City Directory
Muscatine Iowa



The above named gentleman has been for a number of years connected with some of the oldest and most reliable Life and Fire Insurance Companies now in existence---in fact we believe this to be one of the most responsible Agencies of the West..
T. D. Smith is agent for the well known Security Life Insurance and Annuity Company, of New York, and the successful progress and increasing wealth of this company has earned for it a reputation second to none. Dividends are declared annually after three years, and its statements satisfactorily prove its important financial and other advantages.
" The Security " is doing business on the Mutual Plan, and its Policies are non-forfeiting after payment of three annual premiums, and its terms and restrictions are favorable and lenient. T. D. Smith's long experience and extensive acquaintance has enabled him to accumulate a vast amount of valuable information relative to real estate in this section of the country, and a long list of desirable farming lands, city property, and other suburban residences for sale, is always to be found at his agency.


This gentleman commenced business in this city in 1852, since which time he has built up a large Wholesale and Retail trade. His store is known throughout the city and State as " THE PIONEER BOOK STORE," it being the oldest established house in the State. In it may always be found all kinds of Books, Stationery, Newspapers, Lithographs, Cromos, Picture Frames, Paper Hangings, and hundreds of other things usually kept in first class stores of this kind, all of which are offered at ( what we consider ) very reasonable prices. The secret of the great success of this house is to be attributed to the fact, that persons visiting it are always treated with kindness and affibility, while prices charged are as low as can be afforded, thus insuring future patronage. We heartily recommend Mr. B., to the public, feeling confident, whoever may favor him with their patronage will have no cause to regret.


We beg to call the attention of those in search of good lands, for purposes of speculation or otherwise, to the well known and reliable firm of Foster and Mikesell. These gentlemen have an agency for the buying and selling of city property, paying taxes, making collections, investigating titles, and all business connected with a general land agency. We desire to give this firm a most unqualified testimonial as to their entire responsibility. In proof of which we may mention the Mr. Foster has held the high office of District Clerk and County Recorder, and Mr. Mikesell, County Treasurer, and both have resided in the city and neighborhood over twenty years. In conclusion we bespeak for them an increase to their already large business, assuring the public that they will do the right thing by them. Office, 3 Old's Building.


Our large experience in other cities renders us competent to give our opinion with regard to some of the business houses in Muscatine. In doing this it is with pleasure that we call attention to the store and business of Mr. Crocker. He has been one among the first pioneers toward the erection of the large business of this city, and can hold a priority over many who claim more, but can really do less in his own line, which is especially as a merchant tailor.
All his stock is of the newest and best order, and whether it be the New York swell or the country farmer, they will each have their tastes satisfied to the utmost, by visiting his store. He is agent for the AEtna Sewing Machine, which is claimed to be one of the best machines in use. Also for the celebrated Continental Mowing machine, ( he and Mr. Rockafellow being patentees ), which during the last season has gained a name for lightness, simplicity, strength, and durability, as to be one of the cheapest and best in the market. N. B. Call when in Muscatine at 168 Second Street.


Mr. Schneider is the proprietor of the well-known : "Boat Store," which has been in existence now some thirty years, and he has by his honesty and fair dealing, earned for himself a reputation second to none in the city. He deals extensively in groceries and provisions, fruits and vegetables, butter, and eggs, cheese, etc.; and we believe we can safely mention this gentleman's store as the market to which farmers will be sure to meet with honesty and the best price. His store is located on the corner of Front and Chestnut.


This gentleman commenced in the photograph business upwards of eight years ago, in this city. Having had large experience previously, and now he is pronounced by connoisseurs one of the first artists of the day. He received a diploma for best plain and colored pictures, at the Iowa agricultural State fair, which speaks for itself. He has nicely fitted up rooms, well adatped for his business, the whole gallery being beautifully arranged. All negatives are carefully kept and preserved by him, and orders may be sent on for pictures at any time by those who may have patronized him, which will be forwarded at once. Mr. E's charges are reasonable, considering the class of pictures he turns out. All those in want of a first-class life-like picture, should not fail to call upon him, when they will receive every courtesy and attention. Gallery, Iowa avenue, adjoining Post Office.


The above named firm have their store on the corner of 2d and Pine streets, and it is one to which all those desiring furniture of any description should go. They will there find all goods at the cheapest rates, and all articles of perfect workmanship. This firm do all their own business, and manufacture all descriptions of furniture, having the most experienced workmen, and using in all articles material that is well seasoned and well tested. They offer the best inducements to purchasers and the trade, giving prices which are less than any in the business, and this because all goods are of their own make, and not imported. The manufactory of this firm is at Papoose Bridge, and is in every way replete in convenience and machinery for the trade. Again we ask all to call and see, relying on the integrity of these gentlemen to be satisfied in all respects.


This reliable and well-known house was established in 1848, and undoubtedly stands first in its line of business in the city. They possess one of the largest and pleasantest stores in Muscatine, and have always on hand a large and fine assortment of goods. Dry goods, of the choicest patterns and finest quality, are a specialty with this house, while they also deal largely in carpeting and oil cloths. We saw on a recent visit, piles of dry goods, in endless variety, which reminded us of stocks we had seen in Chicago and elsewhere, and for quantity and quality we thought it would be difficult to ask for anything in the line of dry goods that was not in the store of this sterling and enterprising firm. Messrs. Bridgmen, Kent & Co, are agents of Fairbank's well known Scales, Schuttler's Chicago Wagons, the celebrated Sweepstakes Threshing Machines, and McCormick's and Cayuga Chief Reapers.


Mr. Neidig is the proprietor of the printing department, and has the newest styles of type, and Messrs. Schmidt & Bro. of the bindery. We have had the pleasure of examining specimans of their work, and find it equal to any we have seen before, while the prices are very low, considering the quality of the work turned out by them. All orders entrusted to their care invariably meet with prompt attention, while they are courteous and obliging to all. Location, 2d street, near corner of Iowa avenue.


Dr. Kulp has a good reputation through the State as an experienced and qualified dentist. He has been in practice for fourteen years, and by his superior work, and attention to the wants of his numerous friends and patients, he has now risen to the position of second to none in the profession. Dr. Kulp wisely enforces the observance of a few simple rules by those who employ his services. This done, he confidently guarantees satisfaction.


One of the most useful places to the workingman and others is a dye-house and clothes-cleaning establishment; consequently we take pleasure in recommending the above gentleman, who is the proprietor of the New York Dye House in this city, to the public. He is a practical work-man, and those intrusting anything in his hands, will, no doubt, receive satisfaction. He has been in business at Clinton, in this State, and there was classed among the foremost at his business. Remember the location, when wanting anything cleaned or dyed,---north side 2d street near Iowa avenue.


This gentleman commenced in the dental profession upwards of fourteen years ago, and during that time has steadily increased his business, until now he has an extensive practice; and judging from the work we have examined, executed by him, and the satisfaction expressed by the public generally, who have patronized him, both in respect to price and superior style of workmanship, we have no hesitation in saying that he is one of the leading dentists of the day.
Consequently we can say to all wishing any kind of dental operation performed, whether it be filling or extracting of teeth, or neatly adjusting a full set, however much the gums are worn, or old the person may be, to not despair, but call upon Mr. H., who will attend to the same, and in all cases guarantee satisfaction. He is also proprietor of " HARDMAN'S SUPERIOR AMALGAM," which has been greatly improved, and is now being used very extensively by dentists everywhere, and is said to be economical to dentist and patient, both in time and money. Dental rooms north side 2d, near Sycamore.


We should consider the review of the business men of the city of Muscatine incomplete, were we to omit to recommend that useful man---the DRUGGIST. This we believe we may safely do by mentioning the name of Mr. Krehe, the proprietor of the " Hawkeye Drug Store," and whose experience of over twenty years speaks itself for his reliability. Those trusting him with their patronage may rest assured of his capability to execute their orders, and also depend on written orders being filled, the same as if personal application had been made. Mr. Krehe deals in all kinds of drugs, toilet articles, chemicals, paints, oils, glass, etc., and in fact everything usually kept by houses in his line of business, while we feel sure his prices will be found satisfactorily low. Mr. Krehe has just moved into and refitted No. 233 Second street, and we ask all to remember the " Hawkeye Drug Store" when in want of a druggist and his assistance.


This sterling and enterprising firm commenced business some twenty years since, and have slowly and steadily worked onward till they have attained the proud position they now enjoy, a position, we believe to be second to none in the State. They have every facility for efficiently carrying on their business, each member of the firm personally superintending his own particular branch. The house is doing a lumber business to the amount of $145,000; grain $ 138,000; and pork $300,000 per annum, amounting in the aggregate to the immense sum of nearly $600,000 per annum. Their pork and grain trade extends from here to St. Louis and Chicago, and the name of " Chambers Bro's" is familiarly and creditably known up and down the river, and they everywhere enjoy a reputation for fair and prompt dealing.


Mr. Lofland established his Agricultural Depot in 1860, his intent being to supply the trade with Farming and Agricultural Implements at as cheap rates as possible, as well as presenting those of the best make and manufacture; this end he has now attained, and now is the agent for some of the best and largest firms in the West. Among others we can commend the " Buckeye Reaper, Plant Bro's Pratt & Co's Plows, of Peoria, and the " Vandiver's Corn Planter", which fully attest the reliability of Mr. Lofland's agency. He deals directly with the firms he represents, and thus is able to place his goods in the market at the most satisfactory rates. For the integrity and worth of this gentleman we need only say that his success has far exceeded his expectations, and this owing to the true merit of himself and the firms he represents. Those in want of anything in his line should favor him with a call.


In noticing the oldest and most responsible business men of the city of Muscatine, we cannot pass by the name of J. A. Reuling, who has been established upwards of twenty-four years. He deals largely in Toys and Fancy Goods, and has a Restaurant and Ice Cream Saloon attached to his store, which are kept in first class style. Persons will do well to call upon our friend Reuling when wanting anything in his line, and we can assure them that nothing will be wanting on his part to give satisfaction in price, quality and comfort. Location N. W. Corner 2d and Chestnut Streets.


We notice with great pleasure, the above named new and novel invention, which is as it purports to be, an improved method of working outside window blind slats from the inside. We have closely examined the model, and can unhesitatingly give it an unqualified testimonial, both as to its success and simplicity. The proprietors claim for it, among other benefits, that the slats are perfectly controlled without the necessity of raising the windows, that it prevents all rattling of slats occasioned by wind, and that when closed the slats cannot be opened from the outside. It is easy to see that the operator will be indespensible in the sick room, and that they will save fuel and prevent colds. Prices of the above are so low that every poor man can add this comfort to his house. For prices, see their advertisement.


It would be presumptious on our part to offer any remarks on the well known integrity and high standing of the above named gentleman, he having been established a number of years in the city. He has the largest and choicest stock of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and Tobaccos to be found in the city, and all representations made by this house may be thoroughly relied on. This wholesale department is especially worthy the attention of country buyers, as the stock is large, the quality of the goods first class, while the figures are really low, and those sending a written order may depend on the quality of the goods as if the purchase was made personally. N. S. 2d, bet. Chestnut and Iowa avenue.


By steady perseverance a person may build up a large business for himself, and this has been done by the above named gentleman, who has been in the Jewelry business for the past nine years, during which time he has faithfully attended to the wants of his numerous customers, and by doing work in a first class style, while his charges have invariably been as low as could be afforded, he has gained a good reputation. We bespeak continued success for Mr. N., who is a courteous and obliging gentleman, and may be found at his store, on Second Street.


Mr. Hawley has been in the insurance business for a considerable time, and represents some of the oldest and most responsible companies in the United States. He has recently associated with him, Mr. Hoover, who is well up in business qualifications. As it is the duty of every one to insure, so it is their duty to secure reliable insurance, and this can be done at the agency of Hawley & Hoover, whether it be fire or life. The character of the companies represented by this firm, and the long experience in insurance business of Mr. Hawley, entitles the firm to the confidence of the public. Their office is northeast corner Second street and Iowa avenue.


We wish to call the especial attention of the public and the lovers of science to the large and commodious billiard hall, lately opened by Mr. Humes. It is a handsome and fine hall, measuring twenty by one hundred feet, and is located in the most central and pleasant part of the city, and the enterprising proprietor has set up four of the well-known Phelan & Collender's tables, made by Kleeman & Co., of Chicago. The hall is light and airy, and while predicting for Mr. Humes the success his enterprise deserves, we feel sure that the comfort of his guests will in all cases be consulted and secured. In our opinion this is THE place for lovers of the game to spend a pleasant hour. N. B. The Hall is north side Front between Iowa Avenue and Chestnut Street.


Mr. Stuart is a practical baker, and has been in the business in Muscatine upwards of three years, during which time he has proved himself a thorough business man, and we hear him spoken of as one of the first of his class. They make a specialty of manufacturing crackers, which they sell at wholesale through the city and State. They are extensively known and used as " crackers " of superior manufacture. They have recently fitted up a restaurant, where oysters may be obtained in every style. Mr. S. informs us that he intends, ere long, extending his facilities for his already large business, when he will be able to supply his numerour customers with greater dispatch. Remember their stores are Corner Iowa ave. and 3d st., and corner 5th and Mulberry sts.


Mr. Fisher is an old established business man of the city, and his store is located on east side of Chestnut street, between Front and 2d. He deals extensively in copper work, heavy sheet-iron, and jobbing of all kinds. Mr. Fisher employs first class hands, and from what we have heard, we have no hesitation in saying that there are none that can come up to him, in his particular line of business, in the city. He solicits a trial from all, and guarantees satisfaction.


This firm does an extensive wholesale business along the whole route of the Chicago & Rock Island R. R. , and their sales in the last year amounted to over $150,000. They have been engaged in the lumber business for over twelve years, and their experience and standing is widely known. They offer great and every inducement to the trade; lumber sent free by the cars, and orders promptly filled. Their office and yard are located on corner of Orange and 2d streets, where all will meet with courtesy and attention from the proprietors themselves.


This gentleman commenced his new saddlery store a few months ago, and has earned a good name for the superior work turned out by him. He is a practical workman, and superintends the business himself, consequently people may here find everything in the harness business of first class make and style. All persons in search of a good and neat saddle, bridle, or set of harness, should step into his store, as Mr. B. intends continuing to sell everything good, and as cheap as possible, thereby ensuring the future patronage of all who may give him a trial. His store is two doors south of Post Office.


The long experience of the senior partner, in packing for the English and home markets, has established the reputation of his brand, as equal to that of any other packer in the West; and his personal supervision of the business of his successors insures equal reputation for the brand of the new firm. The facilities for shipping to Chicago and the east by rail during the winter, and reaching the southern markets and the east via the Mississippi river, render Muscatine a desirable point for packing and holding the pork product for a market. Hogs to any amount desired can be purchased on the railroads running west. They can slaughter and pack 500 hogs per day, and have ample bulking room in cellars to cure and handle properly 30,000 hogs.


This gentleman has been in business upwards of twelve years, having resided in the city for the past 16 years. He has a nicely fitted up store, where everything may be found in the drug line. Prescriptions are carefully put up at all hours of the day or night, with accuracy and despatch. We advise all those wanting anything in the drug line to call upon Mr. G., when every courtesy will be shown them. Remember he is located n s 2d bet. Chestnut and Pine streets.


The finest and largest assortment of all kinds of chinaware, glassware and crockery, silver-plated ware, table and pocket cutlery, that we have seen in many a days travel, is to be found at the large and commodious store of Dillaway & Bro. This is the only house in our estimation at which to buy any of the above articles, both on account of the large and fanciful stock always on hand, and also on account that their prices are as low as any house in the West. They import direct, thus saving middle-mens profits, and assuredly their far and wide reputation through the State speaks volumes in itself. Their patterns are of the very latest design, and we most sincerely wish them the success their enterprise and fair dealing deserves. These gentleman have, as well as their large and open stock, an immense quantity in original packages, which they are prepared to sell at eastern prices.


The history of this business house is no less interesting than suggestive. It shows what may be accomplished in this western country by an enterprising devotion to business, even as the great oak develops from the tiny acorn, and reaches out its branches in all directions for the comfort and relief of animal life, so has this developed from an insignificant book store, entirely local in its benefits, to an immense depot of supplies, sending out its stores in every direction and over a vast extent of territory. Within its walls is now transacted a business, which from a small local traffic of about $ 9,000 to a trade aggregating the large amount of $ 30,000 a year. They are widely known and everywhere enjoy a reputation for fair and prompt dealing. Location, 3 Olds block, near corner Iowa avenue.


This hotel we can safely recommend to the traveling public as being one where the comforts, and wishes of those patronizing it, are always studied to the utmost. Mrs. Hess has gained a name in Muscatine as having one of the best managed and most agreeable Hotels in the country. The rooms are light and airy, the tables well kept, and supplied with the best viands the market offers, and the house in cleanliness and comfort may compare with any, while the warmth in winter, and coolness in summer, commands the attention of all. It is located on the northwest cor. Second and Walnut streets.


These gentlemen commenced business about three years ago, since which time they have added largely to their stock, and now they have a nicely fitted up store and well selected stock of goods, and judging from the numerous customers nearly always to be found in their store, we believe they enjoy a large share of public patronage. They are well experienced in their business, and are wide-awake, enterprising gentlemen, obliging and courteous to all, and this, combined with their other qualifications, has gained for them a good name and secured them a large trade. We may here say to those seeking a good grocery store at which to do business, that it will be difficult to find a better place than Beardsley & Mechling, 184 Second street.


This gentleman has been in the above business during the past sixteen years, and in every way merits the patronage of his fellow citizens. He solicits a trial, and will guarantee a full return of any confidence placed in him, both as regards prices and attention to business. It is with much pleasure we add this gentleman's name to our work, as, we feel asured in recommending him and his business to all. His office will be found on the east side of Iowa avenue, near 2d street.