Muscatine County, Iowa |
DIRECTORY and BUSINESS RECORD of the City of MUSCATINE Iowa for 1883-1888 |
Agr. | agricultural | Ins. | insurance | Res. | residence |
Bds. | boards | Lab. | laborer | S. S. | south side |
Bet. | between | Mnfr. | manufacturer | S. | south |
Blk. | block | N. | north | S. E. | southeast |
B.r. | Burlington road | N. E. | northeast | S. M. | South Muscatine |
Cor. | corner | N. W. | northwest | S. W. | southwest |
E. | east | Opp. | opposite | Wks. | works |
E. S. | east side | P. O. | Post office | W. | west |
Imp. | implements | Propr. | proprietor | W. S. | west side |
Daiber, James, clerk for James Fitzgerald, bds 511 Sycamore. |
Daiber, John M., shoemaker, res 511 Sycamore. |
Dale, Jacob, carpr and horse trainer, res 1227 e Second. |
Dale, Philip, carpr, 1227 e Second. |
Dallnann, Hermann, harness, &c., res 919 Oak. |
Daniels, Mrs. L. J., widow, res 417 w Fourth. |
Dankert, John, milkman, res 834 Pine. |
Darling, H., bds E. Gesell. |
Daut, Fred, F. Daut & Co. & Royal Canning Co., res 902 Mulberry. |
Daut, Fred & Co., wholesale cigars, tea, &c., 212 w Second. |
Davidson, A., res 408 w Third. |
Davidson, E. E., can maker, bds 909 e Sixth. |
Davidson, H., bds 806 e Sixth. |
Davidson, Mrs. Ida, teacher, bds 909 e Sixth. |
Davidson, J. T., traveller, res 315 w Third. |
Davidson, L. P., res 806 e Sixth. |
Davidson, Thos., expressman, bds 909 e Sixth. |
Davidson, Wm. L., carpr, res 909 e Sixth. |
Davis, James, cooper, res 312 Cedar, shop in rear. |
Davis, John, engineer, res 1008 Second S. M. |
Davis, Z., cooper, bds 218 e Third. |
Davidson, Chas., mill hand, bds Philip Stoher. |
Dawson, E., blacksmith, cor Mulberry and Second, res 1011 e Seventh. |
Dawson, H., mill hand, bds 1011 e Seventh. |
Day, E. P., a resident of Muscatine since 1844, of McCampbell & Day, res over 300 Second. |
Dean, Asa, car repairer, bds 906 e Eighth. |
Dean, Harry J., bds 510 e Sixth. |
Dean, H. M., a resident of Muscatine since 1867. Physician & Surgeon, office entrance 120 Iowa av, Masonic Block, res 510 e Sixth. |
Dean, Joseph, compositor Journal. |
Dean, Joseph, mason, res 906 e Eighth. |
Dean, Joseph, Jun., printer, bds 906 e Eighth. |
Dean, Mrs. M., widow, res over 128 w Second. |
Deemer, J. A., a resident of Muscatine county since 1865. Dealer in all kinds of Hardwood Lumber, No. 601 e Second, cor Orange, bds 213 e Fourth. |
Deemer, James H., with J. A. Deemer. |
Degraff, Isaac, lab, res 1316 Sherman. |
Deiring, Mary, Mrs., widow, res 212 w Seventh. |
Delahan, John, traveller, bds 805 w Fourth. |
Delahan, John, tailor, res 805 w Fourth. |
Delahan, John A., clerk, Geo. W. Dillaway. |
Deleharty, John, lab, res 510 w Eighth. |
Demont, R. S., traveller, res 515 Orange. |
Demorest, A. F., a res of Muscatine since 1855. Bookseller, Stationer, Newsdealer, paper hangings, &c., No. 119 e Second, res 840 Newell road. |
Demorest, D. L., bds 840 Newell road. |
Dempsey, T., contractor, bds P. Toohey. |
Dempsey, Tim, bds Chris. Schlipf. |
Denison, G. B., a resident of Muscatine since 1851, of G. A Garrettson & Co., res 409 e Fifth. |
Denham, James, lab, res 1072 Star, Butlerville. |
Depiesse, Peter, lab, res over 931 Lucas Grove road. |
Dervachter, John, brewer City Steam Brewery, bds same. |
Desser, L., lab, bds Hy Biermon. |
Detthof, Geo., mill hand, bds Hy Detthof. |
Detthof, Hy, mill hand, res 1144 Burlington road. |
Detthof, Hy, Junr., tinner, bds 1144 Burlington. |
Deutsch, H., Cheap Store, No. 215 e Second. |
Deutschmann, August, druggist, with Henry Geiss, res 610 w Eighth. |
Dewin, Louis, wood yard boss, res 212 w Seventh. |
Dewitt, W., res 813 e Ninth. |
Dexter, W. L., a resident of Muscatine since 1878, of H. P. Jones & Co., res River road n e city limits. |
Diamond Jo Line-Packet Co. Wm. G. Block, agent, office at Levee. |
Dieling, Hy, plasterer, res 1088 Burlington road. |
Diercks, Hy, mill hand, res 608 Second, S. M. |
Diercks, John, mill hand, bds 608 Second, S. M. |
Diercks, Wm., mill hand, res 514 Third, S. M. |
Dierks, Wm., mill hand, bds 608 Second, S. M. |
Dietrich, John, tailor, res 104 w Seventh. |
Dietrich, Hy, clerk, bds 104 w Seventh. |
Dietrich, L., mill hand, bds 104 w Seventh. |
Dietz, John, lumber merchant, res 616 e Fifth. |
Dill, Amos, mill hand, res 611 e Third. |
Dill, Wm., res 108 e Fourth. |
Dillaway, Geo. W., a resident of Muscatine since 1857. Importer and Jobber in Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery, Stoneware, &c, No. 118 e Second, res 501 w Fourth. |
Dillaway, Wm., bds 501 w Fourth. |
Dillon, E., Mrs., widow, res 801 e Eighth. |
Dirick, P., shoemaker, res 508 e Fourth. |
Dismer, lab, res 1015 Cypress. |
Dittmer, F., mill hand, res 310 Franklin, S. M. |
Dobbs, Mrs., widow, 613 Mulberry. |
Doerr, John, res 1363 Sherman. |
Doerr, Mrs. M., widow, over 116 e Second. |
Dold, Mrs. E. B., widow, bds Mrs. Wm. Weidling. |
Dollar, E., blacksmith, bds 513 e Seventh. |
Dollman, H., harness maker, shop 323 1/2 e Second. |
Dolsen, E. H., a resident of Muscatine since 1854, of Thurston & Dolsen, res 211 Pine. |
Donahey, M., lab, res 913 e Ninth. |
Donald, W. M., bds Killmer's. |
Donnel, John, miller, res 891 Morford road. |
Donner, Chas., mill hand, bds 1204 Fourth, S. M. |
Donner, Chas. C., lab, res 1204 Fourth, S. M. |
Donovan, Peter, lab, res 518 e Fourth. |
Doran, J. M., Doran & Madden, res Moscow road beyond C. L. |
Doran & Madden, lawyers, over 204 Iowa av. |
Dore, B., teamster, res 610 e Seventh. |
Dore, Ed., lab, 610 e Seventh. |
Dorman, John, bds Killmer's. |
Dorn, F., mill hand, bds Chas. Bertram. |
Dorn, Geo., lab, 910 e Ninth. |
Dorn, Jacob, saloon, Tipton road, city limits. |
Dougherty, Chas., engineer, res 512 Second, S. M. |
Dougherty, Hy, lab, res 510 Second, S. M. |
Dougherty, James G., bds 417 e Front. |
Dougherty, John, marble cutter, res 912 w Third. |
Dougherty, J. B., marble cutter, res 318 Pine. |
Dougherty, J. B., a resident of Muscatine since 1845. Apothecary and Druggist and dealer in Druggist Sundries. V. Pres. Muscatine Savings Bank. No. 124 e Second, res 417 e Front. |
Dougherty, John J., lab, bds 912 w Third. |
Dougherty, Mrs. O. M., widow, 417 e Front. |
Dove, P. A., grocer, store and res 712 e Sixth. |
Downey, S. H., carpr, res over 119 e Second. |
Doyle, T. T., lawyer, over 101 e Second, room 102 e Second. |
Doyle, C. D., mill hand, bds 1005 Second, S. M. |
Drach, Henry, mill hand, res 713 Second, S. M. |
Drake, F., lab, bds 1005 Second, S. M. |
Drake, F. A., res 516 e Second, S. M. |
Drake, H., teamster, res 717 Second, S. M. |
Drake, Hy, lab, res 1213 Fifth, S. M. |
Drake, James, lawyer, res 729 Second, S. M. |
Draper, C. W., res 834 Morford road. |
Drury, Dr. Chas., res 415 w Second. |
Drury, Mrs. D., res over 208 e Second, third floor. |
Drury, M. D., Livery, Sale and Feed Stable, 115 e Third, res 311 Iowa av. |
Drury, Ross, feed store, No. 400 e Second, res 510 Walnut. |
Drury, W. A., feed stable, 400 e Second, res 313 e Third. |
Duffee, Wm., bds Ryan's, Burlington road. Duffer, W., lab, bds John Schrempf. |
Duggan, John, lab, bds F. Hautsch. |
Dugan, Thos., lab res Second bet Burlington road and Muscatine slough. |
Dugan, Wm., mill hand, res 1090 Burlington road. |
Dulanty, John, res 510 w Eighth. |
Duncan, Hy, teamster, res 202 Elm. |
Duncan, F., car repairer, res 206 e Fifth. |
Duncan, F., Jun., mill hand, bds 206 e Fifth. |
Dunham, Chas., bottler for F. L. Schwerlfeger. |
Dunham, Frank, lab, res 507 e Seventh. |
Dunham, Geo., teamster, res 304 e Seventh. |
Dunham, Joseph, shoemaker, 417 e Fourth, res 511 Cedar. |
Dunham, Joseph Chas., bds 511 Cedar. |
Dunn, G. R., wagon maker, res 578 e Fifth. |
Dunn, John, printer, bds 717 e Sixth. |
Dunn, John M., wagon maker, bds 518 e Fifth. |
Dunn, S. C., traveller, res 717 e Sixth. |
Dunphy, J., lab, bds Wm. H. Hoopes. |
Dunphy, John., mill hand, res 212 First, S. M. |
Dunphy, John, Jr., farmer, bds J. Dumphy, Sen. |
Dunphy, M., mill hand, bds John Dunphy. |
Dunsmore, Chas., res 812 w Fourth. |
Dunsmore, Mrs. M. A., widow, res 116 e Fourth. |
Duppel, Chas., lab, bds L. Stear. |
Duppel, Christian, lab, bds L. Stear. |
Durkee, R. W., traveler, Geo. W. Dillaway, res 120 w Third. |
Dwyer, J. G., news stand, No. 117 w Second, res 319 w Second. |
Dwyer, P., a resident of Muscatine since 1853. Propr of the "Shamrock Sample Rooms" and dealer in Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. 119 Chestnut, res 512 Chestnut. |