City Directory
Muscatine Iowa

Here is an explanation of the abreviations used in this directory: "ws" for west side, "es" for east side, "ss" for south side and "ns" for north side. Also, "res" stands for residence, "bds" for boards, "e" for east of, "w" for west of, "s" for south of, "n" for north of, "cor" for corner and "opp" for opposite. Also, let it be noted that in 1866 only "Front" and "Second" streets were numbered. If you want to know what the occupation means, this link may help: List of Occupations. Hit your back button to come back to this webpage. I hope you find your relative on this database. Good luck!!!
L thru Q
Surname, Given Name Occupation/ Business Name Business Address Residence Address
La Grille, Joseph shoemaker, shop Mulberry ws 3 s Fifth res Seventh ns 1 e Mulberry
LaGrille, Timothy J. painter . res Third nw cor Sycamore
Lahee, Thomas laborer . res alley ns e Pine s Sixth
Lamar, Robert H. farmer . res Sixth ss 2 e Oak
Lamar, George carpenter . res Sixth ss 2 e Oak
LAMBERT, DANIEL M. law atty.,rl.estate, claim/ins. Second ne cor Iowa av. res Second ne cor Locust
Lambert, Joseph . . res Second ne cor Locust
Lambert, Joseph . . res Second ss 2 w Orange
Landgraf, Carl jeweler 142 Second bds Mulberry es 3 s Fourth
Langridge, William B. insurance clerk 179 Second res Sixth nw cor Linn
Lantz, John meat mkt. Mulberry se cor Fourth res Fifth ss 3 e Mulberry
Lantz, Samuel shoemaker 186 Second bds Fifth ss 3 e Mulberry
Lardner, John laborer . res Seventh ss 1 w Chestnut
LAURENT REV.PHILLIP pastor St, Matthias Catholic Church res Eighth ne cor Pine
LEFFINGWELL, ANDREW J. law atty., notary, ins.agent 137 Second res Seventh ns 1 e Mulberry
Liffingwell, William city collector 137 Second res Fifth ss 2 e Oak
Leibbe, Hermann laborer Burl Rd. ss w Elm res alley s Burl Rd w Green
Leibrand, Jacob tailor . res Fifth ns 1 w Linn
Leibrecht, George saloon 171 Second res same
Leison, Charles dairyman . res N. Muscatine
Leison, Mrs. Lena . . res N. Muscatine
Leitzer, Peter laborer . res alley w Pine n Stxth
Leives, John teamster Second se cor Walnut res Front ns 5 e Mulberry
LEMP & SELLS dlrs. dry goods 138 Second .
Lemp, John firm of L. & Sells . res Front ne cor Walnut
Lenhart, Oliver E. [ainter . res North Muscatine
Lenhart, Philip H. butcher . res Tipton Rd N. Muscatine
Lenz, Samuel butcher 135 Second bds Third sw cor Ash
Leonard, Joseph baggage master M. &. M. R. R. res 272 Second
Lerch, Henry las Burl Rd. ss w Elm res Green es 3 n Burl. Rd.
Lewis, Charles P. tailor 173 Second res 203 Second
Lewis, Daniel W. prin. Gram. School # 1 Seventh ne cor Orange bds Walnut sw cor Third.
Lewis & Perry tailors 174 Second .
Lewis, Ewing B. firm of L. & Perry . res 55 Second
Lewis, John M. painter . res 170 Second
Lewis, John P. tailor, shop 173 Second res 203 Second
Lewis, Oliver brick-moulder . res Fifth ss 2 e Locust
Leyda, Benjamin W. marble polisher 250 second res Seventh ns 4 e Linn
L'Huillier, Thomas watchman Front nw cor Spring res Eleventh ns 5 e Tipton Road
Lillibridge, Mrs. Amanda M. . . res Ninth ne cor Lombard
Lillibridge, Chester firm of Bishop & L. . bds 205 Second
Lilly Benjamin E. . . res Third ss 3 w Mulberry
Lilly, Charles . . bds Sycamore es 2 n Third
Lilly, William W. printer Iowa av.ws 3 n Second bds St. Charles Hotel
Lincoln, George sec'y Musc.Gas-light & Coke Oak se cor Third res Second ss 4 w Orange
Lincoln, Marshall gas-fitter Oak se cor Third res Second ss 2 e Mulberry
Lindsay, James A. laborer . res Butlerville
Lindsay, Mrs. Nancy . . res Butlerville
Link, Frank J laborer . res Second ne cor Franklin
Link, George cabinet-maker Sycamore se cor Second res Graded Road ws s Second
Link, Henry teamster Burl Rd ss w Elm res Burlington Rd.ns 2 e Green
Link, Joseph laborer Pine sw cor Second res Island
Linnenkamp, John watchman Front ne cor Spring res Seventh ns 3 w Spruce
LOFLAND, HEISKELL dlr. agri. impl.machinery& gra. Iowa av.ws 3 s Second res Fourth ns 2 e Spruce
Logan, John laborer . res Lucas Grove Rd e Cemetery
Lohr. Wilhelm J. cabinet maker Fourth ss 1 e Chestnut res Seventh ns 1 w Chestnut
Long, Henry L carpenter . res Second ss 1 e Broadway
Long, John warehouseman 104 Second res Seventh ns 3 e Oak
Long, Leonhard laborer Burl Rd ss w Elm res Eighth ns 1 e Broadway
Long, Mrs. Nancy . . res Front nw cor Orange
Long, Mrs. Nannie W. artist Second ne cor Iowa av. res Second ss 1 e Broadway
Long, Robert L. warehouseman 104 Second res Eleventh 2 es Tipton Road
Long, Samuel photographer Second ne cor Iowa av. res Second ss 1 e Broadway
LONG & BOWMAN blacksmiths Iowa av. ws 4 n Second .
Long, Thomas D. firm of L & Bowman . res Iowa Av.sw cor Fourth
Lorber, George laborer Burl Rd. ss w Elm res Green ws 9 n Burlington Rd.
Lorber, Joseph laborer . res Burlington Rd ns w Green
Lord, Byron farmer . res River Road e city limits
Lord, Richard farmer . res River Rd e city limits
Lorenz, Jacob carpenter . res Seventh ss 2 w Chestnut
Loughridge, Milton ( col ) laborer . res Linn ws 2 n Fourth
Lucas, August teamster . res Seventh ss 5 w Walnut
Lucas, John W. . . ers Fifth ss 2 w Cedar
Luckey, James R. harness maker 234 Second bds Front ne cor Iowa av.
Lude, Christian saloon Chestnut ws 3 s Second res same
Lumpe, Frederick machinist Front nw cor Spring res Seventh ns 3 e Linn
Lumpe, Henry laborer Pine sw cor Second res Seventh ns 3 e Linn
LYNAM& BOLAND dlrs. groceries & prov. 149 Second .
Lynam, Michael firm of L & Boland . res Fourth ns 4 w Linn
Lynch, John E grocer's clerk 161 Second res Sixth ss 1 w Spring
Lynch Mrs. Margaret . . res Poplar ws 1 s Sixth
Lynch, Michael B. grocer's clerk 161 Second res Poplar ws 1 s Sixth
Lynch, Patrick tinner Sycamore ne cor Second res Poplar ws 1 s Sixth
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Machlan, John A. butcher . res Fourth ne cor Orange
Mackey, John blacksmith, shop Fourth ns 1 w Iowa av. res Pine es 1 s Sixth
Macklan, Elias J. butcher Walnut ws 4 s Third bds Eighth ss 2 e Poplar
Madden, Harvey R. post office clerk Iowa av. ws 3 n Second res Third nw cor Chestnut
Madden, Henry carpenter, shop 110 Second res alley ns nw cor Broadway
Madden, Richard R. millwright Front ne cor Pine res Third ns 1 w Chestnut
Madden, Thomas laborer . res railroad ns 2 e Orange
Madder, Frederick stone cutter 250 Second res Tenth ss 2 w Lombard
Madder, George stone mason . res Tenth ss 2 w Lombard
Madder Louis marble cutter 250 Second res Tenth ss 2 w Lombard
Mader, John laborer Front cor Spring res Seventh cor Cypress
Magoon, George D. carpenter, shop Iowa av.ws 3 n Third res Mulberry ws 1 mi.nw Ct. House
Magoon, Mrs. Hannah . . res Fifth nw cor Chestnut
Mahan, George G . . res Fifth ns 2 w Cedar
Mahan, John steamboatman . res Front ns 2 e Brooks
Mahin, Jacob . . res Third nw cor Cedar
MAHIN, JAMES local editor Journal Iowa Av. ws 3 n second bds Fourth ne cor Pine
MAHIN & INGERSOLL eds. & pubs. Musc. Journal Iowa av. ws over post office .
Mahin John firm of M. & Ingersoll . res Fourth ne cor Pine
Mahoney, Edward teamster . res Fifth ns 1 w Iowa av
Mahoney, Mrs. Mary . . res Front ss 1 e Brooks
Maher, Peter carpenter . res Seventh ns 2 w Spruce
Maloney, Michael laborer . res Third ss 2 w Lombard
Manly, George W. . . res Third ns 3 w Linn
Manly, Mrs. Maria . . res Sixth ns 4 e Oak
Manly, Samuel carpenter . res Sixth ns 4 e Oak
Mann, William J. firm of Groeschel & M. . res Fifth ss 3 w Iowa av.
Mark, Barrel teamster . res Sixth se cor Orange
Mark, Barthol S. het-store clerk 135 Second res Cedar ws 2 n Fourth
Marmon, Frank at stable Front nw cor Sycamore bds Ogilvie House
Martin, Albert L. principal School # 3 Lucas Gr Rd.1 1/4 mi. fr. C. H. res Lucas Grove Rd. w Cemetery
Martin, Mrs. Augusta E. millinery 170 Second res Fifth nw cor Chestnut
Martin, Henry J. cooper, shop E. Muscatine res same
Martin, James K. engineer Burl. Rd. ss w Elm res Third ss 1 w Sycamore
Martin, John farmer . res Burl Rd. ns w Green
Martindale, Landon druggist's clerk 224 Second bds 231 Second
Mata, George laborer . res Cypress es 7 n Tenth
Mater, Andrew laborer . res Lombard ws 1 s Eighth
MATHEWSON, JOHN A. cty.surveyor, civil engineer Court House res Ninth ss 3 w Cypress
Mathis, Calvin W. printer Iowa av.ws 3 n Second res Irving House
Mathis, Charles G. proprietor, Irving House Mulberry se cor Fourth .
Matter, Peter saloon Front ns 3 e Iowa av. res same
Mattern, Matthias sawyer Burl. Rd ss w Elm .
Matthews, Benjamin ( col ) farmer . res Newell Rd. ns 1 mi nw Ct. H.
Matthews, Mrs. Hiram . . res Mulberry ws n. Front
Matthews, John M. sawyer Front ne cor Spring res Third ns 3 w Oak
Matthews William H. meat store clerk 135 Second res Third ns 4 e Orange
Mauck, Isaac R. com. mer. Front ns 3 w Iowa av. res Fourth ne cor Linn
Maurat, Frank laborer . res Seventh ss 3 w Walnut
Maurath, Vincent blacksmith Front ne cor Spring res Cedar nw cor Seventh
Mauror, Gottlieb, shoemaker 190 Second res Locust ws 2 s Fourth
Mayer, Heinrich . . res Walnut ws 3 n Fourth
Mayer & Brother cigars and tobacco Second se cor Sycamore .
Mayer, Jacob firm of M.& Brother . res Walnut ws 3 n Fourth
Mayer Simon firm of M & Brother . 69 Second
Maves, Uriah C. carpenter Third ne cor Iowa av. res Spruce ws 1 s Second
McBride, James engineer ferry boat . res Island
McCampbell, Robert H. county superintendent Court House res Seventh ss 4 e Oak
McClaren, Andrew laborer . res Chestnut ws 2 s Third
McColm, Andrew G. dry goods clerk 170 Second res Fifth nw cor Orange
McColm, James dry goods clerk 170 Second res Fifth nw cor Orange
McCOLM, JAMES L. staple and fancy dry goods 170 Second res Fifth nw cor Orange
McColm, John D. shoe clerk 190 Second bds Ogilvie House
McCombs, Zebulum blacksmith Iowa av.ws 1 n Third bds Eighth ns 1 e Walnut
McCormick, Mrs. Anne E. . . res Third ss 4 e Cedar
McCormick, John A lumber clerk Orange se cor Fourth res Third ss 4 e Cedar
McCormink & McKibben mfgr's of cultivators Mulberry es 2 s Second (salesroom-273 Second)
McCormick, William firm of McC.& McKibben . res164 Second
McCoy, George J. book agent . res Fifth ss 2 w Iowa av.
McCoy, William tinner 229 Second res Fifth ss 2 w Iowa av.
McCoy, William H druggist's clerk 132 Second res Fifth ss e w Iowa Av.
McCullouch, Robert . . res Seventh ns 2 w Pine
McCullouch, Cyrus B. dry goods clerk Second ns 5 e Chestnut bds 205 Second
McCullouch, John E. hardware clerk 132 Second bds 205 Second
McDonald, John S. grain dealer . res 64 Second
McDonald, Mrs. Margaret J. . . res Pine es 2 n Fourth
McDougall, James carpenter . res Newell Rd. ss 1 mi nw Court H.
McElravy, Mrs. June . . res 88 Second
McEntire, Richard S. dealer in dry goods 213 Second bds same
McFerren, Isaac B. laborer . res Mulberry nw cor Fourth
McFerren, Mrs. Polly . . res Mulberry nw cor Fourth
McGill, Fosdick B foreman, Journal office Iowa av. ws 3 n Second res Mulberry ws 4 n Sixth
McGill, Houston . . bds Irving House
McGovern, Thomas laborer . res Sixth ns 2 w Spruce
McGrath, Mrs. Elizabeth . . res Sixth ss 4 e Oak
McGreer, Mrs. Adeline . . res Mulberry ws 3 n Sixth
McGreer, John . . res Fifth ns 2 e Mulberry
McGREER, JOHN M. dlr. in hats & caps 135 Second res Mulberry ws 3 n Sixth
McGreer, Thomas farmer . res Fifth ns 2 e Mulberry
McGreer, William A. farmer . res Mulberry 1 1/2 mi nw Court H.
McGreer, William H. . . res 272 Second
McKeough, Mrs. Catherine . . res Third se cor Lombard
McKibben, Samuel M. firm of McCormick & McK. . res 273 Second
McLaughlin, Luke laborer . res Chestnut es 2 n Second
McLeay, David gardener . res Graded Rd es E. Muscatine
McMahins, Patrick laborer . res Seventh ss 1 e Spruce
McMenomy, Mrs. Catherine . . res Cedar es 1 n Fourth
McMenomy, John grocer 129 Second res Fifth sw cor Orange
McNaughten,, Mrs. Sarah . . res Sycamore ws 4 n Second
McNUTT & PARVIN attys, counselors, real est. Iowa av. se cor Second .
McNutt, Samuel firm of Mc N & Parvin . res Lake Township
McQuesten, William W. firn of Beach & McQ. . bds third nw cor Cherry
Meader, Mrs. Mary T. . . res Orange n 4 Sixth
MEASON, GEORGE asst.U.S. assessor 2d dist. Second ne cor Iowa av. res Front ns 3 e Walnut
Mechling, Jacob H. dry goods clerk 187 Second bds 205 Second
Mee, William J. shoemaker, shop Second ne cor Orange res Seventh sw cor Locust
Meerdink, Gerrit J. lab Second ne cor Orange res Seventh sw cor Locust
Meerdink, Henry teamster Second ne cor Orange res Seventh sw cor Locust
Meier, Frank . . res Seventh ne cor Cedar
Meier, Frederick blacksmith Third ss opp. Court House res Ninth ss 2 e Cypress
Meier, Jacob showmaker 186 Second res alley s Third w Cherry
Meier, John at brewery Tipton Rd ws N. Muscatine res same
Meier, John laborer . res Burlington Rd nw cor Elm
MELVIN, THOMAS J. mfg. saddles and harnesses Iowa av. es 5 s Second res Butlerville
Mercer, Fransic C. grocer's clerk 237 Second bds Sixth ss 3 w Oak
MERCHANTS' EXCH. NAT. BK. . Second nw cor Iowa av. .
Merkel, Christian F. laborer . N. Muscatine
Metz, Mrs. Eve saloon Sixth nw cor Spring res same
Meyer, Jacob laborer, mill Burl. Rd. ss w Elm res alley n Fifth w Locust
Meyer, John laborer . res Tenth ns 1 s Linn
Middleton, Benjamin farmer . res Island 1 1/2 mi w Court House
Middleton. John steamboat captain . res Island 1 3/4 mi w Court House
Middleton, William butcher 124 Second bds same
Mikesell, Mrs. Ann M. . . res Fifth ne cor Walnut
Mikesell, Martin L. county treasurer Court House res Fifth ne cor Walnut
Miles, Mrs. Catherine C. . . res Second ss 5 w Orange
Miller, Andrew J. dry goods clerk 123 Second res Chestnut es 1 n Third
Miller, Clark laborer . res Cedar es 1 n Fourth
Miller, Frederick carpenter . res Seventh ns 3 e Cedar
Miller, Gottlieb blacksmith . res Fifth ns 2 w Walnut
Miller, Henry plasterer . res Eighth se cor Mulberry
Miller, Jacob D. painter 112 Second res Eighth se cor Lombard
Miller, Joseph dry goods clerk 123 Second res Chestnut es 1 n Third
Miller, Mrs. Mary . . res Seventh ss 2 e Pine
Miller, Mrs. Mary E. teacher . res Mulberry es 2 s Second
Miller, Robert W. laborer . res Spruce es 2 n Fourth
Miller, Samuel fireman Oak se cor Fourth bds Walnut ws 5 s Third
Miller, Samuel S. fireman, mill Burl Rd ss w Elm res Green ws 3 n Burl. Rd.
Mills, Robert cabinet shop Second ss 2 w Orange ( rear ) res same
Milnor, William S. carpenter Front nw cor Linn res Eighth ss 3 w Spring
Minahan, Timothy laborer . res alley n Fifth w Locust
Minor, Mrs. Mary J. ( col ) . . res Newell Rd. ns 1 mi. nw Ct. H.
M.&.M.R.R.passenger depot office Front 4 w Iowa av. ( frt depot Front ss w Linn )
Missmer, John laborer . res First se cor Franklin
Mitchell, Miss Sarah M. intemediatr.primary schl. # 2 Third ss w Spruce bds Third ns 2 e Iowa av.
Mittlander, Paul butcher . res Seventh sw cor Pine
Moeller, Charles laborer . res Fifth ns 3 w Linn
Moeller, Werner laborer mill Burl Rd ss w Elm res Front 1 e Ash
Mohnlien, George sawyer Burl Rd ss w Elm res Burlington Rd ss w Green
MOLIS H & CO, mfg, rifles & shot-guns 199 Second .
Molis, Henry H. m. & Co.,& city treasurer 193 Second res Third ns 4 e Cedar
Molis, Julius C. gunsmith 199 Second res Third ns 4 e Cedar
Montreal, John A. laborer . res Green ws 7 n Burl. Rd.
Montreal, John J. plasterer . res Eleventh ns 4 e Tipton Rd
MOORE, HENRY W. mfg. metal ware 205 & 207 Second res Third ns 4 w Broadway
Moore, James cooper . res Tenth ss 3 e Cypress
Moore, John traveling agent Mulberry es 2 n Third res Mulberry nw cor Fourth
Moore, John W. farmer . res Tenth ss 3 e Cypress
Moore, Thomas D. painter . res Eleventh 3 e Tipton Road
Moran, Frank foreman nursery Foster Rd 3/4 mi nw Court H. res same
Moran, Thomas laborer . res First sw cor Pearl
Mordhorst, Christian butcher 135 Second res Third sw cor Ash
Mordhorst, John F. meat market 135 Second res Third sw cor Ash
Mordhorst, Samuel L butcher 135 Second res Third sw cor Ash
Morford, Remembrance farmer . res Mulberryws 1 1/2 mi nw Ct, H
MorfordThomas farmer . res Morford Rd. 1 mi nw Ct. House
Morgan, Patrick laborer . res Burl Rd 1 1/4 mi w Court House
MORRISON, HENRY dlr in groceries & prov. 214 Second res same
Morrison, Julius W. dental student 178 Second bds 105 Second
Morrison, Miss Julie asst. grammer schl. # 2 Third ss w Spruce res 214 Second
Morrison, Miss Minnie asst. grammer schl. # 2 Third ss w Spruce res 214 Second
Mottschall, Frederick shoemaker 186 Second res Sixth sw cor Oak
Muhlfield, John wagonmaker Mulberry es 2 n Fifth bds Seventh ns 4 e Oak
Mulford, Joseph S. firm of Cadle & M. . res Eighth ns 2 w Sycamore
Mull, Mrs. Maria . . res Third ne cor Orange
Mull, Benjamin F. cabinet maker . res Mulberry es 1 n Second
Mull & Funck grocers 176 Second .
Mull, Charles L. firm of M & Funck . res Lombard se cor Tenth
Mullen, Mrs. Bridget . . res Sixth ss 1 w Linn
Muller, Jacob laborer . bds East Muscatine
Muncey, Daniel farmer . res Mulberry ws n Fourth
Munroe, John H. firm of Speer & M . res Third ns 1 e Iowa av.
Munson, Charles C. queensware clerk 121 Second bds 205 Second
Murphy, Mrs. Catherine . . res Front ns 2 e Elm
Murphy, James laborer . res Fourth ns 2 w Chestnut
Murphy, John watchman M.&.M.R.R. res Sixth ss 2 w Chestnut
Murphy, Michael street com'r 141 Second res Sixth ns 1 e Linn
Murphy, Patrick carpenter graded rd. 1/2 mi n city res Butlerville
Murphy, Patrick laborer . res alley ss n Fifth 4 w Pine
Murphy, Philip wagon-maker Third opp.Court House res Fifth ss 1 e Walnut
Murphy, Philip J. teamster . res Sixth ss 2 w Chestnut
Murphy, William teamster . res Pine 1 n Eighth
MUSCATINE NATIONAL BANK . Second se cor Iowa av. .
Musser, Peter M. firm of M. & Co. . res Iowa City
MUSSER & CO. dlrs in lumber Second se cor Walnut .
Musser, Richard firm of M. & Co. . res Front ns 2 w Orange
Myers, David M. wagon maker Mulberry es 2 n Fifth res Seventh ns 4 e Oak
Myers, Frank laborer . res Seventh ne cor Cedar
Myers, John H. Post Office Clerk Iowa av. ws 4 n Second bds Fourth ne cor Pine
Myers, Miss Rebecca ass't.City School # 6 East Muscatine res Seventh ne cor Cedar
Myers, Somon D. varnisher 179 Second res Sixth ss 3 w Mulberry
Myers, William farmer . res Spring sw cor Eighth
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Namy, Levi ( col ) laborer . bds Sixth sw cor Pine
Nason, John laborer Mulberry nw cor Ninth bds same
Neally, Miss Clara H.l. dry goods clerk 164 Second bds 166 Second
Neave, Bernard cooper . res alley ss 2 w 11th. s Tipton Rd.
Neff, Gottfried upholsterer 102 Second res Eighth ns 2 w Pine
Negley, Jacob B. book-keeper Second se cor Iowa av. bds Third ss 3 w Mulberry
NEIDIG B. & SON meat mkt.& ice dealers 243 Second .
Neidig, Benjamin firm of B. N. & Son . res third ss 3 w Orange
Neidig, Benjamin E. printer Iowa av. sw 3 n Second bds 166 Second
Neidig, Isaac farmer . res Seventh ns 2 e Oak
Neidig, Isaac salesman Mulberry es 2 n Third res Seventh ns 2 e Oak
Neidig, Maurice O. firm of B. N. & Son . res Walnut es 1 s Fifth
Neidig, Samuel . . res Seventh ns 2 e Oak
Nelson, Mrs. Jane ( col ) . . res Linn ws 2 n Fourth
Nervus, Henry teamster . res alley m Fourth 2 e Broadway
Nesper, Mrs. Elizabeth . . res Fifth ss 3 e Oak
Nester, Matthias laborer Mulberry nw cor Seventh bds same
Nestlebush, Mrs. Amelia . . res Front ns 1 w Broadway
Nestlebush, William laborer . res Broadway ws 2 n Front
Nestor & Pekelder blacksmiths, shop Walnut se cor Third .
Nestor, John firm N. & Pekelder . res Seventh ss 3 e Walnut
Neubert, Jacob laborer Burl Rd. ss w Elm res Cedar es 1 n Fifth
Neubert, John laborer Burl Rd ss w Elm res Cedar es 1 n Fifth
Neubert, William laborer Burl Rd ss w Elm res Cedar es 1 n Fifth
Neuhart, Zachariah drayman . res Locust es 3 s Eighth
Nevitt, Joseph A. nurseryman . res East Muscatine
Newell, Albert farmer . res Newell Rd.ss 1 mi nw C. H.
Newell, Mrs. Jane . . res Newell Rd ss 1 mi nw C. H.
Newell, Joseph R. farmer . res Newell Rd ss 1 mi nw C, H.
Newell, Samuel farmer . res Newell Rd ss 1 mi nw C. H.
Neyens, Nicholas confectionery 131 Second res same
Nicholas, Henry sawyer Burlington Rd.ss w Elm res Lucas Grove Rd.ns w Ash
Nichols, Reuben . . res w South Muscatine
Nichols, Samuel farmer . res w South Muscatine
Nichols, Thornton farmer . res w South Muscatine
Nicklas, Martin shoemaker 186 Second res Third ss 2 w Ash
Niedzel, Thomas laborer . res Burlington Rd.ns w Green
NIEREL, IZYDOR dlr in watches, clocks, etc 142 Second res same
NISLY, JOHN R. atty, notary public, grain dlr 186 Second res Sycamore ws 2 n Sixth
Nollert, Jacob barber, shop Second nw cor Walnut res Cedar ws 1 s Fifth
Norman, Charles F. druggist Mulberry es 3 s Fourth res Front ns 1 e Graded Road
Norman, John druggist's clerk Mulberry es 3 s Fourth res Front ns 1 e Graded Road
Norville, James laborer Burl. Rd. ss w Green res Green ws 6 n Burl. Rd.
Nuetzel, Thomas laborer Burl. Road ss w Green res South Muscatine
Nuhn, Rev.Jacob pastor, Evangelical Assoc. Zion Church res Fifth ss 1 e Sycamore
Nutzel, Mrs. Kunigunda . . res Sixth ns 3 w Spruce
Nyenhouse, Mrs. Berendena . . res Fourth ns 2 w Spruce
Nyenhouse, Mrs. Bernhartdena . . res Eighth ss 3 e Ash
NYENHOUSE & FREERS proprietors, brick yard Lucas Grove Rd. w Cemetery .
Nyenhouse, Gerret J. firm of N. & Freers . res Lucas Gr. Rd. opp. Cemetery
Nyenhouse, Herman J. . . res Lucas Gr. Rd. opp Cemetery
Nyenhouse, John B. teamster . res Lucas Gr. Rd. opp Cemetery
Nyenhouse, William teamster . res Lucas Gr. Rd. opp Cemetery
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Oaster, John W. bricklayer . res Eighth nw cor Pine
Obelt, George laborer . res alley n Fifth w Locust
Obelt, John sawywe, mill Burl Rd. ss w Elm res alley n Fifth w Locust
Oberhouse, Henry teamster Front nw cor Spring res Seventh ns 2 e Cedar
Obermann, Rev.Charles F. pastor, Evangelical Protestant German Church Eighth ss 3 w Sycamore
O'Brien, Dennis teamster . res Seventh se cor Iowa av.
O'Brien, George M. shoemaker 190 Second res Sixth ns w Cedar
O'Brien, John collier . res Front ne cor Cherry
O'Brien, Michael laborer . res Fourth ns 1 e Chestnut
O' Callahen, Edmund J. boot maker 186 Second res Fourth ns 3 w Chestnut
O'Connor, Henry att't. at law Iowa av. se cor Second res Cherry se cor Fourth
Oedemer, Sebastian turner in wood . res Fifth ns 3 w Locust
Ogilvie, Charles B. student . res Ninth ns 1 w Spring
Ogilvie, Frank A. dry goods clerk 143 Second res Ninth ns 1 w Spring
OGILVIE HOUSE P.J. Gillett, proprietor Front nw cor Iowa av. .
Ogilvie, Mrs. Isabella . . res Ninth ns 1 w Spring
Olds & Hoover dlrs dry goods 158 Second .
Olds, Lyman W. firm of O. & Hoover . res Third ns 2 e Spruce
Olds, Mrs. Thereas L. boarding house 213 Second res same
O'Leary, Dennis laborer . res Front ns 2 e Elm
Olmsted, Edward carpenter . res Third nw cor Linn
O'Malia, Michael laborer . res Sixth ss 1 w Linn
O'Neil, Edward . . res Front ns 3 e Brooks
O'Neill, Moses laborer . res alley w Spruce n Second
Oppenheimer, Jacob dealer in clothing 137 Second res 235 Second
Othmar, August hardware clerk 130 Second res Spruce ws 3 n Fourth
Othmer, William, shoemaker shop Burlington Rd. ns 4 w Green res same
Otto, Christian carpenter . res Eighth ss 2 e Mulberry
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Page, Charles farmer . res Burl.Rd. ns 1 1/2 mi w Ct. H.
Painter, Jackson drayman . res Walnut ws 3 s Sixth
Palmer, Alphens . . res Third ns 1 e Iowa av.
Palmer, Joseph . . res Fourth ss 2 w Spruce
Palmer, States D. dry goods clerk Second ns 5 e Chestnut res Third ns 1 e Iowa av.
Parham, Jacob M. collar maker 130 Second res Third ns 2 w Pine
Parham, Jacob M. plasterer . res Third ns 2 w Pine
Parham,Joseph C. plasterer . res Third ns 2 w Pine
Parham, William M. collar maker 130 Second res Third ns 2 w Pine
Parkin, William foreman, warehouse Front 2 w Sycamore res Third ss 3 w Iowa av.
Parmelee, James C. saw mill . res Fourth ns 2 e Linn
Parvin, Daniel J. carpenter shop Third ns 2 e Cedar res Cedar es 2 n Third
Parvin, John A. firm of McNutt & P. . res Sweetland Township
PARVIN, JOSIAH N.B. carpenter& builder, shop Third ns 2 e Cedar res Sycamore se cor Fourth
Parvin, William Sr. . . res Cedar es 2 n Third
Parvin, William S. tin shop Third ns 2 e Cedar res Fourth ss 2 e Mulberry
Paschal, Isaac N. printer Iowa av. ws 3 n Second res Third ss 2 w Pine
Patten, James S. . . res Sixth nw cor Mulberry
Pearson, Joseph firm of Bitzer & P. . res Oak se cor Seventh
Peasley, William S. grocer Walnut ws 5 n Second res Eighth ss 1 w Walnut
Peeper, Frank laborer . res Eighth nw cor Pine
Pekelder, John firm of Nestor & P. . res Ninth ne cor Cypress
PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE prop. J. G. Stine Front nw cor Chestnut .
PERKINS, HENRY W. att'y, notary public, rl, est. ins 186 Second bds St. Charles Hotel
Perry, George patent right agent . res Third ss 2 w Iowa av.
Perry, George B laborer . bds East Muscatine
Perry, Samuel firm of Lewis & P. . res Davenport
Perry, Sherman H. horse trainer . res Orange se cor Third
Pettibone, Giles . . res Fourth ns 1 w Pine
Pheifer, Mrs. Margaret . . res Second ns 2 w Ash
PHELPS & WORSHAM prop's. livery stable Front nw cor Sycamore .
Phelps, Frederick S. firm of P.& Worsham . res Second sw cor Linn
Phelps, Joseph P. . . res Second sw cor Linn
Phifer, Henry farmer . res First nw cor Franklin
Phillips, Dexter M. car repairer M.& M.R.R. depot res Seventh ns 2 e Pine
Phillips, John claim agent First ss 2 e Franklin res same
Phillips, John planer Front nw cor Linn res Island
Phillips, John Jr. steamboat engineer . res Second sw cor Hanover
Pickel, Jacob laborer . res Fourth ns 2 e Spruce
Piepgras, Rev.Rudolph pastor German Baptist Church res Fourth ns 2 e Orange
Pillow, George ( col ) porter St. Charles Hotel bds same
Pinkham, Clarkson dry goods clerk 210 Second bds Seventh ns 5 e Oak
Pinkham, James P. dry goods clerk 164 Second res Fifth nw cor Oak
Pinkham, Lorenzo finisher Front ne cor Spring res Seventh ns 5 e Oak
Pinkham, Richard H. boot & shoe clerk 172 Second res Orange es 3 n Sixth
Piper, Frank brick moulder Eighth nw cor Cedar res Eighth ns 2 w Pine
Pitchforth, Henry cabinet maker shop Island near Fair Ground res same
Pitzenberger, Mrs. Elizabeth C. . . res Seventh ss 3 e Walnut
Platt, Thomas carpenter . res Mulberry es 1 mi. nw Ct. H.
PLOEN, JOHN eating house & saloon Front ns 4 e Iowa av. res same
Pocock, Loyd D student . res Cypress se cor Tenth
Poepple, Ferdinand . . res 86 Second
Porter, Charles S. firm of Davidson, Roach & P . res Seventh ss 2 w Iowa av.
Porter, George . . res Front ns 2 e Cedar
Porter, Richard firm of Wells & P. . res Walnut ws 7 n Second
Postill, Mrs. Caroline . . res Sixth ss 3 w Oak
Potter, William attorney . res Fifth ss 4 w Mulberry
Power, Rev. George N. pastor M. E. Church res Sixth nw cor Orange
Power, Rev. John H Presiding Elder M. E. Church res Seventh ss 2 w Mulberry
POWER, LEWIS B. physician & surgeon 242 Second res same
Prester, John Wm. huckster . res Burlington Rd. ss w Green
Price, Charles laborer . bds Cedar es 1 n Fourth
Priestley, Thomas farmer . res Sixth ns 3 w Oak
Pritchard, Jacob P. ( col ) steamboat steward . res Grandview Rd.ns near Fair Gr.
Prosser, Miss Emma dress maker . res Fifth ss 4 w Oak
Prosser, Miss Martha dress maker . res Fifth ss 4 w Oak
Prosser, Miss Mary dress maker . res Fifth ss 4 w Oak
Prosser, William packer 121 Second res Fifth ss 4 w Oak
Purcell, Michael laborer . res Seventh se cor Pine
Purcell, William carpenter Mulberry ne cor Third res Tenth ss 2 w Cypress
. . . .
Quinn, James B. . . res Front ns 2 w Walnut
Quinn, John lab Pine sw cor Second res Butlerville

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