City Directory
Muscatine Iowa

Here is an explanation of the abreviations used in this directory: "ws" for west side, "es" for east side, "ss" for south side and "ns" for north side. Also, "res" stands for residence, "bds" for boards, "e" for east of, "w" for west of, "s" for south of, "n" for north of, "cor" for corner and "opp" for opposite. Also, let it be noted that in 1869 only "Front" and "Second" streets were numbered. If you want to know what the occupation means, this link may help: List of Occupations. Hit your back button to come back to this webpage. I hope you find your relative on this database. Good luck!!!
R thru Z
Surname, Given Name Occupation/ Business Name Business Address Residence Address
Rabit, Patrick laborer . res w s Linn bet. 7th and 8th
Radmon,Michael laborer . res s s 7th bet. Pine and Chestnut
Ranz, Christian teamster . res e s Lucas Grove Rd 28 north of 8th
Ranz, Joseph teamster . res e s Lucas Grove Rd 28 north of 8th
Ranz, Mrs. Maria ( wid.) . . res e s Lucas Grove Rd 28 north of 8th
Ratherford, George laborer . res n s 6th bet. Spruce and Locust
Ratz, Benedict teamster works Binz's brewery .
Rauwerdink, H. I. laborer . res s e cor 5th and Spruce
Rechenberger, John saloon n s 2d near Walnut res w s Cedar near 2d
Record, Adam teamster . res on 8th, 1st e of railway
Reddington, John laborer . res e s Chestnut bet. 5th and 6th
Reece, Cornelius ( col'd ) laborer . res s w cor Ash and 3d
Reece, G. H. clerk . res n s 3d bet. Iowa ave. and Chestnut
Reece, Mrs. Nancy ( wid.) . . res n s 3d bet. Chestnut and Iowa ave.
Reed, Charles stone mason . res on Smalley's addition
Redman, Mrs. Catherine ( wid.) . . res n e cor 5th and Broadway
Redman, John laborer . res s s 7th bet. Locust and Broadway
Regenberger, John saloon . res w s Walnut bet. 2d and 3d
Reger, Jacob saloon cor Sycamore and 2d res same
Rehbein, William carpenter . res cor 7th and Sycamore
Reinecke, Henry farmer . res s w cor Chestnut and 8th
Reinhard, Daniel brewer . res n s 9th bet. Cypress and Lombard
Reisch,------------- laborer . res s s 8th bet. Cherry and Broadway
Reubelman, Jacob leather . res n w cor Locust and 3d
Reuling, Adam confectioner . res e s Iowa ave. bet 4th and 5th
Reuling, J. A. baker and confectioner n w cor 2d and Chestnut res e s Iowa ave. bet. 4th and 5th
Reuling's Hall n w cor Chestnut and 2d . .
Reynolds, C. P. clerk . res n s 6th bet. Orange and Oak
Reynolds, William P. clerk . res n s 6th bet. Orange and Oak
Ribbink, John carpenter . res e s Lucas Grove Rd. 29 n of 8th
Richards, John D. farmer . res n s 7th bet. Oak and Spring
Richards, Rudolph wood turner s e cor Oak and 6th res n s 6th near Oak
Richards, William C. salesman . res s w cor 5th and Sycamore
Richardson, John laborer . res n w cor 4th and Orange
Richardson, Joseph pres. National Bank . res n e cor Ash and 3d
Richardson, William laborer . res e s Mulberry bet. 5th and 6th
Richie, W. S. Richie & White . res s s 3d bet. Mulberry and Walnut
Richie & White grain and produce n s 2d near Pine .
Richman, Abraham teamster . res s e cor Iowa ave. and 9th
Richman, D. C. Richman & Carskaddan . res w s Cedar near 8th
Richman & Carskaddan lawyers 6 Old's block .
Richman, E. F. Dawson & Richman . res s s 3d near Broadway
Richman, J. Scott judge district court . res 3d, cor Locust
Richman, Louis tinner W. W. McQuesten .
Richmond, William plasterer . res e s Cedar 1 from 8th
Rickard, Mrs. E. E. milliner n s 2d bet. Walnut and Cedar res same
Rickard, W. H. H. . . res n s 2d bet. Walnut and Cedar
Riddle, Joseph W. H. H. Stuart & Co. . res cor 3d and Spruce
Rieincke, August clerk . res s s 8th bet. Oak and Spring
Riley, Edward laborer . res s e cor 8th and Sycamore
Riley, Peter laborer . res n e cor Cedar and 6th
Rink, Charles A. laborer . res n s 2d bet. Linn and Pine
Ritchey, James T. . . bds Ogilvie House
Roach, W. R. Davidson & Roach . res n s 6th near Oak
Robbins, Rev. A. B. pastor, Congregational Church res cor Broadway and 3d
Roberts, Mrs. Mary A. tailoress w s Walnut near 3d res same
Robert, Moses carpenter . res w s Walnut bet. Front and 2d
Rockafellow, Samuel mechanic . res Island, s s Grand View Road
Rolf, Henry laborer . res s w cor 6th and Oak
Rosenfield, Charles pedlar . res n s 3d bet. Spruce and Locust
Rosenmund, Charles E. . . res s s Burlington Road
Roth, Lewis laborer . bds w s Walnut bet. 2d and 3d
Roth, Michael saloon w s Walnut bet. 2d and 3d res same
Rothe, Ernest carpenter . res s s 6th bet. Spring and Poplar
Rothschild, David Rothschild & Bro. . res n s 8th near Iowa ave.
Rothschild, Israel Rothschild & Bro. . res s s 3d near Iowa ave.
Rothschild & Bro. dry goods 162 2d .
Rowland, H. Hine & Rowland . res s e cor Chestnut and 3d
Rowntree, Henry tinsmith . res n w cor Orange and 6th
Rubelmann, Jacob J. Rubelmann & Co. . res n e cor 2d and Chestnut
Rubelmann J & Co. leather and findings n e cor Chestnut and 2d .
Ruckdeschel, Lorenze grocer s w cor 5th and Mulberry res same
Rupp, John brewer . res s s 8th bet. Cherry and Broadway
Rutherford, Augustus carpenter cor 2d and Iowa ave. bds Pennsylvania House
Ryan, Phillip farmer . res alley bet Linn & Spruce & 6th & 7th
Ryan, Mrs. Rebecca M. ( wid.) . . res n s 4th bet. Pine and Chestnut
Ryan, Thomas teamster . res s s 8th bet. Spruce and Locust
Ryan, Timothy foreman . res n s 4th bet Pine and Chestnut
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Sadler, William H. pattern maker . res on Smalley's addition
Sander, J. H. . . res e s Lucas Grove Rd, 21 n of 8th
Satterlee, George A. salesman . bds s s 2d bet. Sycamore and Cedar
Sauer, D. H. teamster . bds Miss Korte
Sauer, Henry shoemaker w s Chestnut bet Front and 2d res Iowa ave.
Sauer, M. laborer 7th, bet Iowa av.and Sycamore .
Sawyer, M. C. grocer n s 2d near Walnut res cor Orange and 5th
Sawyer, Thomas . . bds s e cor Orange and 5th
Sawyer, T. R. watches and jewelry 172 Second res cor 5th and Orange
Schaefer, Frank A. brickyard w end 4th res Lucas Grove Road
Schaefer, John brewer s w cor 8th and Ash res same
Schafer, William Hartman & Schaefer . res cor 6th and Sycamore
Schaffletel, Jacob foreman . res w s Walnut bet. 4th and 5th
Schaffletel, Jacob, Jr. laborer . bds w s Walnut bet. 4th and 5th
Schafnist, William harness maker . res Kecklerville
Schanbucher, W. . . res n s 4th bet. Broadway and Locust
Schenck, Egbert T. G. . . res n s 4th bet. Broadway and Cherry
Schener, C. clothier s s 2d near Iowa ave. res w s Sycamore near 2d
Schligf, G. brickmaker n s 4th bet Cherry and Ash .
Schlipf, Christ saloon n s Front bet. Chestnut and Iowa res same
Schmalz, Frederick F. Schmalz & Bro. . res cor 7th and Chestnut
Schmalz, Charles F. Schmalz & Bro. . res 8th near Mulberry
Schmalz & Bro . s s 2d near Sycamore .
Schmar, Henry laborer . res n s 8th bet. Locust and Broadway
Schmeltz, Ferdinand shoemaker . res n w cor Chestnut and 7th
Schmeltzer, Henry blacksmith . res Tipton Road
Schmeltzer, Henry wagon maker . res n e cor 2d and Mulberry
Schmidt, B. shoemaker . bds cor 3d and Cedar
Schmidt, Christian . . res s s 7th bet.Iowa av. and Sycamore
Schmidt, Ernest harness maker . res cor 7th and Iowa ave.
Schmidt, Gustave G. Schmidt & Bro. . res s s 7th near Iowa ave.
Schmidt, Hans harness maker . bds s s 7th bet.Sycamore and Iowa ave
Schmidt, Hermann G. Schmidt & Bro. . res cor Iowa ave. and 7th
Schmidt & Bro. book binders cor Iowa ave. and 2d .
Schmidt, John boots and shoes n s 2d near Chestnut res cor Locust and 4th
Schmidt, John billiard saloon cor Chestnut & 2d res cor 8th and Iowa ave.
Schneider, George grocer cor Front and Chestnut res n s Front bet. Chestnut and Pine
Schneider, John laborer . res e s Mulberry bet. 5th and 6th
Schoemaker, Rev C. pastor Holland Baptist Church res e s 5th Lucas Grove Rd,18 n of 8th
Scholten, D. tailor . res n s 5th bet. Spruce and Locust
Scholten, John W. shoemaker cor 2d and Sycamore res n s 7th bet. Linn and Pine
Schonberg, Jacob teamster . res n s 7th bet. Walnut and Cedar
School District No. 3 teacher, Rose Miller n end Lucas Grove Road .
Schl. Evangelical Church teacher, Rev.W.Kampmeier w s Cedar bet. 2d and 3d .
School, German Methodist teacher, C. H. Kinkel w s Cedar near 4th .
School, High School . s w cor 3d and Iowa ave. .
School House No. 1 tchrs. Mary Hill&Sarah Dill s s 4th bet Orange and Oak .
School, Mission School tchrs. Misses Neidig&Chatterday, cor 0th and Poplar . .
Schott, Amos . . res cor 2d and Orange
Schott, John laborer . res s s 7th bet. Oak and Orange
Schreuers, John A. laborer . res n s 4th bet. Spruce and Locust
Schriber, Charles laborer . res e s Lucas Grove Rd., 2d n of 8th
Schroeder, William blacksmith . res s w cor 8th and Oak
Schultz, John E. . . res s s 8th 2 e of Ash
Schumberg, Jacob foreman Chambers Bros. .
Schwab, Jacob laborer . bds cor Front and Iowa ave.
Schwab,Michael saloon cor Front and Iowa ave. res same
Schwab, Michael, Jr. bartender . bds cor Front and Iowa ave.
Schwalm, Henry blacksmith cor 3d and Mulberry res Tipton Road
Schwenk, John laborer . bds Miss Korte
Schwerdtfeger, Charles cigar maker . bds 152 Second
Scott, John J. marshal . res n s Front bet. Pine and Linn
Scott, Robert W. millwright . res s s 6th bet. Poplar and Spring
Scrolten, John laborer . res s s 6th bet. Walnut and Cedar
Seibert, Christian cabinet maker . res s s 7th bet. Chestnut and Iowa ave
Seifert, Frederick tailor w s Mulberry bet 5th and 6th res same
Sells, Luke salesman . res s s 4th bet. Sycamore and Iowa ave
Semple, John . . res s w cor Sycamore and 4th
Sender, G. pedlar . res s s 8th bet. Sycamore and Iowa ave
Sergel, Mrs. Jane ( wid.) . . res n s Front bet. Mulberry and Orange
Shafer, Mrs. Elizabeth ( wid.) . . res s s 4th bet Walnut and Cedar
Shafer, William shoemaker . res n e cor 6th and Sycamore
Shafnet, J. J. clerk . res n s Front bet. Mulberry and Orange
Shammo & Cummins wholesale grocers cor Front and Iowa ave. .
Shammo, Samuel Shammo & Cummins . res s s 6th near Kecklerville
Shaughnessy, Michael laborer . res n s 4th bet. Spruce and Locust
Shaw, William M. . . res n s 3d bet Linn and Spruce
Sheets, Adam plasterer . res s w cor Orange and 8th
Sheldon, Charles S. commercial merchant w s Iowa ave. near Post Office bds Ogilvie House
Shepard, E. B. salesman . bds Mrs. McCormick's
Sherman, Charles carpenter . res n s 2d at e limits
Sherwood E. Sherwood & Son prop. Ogilvie House res same
Sherwood, George N. Sherwood & Son prop. Ogilvie House res same
Sherwood & Son proprietors Ogilvie House .
Sheur, Charles clothier . bds w s Sycamore bet. 2d and 3d
Sheur, Leopold clothier . res w s Sycamore bet. 2d and 3d
Shields, John laborer . res e s Iowa City Rd, 1st n of 10th
Shipper, Christ cooper . res n s Burlington Road.
Shook, Mrs. H. A. ( wid.) . . res s s 3d bet. Walnut and Mulberry
Shook, S. G. Harlan & Shook . res s s 2d bet. Cedar and Walnut
Shreurs, G. W. Whipple & Shreurs . res cor 4th and Oak
Shuer, Henry shoemaker . res n s 9th bet. Sycamore and Iowa ave
Siler, John grave digger . res n s 6th bet. Iowa ave. and Chestnut
Silverman, Charles Silverman & Bro. . bds s s 2d near Cedar
Silverman, Jacob Silverman & Bro . res s s 3d bet. Cedar and Walnut
Silverman & Bro. clothiers n s 2d near Sycamore .
Simon, August laborer . res w s Pine bet. 7th and 8th
Simpson, Walter H. Simpson & Webster . res n e cor Walnut and 2d
Simpson & Webster marble works n e cor 2d and Walnut .
Sinnett, J. C portrait painter 3 Old's building bds S. Sinnett
Sloter, Mrs. Catherine ( wid.) . . res s e cor Cypress and 7th
Sloter, Joseph laborer . res s e cor Cypress and 7th
Smalley, Abraham . . res east end 2d
Smalley, Andrew J. . . res Burlington Rd.ss, 2 miles w of C. H.
Smalley, Henry . . res n s 3d bet. Cherry and Ash
Smalley, John . . res n s 4th bet. Spruce and Linn
Smalley, Mrs. Rhoda ( wid.) . . bds n s 3d bet. Cherry and Ash
Smalley, Shepherd farmer . res Burl. Rd. s s 2 miles w, Court Hous.
Smalley, William D. farmer . res Burl.Rd. s s 2 miles w, Court House
Smeenk, Jacob carriage maker . res n s 5th bet. Sycamore and Cedar
Smeenk,Werner clerk . bds n s 3d bet. Spruce and Linn
Smith, ------------- grain buyer . res s end Weed's Lane
Smith, August C. painter . res n s 7th bet. Linn and Pine
Smith, Calvin W. Benham & Smith . res n s Front 1 w of Graded Road
Smith, Charles laborer . res s s 8th bet. Ash and Cherry
Smith, Elliott law-student . bds cor 3d and Spruce
Smith, George W. carpenter . res n s 6th bet. Sycamore and Cedar
Smith, Henry W. farmer . bds Mrs. Norford's on Norford Road
Smith, Jacob farmer . res Island, 2 miles w of Court House
Smith, James painter . res s s 3d bet. Sycamore and Cedar
Smith, John laborer . res s s 7th bet Pine and Chestnut
Smith, John saloon . res n e cor 8th and Iowa ave.
Smith, J. J. stoves, tinware and iron 239 Second res n s 5th bet. Iowa ave and Sycamore
Smith, Mrs. M. M. ( wid.) . . res n s Front 2 w of Graded Road
Smith, Rudolph cabinet maker . res n s 9th bet. Poplar and Cypress
Smith, Samuel clerk . bds e s Lucas Grove Rd.6 n of 8th
Smith T. D. real estate and ins. agent w s Iowa ave. bet. Front and 2d res s e cor 3d and Spruce
Smith, William laborer . res n s 6th bet. Spruce and Locust
Smith, William laborer . res w end 4th, north side
Snyder, George B. teamster . res s s 2d bet. Orange and Oak
Snyder, William expressman . res n s 3d bet. Linn and Pine
Snyder, W. H. mail carrier Rural Route .
Spaethe, Frederick clerk . res n s 6th bet. Sycamore and Iowa ave
Sparks, Green furniture 179 2d res s s 5th near Mulberry
Speer, P. B. feed stable e s Cedar near Front res cor Cedar and 2d
Spehn, Henry C. . . res s w cor Cherry and 8th
Spencer, Homer boots and shoes 154 2d near Iowa ave. res same
Spencer, Isaac grocer n s 2d near Walnut res s s 4th near Orange
Sprague, William B. marble cutter . res n e cor 2d and Walnut
Spring, William . . res n s 3d bet. Locust and Broadway
Springer,------------ grocer . res s e cor 10th and Cypress
Springer, Louis plasterer . res n s 7th bet. Pine and Chestnut
Stagmire, B. tinner C. W. Fisher .
Stahl, Mrs. A. ( wid.) . . res cor 2d and Linn
Stanamann, Daniel . . res n s 4th bet. Mulberry and Walnut
State, Adam watchman foundry res Front bet. Lombard and Brooks
St. Clair, J. B. soda water manufacturer . res w s Mulberry bet. Front anf 2d
Steele, Christian teamster . res s w cor 6th and Cedar
Steele, George Halstead & Steele . res s s graded road
Steele, Robert cloth dealer 241 2d res e s Mulberry bet 4th and 5th
Steffen, Henry laborer . res n s 7th bet. Pine and Chestnut
Stein, Joseph laborer . res n s 7th bet. Pine and Chestnut
Stein, P S. G. & P. Stein . res w s Chestnut bet. 3d and 4th
Stein, S. G. lumber merchant (and S. G. &. P. Stein) res n e cor 2d and Pine
Stein, S. G. & P. furniture dealers cor 2d and Pine .
Steiner, Benjamin grocer n s 2d bet. Chestnut and Pine res same
Steiner, John physician 6th s e cor Orange and 6th res same
Steinhardt, Adolphus clerk . bds s s 3d bet. Iowa ave and Sycamore
Steinhardt, Emmel clerk . bds n end Sycamore
Steinmetz, Conrad cabinet maker . res n s 6th bet. Linn and Pine
Stemerdink, John H. laborer . res s s 8th bet. Ash and Cherry
Stephens, Alonzo C. pedlar . res s s 7th bet. Oak and Spring
Sternberger, Henry butcher . bds cor Front and Chestnut
Stevens, D. L. traveling agent . res 3d bet. Orange and Oak
Stewart, C, E. clerk . bds s s 3d near Cedar
Stewart, Edward clerk . bds s s 3d near Cedar
Stewart, T. S. W. H. Stewart & Son . bds s s 3d near Cedar
Stewart, W. H. W. H. Stewart & Son . res s s 3d near Cedar
Stewart, W. M. W. H. Stewart & Son . res s s 3d near Cedar
Stewart W. H. & Son boots and shoes 186 Second .
Stiles, Moses P. clerk . res n e cor Cypress and 8th
Stiles, Stephen shoemaker W. H. Stewart & Son .
Stine, H. T. printer . bds Pennsylvania House
Stine, John G. prop. Pennsylvania House cor Chestnut and Front .
St. John, Hamilton farmer . res s s 4th, 5 w of Cherry
St, Mathias Catholic Church Rev. P. Laurent, Pastor n s 8th bet.Chestnut and Pine .
Stockdale, John . . res n e cor Walnut and 8th
Stockdale & Curren blacksmiths n w cor 3d and Iowa ave. .
Stocker, Gottlieb carpenter . res n s Franklin w end
Stocker, Samuel traveler . res n e cor 5th and Sycamore
Stone, Charles hardware n s 2d near Chestnut res n s 3d near Cherry
Stone, F. H. druggist n s 2d near Chestnut res cor 3d and Broadway
Straker, Barnard sawyer . res s s 8th beet. Spruce and Locust
Strohn, John teamster . res n s 5th bet. Mulberry and Walnut
Stuart, M. M. Jackson & Stuart . bds s s 2d bet. Walnut and Cedar
Stuart, W. H. H. W. H. H. Stuart & Co. . res w s Mulberry near 5th
Stuart W. H. H. & Co. bakers and confectioners cor 2d & Iowa ave., and Mulberry bet. 5th and 6th .
Stunefelds, Daniel teamster . res Burlington Road, 6 w of Elm
Stur, Lorenz laborer . res e s Lucas Grove Rd.,6 w of Elm
Sturtz, John blacksmith n s Burlington Road .
Sullivan, Thomas laborer . res s s 3d bet. Elm and Ash
Sussic, Joseph flour packer Muscatine Mills .
Swafford, L. W. painter, Sfarrord & Le Pert . res 275 2d
Swafford & Le Pert patentees of the patent Blind Slat Operator Slat Operator, 275 2d .
Swan, Fitch W. jeweller . bds s s 5th bet.Spruce and Locust
Swan, N. F. carpenter on alley near Post Office res 5th near Spruce
Swain, William W. miller . res ss 10th bet. Cypress and Lombard
Sweeney, David teamster . res w s Orange bet. 2d and 3d
Sweeney, Thomas teamster . res 3d bet. Orange and Oak
Swift, Henry . . bds Pennsylvania House
Sy Wassink, John W. laborer . res n w cor 8th and Lucas Grove Road
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Tallant, Thomas clerk . bds n e cor 3d and Spruce
Tappe, Charles liquor dealer cor 2d and Chestnut bds 2d near Chestnut
Tappe, Fred millinery goods n s 2d near Chestnut res same
Taufel, John shoemaker . bds South Muscatine
Taylor, W. G. harness maker . res w s Walnut bet. 4th and 5th
Tebow, James O. carpenter . res s s 9th bet. Mulberry and Orange
Teichmann, Reinhold cigar store . res e s Pine bet. 2d and 3d
Teker, Anthony blacksmith works Ament Bros. .
Teller,------------- shoemaker . res s s Front bet. Sycamore & Iowa ave
Teller, J. B. salesman . res s s 2d near Sycamore
Temm, Frederick teamster . res ss 4th bet. Chestnut and Pine
Terry, A. P. music teacher Tremont Hall bds Ogilvie House
Terry, George H. blacksmith . res n w cor Front and Walnut
Terry, Louis blacksmith works Ament Bros. .
Terry,Orange S. watches and jewelry n s 2d near Iowa ave. res n s 2d near Pine
Terry, T. B. O. S. & T. B. Berry . res n s 2d near Pine
Terry, O. S.& T. B. Terry agents, G. & B. S. M. Co n s 2d near Iowa ave .
Terry, W. H. traveler . res Smalley's addition
Thauern, Anthony laborer . res n s 7th bet. Sycamore and Iowa ave
Thicker, Anthony blacksmith . res s w cor Lombard and 10th
Thomas, James J. wagon maker w s Lucas Grove Road res same
Thomas, Robert R. brush maker n w cor Mulberry and 5th res n s 7th bet. Mulberry and Orange
Thompson,----------- med. student . bds s s 5th bet. Mulberry and Orange
Thompson, B. W. physician s s 5th near Mulberry res same
Thompson, R. T. county treasurer . res e s Sycamore bet. 3d and 4th
Thornton, James laborer . res s w cor Chestnut and 6th
Thurston, Frank Thurston & Dolson . res e s Iowa ave. near 2d
Thurston & Dolson boots and shoes cor Cedar and 2d .
Ticke, Frederick plasterer . res s w cor Sycamore and 8th
Tiercks, Peter shoemaker . res cor 4th and Walnut
Tillard, Thomas engineer . res s w cor Orange and 4th
Tise, Mrs. Martha ( wid.) works, Walnut bet. 2d and 3d . .
Toohey, Patrick . . res n s 7th bet. Spruce and Locust
Townley, Mrs. Emily ( col'd.) washing s s 3d bet. Chestnut and Pine .
Townley, Peter ( col'd.) laborer . res s s 3d bet. Chestnut and Pine
Townsend, George W. baker . bds s e cor 3d and Cedar
Tremont Hall . n s 2d bet.Iowa av. & Sycamore .
Trick, Mathias wagon maker . res w s Orange bet. 4th and 5th
Trumbull, Alonzo laborer . bds s s 6th bet. Walnut and Mulberry
Tuern, John cabinet maker . res Tipton Road
Turner, John laborer . res s s 6th bet. Linn and Spruce
Turk, John carpenter . res s s 8th bet. Spring and Poplar
Turner's Hall . n w cor 2d and Chestnut .
Tutt, Noah teamster . res s e cor Chestnut and 3d
Tuttle, Charles tinner . bds Park House
Tuttle, Mrs. Fanny ( wid.) . . res s w cor 4th and Pine
Twiggs, Arnold laborer . res s s 6th bet. Walnut and Cedar
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Uland, Henry laborer . bds e s Lucas Grove Road, 16 n of 8th
Underwood, F. L. cashier Muscatine National Bank res Cherry bet. 3d and 4th
Underwood, S. builder . res n w cor Broadway and 3d
Union Block . ne cor Chestnut and 2d .
United Brethren Church rev. J. H. Vandaver, pastor n s 6th bet. Orange and Mulberry .
United States Commissioner A. H. Kagy n s 2d bet. Iowa ave.& Sycamore .
United States Express Co. office e s Iowa ave. opp. Post Office .
Urniston, P. A. watch and clock maker n s 2d near Walnut res same
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Van Buren, Martin . . res n s 6th bet. Orange and Oak
Vance, John J. clerk . bds n s 2d bet. Iowa ave and Sycamore
Van Dam, John carpenter . bds n s 5th bet. Broadway and Cherry
Van Dam, John tailor . res n s 5th bet. Broadway and Cherry
Vandaver, J. H. pastor United Brethren Church .
Van de Maut, John blacksmith w s Lucas Grove Road res same
Van Gent, John laborer . res e s Lucas Grove Road, 15 n of 8th
Van Lent, John carpenter . res n s 8th bet. Linn and Spruce
Van Nostrand, R. D. J. Rubelmann & Co. . res n s 5th near Iowa ave.
Van Nostrand, W. H. J. Rubelmann & Co. . bds Mrs. Old's
Vaupel, John cigars and tobacco s s 2d near Chestnut res n s 6th
Velie, Mrs. M. ( wid.) . . res n s Front bet. Cedar and Walnut
Vennink, Henry laborer . res e s Linn bet. 6th and 7th
Vehrink,Henry John laborer . res e s Lucas Grove Rd, 27 n of 8th
Verrink, John K. laborer . res n s 4th bet. Cherry and Ash
Vetter, George laborer . res s s 6th bet. Pine and Linn
Vetter, Michael match maker . res n s 6th bet. Pine and Linn
Vogel, D. laborer works at Hershey's .
Vogelgesang, George foreman . res w s Walnut bet. 2d and 3d
Vollman, Casper laborer . res 7th bet. Chestnut and Pine
Von Sildon, L. wagon maker works Ament Bros. .
. . . .
Wagon, Henry laborer . res e s Lucas Grove Road, 25 n of 8th
Wagon, John laborer . res e s Lucas Grove Road, 17 n of 8th
Wagon, Peter laborer . res e s Lucas Grove Road, 17 n of 8th
Wahl, Christian shoemaker . res 2d near Hersche's Mill
Waide, S. L. lawyer 229 2d res n s Front bet. Mulberry and Walnut
Waldron, George H. clerk . bds s s 2d bet. Cedar and Walnut
Walker, James laborer . res s w cor Pine and 6th
Walker, John D. clerk, District Court . res s s 5th near Spring
Wallace, Mrs. Elizabeth ( wid.) . . res n s 2d bet. Linn and Pine
Wallace, John H. author . res s s 2d bet. Cedar and Walnut
Wallace, R. T. Wallace & Beach . res n s 3d near Iowa ave.
Wallace & Beach grocers 133 2d .
Walters, John pressman . bds cor Cedar and 3d
Walton, Josiah architect . res s s 8th bet. Walnut and Cedar
Wand, Henry laborer . bds e s Lucas Grove Road, 16 n of 8th
Warfield, A. O. freight and ticket agent . bds Mrs. Old's
Warfield, David R. farmer . res n end Lucas Grove Road
Warfield, Frank clerk . bds n end Lucas Grove Road
Warfield, George railway clerk . bds n end Lucas Grove Road
Warfield, George A. telegraph operator res w s Lucas Grove Road, 1 3/4 mi.from Court House, W. Muscatine .
Warren, Reuben livery . res n s 4th bet. Sycamore and Iowa ave
Washburne, Arthur S. clerk . bds n s cor Walnut and 7th
Washburn, Charles painter cor Sycamore and 2d res Island
Washburn, David carpenter . res s s Oak bet. 5th and 6th
Washburn, Mrs. Eliza ( wid.) . . res n w cor Walnut and 7th
Washburn, Fred . . res cor 7th and Walnut
Washburn, L. H. lawyer cor Iowa ave and 2d res 5th street
Washburn, Scott porter w s Walnut bet. 7th and 8th .
Washington, George ( col'd.) laborer . bds s s 3d bet. Chestnut and Pine
Waters, O. P. J. G. Gordon & Co. . res cor 4th and Cherry
Watson, John R. laborer . res n s front bet.Iowa av.and Sycamore
Watson, Jordon ( col'd. ) fireman . res s w cor 8th and Orange
Watson, Thomas carriage maker works Ament Bros. .
Weaver, Christian carpenter . res n e cor Oak and 7th
Weaver, Singleton carpenter . bds n e cor Oak and 7th
Webb, Miss Mary teacher No. 5 school . bds s s 10th near Poplar
Webster, Wesley W. Simpson & Webster . res n e cor Orange and 4th
Weed, Bridgman & Kent produce dealers 123 Second .
Weed, Chester Weed Bridgmen & Kent . res cor Pine and 2d
Weed, James farmer . res on Smalley's addition
Weierhouser, Casper clerk . res Butler road opp. cemetery
Weiman, George laborer . res n s 7th bet. Locust and Broadway
Weingot, Peter laborer . res s s 8th bet. Sycamore and Iowa ave
Weir, J. M. Weir Bros. . res n w cor 2d and Mulberry
Weir J. S. Weir Bros. . bds n w cor 2d and Mulberry
Weir Bros. saloon n w cor 2d and Mulberry .
Weis, George brewer . res n s 9th bet. Cypress and Lombard
Weis, Henry harness maker . res n e cor 8th and Mulberry
Weise, J. H. salesman J. Rubelmann & Co res Slough Road
Weisenhouser, John tinner . bds National Hotel
Welch, James laborer . bds n s 7th bet. Pine and Chestnut
Welch, M. J. tailor . bds cor 2d and Mulberry
Welch, Patrick laborer . res n s 7th bet. Pine and Chestnut
Welch, Robert billiard hall ns 2d bet. Cedar & Sycamore res 7th bet. Sycamore and Iowa ave.
Wellmering, George W. grocer n s 2d bet. Walnut and Cedar res same
Weltz, John blacksmith . res n s Front 2 w of Elm
Wenak, Charles drayman . res s s 6th bet. Chestnut and Pine
Wenderlich, Jacob harness maker . res n s 7th bet. Walnut and Cedar
Wenear, John Benz & Wenear . res n s Front near Iowa ave.
Wenks. J. porter G. A. Garrettson .
Wesley, William laborer . res n e cor 5th and Locust
Wesson, Ebenezer carpenter . res n w cor Cypress and 10th
West, Jacob wagon maker works Ament Bros. .
Western Union Telegraph Co. Joseph M. Gough, mgr. office, Hare's Building 2d st. .
Wetteg, Werner furniture dealer . res n s 6th bet. Chestnut and Iowa ave.
Wettemann, August saloon w s Chestnut bet. Front and 2d res same
Whicher, S. E. ass't. rev. assessor n e cor 2d and Iowa ave res cor 2d and Broadway
Whipple, C. G. clerk . bds s s 6th near Oak
Whipple, Galutia miller . bds s s 6th bet. Oak and Spring
Whipple, S. E. Whipple & Shreurs . res s s 6th near Oak
Whipple & Shreurs props. Young America Mills cor Oak and 4th .
White, Charles W. laborer . res n s 2d bet. Linn and Pine
White, E. P. White & Converse . res cor 9th and Oak
White & Converse dry goods 143 Second .
White, George R. Richie & White . res n s 3d near Iowa ave.
White, Mrs. H. milliner 201 Second res same
White, William . 201 Second res same
Whitman, Casper laborer . res n s 8th near Pine
Wickey, Andrew traveler . res s w cor Oak and 5th
Widdeman, Frederick cabinet maker . res n s 7th bet. Linn and Pine
Wiechman, T. clerk . bds cor Walnut and 3d
Wienker, Frank Kegel, Wienker & Wittich . res 3d st.
Wilhelm, Joseph laborer . res n s 8th bet. Poplar and Cypress
Wilcox, D. A. Yankee notions n s 2d near Walnut res cor Oak and 4th
Wiley, George Geo. Wiley & Co. . res n s 4th bet. Cedar and Sycamore
Wiley Geo.,& Co. grocers 241 2d .
Wiley, Samuel clerk . bds cor 4th and Spruce
Wilkie, Andrew baker . res 201 Second
Wilkie, David . . res 201 Second
Wilkie, Joseph harness maker . res n w cor 8th and Poplar
Wilhelm, Alois carpenter . res w s Green, 2d s of Burlington Rd.
Wilhelm, Louis carpenter . res s s Burlington Road
Wilhelm, Samuel teamster . res n s 7th bet. Poplar and Spring
Williams, Mrs. Barbara ( wid.) . . res e s Locust bet. 7th and 8th
Williams, Miss Ella clerk . bds 5th near Oak
Williams, Robert local editor, Currier . res n s 5th near Oak
Wilson, John A. . . res s e cor Linn and 4th
Winder, John teamster . res n s Grand View Road, west end
Wingate, Frank clerk . bds s s 2d bet. Cedar and Walnut
Wingate, Frank H. clerk . bds s s 2d bet Walnut and Cedar
Winker, Frank cabinet maker . res n s 3d bet. Chestnut and Iowa ave.
Winkler, Bernard laborer works Hershey's .
Winks, Joseph clerk . res n s 3d bet. Cedar and Sycamore
Winn, A. M. . . res n w cor Pine and 2d
Winn, George marble cutter . res n s 7th bet. Mulberry and Walnut
Winn, John teamster . res n s 7th bet. Mulberry and Walnut
Winn, Rosil teamster . res s w cor 9th and Cypress
Winter, Rev. William pastor Methodist Episcopal Church res e s Walnut near 4th
Winterstine, George laborer . res ss 8th bet. Iowa ave and Chestnut
Wirtz, Christian laborer works Hershey's .
Witmer, W. W. Barnhart Bros. & Witmer . bds s s 2d near Cedar
Witteman, Frederick cabinet maker S. G. & P. Stein .
Witter, F. M. principal high school res s w cor 4th and Cherry
Wittich, Werner Kegel, Winkler & Wittich . res 5th near Chestnut
Wittiman, Frederick cabinet maker . res n s 7th bet. Linn and Pine
Wolf, Mrs. Elizabeth ( wid.) . . res n s 9th bet. Oak and Spring
Woolverton, Joseph ship carpenter . res s w cor Walnut and 6th
Woolverton, William carpenter . res n s 5th bet. Mulberry and Orange
Wood, James A. book-keeper . res s s 7th near cor Mulberry
Woodbury, Mrs. Martha ( wid.) . . res e s Mulberry bet. 4th and 5th
Woods, Alexander B. farmer . res e s Iowa City Road, 4 n of 10th
Woodson, Mrs. Lucinda ( wid.) . . res n s 2d bet. Spruce and Locust
Woodward, William G. U. S. clerk, district court . res cor Mulberry and Front
Worfield, A. O railroad agent . bds s s 2d bet. Cedar and Sycamore
Worsham, David Worsham & Brower . res n s 3d near Spruce
Worsham & Brower livery stable cor Front and Sycamore .
Worsham, Mrs. Rebecca ( wid.) . . rse n s 3d bet. Linn and Spruce
Worst, Jacob wagon maker . res n w cor Sycamore and 6th
Worthing, Henry B. watchmaker . bds s s 2d bet. Cedar and Sycamore
Wright, Mrs. Ameliz ( wid.) . . res n s 6th bet. Spring and Poplar
Wright, William cooper . res w s Lucas Grove Rd. 4 n of 8th
Wroeklage, August laborer works Schafer's brewery .
Wymer, Richard laborer . res Weed's Lane
. . . .
Yettner, B. journeyman tailor . res Graveyard Road
Young,---------- engineer Chamber's Bros. .
Young, Henry N. Young & Son . bds n s Mulberry near 5th
Young Men's Christian Assoc. . No. 4 Old's Building .
Young, Nicholas N. Young & Son . res w s Mulberry near 5th
Young N. & Son shoemakers w s Mulberry near 5th .
Young, Robert machinist . res n s Grand View Road
. . . .
Zaerhinger, Joseph foreman shingle factory res s s Burlington Rd. near Green
Zeak, Gustave laborer . res n s 4th bet. Broadway and Cherry
Zedeker, D. S. carpenter . res s s 2d bet. Orange and Oak
Zedeker, John R. pilot . res s s 2d bet. Orange and Oak
Zehringer, Joseph mechanic works Hershey's .
Zeibert, Christian . . bds s s 7th bet. Chestnut and Iowa ave.
Zeigler, John Jr foundry . bds Mrs. McCormick
Zeigler, John Leindecker& Zeigler . res cor 10th and Spring
Zietler, William carpenter . res w end 4th n s

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