriff, office Court House, res 407 e Fourth. |
Hartvich, Aug., res 1011 e Ninth. |
Hatch, Mrs. A., widow, res 212 Linn. |
Hatch, C. U., carpr, over 306 & 308 Iowa av, res 102 e Fourth. |
Hatton, Geo., lab, res 1005 Cypress. |
Hauri, Peter, lab, res 818 e Eighth. |
Hautsch, Frank A., a resident of Muscatine since 1879. Bakery, Restaurant and Confectionery, and dealer in Wine, Beer and Cigars. Two stores, Nos. 123 and 125 w Front, res same. |
Havemann, W., mill hand, res 903 e Second. |
Havercamp & Garlock, insurance, over 204 Iowa av, room 1. |
Havercamp, Mrs. B., widow, res 812 Iowa av. |
Haverkamp, Geo., telegraph operator, res 812 Iowa av. |
Havercamp, Harry, traveler for Havercamp & Garlock, bds 812 Iowa av. |
Havercamp, John, bds 812 Iowa av. |
Havercamp, Hartin, of Havercamp & Garlock, res 812 Iowa av. |
Havluy, Stephen, mill hand, res 319 w Front. |
Hawkins, J. L., with I. A. Kerr, res 919 e Ninth. |
Hawley, Mrs. C., widow, res 410 Cherry, bet Fourth and Fifth. |
Hawley, Geo R., over 401 Mulberry. |
Hawley, James, farmer, res bet Morford road and Iowa City road. |
Hawley, R., res 112 e Fourth. |
Hayes, Daniel, a resident of Muscatine since 1860. Breeder of Trotting Horses, res 701 w Third. |
Haynes, Chas. E., bds 605 e Fourth. |
Haynes, J., pastor 1st M. E. Church, res 605 e Fourth. |
Headley, John, clerk, res 609 e Fourth. |
Healy, A. T., butcher, res 808 w Third. |
Hearn, B., Mrs., widow, bds 310 w Seventh. |
Hearn, P., lab, res 310 w Seventh. |
Heath, H. C., traveler for Geo. W. Dillaway. |
Heath, Richard, bds 511 e Sixth. |
Hebard, D. P., teamster, res 910 Third, S. M. |
Heberling, J. M., agent for the American Express Co., res 303 w Third. |
Hediker, Joseph, mill hand, bds 610 Oak. |
Hediker, Mrs. Mary, widow, res 610 Oak. |
Heerd, F., painter, res 116 w Eighth. |
Heerd, Geo., painter, bds 118 w Eighth. |
Heerd, John, painter, res 118 w Eighth. |
Heezen, C., mill hand, res 703 w Fifth. |
Heezen, Hy, teamster, bds 703 w Fifth. |
Hefty, Jacob, mill hand, res 933 Lucas Grove road. |
Heidt, Phillip, blacksmith, with Stockdale & Logan. |
Heincoke, Simon, bds D. Morris. |
Heinly, Joseph, res 511 e Fifth. |
Heins, Chas., lab, res 1110 e Third. |
Heinz, Hy, local editor Wacht am Mississippi, bds Scott House. |
Heitmann, B., watchman, res 1310 e Third, S. M. |
Held, Hy, cigar maker, bds over 421 e Second. |
Held, Mrs., widow, res over 421 e Second. |
Held, W. C., cigar maker, res Third. |
Heller, Marcus, farmer, bds 506 e Third. |
Heller, Chas., engineer, res 307 e Eighth. |
Henderson, J., a resident of Muscatine since 1880. Grocer and Provision Dealer. No. 130 e Second, res 607 e Fourth. |
Hendriks, Jacob, res 1053 Lucas Grove road. |
Hendricks, Wm., a resident of Muscatine since 1857. Grocer and Provision Merchant. No. 110 w Second, res 996 Lucas Grove road. |
Hening, Miss H., teacher, bds 1019 Foster, Butlerville. |
Hening, Jacob, res 1019 Foster, Butlerville. |
Hening, Miss M., teacher, bds 1019 Foster, Butlerville. |
Henneker, E. H., Janitor Court House, res 710 e Eighth. |
Henniger, F., lab, bds C. Norr. |
Hentschel, Joseph, lab. res 1042 West. |
Heppe, C., shoemaker, res over 104 e Second, 3rd floor. |
Heppe, Wm., mill hand, bds C. Heppe. |
Herbert, Edward, with C. E. Richards. |
Herget, F., mill hand, bds Mrs. S. Herget. |
Herget, John, mill hand, bds Mrs. S. Herget. |
Herget, Paul, mill hand, bds Mrs. S. Herget. |
Herget, Mrs. S., widow, res Cross road opp Catholic cemetery. |
Hermann, Christ, lab, bds 410 e Eighth. |
Hermann, Geo., clerk, F. Daut & Co. |
Hermann, F., lab, res back 201 e Sixth. |
Hermann, Geo., res 410 e Eighth. |
Hermann, H., veterinary surgeon, res 410 e Sixth. |
Hermann, H. Jr., lab, bds 410 e Sixth. |
Hermann, H. J., meat market, No. 315 e Second, res same. |
Herman, Philip, fisherman, res 901 w Third. |
Hermire, B, clerk. |
Hermle, Mrs. Mary, widow, res 916 e Ninth. |
Hermle, Wm., mill hand, bds 916 e Ninth. |
Herpert, E., butcher, bds C. E. Richard. |
Hershey, A., bds 709 e Fifth. |
Hershey, Mira, secretary Hershey Lumber Co., res 1019 B r. |
Hershey, B., bds 509 e Third. |
Hershey, Benjamin, a resident of Muscatine since 1853. Pres Hershey Lumber Co. Office 1001 & 1003 Burlington road, res 1019 Burlington road. |
Hershey Hose Co., house 1029 Burlington road. |
Hershey, Jacob, res 709 e Fifth. |
Hershey, Mrs. L., res 509 e Third. Hershey Lumber Co., est 1853. B. Hershey, pres; S. G. Stein, v pres; Mira Hershey, sec. Main office 1001 Burlington road, lower office 1305 Second, S. M. |
Herwig, D., blacksmith, 417 Mulberry, res 108 e Seventh. |
Herwig, H., lumber measurer, res 408 First, S. M. |
Herwig, J. H., harness maker, &c., No. 206 e Second. |
Herwig, John, harness maker, Second, res 518 Cedar. |
Hess, Andrew, iron moulder, res 503 Spring. |
Hess, A. P., machinist, res 1119 e Front. |
Hess, Jacob, harness, &c. No. 212 e Second, res same. |
Hess, Miss W., bds 304 e Third. |
Hesser, Val., with C. E. Richards, res over 211 w Second. |
Hessler, Hy, lab, res 400 Walnut. |
Hessler, H., teamster, res 1106 e Tenth. |
Hettinger, Mrs., dressmaker, res 208 Cedar. |
Hetzel, Chris., a resident of Muscatine since 1861. Proprietor of the Union Market, No. 205 w Second, res 326 w Second. |
Hetzler, N., res 407 Mulberry. |
Heuer, Rudolph, cigar maker, bds 416 Linn. |
Heuer, Wm., Junr., mill hand, bds 416 Linn. |
Heuer, Wm., cigars, &c., 109 w Second, res 416 Linn. |
Heusner, Geo., lab, res 315 w Seventh. |
Hewitt, Wm., contractor, bds 516 w Second. |
Hibbard, Clarence, tinner, bds Miss Gemmill. |
Hibbard, O. D., liveryman, res over 203 e Second. |
Hicks, Joseph, lab, bds C. Schlipf. |
Hickey, Mrs. M., widow, res 801 w Front. |
Higgins, Mrs. M. A., widow, res 918 e Tenth. |
Higgins, Wm., plumber, bds 918 e Tenth. |
Higginson, H. C., decorator, res 815 e Seventh. |
Higley, A., Mrs., widow, res 319 e Front. |
Hild, A., clerk, bds 202 e Eighth. |
Hild, Hy, lab, res 702 e Eighth. |
Hild, C., Mrs., widow, res 202 e Eighth. |
Hild, R., lab, bds 252 e Eighth. |
Hilderbrandt, Chas., lumber carter, res 702 w Seventh. |
Hilderbrand, Wm., mill hand, res 604 w Seventh. |
Hill, Mrs. M. J., widow, res 710 w Third. |
Hill, Sam'l B., carpenter, res 510 w Second. |
Hiller, Mrs. A. E., widow, res 984 West. |
Hiller, Hy, mill hand, bds 984 West. |
Hilzinger, Hy, Rev., pastor German Baptist Church, res 511 Walnut, cor Sixth. |
Hine, Andrew, plasterer, res 905 Lucas Grove roid. |
Hine, Edward, lab, bds 507 Spring. |
Hine, E. L., clerk United States Express Co, bds 308 e Third. |
Hine, Mrs. F., widow, res 1005 e Eighth. |
Hine, H. H., carpenter, res 308 e Third. |
Hine, Hy, carpenter, res 1001 e Eighth. |
Hine, N. H., a res of Muscatine since 18--, of Lilly & Hine, res 306 w Third. |
Hine, Mrs. W., widow, res 1532 Stewart road, S. M. |
Hine, W. D., a resident of Muscatine since 1858, of Hopkinson & Hine, res 507 Spring. |
Hine, Wm., plasterer, res 507 Spring. |
Hines, Mrs. Mary, widow, res 1019 Fourth, S. M. |
Hines, Wm., painter, res 1250 Snake, bet e Eighth and Grant. |
Hinkle, C., carpr, res 608 e Fifth. |
Hinkle, Frank, bds 608 e Fifth. |
Hinkhouse, R., boarding house and saloon, 107 Iowa av, and 103 e Front. |
Hinnemeister, F., mill hand, 510 Franklin. |
Hinnemeister, Geo., mill hand, 510 Franklin. |
Hinnemeister, John, teamster, res 510 Franklin. |
Hinnemeister, Wm., lab, 510 Franklin. |
Hintermeister, Jacob, mill hand, res 1126 Cross road. |
Hintmann, Hy, lab, bds 1218 e Second. |
Hirsch, Hy, mill hand, bds 102 A, S. M. |
Hite, M., mill hand, bds 1101 Fourth, S. M. |
Hite, P. H., mill hand, bds 1101 Fourth, S M. |
Hite, Mrs. S. J., widow, res 1101 Fourth, S. M. |
Hittle, James R., Woodruff & Hittle, bds Mrs. McCormick. |
Hittle, Thomas, cor Iowa av and Second. av. |
Hoche, Hy, lab, res 989 Morford road. |
Hoche, John, lab, bds 989 Morford road. |
Hoefer, Wm., carpr, res 1009 Second, S. M. |
Hoefer, Wm., carpr, res 1009 Second, S. M. |
Hoefflin, Chas., lab, bds 1138 Cross road. |
Hoefflin, M., tailor, res 874 Newell road. |
Hoefflin, M., shoemaker, 1061 Burlington road, res 1138 Cross road. |
Hoefflin, Wm., lab, bds 1138 Cross road. |
Hoehl, John, a resident of Muscatine since 1851. Merchant Tailor. No. 201 e Second, res 105 w Seventh. |
Hoehl, John G., a resident of Muscatine since 1851, res 105 w Seventh. |
Hoehl, John L., Sample Rooms. 201 e Second, res 105 w Seventh. |
Hofmann, C., mill hand, res 1018 Lombard. |
Hofmann, Geo., bds 1018 Lombard. |
Hoffman, Herman, shoemaker T. S. Stewart, res 917 Cypress. |
Hoffman, Herman, Jr., bds 917 Cypress. |
Hoffman, J. H., mason, res 1103 e Eighth. |
Hoffman, I., clothier, res 306 e Third. |
Hoffmann, John, bricklayer, res 516 e Tenth. |
Hoffman, John, lab, bds 116 w Eighth. |
Hoffman, Wm., a resident of Muscatine since 1872, of Branan Jayne & Hoffman, V. Pres Muscatine Mortgage Co., res |
309 w Fourth. |
Hoffmeyer, Christ., lab, bds 331 Green. |
Hogan, Con, bartender John Burns, bds Thos. Conway. |
Hogan, Dennis, horse dealer, res 1320 Sheridan. |
Hogan, John, farmer, bds 1320 Sheridan. |
Hogan, R., farmer, bds 1320 Sheridan. |
Hogan, T. H., horse dealer, res 1320 Sheridan. |
Holcomb, F., res over 213 w Second. |
Holcomb, T. B., Hoopes & Holcomb, res Muscatine Island. |
Hole, J., canvasser, res over 222 Walnut. |
Holzhauer, Geo., mill hand, res 1078 Burlington road. |
Holzhaver, Wm., lab, bds 1078 Burlington road. |
Holliday, --, res 814 Morford road. |
Holliday, Joseph, teamster, res 514 Walnut. |
Holtzer, Geo., mill hand, res 1125 Burlington. |
Hook & Ladder Co. Club Room over 116 w Second. |
Hoopes & Holcomb, vegetable dealers, 301 w Front. |
Hoopes, J. J., res 418 Iowa av. third floor. |
Hoopes, R. H., J. Springer & Co., res No. 122 e Second. |
Hoopes, W. H., Hoopes & Holcomb, res River road, Muscatine Island. |
Hoover & Crossman, General Insurance and Real Estate Agency, M. W. Griffin, solicitor. No. 108 Iowa av. |
Hoover, E. M., bookkeeper, bds 108 Spruce. |
Hoover, Sam'l E., mill hand, bds 1005 Second, S. M. |
Hoover, Mrs. H., widow, res 108 Spruce. |
Hopkinson, A. C., a resident of Muscatine since 1854, of Hopkinson & Hine, res 217 w Second. |
Hopkinson, Mrs. L., widow, res 111 e Third. |
Hopkinson & Hine, Hatters and Gents' Furnishers, "City Hat Store." No. 112 w Second. |
Horn, V., bds Ryan's, Burlington road. |
Horton, potter, bds 1005 Second, S. M. |
Horton, A. G., a resident of Muscatine since 1849. |
Horton & Collins, & Horton & Co., res 507 e Fifth. |
Horton, C. C., pension agent, res 705 e Ninth. |
Horton & Collins, Staple and Fancy Grocers. No. 113 w Second. |
Horton & Co., Shippers of Vegetables and Fruit, 220 Iowa av. |
Horton, E. W., farmer, res 1642 lowa City road. |
Horton, Mrs., M. G., widow, res 1642 Iowa City road. |
Houdek, Chas., boilermaker, bds 206 Cedar. |
Houdek, F., lab, bds 206 Cedar. |
Houdek, M., with James M. Weir, bds 206 Cedar. |
Houdek, V., res 206 Cedar. |
Howard, H. V., sawyer, res 1005 Second, S. M. |
Howard, Quincy T., watchman, bds 1005 Second, S. M. |
Howe, Ada R., bds 506 e Eighth. |
Howe, E. H., carpenter, bds 506 e Eighth. |
Howe, G. H., bds 506 e Eighth. |
Howe, H. S., carpenter, res 912 e Ninth. |
Howe, J. E., carpenter, res 506 e Eighth. |
Howe, Miss J., res over 212 Iowa av. |
Howe, Miss L., bds Miss J Howe. |
Howe, M., teacher, res 314 w Fourth. |
Howe, S. K., agent, res 113 e Fourth. |
Howe, Wm., mill hand, bds 314 w Fourth. |
Howell, John, lab, res 1352 Sherman. |
Howley, E., mill hand, bds Mrs. L. Howley. |
Howley, Mrs. L., widow, res 1098 Burlington road. |
Howley, Thomas, mill hand, bds Mrs. L. Howley. |
Hoy, Mrs. Clara, res 413 w Front. |
Hubacher, Chas., miller, bds 955 Newell road. |
Hubacher, Hy, deputy marshal, res 414 e Seventh. |
Hubacher, N., carpenter, res 1132 Cross road. |
Hubacher, John, salesman for S. G. Stein, res 955 Newell road. |
Hubbard, C. W., carpenter, 418 e Second, res 704 e Eighth. |
Hubbard, F. S, expressman, bds 704 e Eighth. |
Hubbard, H., bds 1218 Fifth, S. M. |
Hubbard, L., mill hand, bds 1218 Fifth, S. M. |
Hubbard, Mrs. S. A., res 1218 Fifth, S. M. |
Huber, T. G., res 404 w Sixth. |
Hudson, John B., local editor Tribune, bds 213 e Fourth. |
Hueper, Wm., a resident of Muscatine since 1877. Sample Rooms and Restaurant. 214 e Second, res same. |
Huff, R. B., supt city schools, res 615 Iowa av. |
Huffman, D. B., of D. B. Huffman & Co., res 401 e Seventh. |
Huffman, D. B. & Co., fish market, foot of Iowa av. |
Huffman, Hermann, shoemaker, res 917 Cypress. |
Huffmann, H., Junr., bds 917 Cypress. |
Huffmann, J. T., fisherman, res 506 e Ninth. |
Huffman, Wm., lab, bds 1005 e Eighth. |
Hughes, Mrs. S. E., widow, res 715 w Third. |
Hughes, S. M., a resident of Muscatine county since 1856. County Clerk. Office Court House, res 715 w Third cor Cherry. |
Hughes, W. H., bds 715 w Third. |
Hulbert, A., piano tuner, bds 209 e Sixth. |
Hulbert, Mrs. Kate, res 209 e Sixth. |
Hull, Prof., bds D. Morris. |
Hulzen, A., tailor, res cor Lucas Grove and Newell's road. |
Humberger, J. B., shoemaker, res 509 e Tenth. |
Humphrey, Hy, res over 423 e Second. |
Humphreys, Seth, farmer, &c., res 1535 Iowa City road. |
Hunt, D. H., mason, res 506 w Sixth. |
Hunt, E. Allen, mill hand, bds 214 e Third. |
Hunt, J. B., farmer, n w cor Graded and Burdett roads. |
Hunt, S. J., harness maker, bds 911 1/2 e Eighth. |
Hunt, Mrs. M., widow, res 413 w Seventh. |
Hunt, M C., mill hand, bds 506 w Sixth. |
Hunt, Wm., mill hand, 1522 Grant. |
Hurlbut, Geo., carpr, bds 1480 Iowa City road. |
Hurlbut, Lorenzo, carpr, res 1480 Iowa City road. |
Hurlbut, P. M., carpenter, 424 e Second, res 806 e Fifth. |
Hurlbut, Wm., bds 1480 Iowa City road. |
Hurd, C. O., foreman Musser's Mill, res 1002 Second, S. M. |
Hurd, Hubert, lumberman, res 405 w Fourth. |
Husted, Horace, salesman, res 406 e Fifth. |
Hutchinson, Miss M., teacher, bds 309 w Fourth. |
Hutchinson, Z. W., correspondent Musser Lumber Co, res 917 Second, S M. |
Huttig, Aug., bds 519 e Front. |
Huttig Bros. Manufacturing Co., est 1869 Manufrs and Wholesale Dlrs in Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Glazed Windows, &c. Office 619 e Second, factory 614 to 628 e Second. |
Huttig, Carl, bds 519 e Front. |
Huttig, Chas., bookkeeper, bds 108 w Fifth. |
Huttig, Fred., a resident of Muscatine since 1853, of Huttig Bros. Manufacturing Co., res 108 w Fifth. |
Huttig, Harry, bds 109 w Fifth. |
Huttig, Wm., a resident of Muscatine since 1855. of Huttig Bros. Manufacturing Co., res 109 w Fifth. |
Huttig, Wm. Jr., bds 108 w Fifth. |
Hutton, Mrs., widow, cor Iowa City and Moscow roads. |
Hutton, W. H., farmer, Iowa City and Tipton roads. |
Hyde, Chas., clerk Geo. Innes & Co., res 415 Sycamore. |
Hyer, R., cigar maker, bds P. Toohey. |
Hyink, G. H., teamster, res 975 Newell's road. |
Hyink, H. J., tinner, T. T. Thompson, res 981 Morford road. |
Hyink, Hy, mill hand, bds J. B. Hyink. |
Hyink, J. B., of Martin & Hyink, res 524 Second. |
Hyink, Wm., carpenter, bds 524 e Second. |