City Directory
Muscatine Iowa

Here is an explanation of the abreviations used in this directory: "ws" for west side, "es" for east side, "ss" for south side and "ns" for north side. Also, "res" stands for residence, "bds" for boards, "e" for east of, "w" for west of, "s" for south of, "n" for north of, "cor" for corner and "opp" for opposite. Also, let it be noted that in 1866 only "Front" and "Second" streets were numbered. If you want to know what the occupation means, this link may help: List of Occupations. Hit your back button to come back to this webpage. I hope you find your relative on this database. Good luck!!!
R thru Z
Surname, Given Name Occupation/ Business Name Business Address Residence Address
Rabbitt, Patrick laborer . res Linn ws 1 s Eighth
Ralston, Mrs. Matilda dress maker . res Mulberry es 2 s Fifth
Ranz, Christian teamster . res Lucas Grove Rd.w Cemetery
Ranz, Jacob teamster . res Lucas Grove Rd.w Cemetery
Ranz, Joseph teamster Pine sw cor Second res Lucas Grove Rd.w Cemetery
Raymond, Miss Augusta B. asst. teacher City High Schl. Iowa av. sw cor Third bds 154 Second
Ready, James laborer . res Second ss 1 w Broadway
Record, Adam teamster . res East Muscatine
Record, Adam M. laborer . res East Muscatine
Record, Guilford laborer . res East Muscatine
Record, John C. laborer . res East Muscatine
Reddington, John laborer . res Chestnut es 1 s Sixth
Redman, Altimore ( col ) laborer Island 1 1/2 mi w Court H. res Eighth sw cor Orange
Redman, Mrs. Catherine . . res Fifth ne cor Broadway
Redman, John laborer . res Seventh ss 2 w Locust
Redman, Michael lab Front nw cor Pine res Seventh ss 3 w Chestnut
Reece, George hardware clerk 147 Second bds Third ss 1 w Iowa av.
Reece, Miss Mary E. prin. City School # 5 Second ns w Iowa av. res Third ss 1 w Iowa av.
Reece, Mrs. Nancy L. . . res Third ss 1 w Iowa av.
Reese, Mrs. Sarah . . res Iowa av. es 2 n Second
Reed, Charles stone mason . res East Muscatine
Reed, John P. Jr. butcher . res East Muscatine
Reep, William carriage maker Iowa av. es 4 n Second res Eighth ss 3 w Walnut
Reger, Jacob saloon 185 Second res same
Rehbein, William cabinet maker Iowa av. es 2 n Front res Sycamore sw cor Sixth
Rehben, Edward laborer . res Sixth ns 4 w Spruce
Reilly, Peter laborer . res Cedar ne cor Sixth
Reincke, Henry laborer . res Green ws 2 n Burlington Rd.
Reinholdt, John B. . . bds 231 Second
Retz, Benedick hostler brewery South Muscatine bds same
REULING, JOHN A. bakery, saloon, toy dealer 128 Second res Iowa av. es 2 n Fourth
Reynolds, William P. tallyman, mill Front nw cor Spring res Sixth ns 3 e Orange
Ribbing, John carpenter . res Lucas Grove Rd. w Cemetery
Rice, Michael laborer . res Second ss e Brooks
Richards, John laborer Front ne cor Spring res Seventh e Poplar
Richards, Rudolph turner shop Sixth se cor Oak res Sixth ns 5 e Oak
Richards, William C. salesman Burl Rd ss w Elm res Burlington Rd ne cor Green
Richards, William M. laborer . res Mulberry ws 4 n Fourth
Richardson, John laborer . res Seventh sw cor Poplar
Richardson, Joseph cashier Muscatine National Bank res Third ns 3 w Cherry
Richardson, Mrs. Rhoda . . res Island e Fair Ground
Richardson, William laborer . res Mulberry nw cor Front
Richarz, John H. Sr. . . res 229 Second
Richarz, John H. Jr. artist . res 229 Second
RICHIE, W.S.& CO. dlrs in grains & produce 104,106 2d,&Chest.sw coFron .
Richie, William S. firm of W. S. R & C. . res Third ss 2 w Mulberry
RICHMAN & CARSKADDAN atty's, notaries, rl.est agnts 143 Second .
Richman, DeWitt C. firm of R. & Carskaddan . res Cedar ws 1 n Eighth
Richman, E. Frank rl. est, & coll. agnt. & notary 192 Second res Third sw cor Locust
Richman, Scott district judge . res Third sw cor Locust
Richman, William S. plasterer . res Cedar ws 1 n Eighth
Richter, Mrs. Joanna . . res Green ws 6 n Burl Rd.
Richard, William H. laborer . res 228 Second
Ridenour, Jacob teamster . res Tipton Rd. es 2 s Eleventh
Riecky, George laborer . res Pine 2 n Eighth
Riemcke, Hugo fruit store 131 Second res Sixth sw cor Oak
Rienake, Henry laborer Pine sw cor Second res Burl. Rd w Green
Rienhart, Jacob teamster . res Fourth ns 1 w Cedar
Rigg, Anthony C. druggist's clerk 120 Second bds 205 Second
Riley, Edward laborer . res Eighth ss 3 w Cedar
Rink, August harnessmaker Burlington Rd. ns w Green res Elm ws 3 n Burlington Rd.
Rink, Charles harnessmaker shop Burl. Rd ns 2 w Green res same
Ritchey, James T. insurance agnt . bds Pennsylvania House
Roach, William M firm of Davidson, R. & Porter . res Sixth ns 3 e Oak
Robbins, Rev. Alden pastor Congregational Church res Third ne cor Broadway
Robbins, Dana H. book-keeper Court House res Third ne cor Broadway
Robbins, Horace H. student . res Third ne cor Broadway
Roberts, Henry labore . res Mulberry ws 3 n Fifth
Roberts, Mrs. Mary tailoress . res Walnut ws 5 s Third
Robinson, Mrs. Lucretia . . res Front ns 4 w Pine
Rockafellow, Samuel farmer Island res same
Roe, Mrs. permelia . . res Mulberry es 2 s Sixth
Rogers, Elias laborer Front nw cor Spring res Second ne cor Oak
Rohn, Preston M. artist 178 Second bds St. Charles Hotel
Roland, William laborer . res Eighth ss 1 w Spring
Rolf, Hermann H. omnibus St. Charles Hotel res Walnut ws 2 s Fifth
Rose, Conrad cutter 174 Second res Walnut ws 2 s Seventh
Rose, Conrad tailor 174 Second res Walnut ws 2 s Seventh
Rosenheim, Leo clothing clerk 183 Second bds same
Rosenheim, Uleich dealer clothing 183 Second res same
Rosenheim, Simon clothing clerk 183 Second bds same
Rosenmund, Charles E teamster . res Burl Rd ss 3 w Green
Roth, John laborer . . res North Muscatine
Roth, Michael saloon Iowa av. ws 2 s Third res same
Rothe, Ernst cabinet maker shop Eighth ns 2 e Poplar res same
Rothschild, David firm of R. & Brother . res Front ns 3 w Chestnut
ROTHSCHILD & BROTHER wholesale& retail dry goods 162 Second .
Rothschild, Israel firm of R. & Brother . res Third ss 1 w Sycamore
Roush, David H. printer . bds St. Charles Hotel
Rowerdink, John Wm. . . res Green es 5 n Burlington Rd.
Rowland, Hiram carpenter . res Third ns 2 e Chestnut
Rowland, William G. laborer . res Fourth nw cor Orange
RUBELMANN J. & CO. mfg's. leather goods 130 Second .
Bubelmann, Jacob firm of J. & R. Co. . res Fourth ns 2 w Linn
Ruckdeschel, Christian laborer Front nw cor Linn res Fourth ns 2 w Mulberry
Rutherford, Miss Alice H. prin. City Primary Schl. # 1 Seventh ne cor Orange bds Eighth ns 2 w Sycamore
Rutherford, Augustine firm of R. &. Bro . res Iowa av. ws 3 n Second
Rutherford & Brother stationers Iowa av. ws 2 n Second .
Rutherford, George firm of R. & Bro . res Iowa av. ws 3 n Second
Ryan, Dennis laborer . res East Muscatine
Ryan, Edward laborer . res alley n Sixth w Linn
Ryan, Patrick . . res alley ss n Fifth 2 w Pine
Ryan, Peter laborer . res alley n Sixth w Linn
Ryan, Philip farmer . res alley n Sixth w Linn
Ryan, Philip Jr. farmer . res alley n Sixth w Linn
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Sadler, William H. pattern-maker Front ne cor Spring res East Muscatine
Sample, John dry goods clerk 210 Second res 154 Second
Sander, John H. painter . res Lucas Grove Rd. w Cemetery
Sandfort, Henry J. laborer . res Mulberry ws 5 n Fourth
Satterhwait, Joshua bricklayer . res Second sw cor Lombard
Satterthwait, William bricklayer . res Second sw cor Lombard
Sauer, Henry boot & shoemaker, shop Chestnut ws 4 s Second res Chestnut es 2 n Second
Sauer, Michner laborer . res Seventh ss 2 w Sycamore
Sawyer, Moses C. grocer's clerk 241 Second res Fifth ns 3 e Oak
Schaefer, Conrad cooper, shop alley ns n Third 1 w Walnut res same
SCHAEFER, FRANK A. & SON brewers,Ash sw cor Eighth & brewers,Lucas Gr Rd ss w Ash .
Schaefer, Frank A. firm of F. A. S. & Son . res Ash sw cor Eighth
Schaefer, Henry . . res alley ns n Third 1 w Walnut
Schaefer, John firm of F. A. S. & Son . res Ash ws cor Eighth
Schaefer, Wilhelm firm of Hartman & S. . res Sixth ne cor Sycamore
Schaefer, William laborer . res Eighth ss 2 w Sycamore
Schafer, John teamster Second ne cor Orange res Spring es 1 s Seventh
Schafer John teamster . res Walnut ws 2 n Fourth
Schafilentzel,Jacob laborer . res Walnut ws 2 n Fourth
Schafnit, Frederick laborer . res Lombard ws 2 n Tenth
Schafnit, Mrs. Mary E . . res Tipton Rd.es 4 s Eleventh
Scharer, Rev. John pastor German Congregational Ch. res Walnut nw cor Fourth
Scharnhorst, Christian laborer . rse Third ns 2 w Cedar
Schermer, Augustus laborer Front ne cor Pine res Second nw cor Brooks
Schirmer, John A. miller Front ne cor Pine res Second nw cor Brooks
Schirmer, Carl carpenter . res Second nw cor Brooks
Schirmer, Carl H. Jr. laborer . res Second nw cor Brooks
Schipper, Christopher cooper, shop Burlington Rd ns w Green res same
Schlesman, Jonathan lab Burl. Rd. ss w Elm res Elm es 3 n Front
Schmalz, Fr. & Brother mfg's. boots & shoes 203 Second .
Schmalz, Charles F. firm of Fr. S. & Bro. . res Eighth ss 2 w Orange
Schmalz, Frederick F. firm of Fr.. S. & Bro . res Seventh nw cor Pine
Schmelzer & Co. wagon makers Mulberry ws 1 s Third .
Schmelzer, Henry C. firm of S. & C. . res Tipton Rd. sw cor Eleventh
Schmelzer, Henry F. firm of S. & C. . res Second ns 1 w Mulberry
Schmelzer, John laborer . res alley s Burlington Rd w Green
Schmer, Henry lath sawyer Burlington Rd ss w Elm res Eighth ns 2 e Broadway
Schmidt, Bernhard shoemaker 122 Second res Fourth ss 1 e Broadway
Schmidt, Christian . . res Seventh ss 2 e Iowa av.
Schmidt, Christopher wagon maker . res First nw cor Franklin
Schmidt Rev. Frederick pastor German Presbyterian Church res Fifth se cor Spruce
Schmidt, George farmer . res Burl Rd. ns 2 mi w Court H.
SCHMIDT G. & BRS. bk. binders, dlrs blank bks. 151 Second .
Schmidt, Gustave firm of G. S. & Bro. . res Seventh ss 2 e Iowa av.
Schmidt, Hermann firm of G. S. & Bro. . res Seventh ss 2 e Iowa av.
Schmidt, John saloon 218 Second res same
Schmidt, John boot & shoe mfg. 122 Second res Fourth ss 1 e Broadway
Schmidt, Rudolph cabinet maker . res Sixth ns 2 w Cedar
Schmidt, Mrs. Wilhelmina . . res Seventh ns 2 e Linn
Schmidt, William laborer . res Lucas Grove Rd. es 2 s Sixth
Schneider, Rev. Charles pastor, Germ. M. E. Church Cedar ws 2 n Third res same
SCHNEIDER, GEORGE dlr.in groceries & provisions Front ne cor Chestnut res same
Schneider, John lab Burl Rd. ss w Elm res Sixth ss 2 w Cedar
Schoemaker, Rev. Christopher pastor Holland Baptist Church res Lucas Grove Rd. ne cor Butler
Scholey, George W. . . res Front ns 3 w Linn
Schomberg, Henry lab Front ne cor Spring res Seventh ss 3 w Sycamore
Schomberg, Jacob teamster, mill Front w Spring res Seventh ss 3 w Sycamore
Schott, Amos teamster . res Second ss 3 w Orange
Schott, John laborer, mill Front w Spring res Seventh ss 2 w Oak
Schreuers, John A lab Second se cor Walnut res Fourth ns 2 w Spruce
Schrieber, Charles laborer . res Second ns 3 e Locust
Schuesler, George huckster . res Burl. Rd. ns 7 w Green
Schuetz, William shoemaker, shop Mulberry ws 2 s Fifth res same
Schultz, John laborer . res alley ss n Sixth 2 e Cedar
Schultz, John laborer . res Eighth ss 2 e Ash
Schulz, Frederick laborer . bds Seventh ss 2 e Iowa av.
Schulz, Miss Teenu fancy goods clerk 126 Second res same
Schumacher, John brick moulder Eighth ns w Cedar res Butlerville
Schumberg, Mrs. Anne . . res Seventh ss 3 w Sycamore
Schutz, John plasterer . res Cypress es6 n Tenth
Schwab, Christian laborer Burl. Rd. ss w Elm rse Green es 3 n Burlington Rd.
Schwab, Michael saloon Front ne cor Iowa av. res same
Schwab, Michael Jr. cigar maker . res Front ne cor Iowa av.
Schwab, Jacob teamster . Front ne cor Iowa av.
Schwake, Henry C. laborer . res Tipton Rd. se cor Eleventh
Schwalm, Henry blacksmith shop Third sw cor Mulberry res country
Scott, Arthur drayman . res Walnut nw cor Seventh
Scott, John K. teamster . res Burl Rd. ss 1 1/4 mi w C. H.
Scott, Robert at mill Burl Rd. ss w Elm res Eighth near Broadway
Scott, Robert W. millwright . res Sixth ss 3 e Spring
Scott, William W. employee Burl. Rd. ss w Elm res Burl Rd. ss 1 1/4 me w Ct. H.
Scruser, Mrs. Henrietta . . res Fourth sw cor Broadway
Seifert, Frederick tailor . res Eighth ss 2 w Spring
Seiler, Daniel W. carpenter 110 Second res Newell Rd ss
Seiler, John Jr. coal agent Chestnut sw cor Front res Linn es 2 s Seventh
Seiler, John sexton Cemetery res Sixth ns 1 w Iowa av.
Seiler, John carpenter . res Eighth ns 1 w Iowa av.
Seiman, August riverman . res Eighth sw cor Pine
Seldon, Mrs. Sophroma H. prin. African School Green n Burlington Road res Third ns 2 w Spruce
Sells, Luke firm of Lemp & S. . res Fourth sw cor Linn
Sergel, John H. firm of W. H. Simpson & Co. . res Cypress se cor Tenth
Sesseg, Joseph engineer Front ne cor Pine res Eighth ss 2 w Locust
Shafer, Nicholas brick moulder Cedar nw cor Eighth bds Eighth nw cor Sycamore
SHAFNIT & BROTHER groceries & provisions 2233 Second .
Shafnit, George F. firm of S. & Bro . res cor Tenth & Lombard
Shafnit, Jacob J. firm of S. & Bro. . res Fourth ss 4 e Mulberry
Shammo, Samuel firm of S. Cummins & Hook Front nw cor Iowa av. bds Sycamore ws 4 n Second
Shaughnessy, Michael laborer . res Fourth ns 3 w Spruce
Shaughnessy, Michael laborer . res Fourth ns 1 e Locust
Shaw, Penthus A. bricklayer . res Eighth ss 1 w Cypress
Sheeley, John lab Front bet.Orange & Oak res Seventh ns 2 w Cedar
Shepard, Edward B. grocer's clerk 71 Front bds St. Charles Hotel
Sherman, Charles team. Mill Front ne cor Spring res hill e mill
Shook, Sylvanus G. grocer's clerk 237 Second res Sixth ss 3 w Oak
Sibley, & Daugherty grocers 133 Second .
Sibley, Albert firm of S. & Daugherty . bds Sixth ss 3 e Mulberry
Sibley, Charles B. printer Iowa av.ws 3 s Second bds Sixth ss 3 e Mulberry
Sick,Christian laborer . res alley n Fourth 2 w Broadway
Siebert, Christof cabinet maker Iowa av. es 2 n Front res Fourth ns 1 w Cedar
Silverman, Charles firm of S & Brother . bds Ogilvie House
SILVERMAN & BROTHER dlrs clothing, hats & caps 204 Second .
Silverman, Jacob firm of S. & Brother . res Third ss 3 w Walnut
Simon, August courier 130 Second res Eighth ss 2 w Pine
SIMPSON W. H. & CO. prop's.,City Marble Works 250 Second ne cor Walnut .
Simpson, William H. firm of W. H. S. & Co. . res Fifth ns 2 e Orange
Sisk, David laborer . res Third ss 3 w Ash
Sisk, Mrs. Jane T. . . res Third ss 3 w Ash
Sisters of Charity school Eighth nw cor Chestnut res same
SKINKLE, ALMERSON livery, sale & exch. stable Second ss 2 e Walnut res Mulberry es 2 n Fourth
Skinkle, Lambert V. . . res Walnut es 2 s Second
Slater, James D. carpenter . res Third ss 3 w Pine
Slaughter, Mrs. Catharine . . res Seventh se cor Cypress
Slaughter, Martin laborer . res Pine es 2 s Sixth
Sleyster & Apel wagon makers Third ss 2 e Walnut .
Sleyster, Warner firm of S. & Apel . res Lucas Gr. Rd.ns op. Cemetery
Slosser, Joseph laborer . res Seventh e Brooks
Smalley, Abraham . . res Second ss 1 w Cherry
Smalley, Andrew J. farmer . res Burl Rd. ss 2 mi w Court H.
Smalley, John farmer . res Second sw cor Mulberry
Smalley, Mrs. Rhoda . . res Third ns 2 w Cherry
Smalley, Shepherd farmer . res Burl. Rd.ss 2 mi w Court H.
Smalley, William farmer . res Burl. Rd.ss 2 mi w Court H.
Smeenk, Jacob wagon maker Burl Rd ns 5 w Green res East Muscatine
Smeenk, Warner dry goods clerk 160 Second bds Third ns 2 e Spruce
Smith, Abraham . . bds 205 Second
Smith, August painter . res alley w Iowa av. n Second
Smith, Calvin W. firm of Benham & S. . res Front ns 2 w Graded Road.
Smith, Charles H. book store clerk 178 Second bds 166 Second
Smith, Ernest harness maker 191 Second ns 2 e Sycamore res Seventh ss 2 e Iowa av.
Smith, George cooper, shop East Muscatine res South Muscatine
Smith, George P. farmer . . res S. Muscatine River Road
Smith, George W. carpenter . res Sixth ns 2 e Sycamore
Smith, Henry tailor 201 Second bds Front ne cor Iowa av.
Smith, Jacob farmer . res Island 2 mi. w Court House
Smith, Jacob Jr. farmer . res Island 2 mi. w Court House
Smith, James D. laborer . res Front ns 2 e Linn
SMITH, JOHN J. mfg. tin & sheet iron ware 239 Second res Front ne cor Cedar
SMITH, THOMAS D. insurance & rl. estate agnt. 177 Second res Third ss 2 e Cedar
Smith, William fireman, mill Burlington Rd ss w Elm res Elm es 2 n Front
Smith William laborer, brick yard Lucas Grove Road .
Smith, William P. bricklayer . res Cypress es 2 n Tenth
Snyder, George B. laborer . res Fifth ns 2 w Oak
Snyder, William H. city express . res Third ns 4 w Pine
Spaethe, Charles F. book-keeper . res Sixth ns 3 e Iowa av.
SPARKS, GREEN dlrs, furniture, & undertaker 179 Second res Fifth ss 4 e Mulberry
SPEER & MUNROE dlrs. drugs, paints, etc. 225 Second .
Spencer, Homer boots & shoes 154 Second res Walnut sw 1 s Second
Spencer, Isaac eating house 230 Second res Fourth ss 4 e Orange
Spencer, William teacher . res Fourth ss 4 e Orange
Spohn, George laborer . res Eighth sw cor Cherry
SPRING & BROWER prop's., billiard, saloon & rest. Chestnut ws 3 n Front .
Spring, William firm of S. & Brower . res Third ns 2 w Locust
Springer, Louis laborer Front ne cor Pine res Cedar ws 2 n Second
Staffon, Henry laborer Second se cor Walnut res Seventh ns 2 w Chestnut
Stahl, Conrad . . res 69 Second
Stahl, Henry teamster . res Burl. Rd. 1 1/2 mi w Ct. H.
STALLCUP, MRS. SARAH A. medical electrician 209 Second res same
Stanley, Addison farmer . res Mulberry ws 1 1/2 mi. nw C. H.
ST. CHARLES HOTEL J. R. Galvean, prop. Second nw cor Walnut .
Steele, George L. S. firm of Halsteat & S . res Fifth ss 1 w Oak
Steele, James M. carpenter . res Third ns 3 w Walnut
Steele, Lawrence St. John painter . res Fifth sw cor Oak
Steemerdink, John H. cigar maker . res Lucas Grove Rd. ns w Ash
Steer, Lorenz laborer . res Lucas Grove Rd. w Cemetery
Steere, Robert cloth agency 241 Second res Mulberry es 2 n Fourth
Stein, Joseph porter . res Seventh ss 4 w Chestnut
Stein, Philip firm of S. G. & P. S. . res Chestnut ws 1 s Fourth
STEIN S. G. & P. furniture 100 & 102 Second .
Stein, Simon G. firm of S. G. & P. S. Pine sw cor Second res 100 Second
Steinberg, Ferdinand O. . . res Fourth ns 3 w Linn
Steiner, B. & J. grocers Walnut ws 3 s Third .
Steiner, Benjamin firm of B. & J. S. . res Fourth ss 1 w Chestnut
Steiner, John firm of B.&J.S. and physician Walnut ws 3 s Third res Same
Steinhoff, Alonzo P. nursery agent . bds 205 Second
Steinmetz, Conrad cabinet maker Sycamore se cor Second res Sixth ns 2 e Linn
Sterneman, Daniel drayman . res Fourth ns 2 e Walnut
Stevens, Alonzo C. patent gate agent . res Sixth ss 1 e Linn
Stewart, Mrs. Bessey . . res Cedar se cor Third
Stewart, George at livery Second ss 2 e Walnut bds Mulberry es 2 n Fourth
Stewart, George W. laborer . res Cypress es 3 n Tenth
Stewart, Marcus M. printr . res Cedar se cor Third
Stewart Mrs. Mary F. . . res Cypress es 3 n Third
Stewart, Theodore S. shoe clerk 186 Secons res Cedar se cor Third
STEWART W. H. & SON mfg. boots, shoes, hats,etc. 186 Second .
Stewart, William H. firm of W. S. H. & Son . res Cedar se cor Third
Stewart, William M. firm of W. S. H. & Son . res 135 Second
Stihl, Christian teamster . res 63 Second
Stiles, Moses P. travel agent 71 Front bds Third sw cor Walnut
STINE, JOHN G. prop. Pennsylvania House Front nw cor Chestnut .
St. John, Hamiltom travel agent . res Fourth ss west end
St. John, William travel agent Mulberry es 2 n Third .
STOCKDALE & CURRAN blk.&,whitesmith,iron sash Iowa av.ws 1 n Third .
Stockdale, John firm of S.& Curran . res Eighth ns 1 e Mulberry
Stocker, Gottlieb carpenter . res Second ns 1 e Hanover
Stocker, Samuel traveling agent . res Sycamore ne cor Sixth
Stoddard, Mrs. Alethia C. . . res Fourth ss 2 w Linn
Stoddard, Volcott D. traveling agent . res Fourth ss 2 w Linn
STONE, CHARLES dlr.hardware, farm tools,seed 132 Second res Third ns 2 w Broadway
STONE, FREDERICK H. druggist, paints, glass ware 134 Second res Third ne cor Broadway
Stone, Henry M. . . res Sixth ss 2 e Mulberry
Stons Nathan M. . . res Sixth ss 2 e Mulberry
Stormfeltz, Daniel teamster Burlington Rd. ns 4 e Green res Burl Rd. ns 2 e Green
Storms, George helper Third ss opp. Court House res Seventh ns 1 e Spring
Storz, John blacksmith, shop Burlington Rd. ns w Green res same
Strake,Henry laborer . res Green ws 3 n Burlington Rd.
Strake, Barney laborer, planing mill Front nw cor Spring res Seventh ss 1 w Spruce
Stratemeyer, Frederick . . res Sixth ns 2 w Walnut
Strohm, John teamster Secpnd ne cor Orange res Fifth ss 3 w Mulberry
Strohm, William H. laborer . res Fifth ss 3 w Mulberry
Stuart, William H. baker 128 Second res Mulberry ws 7 n Fifth
Stutefoss, Frederick A. cooper, shop Lucas Grove Rd w Cemetery res same
Suepert, Mrs.Elizabeth . . res Eleventh ns 6 e Tipton Rd.
Summers,Henry . . res Cedar es 4 n Second
Surgeson, Thomas laborer . res Fifth ss 1 e Spring
Swan, Fitch Wm. jeweler's clerk 151 Second res Fifth ss 1 e Locust
Swan, Nathan F. . . res Fifth ss 1 e Locust
Sweeney, Thomas drayman 71 Front res Third ns 3 e Orange
SyWassink, John W. lab. lumber yard Second se cor Walnut res Lucas Grove Rd ss w Ash
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Tabor, Mrs. Anne . . res Third ss 2 w Sycamore
Taborn, Mrs. Anne . . res Third ss 2 w Sycamore
Tallant, Thomas B. druggist's clerk 225 Second bds 223 Second
Tappe, Charles liquors Second sw cor Chestnut bds 126 Second
TAPPE, FREDERICK dlr. millinery, material, etc 126 Second res same
Tarr, George . . res Ninth ne cor Poplar
Tarr, Samuel . . res Ninth ne cor Poplar
Taylor, William G. saddle-maker 191 Second res Fourth ss 3 e Mulberry
Taylor, Zachary (col ) laborer Mulberry ws 1 mi. nw Ct. H. bds same
Tebow, James O. carpenter . res Cedar sw cor Sixth
Tebow, Ora carpenter . bds Pannsylvania House
Teichmann, Reinhold cigar maker 152 Second bds same
TELEGRAPH OFFICE J. M. Gough, operator 141 Second .
TERRY, GEORGE H. blacksmith, shop 268 Second res 262 Second
Terry, Isaac C. blacksmith . res 262 Second
Terry Lewis A. blacksmith 268 Second res 262 Second
TERRY, ORANGE S. dlr. music& instruments 148 Second res 108 Second
Terry, Titus D. at 148 Second . bds 108 second
Tersteye, Mrs. Berendiena . . res Lucas Gtrove Rd. ns w Ash
TeStrake, Heinrich laborer . res Green ws 3 n Burlington Rd.
Teutsch, John stone mason . res East Muscatine
Thauren, Anton laborer . res Seventh ns 1 e Iowa av.
Thayer, Edward H. attorney . res Fifth sw cor Sycamore
Thayer, William architect Burl. Rd ss w Elm res Fourth ss 2 w Pine
Thomas, Chalkley dentist 220 Second res same
Thomas, Robert R brush maker, shop Mulberry ws 3 s Fifth res Seventh ns 2 e Mulberry
THOMPSON, BENJAMIN W. physician & surgeon Fifth ss 3 w Orange res same
Thompson, Charled H. homeopathic physician Second ss 2 e Orange res same
Thompson, Robert T. dry goods clerk 175 Second res Fifth ns 3 e Sycamore
Thompson, Stephen St. John . . res Fifth ss 3 w Orange
Thornton, James laborer . res Chestnut nw cor Sixth
Thornton, Jenars, drayman . res Third ss 2 w Cedar
Thurston, Franklin . . res Iowa av. es 2 n Srcond
Tickel, Anton H. blacksmith . res Tenth sw cor Lombard
Tickers, Mrs. Maria . . res Fifth nw cor Spring
Tieke, Frederick plasterer . res Eighth sw cor Sycamore
Tiemann, Augustus at nursery Foster Rd3/4 mi nw Ct. H. res same
Tillord, John M. farmer . res Mulberry 1 1/2 mi. nw Ct. H.
Tillard. Thomas J. engineer Fourth ss 1 e Chestnut res Fifth ss 1 e Spring
Timm, Frederick teamster . res Fourth ss 2 w Chestnut
Timmersman, Henry carpenter . res Alley s Burl. Rd. w Green
Tobie, David . . res Tenth ss 3 e Lombard
Tobie, John laborer . res Tenth ss 3 e Lombard
Tomnay, John laborer . res alley w Cherry s Third
Tracy, James laborer . res Front 2 e Ash
Trehner, John carpenter . res Butlerville
Trick,Matthias wagon maker Third ss opp. Court H. res Orange ws 2 n Fourth
Tricbel, William laborer . res Butlerville
Triplett, Lewis ( col ) farmer ns Fair Grounds res same
Truitt, Mrs. Ellen H. . . res Ninth nw cor Lombard
Tunney, John laborer . res Sixth ss 2 w Spruce
Turck, Albert clerk Front nw cor Spring bds Ogilvie House
Turner, John H. com. merchant . res Walnut sw w cor Sixth
Tutt, Noah ( col ) farmer . res Island
Tuttle, Charles H. tinner Sycamore ne cor Second bds Mulberry sw cor Fourth
Turrle, Mrs. Frances M. . . res Fourth sw cor Pine
Tutton, Mrs. Carrie . . res Iowa av. se cor Sixth
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Udish, Charles lab. Front nw cor Spring res Sixth ne cor Spring
Ulrich, Frederick laborer . bds E. River Road
Underwood, Frank L. teller Muscatine National Bank res Third ns 3 w Broadway
Underwood, Strikely carpenter, shop 110 Second res Third nw cor Broadway
Upham, Emerson O. law student 151 Second res Mulberry ws 1 mi. nw Ct. H.
Urmston, Philander A. watch maker, shop Walnut es 2 s Second res same
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Van Buren, Miss Bessie A. prin. School # 4 Burl. Rd.ss w Green res Sixth ss 3 e Oak
Van Buren, Martin J. teamster . res Sixth ss 3 e Oak
Van Buren, Thatcher I. photographer 220 Second res Sixth ss 3 e Oal
Van Buren, Miss Zipporah E. select school Sixth ss 3 e Oak res Same
Vance, John J. cloth. clerk 137 Second bds Pennsylvania House
Vance, Philip blacksmith, shop East Muscatine res same
Van Dam, John cabinet maker Fourth ss 1 e Chestnut res Fifth ns 2 w Broadway
Van Dam, John tailor . res Fifth ns 2 w Broadway
Van De Maat, John blacksmith . res Lucas Grove Rd ns opp. Cem.
Van Gent, Martienes laborer Front 2 w Sycamore res Fifth nw cor Broadway
Van Nostrand, William H. firm of Rubelmann & Co. . bds Ogilvie House
Van Spanchren, Lombartus H. soap factory Tipton Rd es n Eleventh res Tenth ns 2 e Poplar
Vaughn, Morris laborer . res Mulberry es 2 s Fifth
Vaupel, John cigar maker 204 Second res Sixth ns 3 w Iowa av.
Veerink, John H. laborer . res Fourth ns 2 w Cherry
Vennink, Gerret H. laborer . res Fifth ss 4 e Locust
VESY, GEORGE P. & CO. groceries & provisions 153 Second .
Vesy, George P. firm of G. P. V. & Co. . res 170 Second
Vetter, Michael firm of Binner & V. . res Sixth ns 3 e Linn
Viele, Samuel D. . . res Front ns 3 e Cedar
Viele, William D. . . res Iow av. se cor Fifth
Vogle, David at mill Burl Rd ss w Elm res S. Muscatine
Vollberg, Peter peddler . res Walnut ne cor Sixth
Vollman, Casper laborer . res Seventh ns 4 e Pine
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Waggen, Henry L. laborer . res Lucas Grove Rd. w Cemetery
Wahl, Frederick laborer . res Broadway ws 2 s Eighth
Waide, Mrs. Elizabeth A. . . res Front ns 1 w Mulberry
WAIDE, S. LEONARD atty,war claim, rl est.agt.etc. Second ss e Cedar res Front ns 1 w Mulberry
Walker, George stock buyer . res First se cor Pearl
Walker, James ( col ) laborer . res Sixth sw cor Pine
Walker, Joseph bridge builder . res Fifth ss 2 w Oak
Wallace, Mrs. Elizabeth . . res 80 Second
Wallace, John H. book-keeper Front ne cor Oak res Third ss 3 w Mulberry
Wallace, Robert T. firm of M. Block & Co. . res 70 Front
Wallace, William laborer Burlington Rd ss w Elm res Green ws 5 n Burl. Rd.
Walter, Heinrich shoemaker shop Mulberry nw cor Fifth res Mulberry ws 8 n Fifth
WALTER, JOHN F. mfg,lard, oil soap,etc.factory Lombard ss e Ninth res Ninth se cor Lombard
Walter Hugh F. carpenter . res East Muscatine
Walter, Samuel P. laborer . res East Muscatine
Walter, Stephen A. laborer ferryboat bds Pennsylvania House
Walters, Mrs. Harriet E. tailoress 229 Second res same
Walters, James M. peddler . res 229 Second
Walton, Mrs. Annice . . res Mulberry nw cor Fourth
Walton, John W. firm of J.P.& J.W.W. . res Island
WALTON, J.P.& J.W. capr's, builders, hse, movers 3d ss 3 w Mulb'y opp. C. H. .
Walton, Josiah P. firm of J. P. & J. W. W. . res Eighth ss 2 w Walnut
Warfield, Asbury O, freight & ticket agent M.& M. R. R. bds Ogilvie House
Warfield David R. farmer . res Fourth ss west end
Warfield, George A. clerk at M. &. M. R. R. . res Fourth ss west end
Warren, Reuben teamster . res Fourth ns 2 w Sycamore
Washburn, Arthur L. . . res Oak ws 2 n Fifth
Washburn, Arthur S. drayman 79 Front res Walnut nw cor Seventh
Washburn, Charles painter . res Graded Road ws 1 s Second
Washburn, David caprenter, shop Oak ws 2 n Fifth res same
Washburn, Mrs. Eliza H. . . res Walnut nw cor Seventh
Washburn, Enoch gardener . res ns Fair Ground
Washburn, Gilbert farmer . res ns Fair Ground
WASHBURN, LYMAN H. firm of Hanna & W., attorney 182 Second res Fifth ns 5 e Orange
Washburn, Miss Mary H. ass't. Gram, School # 1 Seventh ne cor Orange res Oak ws 2 n Fifth
Washburn, Zephania justice of the peace 182 Second bds Sycamore ws 4 n Second
Washington, Ralph ( col ) farmer . res Island
Waters, Ozias P. firm of J. G. Gordon & Co. . bds Fourth ne cor Cherry
Watkins, Mrs. Eliza J . . res Chestnut se cor Third
Watkins, Joseph riverman . res Chestnut se cor Third
Weaver, Christian carpenter, shop Seventh nw cor Oak res same
Weaver, Miss Lydia A. teacher select school Ninth ss 1 e Poplar res Oak se cor Seventh
Weaver, Mrs. Mary . . res Seventh nw cor Oak
Weaver, Singleton firm of Hale & W. . bds Seventh ne cor Oak
Webb, James B. law student . res Eighth nw cor Cypress
Webb, John F. . . res Eighth nw cor Poplar
Webb, Miss Margaret C. teacher . res Eighth nw cor Poplar
Webb, Miss Mary A. teacher . res Eighth nw cor Poplar
Webb, Mrs. Mary S. . . res Eighth nw cor Poplar
Weber, Frederick laborer . res East Muscatine
Webster, Wesley W. firm of W. H. Simpson & Co. . res 250 Second
WEED, BRIDGMAN & KENT dry goods 123 Second .
WEED & DAYTON fire, life, marine ins. agents 123 Second .
Weed, Chester W. B. & Kent & W. & Dayton . res Second se cor Pine
Weed, James horticultural garden . res Graded Rd East Muscatine
Weggen, John laborer . res Lucas Grove Rd. ns opp. Cem.
Weggen, Peter laborer . bds Lucas Gr. Rd ns opp. Cem.
Weiersheuser, Casper boot & shoe clerk 172 Second res Butler Rd.ws 2 n Cemetery
Weimann, George laborer . res Seventh ns 3 e Broadway
Weingart, Peter laborer . res Eighth ss 2 e Iowa av.
Weisse, Henry harness shop Eighth ne cor Mulberry res same
Weise, James H. book-keeper 162 Second res Mulberry sw cor Tenth
Weisz, George reamster . bds Ash sw cor Eighth
Wekherlin, Frederick saloon Iowa av. ws 2 s Second res same
Welch, James laborer . res Seventh ns 3 w Chestnut
Welch, Michael tailor 174 Second bds Seventh ns 3 w Chestnut
Welch, Patrick laborer . res Seventh ns 3 w Chestnut
Welch, Robert saloon clerk 212 Second res Seventh ss 2 e Pine
Welden, Mrs. Mary . . res Ninth ns 3 e Poplar
Wells & Porter grocers Walnut ws 7 n Second .
Wells, James C. firm of W. & Porter . res Fifth ns 4 e Sycamore
Weltz, John blacksmith shop Burlington Rd ns 1 w Elm res Burl. Rd. ns 3 w Elm
Wenner & Beckmann meat market Front ns 3 e Chestnut .
Wenner, John firm of W. & Beckmann . res Front ns 3 e Chestnut
Wertz, Christian laborer Bulrington Rd ss w Elm res Burlington Rd ns w Green
Wesley, George J. machinist . res Tenth ns 2 e Cypress
Wessels, William laborer . res Fifth ne cor Locust
Wesson, Ebenezer W. collar maker 130 Second res Fourth ss 2 w Spruce
Wesson Mrs. Sarah A. dress maker . res Fourth ss 2 w Spruce
Weyer, Anthony K. steward, river . res Sixth ns 2 e Spring
Whieher, S. Emerson . . res Second ss 2 w Locust
Whippelhouser, Mrs. Mary A. . . res Seventh ss 2 e Pine
WHITE & CONVERSE dlrs. fancy dry goods, notions 143 Second .
White, Enos P. firm of W. & Converse . res Cedar es 1 n Eighth
White, George R. firm of W. S. Richie & Co. . rse 227 Second
WHITE, MRS. HELEN millinery & fancy goods 201 Second res same
White, William . . res 201 Second
WIENKER & CO. cabinet & furniture makers Fourth ss 1 e Chestnut .
Wienker, Francis H. firm of W. & Co. . res Seventh ns 3 e Pine
Wiggins, Jay J. painter, shop Fourth ss 2 e Orange bds St. Charles Hotel
Wilcox, Mrs. Dolly A. fancy goods 226 Second res Cedar es 3 n Second
Wilcox, James H. at 226 Second . res Cedar es 3 n Second
Wiles, George H. blacksmith Mulberry es 3 n Fifth res Seventh ns 1 w Orange
Wiles, Mrs. Margaret . . res Seventh ns 1 w Orange
Wiles, Thomas F. blacksmith Mulberry es 3 n Fifth res Seventh ns 1 w Orange
Wiley, George grocer 241 Second res Sixth ss 3 w Mulberry
Wilhelm, Joseph D. laborer . res Seventh nw cor Poplar
Wilhelm, Samuel laborer . res Seventh nw cor Poplar
Wilkie, David . . res 201 Second
Willemhalssema, Nicholas at brickyard Eighth ns w Cedar bds Eighth ne cor Sycamore
Willemsen, Mrs. Wilhelmina . . res Lucas Gr. Rd. ns cor Burl. Rd.
William, John at brewery Tipton Rd.ws N Muscatine res same
Williams, Mrs. Barbary . . res Locust es 2 s Eighth
Williams, George teamster . res East Muscatine
Williams, Miran farmer . res Front ns 2 e Elm
Willis, George W. photographer Iowa av. ws 2 n Second res Third ne cor Cedar
Wilmering, George W. grocer 222 Second res Same
Wilmering, N. Henry saloon Walnut ws 3 n Second bds St. Charles Hotel
Wilson, Albert printer Iowa av. ws 3 s Second bds Fourth se cor Linn
Wilson, John A. farmer . res Fourth se cor Linn
Winder, John H. laborer Burlington Rd. ss w Elm res S. Muscatine
Windman, William teamster, brickyard Cedar nw cor Eighth bds Eighth nw cor Sycamore
Winkler, Bernhard laborer Burlington Rd ss w Elm res Second ns 3 w Ash
Winn, Abijah M. . . res Pine nw cor Second
Winn, Miss Emma J. ass't. School # 4 Burlington Rd. ss w Green res Ninth sw cor Cypress
Winn, John . . res Seventh ns 3 e Walnut
Winn, John V. T. teamster Second ne cor Orange res Seventh ns 3 e Walnut
Winn, Miss Mary school Ninth sw cor Cypress res same
Winn, Roswell R. teamster . res Ninth sw cor Cypress
Winnig, Henry laborer . res alley s Burlington Rd w Green
Winnig, Mrs. Margaret . . res alley s Burlington Rd w Green
Winning, Henry laborer Burlington Rd ss w Elm res S. Muscatine
Winter, John H. laborer . res First ns 2 w Pearl
Wintersteen, Peter K. shoe shop 193 Second res Second ns 3 e Locust
Wintersteen, Mrs. Dorotha . . res Second ns 3 e Locust
Winterstein, George laborer . . res Eighth ss 1 w Iowa av.
Wirtz, Hans C. laborer . res Burlington Rd. ns w Green
Witteman, Francis cabinet maker Fourth ss 1 e Chestnut res Seventh ns 5 e Linn
Wittemann, August P. saloon Chestnut ws 5 s Second res same
Witteman, John . . res Chestnut ws 5 s Second
WITTER, FINLEY M. super. schools& prin. High S. Iowa av. sw cor Third. bds Third nw cor Cherry
Wittich, Werner firn of Kegel & W. . res Sixth ns 2 w Iowa av.
Wittman, Casper laborer . bds Ash sw cor Eighth
Wobeser, Charles bar-keeper Sixth ne cor Spring bds same
Wolf, Mrs. Elizabeth . . res Seventh ns 4 e Oak
Woodbury, Mrs. Martha ice cream saloon Mulberry es 3 n Fourth res same
WOODFORD, CHARLES B. restaurant & bowling saloon 212 Second res same
Woodford, Sylvester M. at 229 Second . bds 212 Second
Woodruff, Gustavus laborer . res Island near Fair Ground
Woods, A. B. tailor . res Mulberry 1 1/4 mi. nw Ct. H.
Woods, A. B. farmer . res Ia. Cy. Rd es near corp. line
Woods, Cyrus ( col ) laborer . res Linn ws 2 n Fourth
Woods, Cyrus ( col ) laborer . res Newell Rd. ss 1 mi.nw Ct. H.
Woods, Mrs. Mary ( col ) . . res Linn ws 2 n Fourth
Woodson, Leroy saddler . res Second ns 3 e Locust
Woodward, Mrs. Eliza B. . . res Front ne cor Mulberry
Woodward, William G. clerk U. S. Circuit Court res Front ne cor Mulberry
Woodward, William H. . . res Front ne cor Mulberry
Worsham, William G. firm of Phelps & W. . res Third ns 4 w Linn
Worst, Jacob wagon-maker Burlington Rd. ns 5 w Green res Sixth nw cor Sycamore
Wright, Mrs. Amelia . . res Sixth ns 2 e Spring
Wright, William H. cooper . res S. Muscatine
Wrocklage, Joseph J. carpenter . res Seventh ns 2 e Cedar
Wunderlich, Jacob C harness maker Mulberry se cor Sixth bds same
. . . .
Young, Nicholas shoemaker, shop Mulberry ws 2 s Sixth res Tenth ss 2 e Lombard
. . . .
Zaeringer, Joseph foreman, shingle factory Burlington Rd ss w Elm res Burl Rd. ss w Green
Zedeker, Daniel S. carpenter . res Orange es 1 n Front
Zedeker, John R. laborer . res Orange es 1 n Front
Zediker, Miss Elizabeth . . res 150 Second
Zeidler, William carpenter . res Lucas Grove Rd se cor Sixth
Ziegler, John Sr. . . bds 205 Second
Ziegler, John . . res third ns 2 e Iowa av.
Zuppinger, Edwin saloon clerk Front ns 2 e Chestnut bds same
. . . .
. . .
Abbott, Mrs. Julia B. . . bds 231 Second
BROWN & HEATON prop's,Nevada Mills..grains Iowa av. se cor Third .
Burnett, Reuben M. bookseller 178 Second res Second se cor Locust
BURTNER, REUBEN dealer, farm machinery Mulberry es 2 n Third res Sixth sw cor Spring
CADLE & MULFORD prop's. planing mill,sash,drs. Front nw cor Linn .
CHAMBERS, JOHN & CO. prop's. lumber mill Front nw cor Spring .
DRAPER, CHARLES W. dealer groceries & provisions 161 Second bds Third ns 3 w Cherry
EVANS, JAMES G. photographer & publisher Iowa av. ws n Second res Sixth nw cor Sycamore
GOUGH, JOSEPH M. telegraph operator 141 Second res Fourth ss 2 e Locust
GROESCHEL & MANN carriages, buggies, wagons Iowa av. es 4 n Second .
KEGEL & WITTICH undetakers, cabinet mkrs. Iowa av. es 2 n Front .
McENTIRE, RICHARD S. dlr. in dry goods 231 Second bds same
PETTIBONE, GILES . . res Fourth ns 1 w Pine

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