Muscatine County, Iowa |
DIRECTORY and BUSINESS RECORD of the City of MUSCATINE Iowa for 1883-1888 |
Agr. | agricultural | Ins. | insurance | Res. | residence |
Bds. | boards | Lab. | laborer | S. S. | south side |
Bet. | between | Mnfr. | manufacturer | S. | south |
Blk. | block | N. | north | S. E. | southeast |
B.r. | Burlington road | N. E. | northeast | S. M. | South Muscatine |
Cor. | corner | N. W. | northwest | S. W. | southwest |
E. | east | Opp. | opposite | Wks. | works |
E. S. | east side | P. O. | Post office | W. | west |
Imp. | implements | Propr. | proprietor | W. S. | west side |
Fackeldey, Tony, bartender, John A. Klemfelder, bds 302 e Eighth. |
Fackeldey, Wm., carpenter, res 302 e Eighth. |
Fahey, lab, res 711 w Fourth. |
Fahey, Michael, res 711 w Fourth. |
Fahey, Michael, lab, res 1013 Lucas Grove. |
Fahey, Michael, Jr., teamster, bds 1013 Lucas Grove. |
Fahey, M. J., blacksmith, 209 w Front. |
Fahey, P., delivery clerk C, R. I & P., res 316 w Sixth. |
Fahey, Philip, lab, bds 711 w Fourth. |
Fahey, Patrick, lab, res 504 w Seventh. |
Fahey, Patrick, teamster, bds 1013 Lucas Grove. |
Fahey, T., lab, res 307 w Fifth. |
Fahey, Thos., lab, bds 711 w Fourth. |
Fahey, Wm., teamster, bds 1013 Lucas Grove. |
Fahey, Thos., clerk Geo. W. Dillaway, bds Thos. Fahey. |
Faldman, Geo., mill hand, res 1025 Burlington road. |
Fangmeyer, Wm., lab, res 810 w Eighth. |
Farnham, Mrs. M., bds 1336 Sherman. |
Farnsworth, Mrs. H., widow, res 1001 Poplar. |
Farnsworth, Julius R., painter, bds 1001 Poplar. |
Farrell, M. J., Farrell & Schrader, res 1018 Mulberry. |
Farrell & Schrader, blacksmiths, No. 429 e Second. |
Fath, Rev. Jacob, pastor German Congregational church, res 911 e Ninth. |
Fathey, Michael, blacksmith, res 418 w Seventh. |
Faulaber, Gustave, brewer Western Brewery. |
Faulhaber, Barney, lab, res 330 Green. |
Faulkner, Joseph, bds W. Faulkner. |
Faulkner, W., lab, res 203 Broadway, S. M. |
Fayle, W. H., a resident of Muscatine since 1870. Secretary and Manager Muscatine Royal Canning Co., res 512 w Fifth cor Locust. |
Fell, M., mill hand, bds 406 w Second. |
Fell, Mrs. Mary, res 406 w Second. |
Fessler, F., bds 609 Orange. |
Fessler, Joseph, shoemaker, res 107 e Sixth. |
Fessler, Mrs. Rebecca, widow, res 609 Orange. |
Fick, C., lab, res 1006 Cypress. |
Fiddler, Mrs. Nancy, widow, res 419 Third, S. M. |
Filble, Leroy, mill hand, bds 910 e Seventh. |
Filble, Hy, teamster, res 910 e Seventh. |
Finch, E. K., marble cutter, bds Gemmill. |
Finch, F., mill hand, bds 613 Third, S. M. |
Finch, Joseph, watchman, res 613 Third, S. M. |
Finch, Wm., mill hand, bds 613 Third, S. M. |
Fink, John, mason, res 613 e Fourth. |
Finke, Mrs. Mary, widow, res 303 e Seventh. |
Finnegan, Thos., farmer, Lucas Grove road. |
Fisch, Chas. A., with Jacob Fisch, bds 201 e Fourth. |
Fisch, Geo. B., with Jacob Fisch, bds 201 e Fourth. |
Fisch, Henry, with Jacob Fisch, bds 201 e Fourth. |
Fisch, Jacob, a resident of Muscatine since 1842. Dealer in Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. 106 & 108 e Second, res 201 e Fourth. |
Fischer, A., mill hand, res Muscatine, Butlerville. |
Fischer, A., lab, bds 1091 Burlington road. |
Fischer, B., res 1133 Lucas Grove. |
Fischer, C., mill hand, bds Chas. Bertram. |
Fischer, H. J., engineer, bds 1077 Lucas Grove. |
Fischer, Hy, mill hand, bds 1133 Lucas Grove. |
Fischer, J. H., mill hand, bds 1077 Lucas Grove. |
Fischer, John, mill hand, bds 1133 Lucas Grove. |
Fischer, John, lab, res 1077 Lucas Grove. |
Fischer, L. mill hand, bds 1133 Lucas Grove. |
Fischer, Wm., mill hand, bds A. Fischer. |
Fish, O., mill hand, bds Philip Stohr. |
Fish, Sam'l., farmer, bds Wm. Browning. |
Fish, Wm., farmer, bds Wm. Browning. |
Fisher, A. H., farmer, State road, S. M. |
Fisher, Cornelius, tinner, res 1073 Stone, Butlerville. |
Fisher, C. W., tinner, res 1058 Star, Butlerville. |
Fisher, Miss Emma, res 818 e Sixth. |
Fisher, Frank, machinist, res 1111 e Eleventh. |
Fisher, F., teamster, res 505 e Front. |
Fisher, Hy, farmer, bds A. H. Fisher. |
Fisher, J. B., painter, res 404 Walnut. |
Fisher, John, farmer, bds A. H. Fisher. |
Fisher, Mrs. M., widow, res 505 e Front. |
Fisher, W. & Co., fish market, foot of Iowa av. |
Fisher, Wm. P., res 424 e Third. |
Fitzgerald, Hiram, bds 613 e Fifth. |
Fitzgerald, H. J., deputy county clerk, bds 613 e Fifth. |
Fitzgerald James, a resident of Muscatine since 1864. Wholesale and retail Wine and Liquor merchant, 109 to 113 Iowa av, res same. |
Fitzgerald, T. R., a resident of Muscatine since 1871. Attorney at Law and Loan agt., office, 100 e Second over Garrettson's Bank, res 613 e Fifth. |
Fitzpatrick, M., lab, res 311 Chestnut. |
Fitzsimmons, H., bds 500 F, S. M. |
Flanders, Chas., mill hand, bds 1219 Second, S. M. |
Flanders, James, bds D. Morris. |
Flannery, L., lab, with Chas. Page. |
Flannery, Martin, lab, bds 408 w Seventh. |
Flannery, Michael, res 408 w Seventh. House faces on alley. |
Fleming, John, mill hand, res 805 w Fifth. |
Fletcher, L. H., Mrs., widow, res 809 w Third. |
Fletcher, G. D., car accountant, bds 809 w Eighth. |
Fletcher, James, mill hand, res 1107 Lucas Road Grove. |
Fletcher, L. M., surveyor, bds 809 w Third. |
Fletcher, W. K., bds 809 w Third. |
Flietz, Gabriel, night watchman, res 406 w Eighth. |
Floerke, John, bds 911 Morford road. |
Flynn, Dennis, lab, res 413 w Sixth. |
Fogarty, Dan'l J., cigar maker, bds 404 w Eighth. |
Fogarty, John, lab, res 404 w Eighth. |
Foley, John, tinner, bds 900 e Sixth. |
Foster, Luke Q., bds 1005 e Ninth. |
Foster, Mrs. Mary, widow, res 1005 e Ninth. |
Foster, Suel, nurseryman and fruit grower, 919 Foster road. |
Fotsch, Jacob, mill hand, res 205 Broadway, S. M. |
Foulke, D., Brandenberg & Foulke, bds Commercial House. |
Foulke, Miss H. B., teacher, bds 413 e Eighth. |
Foulke, S. A., res 413 e Eighth. |
Fowler, B., a resident of Muscatine since 1872, of Fowler Bros., bds Mrs. F. Tappe. |
Fowler, H. A., a resident of Muscatine since 1872, of Fowler Bros., bds Mrs. F. Tappe. |
Fowler Bros., est. 1876. Dry Goods and Notions. No. 125 w Second. |
Fox, --, res over 202 e Second. |
Fox, C. R., yard superintendent Musser Lumber Co., res 528 e Second. |
Fox, Joseph Paul, baggageman, bds 303 w Second. |
Fox, Joseph P., conductor, res 303 w Second. |
Fox, Wm., res over 127 Sycamore. |
Fox, Wm., mill hand, bds 917 Third, S. M. |
Frambes, Albert, butcher, hds 708 e Eighth. |
Frambes, M. M., engineer, res 708 e Eighth. |
Frambes, P., butcher, bds C. E. Richard. |
Francis, A. V., clerk, Hershey Lumber Co., bds 102 e Fourth. |
Francis, Peter W., bookkeeper Hershey Lumber Co., res 218 e Fifth. |
Frankenrider, M., lab, res 301 First, S. M. |
Franklin, Mrs. M., widow, res 420 Franklin. |
Franklin, W. H., blacksmith, 1082 Burlington road, res 420 Franklin. |
Franz, Chas., collar maker, bds 517 w Sixth. |
Franz, Wm., teamster, res 716 w Sixth. |
Frazier, W. P., lab on James Weed's farm. |
Frazier, W. R., traveller, res 510 e Eighth. |
Frederick, Joseph, shoemaker, res 518 e Seventh. |
Frederick, Mrs. W., widow, bds 518 e Seventh. |
Freeland, T. L., clerk Geo. Innes & Co. |
Freeland, Wm., mill hand, res 1128 Cross Road. |
Freeman, Chas., brickmaker, bds 115 w Eighth. |
Freeman, Frank, of Knopp & Freeman, res 226 e Third. |
Freeman, Geo., brickmason, bds 115 w Eighth. |
Freeman, J., carpenter, res 212 Sycamore. |
Freeman, John, brickmaker, &c., res 115 w Eighth. |
Freers, A. J., s w cor Lucas Grove and Newell road. |
Freers, John, teamster, bds A. J. Freers. |
Freers, Wm., grocer, store 929 Lucas Grove road, res same. |
Freight Depot, General, A. O. Warfield, Agent, foot of Pine, cor Front. |
Freotenderk, P., mill hand, bds 609 Second, S. M. |
Freund, Chas., lab, res 705 w Seventh. |
Frhaier (?), Chas., peddler, res 815 e Seventh. |
Friber, F., carpenter, bds with X. Bauer. |
Freund, Chas., Junr., farmer, bds 705 w Seventh. |
Freyermuth, Geo., res 213 Lombard. |
Freyermuth, Hy, teamster, res 608 w Fifth. |
Freyermuth, Mrs., widow, res 610 Mulberry. |
Friday, F., bds Killmer's Lodging House. |
Friedman, Bernhard, of Bach & Friedman, bds 315 w Second. |
Fritz, Aubon, mason, bds 200 First, S. M. |
Frochlibz, Aug., bds R. Hinkhouse. |
Fross, Mrs. M., widow, bds 610 w Eighth. |
Frudig, Fred, mill hind, res 708 w Eighth. |
Frudig, L. R., sewing machine agt, res rear 315 e Third. |
Frye, John, lab, res 411 w Fifth. |
Frye, Joseph, lab, bds 411 w Fifth. |
Fuhlman, Chas., mill hand, res 718 e Sixth. |
Fuhlmann, H., bds E. Gesell. |
Fuhlman, Olof, mill hand, bds 718 e Sixth. |
Fuller, Aug., lab, bds 715 Locust. |
Fuller, A. W., engineer, res 716 w Second. |
Fuller, B., teamster, res 810 Pine. |
Fuller, B., Junr., moulder, bds 810 Pine. |
Fuller, Chas., fireman, bds 716 w Second. |
Fuller, Chas. B., grocer, &c., No. 221 e Second, res 301 w Eighth. |
Fuller, Harry, bds 716 w Second. |
Fuller, Hy, brickmaker, res 207 e Eighth. |
Fuller, J., teamster, res 214 e Eighth. |
Fuller, Mrs. J. E., widow, res 715 Locust. |
Fuller, John, lab, bds, 715 Locust. |
Fuller, Joseph, brick innfr, yards back of house, res 503 e Tenth. |
Fuller, Joseph, carpenter, res 307 w Eighth. |
Fuller, Joseph B., mill hand, res 505 w Seventh. |
Fuller, Joseph Hy, shipping clerk, res 604 w Eighth. |
Fuller, Stephen, shipping clerk, bds 307 w Eighth. |
Fuller, Wm., teamster, bds 510 w Eighth. |
Fuller, Wm., tinner, res 311 w Seventh. |
Fulliam, E. B., a resident of Muscatine since 1857. Physician & Surgeon. 205 e Second, res 219 e Front. |
Fulliam, G. W., a resident of Muscatine since 1840. Physician, Surgeon and Druggist. 205 e Second, res 219 e Front. |
Fulliam, W. J., farmer, bds 219 e Front. |
Funk, A., res 513 e Front. |
Funk, Adam, traveller, res 314 w Third. |
Funk, A. S., engineer, res 509 e Front. |
Funck, G. A., with Fred Daut & Co. |
Funck, Geo. W., shipping clerk, bds 1303 Second. |
Funck, Henry, of Cook, Musser & Co., res 305 w Third. |
Furman, Mrs. E., dressmaker, res over 216 e Second. |
Furman, G. M., miller, res over 216 e Second. |