![]() | 1869 City Directory For Muscatine Iowa | ![]() |
E. KLEIN, Mayor
JOHN H. MUNROE, Recorder
J.K. SCOTT, Marshal
C. CADLE, Weigher and Measurer
M. BLOCK, Wharf Master
-----MASTERSON, Surveyor
J. S. PATTON, Street Commissioner
First Ward---Charles F. Kent and William Spring
Second Ward---Charles Kegel and Vincent Chambers
Third Ward---L. H. Washburn and John Cacler,
Regular Council meetings held third Saturday in each month, 7 p.m.WARD BOUNDARIES
FIRST WARD comprises all that part of the city lying between the western boundry of the city and Pine street, and from the river to northern limits.
SECOND WARD all that portion of the city lying between Pine and Walnut streets, north from the river to the city limits.
THIRD WARD all that portion of the city lying between Walnut street and eastern boundry, from the river to northern limits.
Council Rooms south side 2d street, between Iowa avenue and Chestnut street.POLICEMAN
First Ward---U. C. Maze, James Johnson, John Hobacher
Second Ward---John Seiler,Sr., W. S.Richman, T. J. LaGrill
Third Ward---L. S. Goldsberry, T. D. Moore, George WinnDISTRICT COURT
Terms: First Monday in January and June, and third in October.J. SCOTT, Judge
LYMAN ELLIS, District Attorney
J. D. WALKER, Clerk
Terms held quarterly, as follows: February, May, August, and NovemberH. H. BENSON, Judge
J. D. WALKER, Clerk
Bloomington Township, W. H. Stuart and C. C. Horton. Sweetland Township, A. Dobbs. Montpelier, Matthew Porter. Fulton Township, James A. Eaton. Wilton Township, Dan Harker. Moscow Township, E. E. Edwards. Goshen Township, Charles Cope. Wapsinonoc Township, Caleb Elliott. Pike Township, Jesse Purinton. Seventy-Six Township, John S. Riggs. Cedar Township, Henry S. Griffin. Orono Township, Joseph Nelson. Lake Township, W. H. Hazlett
AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, s s 7th bet Mulberry and Orange
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, w s Chestnut, bet. 2d and 3d sts.
EPISCOPAL CHURCH, n s 2d bet. Walnut and Mulberry sts.
EVANGELICAL ZION CHURCH, s e cor 5th and Sycamore sts.
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, s w cor 3d and Cedar sts.
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, n e cor Iowa ave. and 4th st.
FRIENDS CHURCH, w s Walnut, bet. 6th and 7th sts.
GERMAN BAPTIST CHURCH, s e cor 6th and Walnut sts.
GERMAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH, w s Cedar, bet. 2d and 3d
GERMAN EVANGELICAL AND PROTESTANT CHURCH, e s Sycamore, bet. 3d and 4th sts.
GERMAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, w s Cedar, bet. 3d and 4th sts.
GERMAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, e s Iowa ave. near 3d st.
HOLLAND BAPTIST CHURCH, n s 5th bet. Spruce and Locust
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, n w cor 3d and Sycamore
( A new Church is in course of erection on the n e cor 3d and Iowa ave., which is to be completed about August of this year.)
ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, n s 8th, bet. Chestnut and Pine
UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH, n s 6th, near MulberryPUBLIC SCHOOLS. F. M. Witter, Superintendent
INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF MUSCATINE; regular meetiongs of board first Tuesday evening in each month; annual election of officers, second Saturday in March. W. F. Brannan, President; S. O. Butler, Vice President; W. Calder, Secretary; H. Molis, Treasurer; Directors,----R. R. Thomas, term expires in 1871; A. Jackson, term expires in 1870; John Chambers, term expires in 1869.
HIGH SCHOOL, rooms s w cor Iowa ave. and 3d st., third floor. F. M. Witter, Principal; Miss Lillie Morrison, First Assistant; Miss Eliza Prosser, Second Assistant. Organized August, 1864: averages about 70 for term's enrollment. Fifteen have graduated through the course of study.
GRAMMAR SCHOOL No. 1, building ns 7th bet. Orange and Oak. The building, in July last, was struck by lightning and burned down; consequently, the school is distributed among other schools. Miss Mollie Hanlin, Teacher. A new building is under contract to be ready to be occupied next in 1869.
GRAMMAR SCHOOL No.2, building s s 3d bet. Spruce and Locust. Mrs. M. Hatch, Principal; Miss S. Chaplin, First Assistant; Miss Emma Lillibridge, Second Assistant.
PRIMARY SCHOOL No.1, building n s 7th bet. Orange and Oak. ( see Grammar School No. 1 ) School now held in Dulaney's building. Miss Sarah Hill, Principal; Miss Mary Dill, Assistant.
PRIMARY SCHOOL No.2, building s s 3d bet. Spruce and Locust. Miss Mollie Humberger and Miss Mary Reese, Teachers.
PRIMARY SCHOOL No.3, building w s Lucas Grove Road, 1 1/4/miles from Court House. Miss Rose Miller, Teacher.
PRIMARY SCHOOL No.4, building s s Burlington, w of Green st. Miss Bessie Van Buren, Principal; Miss Laura Van Buren, First Assistant; Miss Cora Cattell, Second Assistant.
PRIMARY SCHOOL No.5, building s w cor Iowa ave. and 3d st. Miss Cora Chaplin, Principal; Miss Ellen Junkin, First Assistant; Miss Mary Leyda, Second Assistant.
PRIMARY SCHOOL No.6, building East Muscatine, near Weed's farm. Miss Nellie M. Barrows, Principal; Miss Mary Humphrey's. Assistant.
PRIMARY SCHOOL NO.7, building, Baptist Mission S. S. house. Miss Rowena Neidig, Principal; Miss Anna Chattaway, Assistant
AFRICAN SCHOOL, building s w cor Iowa ave. and 3d st.,second floor. Miss Webb, Principal.
ADMISSION OF SCHOLARS. All persons between five and twenty-one years of age, who are residents, are entitled to attend the public schools free of charge.
TERMS OF SCHOOL. The school year is divided into three terms, of fourteen weeks each. The first term in the primary and grammar grades begins on the last Monday in August., and in the high school, on the Wednesday following.
CATHOLIC SCHOOL, belonging to the church of St. Matthias, conducted by the Sisters of Charity of the B. V. M., comprising three departments,---the high school, the boys', and girls' parochial schools. Sister Mary Felicitas, Sister Superior: Building located n s 8th bet. Chestnut and Pine sts.
THE MUSCATINE COURIER, ( successor to the Democratic Enquirer,) published by Barnhart Bros. & Witmer, was established in the year 1859, by Judge E. H. Thayer, now of the Clinton Age, by whom it was published until the fall of 1865, when it was purchased by Barnhart Bros. They continued its publication until February 1868, when W. W. Witmer, Esq., was admitted as a partner, and the firm name became Barnhart Bros.& Witmer. The daily is a handsome eight column morning paper, and has evidence of considerable ability and enterprise stamped upon it's face. The weekly is a fine nine column folio sheet, and one of the very largest and best weekly papers in the State. It is unnecessary to say that in everything the Courier is democratic, and is a staunch supporter of the Democratic party. The Courier has an extensive circulation over the south, the eastern and central portions of the State, hence as an advertising medium is very superior. The enterprising firm, Barnhart Bros. & Witmer, are also publishers of the Independence Conservative and Marshall County Advance, two leading weeklies in the northern and central portion of the State. For terms & c., of Courier, see advertisement.
THE JOURNAL, established 1840, daily, tri-weekly and weekly. The official paper of the county and city, has a large circulation in the county, and also a large circulation in adjoining counties and throughout the State. Republican in politics. A first-class Job office and Book bindery connected with the establishment. Mahin Brothers, Publishers and Proprietors. The senior proprietor, John Mahin, has been connected with the office over twenty years, having entered it as an apprentice in 1847.
Benevolent Institutions and Societies ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS
Masonic Hall, Second Street south side, between Walnut and Cedar.IOWA LODGE, NO.2
Organized February, 1841; stated meetings on Monday evening, on or before full moon of each month. Number of members, 85. Officers elected June 1st, 1868: Ansel Humphreys, W. M. ; Samuel Cohn, S. W.; Wm. A. Drury, J. W.; John B. Dougherty, Treasurer, Joseph P. Ament, Secretary; F. Wienker, Tyler.HAWKEYE LODGE No. 30.
Organized Sept. 5th, 1857. Stated meetings, Tuesday before full moon each month. Number of members, 75. Officers elected May 5th, 1868: David L. Ewing, W. M.; John J. Daiber, S. W.; Charles R. Fox, J. W.; W. H. Simpson, Treasurer ; Chas. F. Cadle, Secretary ; Charles M. Harlan, S. D. ; George Winn, J. D. ; Myer Block, S. S. ; Leopold Cohn, J. S.; F. Weinker, Tyler.WASHINGTON R. A. CHAPTER, No. 4.
Organized Sept 21, 1852. Stated meetings first and third Friday each month. Number of members, 54. Officers elected Sept. 25, 1868 : Peter A. Brumfield, H. P.; Ozias P. Waters, King ; Chas. R. Fox, Scribe ; J. B. Dougherty, Treasurer ; Wm. Calder, Secretary ; Chas. M. Harlan, C. H. ; Wm. Leffingwell, P. S. ; David L. Ewing, R. A. C. ; Chas. F. Cadle, G. M. 3d Vice ; Josiah P. Walton, G. M. 2d Vice ; J. P. Dawson, G. M. 1st Vice ; F. Weinker, TylerWEBB COUNCIL, No 1, R. S. MASTERS.
Organized Feb. 9th, 1855. Stated meetings Thursday, before full moon each month. Number of members, 36. Officer : William Leffingwell, T. I. M. ; John B. Dougherty, Treasurer ; Wm. B. Langridge, Recorder.DeMOLAY COMMANDERY, No. 1, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR
Organized March 14, 1855. Stated meeting Thursday evening after full moon. Number of members, 43. Officers : Ozias P. Waters, E. C. ; Peter A. Brumfield, Generalissimo ; Wm. Calder, Capt. General ; James S. Patten, S. W. ; Wm. Leffingwell, Prelate ; J. P. Walton, J. W. ; John B. Dougherty, Treasurer ; Chas. M. Hanlan, Recorder ; W. B. Langridge, Standard Bearer ; D. L. Ewing, Sword Bearer ; F. Weinker, Sentinel.ODD FELLOWS
Muscatine Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. Hall, cor Iowa ave. and Second Street, Butler's Block. Organized October 16th, 1868. Regular meeting held every Monday evening. Number of members about 45. Officers elected January 4th, 1869, W. H. H. Stuart, N. G. ; Wm. B. Keeler, V. G. ; R. Cadle, Secretary ; P. Stein, TreasurerYOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION
Room No. 4 Old's Building. Organized February 1868. Business meetings held every alternate Monday at 7:30 P. M. , from October till March, and 8 P. M. from March till October. Religious services held every Sabbath afternoon at 3:30. Officers---Allen Broomhall, President ; John Mahin, Vice President; Henry Hoover, Recorder, Secretary ; Richard Brent, Cor. Sec. ; R. C. Knox, Treasurer ; M. L. Mikesell, Librarian.MUSCATINE ACADEMY
Located n w cor. 2d and Iowa ave. Officers--- J. B. Dougherty, Esq.; President ; Thos. Hanna, Esq. , Secretary and Treasurer ; Board of Trustees--- Rev. J. Armstrong, J. P. Ament, Esq. , Hon. Jacob Butler, J. B. Dougherty, Esq., Thos. Hanna, Esq. Examining Committee---Rev. A. B. Robbins, Rev. F. Humphrey, Rev. E. Eaton. Instructor---T. Brown, A. M. Principal.MUSCATINE GAS LIGHT AND COKE COMPANY
Gas Works located cor 3d and Oak. Joseph Richardson, President; A. Jackson, Superintendent and Secretary. Directors---Chester Weed, J. J. Gordon, J. B. Dougherty, ------Daniels, Jacob Butler and A. Jackson. Meetings held second Tuesday in each month.Muscatine Cemetery
Located on the west side of Lucas Grove Road, about one mile westerly from the Court House. The old grounds were laid in 1843 ; the new which adjoin the old, in 1856. The old grounds were laid off, and are owned by the city. The new grounds by Adam Ogilvie, and are now owned by his son, Charles B. John Seiler, Sexton
The Muscatine Turnverein Society
Organized January, 1866. Meet at their Hall, north west corner Second and Chestnut streets, ( over Reulings Store ). Officers : Gus Schmidt, President ; John Koehler, Vice President ; Aug. Mitke, 1st Turnwart ; Ernst Schmidt, 2d Turnwart ; R. Teichmann, Rec. Sec'y ; Charles Tappe, Cor. Sec'y ; Samuel Cohn, Treasurer ; F. Tappe and J. Horr, Trustees.
Open from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. On Sunday, from 9 A. M. to 10 A. M. Arrival and Departures of Mails. Eastern Mail via Davenport, arrives 11:00 a. m. Closes at 5:00p.m. Western Mail via Washington, arrives at 5:30 p.m. Closes at 11:00 a. m. Western Mail via Iowa City, arrives at 10:40 p.m. Closes at 8:30 a.m. Mail to Blue Grass, Sweetland Centre and Pleasant Prairie, arrives on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 12 m. Closes same day at 1 p.m., Mail to Fairport, arrives on Saturday, at 11 a.m. Closes same day at 12 m. Mail to Illinois City, Drury's Landing and Edgington, arrives on Monday, at 1 p.m., and closes the same day at the same hour. *****---All the above mails close at the hours named, railroad time, which is fifteen minutes faster than town time. JOHN MAHIN, P. M.
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