City Directory
Muscatine Iowa

Here is an explanation of the abreviations used in this directory: "ws" for west side, "es" for east side, "ss" for south side and "ns" for north side. Also, "res" stands for residence, "bds" for boards, "e" for east of, "w" for west of, "s" for south of, "n" for north of, "cor" for corner and "opp" for opposite. Also, let it be noted that in 1869 only "Front" and "Second" streets were numbered. If you want to know what the occupation means, this link may help: List of Occupations. Hit your back button to come back to this webpage. I hope you find your relative on this database. Good luck!!!
L thru Q
Surname, Given Name Occupation/ Business Name Business Address Residence Address
La Grill, Joseph shoemaker s w cor Mulberry and 5th res n s 7th
LaGrill, Timothy J. painter n w cor 3d and Sycamore . .
LaHay, Thomas teamster . res s s 6th bet. Pine and Chestnut
Lamar, George carpenter . res s s 6th bet. Oak and Spring
Lambert, D. M. lawyer cor 2d and Iowa ave res cor 2d and Locust
Lambert, Joseph . . bds n e cor 2d and Locust
Landgraf, Carl jeweler,& c cor 2d and Sycamore res 7th near Pine
Landgraff, Charles jeweler . res n s 7th bet. Linn and Pine
Lane, George H. watchman Ogilvie House bds same
Langridge, William B. clerk ins. agency res cor 6th and Linn
Lantz, John butcher s e cor Mulberry and 4th .
Lantz, Samuel shoemaker W. H. Stewart & Son .
Larkin, Patrick blacksmith works at John Mackey .
Laurent, Rev. Philip pastor Catholic church res adjoining Catholic church
Lausin, Peter laborer . res w s Pine bet. 7th and 8th
Lawrence, David P. carpenter . res n s 3d bet. Spruce and Locust
Leda, Benjamin W. polisher . res s s 8th bet Oak and Spring
Lefever, John M. laborer . bds e s Mulberry bet 4th and 5th
Leffingwell, William city treasurer office, E. D. Smith res s s 5th near Oak
Leibbe, Ernst laborer works at Hershey's .
Leibis, John teamster . res n s 5th bet. Walnut and Mulberry
Leibrecht, George saloon w s Iowa ave near Front res same
Leindecker, Charles Leindecker & Zeigler . res Island
Leindecker & Zeigler foundry Grand View and Burlington Road .
Leiwe, Henry carpenter . bds Island Road
Lemp, John dry goods 5 Union Block res n e cor Walnut and Front
Lenhart, P. H. butcher . res Iset Road
Lenhard, P. V butcher . bds cor 3d and Walnut
Lenk, George cabinet maker works at S. G. & P. Stein res e end city
Lentz, Samuel butcher . bds cor Front and Chestnut
Leon, James physician n w cor 2d and Sycamore res 2d st.
Le Pert, F. M. Swafford & Le Pert . bds 275 2d
Lete, Chris. baker w s Chestnut bet. Front and 2d res same
Lewis, Charles P. Lewis & Son . res Newell Road near Foster's
Lewis, E. B. tailor at Lewis and Perry 174 2d .
Lewis & Perry merchants tailors 174 Second .
Lewis, Frank R. book-keeper . bds Foster Rd. near Western Limits
Lewis, Griffith farmer . res s s 9th bet Poplar and Cypress
Lewis, John P. Lewis & Son . res Newell Road near Foster's
Lewis and Son tailors 177 2d .
Lewis, Oliver laborer . res e s Spruce bet. 4th and 5th
Lewzenger, John windowshade manufacturer . res n w cor 5th and Spring
Leyda, B. W. marble polisher . res s s 8th near Oak
Leyda, F. M. pressman Journal office .
Leyda, Miss Mary teacher No. 5 school .
Liebbrand, Jacob tailor . res s s 5th bet. Linn and Spruce
Lilly, Benjamin E. clerk . res s s 2d bet. Walnut and Cedar
Lilly, Charles bar-tender . bds s s 2d bet. Walnut and Mulberry
Lilly, W. W. printer Courier bds s s 2d bet. Walnut and Cedar
Lillibridge, Mrs. Amanda ( wid.) . . res n e cor 9th and Lombard
Lillibridge, C. Bishop & Lillibridge . res cor 9th and Lombard
Lingham, John laborer . res n s 7th bet. Spruce and Locust
Link, George cabinet maker . res on Weeds Lane
Lofland, H. agricultural impl. warehouse e s Iowa ave.bet. Front and 2d res 8th cor Poplar
Logan, John laborer . res e s Lucas Grove Road, 6 n of 8th
Lohr, William carpenter . res s s 7th bet. Iowa ave.& Chestnut
Long, John W. carpenter . res s s 7th bet. Chestnut and Iowa ave.
Long, Leonard laborer . res n s 8th bet. Locust and Broadway
Long, Lyman carpenter . bds Mrs. Porter's
Long, Robert blacksmith . bds.e s Sycamore bet. 3d and 4th
Long & Bowman blacksmiths Iowa ave. on alley near Post ofc. .
Long. T. D. Lone & Bowman . res e s Sycamore near 3d.
Lord, B. farmer . res e end River Road near limits
Lord, Byron student . bds s s 9th bet. Poplar and Cypress
Lord, Robert farmer . res e end River Road near limits
Lorenz, Jacob carpenter . res s s 7th bet. Chestnut and Pine
Lorenz, Louis laborer . res w s Mulberry bet. 5th and 6th
Lucas,------------ flour packer Muscatine Mills .
Lucas, August laborer . res 7th bet. Walnut and Cedar
Lumpe, F. foreman Chambers Bros. .
Lumpe, Henry laborer . res n s 7th bet. Linn and Pine
Lynch, John tinsmith . bds s w cor Poplar and 6th
Lynch, Mrs. Margaret ( wid.) . . res s w cor Poplar and 6th
Lynch, Patrick tinsmith . bds s w cor Poplar and 6th
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McAllister, Larius physician, ( hom.) Hare's bldg., 2d st. bds s e cor 8th and Cedar
McAllister, Henry physician . res s s 4th 3 w of Cherry
McAllister, H. C. physician Hare's bldg. 2d. res 4th 3 w Cherry
McAlravey, Mrs. Jane ( wid.) . . res n s 2d bet. Linn and Pine
McCarnish, John fireman . . res n s 8th bet. Poplar and Cypress
McCampbell, R. H. county auditor . res n s 7th bet. Oak and Spring
McClearen, Andrew laborer . res Chestnut on alley bet. 2d and 3d
McColm, A. G McColm & Sons . bds n s 6th near Oak
McColm J. & Sons dry goods 182 2d .
McColm J. J. McColm & Sons . res n s 6th bet. Oak and Spring
McColm, J. L. J. McColm & Sons . res n s 5th bet. Orange and Oak
McCormick, Mrs. W. boarding house n s 2d near Iowa ave. res same
McCormick, William agricultural implements w s Iowa ave. near Post Office res n s 2d near Sycamore
McCoy, William clerk . bds n s 5th bet. Pine and Chestnut
McCulloch, Robert laborer . bds Foster Road 1 from 8th
McCullough, C. B. fancy goods n s 2d near Iowa ave. res e s Walnut
McDonald, John S. Nisly & McDonald . res s s 2d near Mulberry
McElroy, Charles printer Courier Office .
McFerren, Isaac laborer . bds n w cor 4th and Mulberry
McFerren, Mrs. Polly ( wid.) . . bds n w cor 4th and Mulberry
McGill, F. B. foreman, printer . res w s Mulberry near 7th
McGill, Huston . . bds Park House
McGinnis, Peter laborer . bds n s 5th bet. Linn and Pine
McGovern, Thomas laborer . res n s 6th bet. Spruce and Locust
McGrath, Mrs. Elizabeth dyer n s 9th bet. Poplar and Cypress .
McGreer, Mrs. Ada ( wid.) . . res n s 5th bet. Mulberry and Orange
McGreer, John McGreer & Mark . res w s Mulberry bet. 6th and 7th
McGreer & Mark hats and caps Hare's building, 2d .
McGuire, Luke boardinghouse n s Front bet. Linn and Spruce .
McKee, Charles blacksmith . bds n s 4th bet. Spruce and Locust
McKennon, H. C. physician office, Ogilvie House bds same
McKibben, Samuel . . res w s Walnut bet. Front and 2d
McKough, James hostler . bds cor Mulberry and 5th
McNamara, Mrs. M. millinery 177 2d res same
McNamara, Martin auctioneer 177 2d res same
McNaught,John . . bds Miss Korte
McMahon, Patrick laborer . res e s Spruce bet. 6th and 7th
McPartlin, Peter laborer . res s e cor Broadway and 8th
McQuestin, William W. stoves and tinware n s 2d bet. Chestnut and Iowa av. res s s 4th bet. Pine and Linn
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MacKey, John blacksmith n s 3d bet.Chestnut & Iowa ave. res n s 4th bet. Spruce and Locust
MacKey, Thomas B. blacksmith . bds n s 4th bet. Spruce and Locust
MacKlin, Elias . . bds n s 7th bet. Oak and Spring
Madden, Henry carpenter . res n w cor Broadway and 4th
Madden, Richard millwright . res e s Chestnut bet. 5th and 6th
Madden, Thomas works at gas house . res s s 2d near Mulberry
Magoon, George D. carpenter . res w s Iowa City Rd. 4th n of 10th
Mahan, Jacob land agent . bds n w cor 3d and Cedar
Mahar, John works gas house . res cor east end Front
Maher, James tailor . bds Mrs. Hess
Maher, Peter carpenter . res s s 6th bet. Locust and Spruce
Mahin, Frank W. printer . bds n e cor Pine and 4th
Mahin, James Mahin Bros. . bds n e cor Pine and 4th
Mahin, John postmaster . res n e cor Pine and 4th
Mahin Bros. (John & James Mahin) editors and Props. Muscatine Journal, w s Iowa ave., over Post office & props, Muscatine Journal w s Iowa ave. over Post office
Mahrat, Frank laborer . res s s 7th bet. Cedar and Walnut
Maider, Andrew laborer . res s end Lombard
Manley, George whitewasher . res n s 3d bet. Linn and Spruce
Manroth, Louis blacksmith works at Ament Bros. .
Mardint, Henry teamster . res s s 8th bet. Sycamore and Iowa av.
Mark, B. McGreer & Mark . res w s Pine bet. 4th and 5th
Mark, Mrs. Elizabeth ( wid.) . . res n s 4th bet. Mulberry and Walnut
Mark, John B. City hat Store . res w s Linn bet. 4th and 5th
Markart, Gustave clerk . res cor 6th and Linn
Markart, Gustave farmer . res e s Linn bet. 5th and 6th
Marmen, F. laborer . bds Ogilvie House
Marshall, James . . res n e cor 10th and Poplar
Marshall, L. saloon n s Front near Chestnut bds Ogilvie House
Martin, Henry cooper . res on 8th, 3d e of railway
Martin, James engineer . res e s Orange bet. 2d and 3d
Martin, John laborer . bds n s Burlington Rd., 5 w of Elm
Martin, Mrs. Mary ( wid.) . . res s s 7th bet. Walnut and Cedar
Martin, Peter Martin & Farrell,blacksmith . res 10th bet. Cypress and Lombard
Martin & Farrell blacksmiths n s 2d .
Mary, Mrs.( wid.) . . res n e cor 3d and Cherry
Mason, George U. S. assess. cong. dist. . res n s Front near Walnut
Masonic Hall . s s 2d bet. Walnut and Cedar .
Mathews, David laborer . res n s 10th bet. Poplar and Cypress
Mathews, Mrs. Electa ( wid.) . . res n s 9th bet. Poplar and Cypress
Mathews, Miss Hattie dressmaker n s 9th near Poplar res same
Mathews, William H. butcher . res on Smalley's addition
Mathis, C. G. proprietor, Park House cor 4th and Mulberry res same
Mathis, C. W. clerk, Park House cor 4th and Mulberry bds same
Mathis, George H. clerk . bds Park House
Mattem, Matthew laborer . res n s 7th bet. Linn and Pine
Matthewson, John A. county surveyor . res s s 9th near Cypress
Mauck, Isaac R. grocer w s Iowa ave. near Post office res cor 4th and Linn
Mauer, Gottlieb shoemaker Davidson & Roach .
Mayer, David clerk . res s s 3d bet. Locust and Pine
Mayer, David clerk . bds w s Sycamore bet. Iowa av.&Chest.
Mayer, Frederick saloon n s Front near Iowa ave. res same
Mayers, Simon butcher . res n s 3d bet. Spruce and Locust
Mayes, Uriah carpenter . res s w cor Spruce and 3d
Mayes, U. C. Mayes & Hanlin . res cor 3d and Spruce
Mayes & Hanlin carpenters cor 3d and Mulberry .
Mayor of the City, E. Klein office s s 2d bet.Chestnut & Iowa ave. .
Meason, George, Rev., assessor n e cor Iowa ave. res n s Front, bet. Walnut and Mulberry
Mechling, Jacob Beardsley & Mechling . res Front bet. Sycamore and Cedar
Mechling, Jacob H. Beardsley & Mechling . res cor Front and Cedar
Mee, William showmaker W. H. Stewart & Son .
Meerdink, G. J. laborer . res s s 7th bet. Locust and Broadway
Melvin, Thomas J. collarmaker J. Rubelman & Co. .
Menson, John clerk Pennsylvania House bds same
Mercer, Francis C. clerk . bds National Hotel
Merchants Exch. Nat. Bank S. G. Stein, pres. n w cor 2d and Iowa Ave .
Merdick,-------- laborer ( Levi Eckel ) . res 7th bet. Spruce and Locust
Merritt, Moses L. Greenway & Merritt . res n s 3d near Linn
Merry, Mrs. C. W. ( wid.) . . res n e cor 3d and Cherry
Methodist Episcopal Chuirch Rev. W. Cowles, pastor n w cor 3d and Sycamore .
Metteer, George farmer . res w s Cypress bet. 10th and Limits
Metteer, William laborer . res 3d near Oak
Metzger, Henry shoemaker . res w s Cedar bet. 4th and 5th
Meyer, David clerk . res s s 3d bet. Pine and Linn
Meyer, Frederick blacksmith works Ament Bros. .
Meyer, Henry laborer . res north end of Pine
Meyers, Frank . . res n e cor Cedar and 7th
Meyers, S. D. varnisher . res n s 2d bet. Iowa ave. and Chestnut
Michelsen, August cigar maker . bds 152 2d
Michener, J. D. dentist works, J. Hardman .
Middleton, William butcher w s Mulberry bet. 5th and 6th res same
Mikesell, Martin L. Foster & Mikesell . res n e cor Walnut and 5th
Miles, Mrs. C. C. ( wid.) . . res s s 2d bet. Mulberry and Orange
Miles, Reuben butcher . bds n s 6th bet. Cedar and Sycamore
Miller, Charles . . res w end 4th
Miller, C. E. dry goods 196 2d res cor 7th and Iowa ave.
Miller, Frederick carpenter . res s s 6th bet. Cedar and Sycamore
Miller, Jacob painter M.Anson's .
Miller, Henry teamster . res s s 7th bet. Pine and Chestnut
MIller,Henry plasterer . res n e cor Mulberry and 8th
Miller, John laborer . res s s 5th bet. Spruce and Locust
Miller, John blacksmith works Ament Bros. .
Miller, John carpenter east end 2d at limit res same
Miller, J. H. butcher . bds Park House
Miller, Joseph K. clerk . bds National Hotel
Miller, Mrs. Mary ( wid.) . . res s s 7th bet. Pine and Chestnut
Miller, Robert laborer . res e s Spruce bet. 4th and 5th
Miles, Mrs. Mary ( wid.) . . res n s 6th bet. Cedar and Sycamore
Miles, Robert cabinet maker . res s s 2d bet. Mulberry and Orange
Miner, Robert harness maker . res s w cor Lombard and 8th
Minihan, Timothy laborer . res alley, s 5th bet Locust & Broadway
Mission School Misses Neidig & Chatterday, teachers, cor 9th and Poplar . .
Mittlander, Paul butcher . res s w cor Linn and 7th
Mittlander, Michael cigar manufacturer . res s s 7th bet. Chestnut and Pine
Moek, Charles furniture finisher . bds National Hotel
Molis, Henry Jr. printer . bds n s 3d bet. Cedar and Walnut
Molis, Henry Molis & Co. . res n s 3d bet. Cedar and Walnut
Molis & Co. gunsmiths s s 2d bet. Sycamore and Cedar .
Molis, Julius gunsmith . bds n s 3d bet. Cedar and Walnut
Moltchall, Frederick shoemaker . res s w cor 8th and Spring
Mordhorst, John butcher 135 2d res cor Front and Chestnut
Morford, Mrs. Sarah ( wid.) . . res n end Morford Road
Morford, William farmer . res n end Morford Road
Morgan, Charles ( col'd ) barber works Jacob Norbert .
Morgan. David . . res s s 6th bet. Walnut and Mulberry
Mormon, Francis livery . bds Ogilvie House
Moon, B. F. silversmith . bds Pennsylvanis House
Moore, Henry W. hardware . res 3d bet. Cherry and Broadway
Moore, Joseph E. carpenter . bds Park House
Moore, Thomas cooper Muscatine Mills res Kecklerville
Morris, Martin carpenter . bds n w cor 4th and Mulberry
Morrisey, P. F. butcher . bds Pennsylvania House
Morrison, Henry grocer n s 2d bet. Mulberry and Walnut .
Morrison, Joseph clerk . res n s 2d near cor Mulberry
Morrison, Miss Lillie E. teacher High School bds bds ne cor 2d and Mulberry
Moss, John D. brick yard . res e s Cedar bet. 2d and 3d
Mottschall, Fred shoemaker W. H. Stewart & Son .
Mueller, Gotlieb laborer . res n s 5th bet. Walnut and Cedar
Mulford, J. S. Cadle & Mulford . res n s 4th bet. Linn and Spruce
Mull, Charles L. grocer 176 2d res s s 10th
Mull, William clerk . bds Mrs. McCormick's
Muncey, Daniel laborer . bds n w cor 4th and Mulberry
Munroe, John H. justice of peace & lawyer s s 2d bet. Iowa av. & Sycamore res s s Iowa City Road
Murphy,----------- . . res n e cor Chestnut and 3d
Murphy, Arthur shoemaker . res Smalley's addition
Murphy, John watchman . res s s 6th bet. Pine and Chestnut
Murphy, Merrick paper dealer w s Walnut bet. 2d and 3d bds National Hotel
Murphy, Michael Byrne & Murphy . bds n s 6th bet. Pine and Linn
Murphy, Patrick clerk . res n s 5th bet. Pine and Linn
Murphy, Phillip wagon maker works Ament Bros. .
Murphy, Phillip laborer . res n s 3d bet. Iowa ave. and Chestnut
Murphy, William teamster . res n end Pine
Muscatine Academy T. Brown, principal e s Iowa ave. near 2d .
Muscatine Business College H. E. Hayes, principal 2d near Sycamore .
Muscatine Courier Barnhart Bros.& Witmer,prop. w s Iowa ave bet Front and 2d .
Muscatine Gas Works . cor 3d and Oak .
Muscatine Mills J. B. Hale, prop. cor Front and Pine .
Muscatine National Bank J. Richardson, pres. cor 2d and Iowa ave. .
Musser, Peter R. Musser & Co . res Iowa City
Musser, Richard R. Musser & Co. . res n s Front near Mulberry
Musser R. & Co. lumber merchants cor Walnut and 2d .
Myers,-------- engineer Chambers Bros. .
Myers, David wagon maker . res cor Mulberry and 2d
Myers, Frederick blacksmith . res s s 9th bet. Cypress and Lombard
Myers, Mrs. I. dressmaker 135 2d ( up stairs) res same
Myers, John M. laborer . res Front bet Oak and Orange
Myers, Simon D. engineer . res 135 2d ( up stairs )
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Nafes, Charles . . bds n s 7th bet. Linn and Pine
Nannay, Levi ( col'd ) barber . bds e s Pine bet. 5th and 6th
Nealey, Charles notions . bds s s 2d bet. Walnut and Cedar
Neff, G. upholsterer . res s s 7th bet. Walnut and Cedar
Negley, Jacob B. book-keeper National Bank bds s s 2d near Cedar
Neibit, Joseph laborer works at Hershey's .
Neidig, B. F. job printer cor Iowa ave. and 2d bds n s 2d bet. Iowa ave. and Sycamore
Neidig, Benjamin B. Neidig & Son . res s s 3d bet. Mulberry and Orange
Neidig, Isaac . . res n s 7th bet. Oak and Spring
Neidig, Maurice O. B. Neidig & Son . res cor 5th and Walnut
Neidig B. & Son (Maur. & Ben. butchers & ice dealers cor 2d and Walnut .
Neiblink, John plasterer . res s s 8th, bet. Ash and Cherry
Nestor, John Nestor & Pekelder . res s s 7th bet. Walnut and Mulberry
Nestor & Pekelder blacksmiths n e cor 3d and Mulberry .
Nestlebush, Mrs. Amelia ( wid.) . . res n s Front, 3 w of Spruce
Nestlebush. William . . res s s 4th bet. Locust and Spruce
Newcomb,C. S. clerk . bds s s 2d bet. Walnut and Cedar
Newcomb, Lucius S. . . res s s 7th bet. Cedar and Walnut
Newton, Luke carpenter . bds s e cor 3d and Mulberry
New York Cash Store Foulke & Quinn, dry goods 188 2d .
Neyhart, Zachariah teamster . res e s Locust, bet. 7th and 8th
Neyens, N. grocer 131 2d res same
Nibard, John laborer . res e s Cedar bet. 5th and 6th
Nicholas, Henry laborer . res n e cor 8th and Lucas Grove Road
Nicholas, Martin shoemaker . res west end 4th
Nicholas,------------ foreman Chambers Bros. .
Nierel, I watches and jewelry 2d street res n s 2d bet. Walnut and Mulberry
Nisly, J. K. clerk . bds National Hotel
Nisly, J. R. Nisly & McDonald . res w s Sycamore bet. 6th and 7th
Nisly & McDonald grocers 235 2d .
Nitzel, John blacksmith . res south Muscatine
Nitzel, Leonard laborer . res n s 6th bet. Spruce and Locust
Nitzel, Thomas laborer works Hershey's .
Noethlich, Charles blacksmith 3d cor Mulberry res w s Cedar, 3d north of 8th
Nollert, Jacob barber n s 2d bet. Walnut and Cedar .
Norman, Charles druggist under Park House res 5th near Orange
Notte, Christian blacksmith works Ament Bros .
Nyenhouse, Ganett John brickmaker . res e s Lucas Grove Rd. 14th n of 8th
Nyenhouse, H. J. . . res e s Lucas Grove Rd. 13th n of 8th
Nyenhouse, John B. . . res e s Lucas Grove Rd. 10 n of 8th
Nyenhouse, William . . res e s Lucas Grove Rd. 12 n of 8th
Nyenhouse Bros. carpenters & builders e s Lucas Grove Rd. 11 n of 8th .
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Oaster, John D. brick mason . . res w s Chestnut bet. 5th and 6th
Obermann, Rev. Charles pastor, Protestant Evangelic. . res s s 8th bet. Sycamore and Iowa ave.
O'Brien, George shoemaker w s Iowa ave. near 3d res cor Cedar and 6th
O'Brien, John laborer . res n s Front 5 west of Spruce
O'Brien, Patrick hostler works hershey's .
O'Callahan, Edmund shoemaker . res n s 4th bet. Pine and Chestnut
Ochs, John laborer . bds n s Front bet.Iowa av. & Sycamore
O'Conley, Mrs. Catherine (wid.) . . res s w cor 7th and Poplar
O'Connor, Henry . cor 2d and Iowa ave. res s e cor 4th and Cherry
Odd-fellows Hall . e s Iowa ave near 2d .
Oderman, Sebastian . 5th bet Broadway and Locust res same
O'Donnell, Mrs. Jane (wid.) . . res n s 4th bet. Pine and Chestnut
O'Donnell, John stoves and tinware s s 2d bet. Cedar and Walnut res s s 3d bet. Walnut and Cedar
Ogilvie, Charles B. student . bds n e cor Oak and 9th
Ogilvie, Frank A. brick mason . bds n e cor Oak and 9th
Ogilvie House Sherwood & Sons, props. cor Front and Iowa ave. .
Ogilvie, Mrs. Isabella ( wid.) . . res n e cor Oak and 9th
Ogilvie, William H. clerk . res cor 9th and Oak
O'Ham, Michael laborer . res s s 7th bet. Linn and Pine
Olbers, George carpenter . res n s 6th bet. Sycamore and Iowa ave
Old's Block . cor 2d and Iowa ave. .
Olds, L. W. drygoods 2 Second and 3 Iowa ave. res n s 3d near Linn
Olds, Mrs. T. L. ( wid.) . . res s s 2s bet. Cedar and Sycamore
Olmsted, Edmund restaurant w s Chestnut res cor Linn and 3d
Olmsted, Edward saloon . res n w cor Linn and 3d
Olsen, A. carpenter . bds Pennsylvania House
Opelt, George laborer . res alley s of 5th bet.Locust & Broadwa
Opelt, John laborer . res alley s of 5th bet Loc.& Broadway
Opelt, John Jr cooper . bds alley s of 5th bet. Loc. & Broadway
Opelt, Michael laborer . bds alley s of 5th bet. Loc. & Broadway
Oplicker, Christian blacksmith works Ament Bros .
Oppeld, Michael laborer works Schaeffer's brewery .
Oppenheimer, J. clothier 183 Second res cor 2d and Cedar
Oppenheimer, J. clothier 217 Second res s w cor 2d and Cedar
O'Neill, Moses laborer . res n s 5th bet Linn and Pine
Othmer, August clerk . res w s Spruce bet. 4th and 5th
Othmer, William shoemaker . res n s Burlington Road
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Pace, Michael . . n s 5th bet. Orange and Oak
Page, Charles farmer n s Burlington Road .
Page, E. H. . . bds Park House, cor 4th and Mulberry
Painter, Jackson teamster . res w s Walnut bet. 5th and 6th
Painter, John H. farmer . res Iowa City Rd., 3d n of 10th
Parham, Joseph C. lumber merchant . res s w cor 4th and Lime
Parker, Mrs. Hannah ( wid.) . . res n s 2d bet. Chestnut and Pine
Parkins, William coal dealer Front bet. Chestnut and Pine res 3d bet. Iowa ave. and Chestnut
Parsons, Mary C. . . bds s e cor 3d and Cedar
Parvin, Daniel Parvin Bros. . res e s Cedar bet. 3d and 4th
Parvin, Josiah N. B. Parvin Bros . res s e cor 4th and Sycamore
Parvin Bros carpenters n s 3d bet. Cedar and Walnut .
Parvin, W. S. tinsmith n s 3d bet. Cedar and Walnut res 4th bet. Mulberry and Orange
Passenger Depot C., R. I., & P. R. R. Front bet. Linn and Pine .
Paton, James S. . . res n w cor Mulberry and 6th
Patterson, J. laborer . res s s 4th bet. Orange and Oak
Patterson, W. J. laborer . bds Pennsylvania House
Pekelder, John Nestor & Pekelder . res e s Mulberry bet. 3d and 4th
Pennsylvania House John G. Stone, prop. cor Chestnut and Front .
Perkins, -------------- dealer, coal and lime . res s s 3d near Iowa ave.
Perry, Benjamin F. blind stick maker . res s s 3d near Sycamore
Perry, Charles works Courier office . bds Pennsylvania House
Perry, H. S. printer . bds National Hotel
Perry, Samuel Lewis & Perry . res Davenport
Pettibone, Giles . . res n w cor 7th and Sycamore
Phelps, C. F. J. P. & C. F. Phelps . res n s Walnut bet. 3d and 4th
Phelps, F. S. . . res cor 2d and Linn
Phelps, J.P. J. P. & C. F. Phelps . bds cor 2d and Linn
Phelps & Bro. Photographers 176 Second .
Phillips, John lawyer . res s s Grand View Road
Pickel, Jacob . . res n s 4th bet. Spruce and Linn
Pierson, H. finisher . bds National Hotel
Pinkham, Clarkson . . res n s 7th bet. Oak and Spring
Pinkham, Richard H. com. merchant . res e s Orange bet. 6th and 7th
Pishop, Eugene engineer . bds s w cor 4th and Pine
Pitchforth, Henry cabinet maker . res Island s s Grand View Road
Platt, Thomas catpenter . res e e Iowa City road 3 n of 10th
Plockert, Christian wagon maker w s Mulberry bet. 5th and 6th .
Pocock, Lloyd D. laborer . res s s 8th bet. Oak and Spring
Pope, Phillip stone mason . res s s 8th bet. Cherry and Broadway
Porter, Charles S. book-keeper . res n s Front bet. Cedar and Walnut
Porter, Mrs. Elizabeth boarding house s s 5th near Mulberry .
Porter, R. Porter & Burns . res 5th bet. Walnut and Mulberry
Porter & Burns shoemakers e s Mulberry .
Post Office John Mahin, post master w s Iowa ave. bet. 2d and 3d .
Postill, Mrs. Caroline ( wid.) . . res s s 2d bet. Spruce and Linn
Potter, Mrs. Harriett ( wid.) . . res s e cor Mulberry and 5th
Powell, Christian laborer . res s s 5th bet. Spruce and Locust
Power, X carpenter . res cor 2d and Sycamore
Powers, James laborer . res s s 5th bet. Spruce and Locust
Prentt, Conrad carpenter . res n e 4th bet. Spruce and Linn
Prenner, Carl laborer . res s s 5th bet. Walnut and Mulberry
Prenner, George collar maker . res n s 7th bet. Pine and Chestnut
Presbyterian Church pastor, Rev. John Anthony n e cor Iowa ave and 4th .
Price, John clerk . res s w cor Mulberry and 6th
Priester, William teamster . res s s Burlington Road
Prosser, Miss Eliza teacher High School bds 5th near orange
Prosser, William clerk . res s s 6th bet. Orange and Oak
Prosser, William packer, Dillaway & Bro. . res 5th near Oak
Public Square bet.4th and 5th and Cherry and Broadway . .
Purcall, Michael laborer . res s e cor 7th and Pine
Pyeatt, James A. engineer, ferry boat . res w s Walnut near Front
. . . .
Quinn, Mrs. H. ( wid.) . . res cor Front and Walnut
Quinn, John baggage man railroad .
Quinn, M. New York cash store . res cor 8th and Walnut
. . . .

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Page created by Dave Dunston, on July 10, 2006