![]() | 1866 City Directory For Muscatine Iowa | ![]() |
Here is an explanation of the abreviations used in this directory: "ws" for west side, "es" for east side, "ss" for south side and "ns" for north side. Also, "res" stands for residence, "bds" for boards, "e" for east of, "w" for west of, "s" for south of, "n" for north of, "cor" for corner and "opp" for opposite. Also, let it be noted that in 1866 only "Front" and "Second" streets were numbered. If you want to know what the occupation means, this link may help: List of Occupations. Hit your back button to come back to this webpage. I hope you find your relative on this database. Good luck!!!
F thru K
Surname, Given Name Occupation/ Business Name Business Address Residence Address Fache, Michael laborer . res alley s Fourth 2 e Cherry Fache, Patrick laborer . res Seventh ss 2 w Spruce Fache, Timothy laborer . res alley ss n Fifth 3 w Pine Fackeldy, William firm of J. Kleinfelder& Co. . res Eighth se cor Cedar Fagan, Philip laborer . res Second ss 2 w Lombard Fagan, Thomas saloon Front nw cor Chestnut res same Fahay, Patrick baggageman M.& M.R. R.depot res Fifth ns 3 w Pine Fahs, William laborer . bds Pennsylvania House Falker, John cabinet-maker Mulberry ws 6 n Fifth res same Farnsworth, Azel . . res Fifthns 2w Orange Farnsworth, Mrs. Hannah . . res Poplar ne cor Tenth Farnsworth, John book-keeper . res Fifth ns 2 w Orange Farr, Charles H. cigar-maker Second se cor Sycamore bds St. Charles Hotel Farrell, Patrick laborer . res First ss 3 e Pearl Farrand, Daniel F. carpenter Third ne cor Iowa av. bds Iowa av. se cor Sixth FARRAND, JAMES C. architect & builder Third ne cor Iowa av. res Iowa av. se cor Sixth Farraut, George S. baker Third ns 3 w Orange res same Faulhaber, Bernhard laborer . res Front ns 3 e Linn Faulhaber, Gustave laborer, brewery Burlington Rd ns 4 e Green res same Faulkner, Walter E. gas fitter Oak se cor Third res 90 Second Faweett, George E. professor of music . bds St. Charles Hotel Fay, Hamilton druggist's clerk Second ne cor Iowa av. res Locust nw cor Front Fay, Miss Mary assessor's clerk 2nd Dist. Second ne cor Iowa av. res Locust nw cor Front Fay, Pliny U. S. Assessor 2d Dist. Second ne cor Iowa av. res Locust nw cor Front Fechtenmeyer, Conrad laborer at mill Burl.Rd ss w Elm res Elm es 2 n Front Fell, Matthias laborer . res 63 Second Ferris, Edmond blacksmith Third ss opp. Court House res Seventh ns 1 e Spring Fersler, Joseph shoemaker . bds Sixth ne cor Spring Fessler, William C. firm of Belkev & F. . res Sycamore es 1 n Third Fetter, George laborer . res Eighth ns 2 e Linn Fimple, Andrew J. farmer . res Fifth nw cor Chestnut Finke, Mrs. Mary D. saloon . res Eighth ss 1 w Cedar Fisch, Jacob hardware clerk 205 Second res Sycamore ws 1 n Fourth Fischer, Andrew laborer . res Fifth ss 4 e Locust Fischer, Balser laborer . res Lucas Grove Rd.ns w Cem. Fischer, Charles shoemaker Mulberry es 4 s Fourth res same Fischer, John laborer, warehouse 104 Second res Lucas Grove Rd. w Cemetery Fisher, Absalom pilot ferry-boat . res Front ns 2 e Mulberry Fisher, Absalom . . res Front ns 2 e Mulberry Fisher Andrew blacksmith Third sw cor Mulberry res N. Muscatine Fisher, Cornelius W. tinner Sycamore ne cor Second res Butlerville Fisher, Frank . . res Front ns 2 e Mulberry Fisher, Philip saloon Second sw cor Iowa av. res same Fisher, Mrs. Teresa . . res Sixth nw cor Oak Fisher, William T. laborer . res Sixth nw cor Oak Fitzgerald, John laborer . res Third sw cor Lombard Fitzsimmons, & Brother groceries & provisions 272 Second . Fitzsimmons, John firm of F. & Brother . res 3d ns 2 w Spruce Fitzsimmons, Thomas firm of F. & Brother . res 3d ns 2 w Spruce Flannery, Michael laborer . res alley ns n Linn s Seventh Fleitz, Mrs. Amelia . . res Fifth ns 4 e Oak Fletcher, Jonathan E. farmer . res Lucas Grove Rd. 11/4 mi.w C H Flint, Richard carpenter Front nw cor Linn res Fifth ns 2 e Sycamore Fogarty, Daniel laborer . res Third ns 2 e Cypress Fogel, Dietrich laborer . res Green ws 2 n Burl. Rd. Fogelsong,George cooper . res Elm ws 2 n Burlington Rd. Foley, John tinner Sycamore ne cor Second bds Pennsylvania House Foley, William laborer . bds Pennsylvania House Fonlent, John carpenter . res Eighth ss 2 w Cherry Foote, Mrs. Susan . . res Ninth ss 2 w Cypress Foshee, Miss Kate music teacher . res Fifth ss 2 e Oak Foster, Charles S. county rec. office, Court House res Second ns 2 e Spruce Foster, Ephraim leather clerk 130 Second bds 166 Second Foster, Suel Fountain Hill Nursery Foster Rd ns 3/4 mi nw C. H. res same Foulke, Stephen A. dry goods 188 Second res Eighth nw cor Mulberry Fouts, Mrs. Belle . . res 273 Second Fox, Charles lumber clerk Second se cor Walnut bds St. Charles Hotel Fox, George W. cabinet maker . res Mulberry es 1 n Second Frederick, August bricklayer . res Seventh sw cor Orange Frederick, Joseph E. shoemaker Chestnut ws 4 s Second res Seventh sw cor Orange Freeland, William teamster Second se cor Mulberry bds Third sw cor Walnut Freeman, Franklin cabinet maker Sycamore ws 5 n Second res same Freeman, John bricklayer . res Seventh se cor Walnut Freeman, Joseph P. cabinet maker Sycamore ws 5 n Second res same Freers, Mrs. Hanna . . res Lucas Grove Rd.nw cor Butler R Freers, John firm of Neynhouse & F. . res Lucas Gr.Rd.opp. cemetery Frelink, Harry laborer . res Fifth ns 4 e Locust Freyermuth, George saloon 167 Second res same Freyermuth, Jacob at mill Burlington Rd ss w Elm res alley n Fifth w Locust Friday, Benjamin laborer . res Seventh ss 5 w Walnut Frielink, Garret engineer Front nw cor Linn res Fifth ns 3 w Spruce Frutig, Mrs. Catherine . . res Eighth ss 1 e Cherry Frutig, Frederick laborer . res Eighth ss 1 e Cherry Frutig, Jacob laborer . res Eighth ss 1 e Cherry Fry, Abiel deputy county treasurer office, Court House bds Fifth nw cor Chestnut Fry, John sawyer Front ne cor Spring res Fifth ns 2 w Linn Fulher, John brick moulder Lucas Grove Rd ss w Ash res Locust se cor Eighth Fuller, Bernard teamster Burl. Rd ss w Elm res Pine 2 n Eighth Fuller, Henry brick-yard Eighth ne cor Sycamore res same Fuller, Joseph cabinet maker Fourth ss 2 e Chestnut res Eighth ns 2 w Pine FULLIAM, GEORGE W. botanic physician Third ne cor Orange res same Fulton, Samuel laborer . res Iowa Cy. Rd. es near corp.line Funck, Adam . . res Third sw cor Pine Funck,George F. grocer 62 Front res Burlington Rd. ns 6 w Green Funck,Henry ex-mayor . res Third sw cor Pine Funck, Henry firm of Mull & F. . res Front ns 3 w Mulberry Funck, Robinson J. . . res Front ns 3 w Mulberry Fyock, John laborer . res Seventh ns 2 e Spring . . . . GALYEAN, JAMES R. prop. St. Charles Hotel Second nw cor Walnut . Gardner, Cornelius E. upholsterer 179 Second bds Front nw cor Chestnut Garlock, John S. lumber, flooring, etc 240 Second res Sixth ss 2 e Orange Garrett, John J. laborer ferry boat res Broadway ws 2 n Front Garrett Thomas laborer . res Third ss 2 e Lombard GARRETTSON, GARRETT A. wholesale dlr, groceries 71 & 73 Front res Fifth ns 4 e Mulberry Gaskill, Joseph teamster . res Front ns 1 e Orange Gaslight & Coke Works . Oak se cor Third . Gausmann Luia laborer . res Seventh nw cor Spruce Gehring, Herman . . res Eighth ss 3 e Poplar Gehring, Hermann . . res Eighth ss 3 w Cypress GEIGER, WILLIAM groceries and provisions Mulberry sw cor Fifth res same Geisler, Henry wagon maker Third ss opp. Court House res same Geisler, John . . res Third ns 5 e Cedar GEISS, HENRY dlr. drugs, medicines,etc. 120 Second res Ia.Cy. Rd ss 1 mile from C. H. Geisz,Adam, laborer . res Sixth ss 1 e Spring Gemmell, Robert laborer . res Mulberry ws 1 mi n C.House George, George cooper shop Burl.Rd. ns w Green res same Gerfenbach,Mrs. Catherine . . res Burlington Rd. nw cor Elm Gerfenbach, John laborer . res Burlington Rd. nw cor Elm Gerfenbach, Wilhelm laborer at mill Burl. Rd. ss w Elm res Burlington Rd. nw cor Elm Gergen, George laborer at mill Burl. Rd. ss w Elm res Eighth ss 1 w Iowa av Gertenbach, William D. teamster Burlington Rd. ss w Elm res Elm cor Front Gesell, Charles S. dealer in groceries & prov. Burl. Rd. ss.2.w.Green res same Getter, William F. dealer in groceries & prov. Sixth ss 4 e Oak res same GIESENHAUS & CO. saloon 273 Second . Giesenhaus, Frederick firm of G.& C. . res 216 Second Giesler, Charles teamster . res Spring es 1 s Seventh Giesler, Frederick firm of Hess & G. . res Third ns 5 e Cedar Giffin, Edmond foreman mill Front ns w Spring res Tenth ss 2 e Poplar Giffin, Michael laborer . res Second ss e Brooks Gifford, Edmund J. sawyer Front ne cor Spring res Tenth ss 2 e Poplar Gigar, Joseph laborer . res Front ns 2 e Elm Gillespie, Mannis laborer . res Third ss 1 w Chestnut Gillespie, Sanuel laborer . res Third ss 1 w Chestnut GILLETT, PHINEAS JR. porp., Ogilvie House front nw cor Iowa av . Gilmore, Francis manufacturer of pumps Mulberry es 3 n Third res Mulberry ws e n Sixth Glass, Alfred . . bds Pennsylvania House Gleason, Mrs. Mary . . res Third ns 1 e Cypress Glynn, Patrick lab at mill Front w Spring res Chestnut es 3 n Second Glynn, Stephen laborer . bds R. Road ns 2 e Orange Gnoethlich,Charles H. blacksmith Mulberry ws 4 n Fifth res Tenth ss 2 e Cypress Goe, William laborer at Irving House . Goeser, Frederick cour. 130 Second res Burl. Rd. ns 7 e Green Goetzmann, Lorenz laborer . res Burl Rd. ns 1 1/2 mi. w Ct. H. Goldsberry, Benjamin F. cooper . bds Third sw cor Walnut Goldsberry, Garrison F. bricklayer . res Eighth ss 2 e Oak Goldsberry, James B. bricklayer . res Fifth ss 2 e Spring Goldsberry, Levi S. cooper . res Sixth ss 1 w Poplar Goldsberry, Levi T. stone mason . res Sixth ss 1 w Poplar Goldsberry, William H. grocer's clerk 71 Front res Mulberry es 2 s Second Goldsberry, Silas teamster . res Third ss 2 w Oak Goodnow, Charles K. dry goods clerk 220 Second bds Front nw cor Cedar GORDON J. G & CO. dlrs. in dry goods 175 Second . Gordon, John G. firm of J.G.G.& Co. . res Second ne cor Cherry Gordon, John G. Jr. student . res Second ne cor Cherry GORDON, WILLIAM assessor . res Mulberry ws 1 mi. n C. H. Gordon, William A, . . res Mulberry ws 1 mi. n. C. H. Gordy, William P. farmer . res E Muscatine Gore, Mrs. Martha dressmaker 229 Second res same Gottbrecht, Adolph dry goods clerk 210 Second res Ninth ss 2 e Poplar GOUGH, JOSEPH M. telegraph operator 141 Second bds Fourth ss west end Grabner, John laborer at mill Burl Rd ss w Elm res Second ns 2 e Hanover S.Mus. Grace, Heinrich . . res Cedar es 1 s Fourth Grace, Henry farmer . res North Muscatine Grafe, Charles tailor 174 Second res Iowa av.ws 1 s Eighth GRAHAM BROTHERS dlrs. drugs, medicines, etc 224 Second . Graham, Irael L. G. Bro.,& Physicians& Surg. 224 Second res same Graham, James E. firm of G. Brothers . bds 224 Second Gray, Albert ( col ) laborer . res Seventh ss 1 e Mulberry Green, Mrs. Dorathn . . res Third ss 2 w Cherry Green, Mrs. Elizabeth . . res Sixth sw cor Mulberry Green, Noah physician . res Fidth ne cor Mulberry Greenblade, Henry laborer at mill Front ns w Spring res Tipton Rd es 5 s Eleventh Greenough, Edmeston prin. city Gram. Schl. No 2 Third ss bet.Spruce & Locust res Third ns 2 w Linn Greenway, William farmer . res Third ns 3 w Linn Greenway, William ( col ) barber Iowa av. ws 2 n Front bds Third ns 3 w Linn Greiser, Andrew laborer . res 273 Second Grelle, Barney teamster . res Seventh ss 3 w Sycamore Grelle, Mrs. Helena . . res Seventh ns 1 e Iowa av. Griese, Frederick laborer . res Broadway es 1 n Front Griffith, Peter F. paint shop 149 Second, third floor res Pine nw cor Seventh Grodas, Mrs. Mary . . res alley n Fourth w Spruce Groeschel& Mann wagon mfgr's Iowa av. es 4 n Second . Groeschel, Charles firm of G & Mann . res Seventh nw cor Oak Groeschel, Emil painter Iowa av. es 4 n Second res Seventh nw cor Oak Grossheim, Theodore barber Iowa av. es 4 s Second res same Groszmann, Mrs. Anna . . res Fourth ns 2 e Cedar Groters, Mrs. Mary . . res Spruce ws 2 n Fourth Grover, Mrs. Harriet E. . . res 3d ss 3 w Ash, basement Grover, Robert . . res Third ss 3 w Ash Gunzenhauser, John G finisher, foundry Front ne cor Spring res South Muscatine Gurtner, Henry butcher Mulberry se cor Fourth res Seventh ns 2 e Walnut . . . . Hacker, Adam laborer at mill Front nw cor Linn res Front ns 2 e Linn Hacker, Conrad grocer's clerk 166 Second res Third ne cor Linn Haen, William plasterer . res Fourth ss 2 w Oak Hagan, Joseph broom mfg'r Lucas Grove Rd w Cemetery res same Hagermann,Henry saddle & harness shop Mulberry se cor Sixth res same Hahn, John hardware clerk 205 Second res Seventh ne cor Linn Hahn, John H. salesman, mill Burl Rd ss w Elm res Island Hale, George M laborer . res Eighth ss 2 e Cypress Hale, Henry W. carpenter Mulberry sw cor Sixth bds Third sw cor Walnut Hale & Weaver carps & builders shop Mulberry nw cor Sixth . Hale, Samuel firm of H. & Weaver . res Eighth ss 2 e Cypress Hale, Samuel A. carpenter Mulberry sw cor Sixth res Eighth ss 2 e Cypress Haley, Mrs. Ellen . . res R.Rd. ns 2 e Orange Haley, Patrick street sprinkler . res Sixth 3 w Chestnut Haley, Thomas laborer . res Front ss 1 w Brooks Hall, Charles machinist Mulberry ne cor Third bds Walnut ws 5 s Third Hall, Jacob Clerk Pennsylvania House bds same Hall, Lewis machinist Mulberry ne cor Third bds Walnut ws 4 s Third Hall, William L. firm of Brower & H. . res Front ns 4 w Pine HALLER, PHILIP Prof. & teacher of music . res East Muscatine HALSTEAD & STEELE house painters shop alley n Second & w Iowa av. . Halstead, William S. firm of H & Steele . res East Muscatine Halter, William A. grocer Chestnut ws 6 s Second res same Hambright, William H. carpenter . bds Pennsylvania House Hampe, Charles firm of H. & Bro . res Fifth ns 4 w Broadway Hampe & Brother saddle & harness mfg. Chestnut ws 2 s Second . Hampe, John G. firm of H. & Bro. . res Fifth ns 4 w Broadway Hampe, Mrs. Mary . . res Fifth ns 4 w Broadway Haneiz, Andrew gift enterprise . res First se cor Franklin Haneiz, Mrs. Elizabeth . . res First se cor Franklin Haney, Richard ( col ) laborer 101 Second res Third ss 2 w Mulberry Hankins, Preston boatman . res Fourth ns 1 w Chestnut Hanlin, James carpenter . res Walnut ws 7 n Second Hanlin, John . . res Ninth nw cor Lombard Hanlin, Miss Mary A. teacher . res Ninth nw cor Lombard Hanlin, William laborer . res Ninth nw cor Lombard Hanna, Hiram C. notary republic 182 second res Second se cor Locust HANNA & WASHBURN real estate agents 182 Second . HANNA, THOMAS firm of H & Washburn atty, 182 Second res Second se cor Locust Hanson, Henry tinner Sycamore ne cor Second res Butlerville Hanson, John S. laborer at mill Burl Rd. ss w Elm res Wapello Rd.ws w Green Hanson, Joseph basket maker First sw cor Franklin res same Hanson, Mrs. Mary Anne . . res First nw cor Pearl Harbaugh, Lewis butcher's clerk Second ss 1 w Walnut bds Third ss cor Walnut Harbaugh & Coover mfg. saddles and harness 234 Second . Harbaugh, Richard W. firm of H. & Coover . res 271 Second Harding, Ernest F. firm of Hellweg & H . res Walnut ws 2 n 2d Hardman, Joseph dentist 188 Second res Fifth nw cor Oak Hare, Danforth L teamster . res Third ss 3 w Iowa av. HARLAN, CHARLES M. dlr. groceries & provisions 237 Second res Sixth ss 3 w Oak Harless, Mrs. Hannah C. boarding house Sycamore ws 4 n Second . Harn, Michael laborer . res Seventh ss 2 e Linn Harrier, Nathaniel plasterer . res ws Graded Rd.2 s Second Harrigan, John laborer . res Pine -- 3 s Sixth Harrigan, Michael laborer . bds E. Muscatine Harrigan, Patrick teamster . res ns 2 e Chestnut Harrington, Mrs. Elizabeth . . res 86 Second Harrington, Morris grocer Front nw cor Walnut res same Harris, William laborer . res Mulberry nw cor Fourth Hart, David . . res Butlerville Hart, James photographer 176 & 178 Second res same Hart, William bricklayer . res Butlerville Hartman, Adam carpenter . res Burlington Rd. ns 5 e Green Hartman, Adam harness maker 163 Second bds Third ns 5 e Cedar Hartman, David lab Burl. Rd ss w Elm res Eighth cor Broadway Hartman, John drayman . res Sixth ns 4 w Spruce Hartman & Schaefer boot & shoe makers 195 Second . Hartman, John G. firm of H. & Schaefer . res 59 Second Hartman, William brick moulder . res Eighth sw cor Locust Hartmann, Donnkvatz blacksmith Front nw cor Spring res Seventh ss 1 w Sycamore Hartmann, Franz locksmith Third ns 4 w Walnut res same Hartmann, John cigar maker Sycamore se cor Second res Seventh ss 1 w Sycamore Hartmann, John drayman 70 w Front res Fifth ss 3 w Locust Harvey, William marble polisher 250 Second res Seventh ns 2 w Pine HATCH, CHITTENDEN U. carpenter/ builder shop near residence res Fourth se cor Iowa av, Hatch, Edward supt. Nat. Express Co. . res Orange sw cor Second Hatch, James S. travel insurance agent . res Third nw cor Cherry Hatcher, Edward ( col ) . . res Newell Rd.ns 1 mi.nw Ct. H Haverkamp, George H. wagon maker, shop Burl. Rd. ns 5 w Green res same Haverkamp, Martin firm of John Kopp & Co. . res Iowa av. ws 2 n Eighth Hawley, Miss Blanche L. teacher . res alley n Fourth 1 w Cherry Hawley, Cyrus trav. insurance agent . res alley n Fourth 1 w Cherry Hawley, George R. farmer . res Fourth ss west end Hawley, Henry B. . . res Pine es 1 n Second Hawley, James grocer Walnut sw cor Third res Newell Rd. ns 1 mi. nw Ct. H. Hawley, Romulus deputy sheriff . res Fourth ss west end Hayes, C. G. & Bro. attorneys at law 200 Second . Hayes, Charles G. firm of C. G. H & Bro . res Mulberry es 1 mi. nw Court H. Hayes, Daniel farmer . res Mulberry es 1 mi. nw Court H. Hayes, Edward atty. at law 200 Second res Mulberry es 1 mi. nw Court H. Hayes, Rev. Gordon . . res Mulberry es 1 mi. nw Court H. Hayes, John firm of C. G. H. & Bro. . res Chicago, Illinois Healey, Miss Kate asst. prin. School # 5 Second ns w Iowa av. bds Third ns 2 w Locust HEATON, FRANCIS M. firm of Brown & H. . res Eighth se cor Spring Heaton, Silas H. tailor 168 Second res Seventh se cor Oak Hecht, Ephraim R. R. conductor . res 233 Second Hecker, Frederick paper-hanger . res Third ne cor Linn Heerd, John painter . res Eighth ss w Iowa av. Heezen, Christ tallyman at mill Burl Rd ss w Elm res Fifth nw cor Broadway Hein, Johann showmaker 165 Second res Sixth ss 2 e Cedar Heinze, Charles C. laborer . res Third ss 3 e Lombard Heinze, Frederick . . res Third ss 3 e Lombard Held, Charles vinegar mfg. Front ns 4 w Chestnut res same Heldt, Conrad laborer brickyard Eighth ns w of Cedar res alley n Seventh w Cedar Heller, John carpenter . res Third ss 2w Orange Heller, Simon laborer Second se cor Walnut res Eighth ss 1 w Linn Hellweg & Harding grocers Walnut ws n Second . Hellweg, John firm of H.& Harding . res Walnut ws n Second Hendriks, Jacob laborer Second ne cor Orange res Seventh nw cor Locust Heppe, Christian laborer . res Third ss 2 w Cherry Heppe, William sawyer Burl Rd. ss w Elm res Third ss 2 w Cherry Herget, Albert laborer . res Sixth ss 2 w Pine Hermann, laborer . res Eighth ss 2 e Walnut Hermann, John teamster brewery S. Muscatine res same Hershe, Benjamin F. lumber clerk Pine sw cor Second res Front ns 2 e Cedar Hershe, Emanuel W. firm of Banks & H. . res 114 Front HERSHEY, BENJAMIN City Mayor, 141 Second prop.saw mill, B. Rd ss w Elm res opposite mill Hershey, Miss Minnie A. cashier & book-keeper, mill Burl Rd ss w Elm res opposite Herwig, John harness maker 234 Second res Seventh ns 1 e Iowa av. Herwig, Martin harness maker Iowa av. es 5 s Second res Seventh ns 1 e Iowa av. Hess, George farmer . res Eighth se cor Oak Hess, Henry hostler Burl. Rd. ss w Elm res S. Muscatine Hess, Henry lab Burl. Rd. ss w Elm res Fourth ss 1 e Broadway Hess & Giesler harness shop 163 Second . Hess, Jacob firm of Hess & Giesler . res Eighth se cor Oak. Hess, Mrs. Martha J. boarding house 205 Second res same Hess, Peter M. firm of J. Kleinfelder & Co. . res Front ns 1 e Brooks Hesser, Heman R. feed stable Mulberry ws 4 s Fifth res Mulberry ws 4 n Fourth Hesser, Heman R lab Mulberry ws 4 s Fifth res Mulberry ws 4 n Fourth Hetticker, Mrs. Mary . . res Oak ws 2 n Sixth Hettinger, Adam painter Third ss opp. Court House res Mulberry es 2 n Second Hettinger, John grocer's elk Front ne cor Chestnut bds same Heuer, William cigars and tobacco 152 Second res same Hickey, Bartholamy laborer . res Front nw cor Cherry Higgins, Edward laborer . res Front ss 1 e Brooks Higgins, Mrs. Margaret . . res Tenth sw cor Cypress Hill, Enoch George pilot . res Fifth se cor Oak Hill, Mrs. Martha J. D. . . res Third ss 1 e Ash Hill, Samuel B. carpenter & builder Second ns 2 e Locust res same Hill, Miss Sarah E. asst. School # 4 Burl. Rd. ss w Green res Third ss 1 e Ash Hiller, Sigmund laborer . res Eighth ss 1 w Linn Hilton, John W. professor music Ogilvie House bds same Hine, Charles laborer . res old Grandv.Rd 11/2 m.nw C.H. Hine, Christian . . res old Grandv.Rd 11/2 mi nw C.H Hine, Harris H. carpenter . res Fifth se cor Orange Hine, Mrs. Mary A. . . res 170 Second Hines, Mrs. Margaret . . res Mulberry es 3 n Fourth Hinkel, Constantine cabinet maker Iowa av. es 2 n Front res alley ns Third 3 e Cedar Hinselmann, Frederick laborer . res Fifth nw cor Spring Hippenhimer, Mrs. Anne . . res Ninth ss 3 e Cypress Hippenhimer, Miss Mary E. teacher . res Ninth ss 3 e Cypress Hoch, Edward lumber agent . res Fourth ss 2 e Linn Hocke, Henry laborer, foundry Front ne cor Spring res Cedar ws 2 n Seventh Hocke, John laborer, mill Front w Spring res Seventh ne cor Cedar Hocke, Rudolph lab Burl Rd ss w Elm res S. Muscatine Hocker, Jeremiah laborer . res Mulberry ws 5 n Fourth Hoeflin, Matthias farmer . res Newell Rd. ss 1 mi nw Ct. H. HOEHL & DIETRICH merchant tailors 201 Second . Hoehl, John G. firm of H. & Dietrich . res Seventh ns 1 w Iowa av. Hofflin, Michael tailor 168 Second bds alley s Third w Cherry Hoffman John Jr. bricklayer . res N. Muscatine Hoffner, William farmer . . res Tipton Rd ns N. Muscatine Hoflin, Reinhart tinner 229 Second bds Second ns 1 w Ash Hofmann, John teamster . res Seventh ns 3 w Cedar Hogan, Rodger laborer . res E. Muscatine Holchower, George laborer Burl Rd ss w Elm res alley s Burl. Rd w Green Holliday, James K. carpenter . res alley ns n 4th ne cor Broadway Holliday, Mrs. Mary Anne . . res alley w Chestnut n Second Holmes, Mrs. Lettie . . res Oak ws 2 n Fifth Hoocke, John sawyer Mill Front ne cor Spring res Seventh ne cor Cedar Hook, Ignatius Shammo, Cummins & H. . res Linn es 1 N Second Hoopes, Joseph J. carpenter & builder . res Eighth ne cor Iowa av. Hoopes, Joseph L. book keeper 143 Second res Eighth ne cor Iowa av. Hoover, Cyrus U. grocer . res Fourth ss 4 w Oak Hoover, Henry firm of Olds & H. . res Locust ne cor Front Hoover, Joseph firm of Keeler & H. . res Cedar ws 1 n Fourth Hoover, Matthias horse trainer . bds Fair Grounds Hopkinson, Alva helper Third ss opp. Court House res Mulberry nw cor Fourth Hopkinson, Francis trav. book agent . res Walnut es 2 s Second Hopkinson, Jonathan grocer's clerk Walnut ws 5 n Second res Walnut es 2 n Front Horgan, Joseph laborer . res Chestnut ws 2 s Third Horigan, Mrs. Mary cook St. Charles Hotel bds same Horner, John L. T. ( col ) riverman . res Iowa av. sw cor Seventh Horton, Charles C. farmer . res Ia Cy Rd ws 1 3/4 mi nw C.H. Horton, Edwin W. farmer . res Ia Cy Rd ws 1 3/4 mi nw C.H. Horton, Dr. James S. farmer . res Ia Cy Rd ws 1 3/4 mi nw C. H. Hotel, John laborer . res Second ns 3 w Ash Houghton, William teamster . res Third ns 3 e Cedar Houser, Samuel M. . . bds Iowa av. sw cor Fourth Houston, Mrs. Eunice E. dressmaker . res Fifth ss 2 w Mulberry Howe, Simeon K. . . bds 231 Second Howell, Henry F. medical electrician Third ns 2 w Linn res same Hoyt, David . . res Fifth ns 2 w Cedar Hubacher, John H. laborer Pine sw cor Second res Butler Rd ws 3 n Cemetery Hubacher, Nicholas carpenter . res Butler Rd ws 5 n Cemetery Hubbard, Charles W cabinet maker . res Eighth ss 4 w Spring Hubbard, Mrs. Sophia . . res Locust ws 1 n Front Huber, John barber Iowa. av. es 6 s Second res same Huebler, Jacob cooper shop Burl Rd. ns w Green res same Hull, Mrs. Catherine . . res 122 Second Hulverson, Mrs. Theresa . . res Second sw cor Sycamore Humberger, John B. foreman 186 Second res Poplar ne cor Tenth Hume, Mrs. Elizabeth . . res Pine es 1 n Second Humes, Giles W. agent . res Fourth ss 3 e Orange Hummell, Benjamin M. teamster . res Sixth ns 3 w Cedar Humphreys, Ansel . . resEighth ss 1 w Mulberry Humphreys, Seth farmer . res Mulberry es 1 1/2 mi nw C. H. Hunter, William lab Burl Rd. ss w Elm res Hanover ws 1 n Third Huntsmeyer, John laborer . res Sixth ns 3 w Oak Huttig, Charles F. firm of H. & Brother . res Fifth ns 1 w Locust HUTTIG & BROTHER groc., woodware & feed 127 Second . Huttig, William C. firm of H. & Brother . res 127 Second Hutton, Charles H. laborer . res Butlerville Hutton, Thomas farmer . res Butlerville Hyink, Hermann laborer . res Fifth ns 3 e Locust Hyink, Mrs. Jane . . res Fifth ns 3 e Locust Hyink, John B. teamster Oak se cor Fourth res Fifth ns 2 e Locust . . . . INGERSOLL, LURTON D. fm. of Mahin & I also author Iowa av. ws over Post Office res Pine nw cor Second Irish, Jonathan teamster . res Orange ws 2 n Fourth Irvin, David K. dlr. confectionery 191 Second res Third ns 3 w Orange Irvin, James S. farmer . res Third ns 3 w Orange Irvin, James W. baker . res Third ns 3 w Orange Irving House, Chas. G. Mathis proprietor Mulberry se cor Fourth . Irwin, Robert laborer . res Cypress ws 1 n Tenth Israel, Jacob plasterer . res Seventh nw cor Sycamore . . . . Jack, Oliver G. printer Iowa av. ws 3 n Second res Third ns 3 e Chestnut Jacob, Wilhelm white-washer . res Eighth ss 2 w Cedar Jackson, Alexander harness maker 234 Second res Second ne cor Spruce Jackson, James firm of G. P. Vesy & Co. . res Sycamore es s Fifth Jackson, Peter cashier, Merch. Ex.Nat.Bank . res Third ne cor Locust Jackson, William painter Sycamore se cor Second res Cypress es 4 n Tenth James, Thomas B. city marshal 137 Second res Fourth ns 2 e Spring Jaquish, Nathan B farmer . res Orange sw cor Fourth Jayne, David farmer . res Sixth ns 2 e Orange Jayne, Henry deputy county clerk Court House res Sixth ns 2 e Orange Jayne, John W. county clerk Court House res Sixth ns 2 e Orange Jefferson, Thomas ( col ) barber shop Mulberry es 4 n Fifth res same Jellison, Henry D. . . res Sixth ss 3 e Mulberry Jemren, Mrs. Jane . . res Linn ws 2 n Fourth John, Mrs. Lucelia S. . . res Eighth ss 1 w Mulberry Johnson, David P. physician Chestnut se cor Third res same Johnson, Francis D. carriage maker . res Third ns 2 w Walnut Johnson, Mrs. Helen B. . . res 108 Second Johnson, James laborer . res First ns 1 e Pearl Johnson, James laborer . res Bleeker ws 1 n Third Johnson, Jesse N. mail agnt. M.& M. R. R. . bds Ogilvie House Johnson, Samuel at feed store Cedar es 2 s Second res 84 Second Johnson, Seth W. foreman, printing office Iowa av. ws 3 s Second bds 231 Second Johnson, William F. dlr. boots & shoes 172 Second res Walnut es 2 n Second Jones, Abner C. B. miller's clerk Front ne cor Pine bds Ogilvie House Jones, George ( col ) cook St. Charles Hoter bds same Jones, George E. horse trainer Fair Grounds res Graded Rd. Joy, Henry M. express messenger C. R. I.& P. R. R. res Locust sw cor Fourth Jusich, Charles laborer . bds Sixth ne cor Spring Jung, Henry laborer . res Tenth ss 2 e Lombard . . . . Kahn, Simon dlr. dry goods 145 Second res Mulberry sw cor Fifth Kalbfleisch, Henry watch repairer shop, Third ns 3 w Cedar bds 59 Second Kampmeier, Rev William pastor St. Paul's Church, Germ. Eva. res Cedar ws 2 s Third Karg, John laborer . res Eleventh ss e Tipton Road Kasper, Frank finisher Front ne cor Spring bds Fourth ns 2 e Walnut KAUFMAN, FERDINAND mfg. cigars and retail 206 Second res Sycamore sw cor Sixth Kaufman, Mrs. Hannah . . res Front ns 3 w Chestnut Kaune, John carpenter . res Lucas Grove Rd. ne cor Cemet. Keckler, George W. ar mill Iowa av. se cor Third bds Third sw cor Walnut Keckler, George W. engineer . res Eighth ne cor Poplar Keckler, John speculator . res Eighth ne cor Poplar Keckler, M. D. Lafayette cooper . res Eighth ne cor Poplar KEELER & HOOVER auction & comm. merchants 177 Second . Keeler, William B. firm on K. & Hoover . res country Kegel & Wittich cabinet makers Iowa av. es 2 n Front . Kegel, Christian firm of K. & Wittich . res Third ns 2 w Cedar Keichler, Jacob sawyer Burl Rd ss w Elm res Burlington Road Keiffenhein, Ulburn . . res Burl. Rd. ns 6 e Green Keischman, John farmer . res Burl.Rd.1 1/2 mi e Court House Keith, Abe sheriff . res Fourth ns 1 e Walnut Keller, Mrs. Margaret . . res Seventh ns 1 w Broadway Kelley, Michael tinner 118 Second bds same Kelley, James W. bridge carpenter . res Iowa av. ws 5 s Third Kelley, Patrick shoemaker Chestnut ws 4 s Second bds Pennsylvania House Kemmer, Conrad saloon Burl Rd. ne cor Green res same Kemptner, Mrs. Catherine . . res Seventh ss 5 w Walnut Kemptner, Edward G. laborer . res Seventh ss 5 w Walnut Kemptner, Frederick teamster . res Seventh ns 4 e Cedar Kennedy, Archibald civil engineer . res 57 Second Kennedy, Frank at livery Front nw cor Sycamore res Second w Pine Kennedy, Mrs. Mary A. . . res Front ss 1 w Brooks Kennedy, Wilfrid M. . . res 57 Second Kent, Charles E. firm of Weed, Bridgman & K . res Locust nw cor Second Koehler, George saloon clk 128 Second bds Iowa av. es 2 n Fourth Koehler, John baker 128 Second bds Pennsylvania House Keppin, John laborer Burl Rd ss w Elm res Elm es 2 n Front Kerr, Mrs. Mary E. . . res Mulberry se cor Fifth Kirsch, Anton marble cutter 150 Second bds Third ne cor Spruce Kirsch, Kaspar painter . res Sixth ss 1 e Cedar Kirsch, Peter painter . res Sixth ss 1 e Cedar Kirtendoll, Edward blacksmith . Third sw cor Walnut Klein, Edward . . res Fourth ne cor Cherry KLEINFELDER J & CO. Muscatine foundry Front ne cor Spring . Kleinfelder, Joseph firm of J. K. & Co . res Eighth nw cor Pine Klepper, Einmanuel dry goods clerk 188 Second bds Eighth sw cor Mulberry Knapp, Mrs. Charlotte . . rse Island near fair ground Kneese, George W. constable . res Cedar sw cor Sixth Kneese, Madison carpenter . bds Pennsylvania House Kneese, Madison M. . . res Cedar sw cor Sixth Kneese, William H. . . res Cedar sw cor Sixth Knoblanch,Mrs. Lena . . res Sixth ss 2 e Linn Knopp, George cabinet maker Sycamore se cor Second res Eighth ns 2 w Iowa av. Knopp, John & Co. dlrs. in groceries 203 Second . Knopp, John firm of John K. & Co. . res Eighth sw cor Iowa av. Knott, Hamilton laborer . res Walnut es 1 n Fourth Knott, Stephen laborer . res Walnut es 1 n Fourth Knox, Miss Annie dressmaker . res Third ne cor Chestnut Knox, Frank C. printer Iowa av. ws 3 n Second res Third ne cor Chestnut Knox, Mrs. Irene . . res Third ne cor Chestnut Knox, Miss Parthenea dressmaker . res Third ne cor Chestnut Knox, William farmer . res Third ne cor Chestnut Koehler, John w. saloon 169 Second res same Koellmann, Hermann cooper Lucas Grove Rd w Cemetery res same Koetting, Martin carpenter Front nw cor Linn res Mulberry ws n Tenth Kohler, Nicholas . . res alley w Eighth e Spring Kombrink, Rudolph cabinet-maker Fourth ss 1 e Chestnut bds Seventh ns 3 e Pine Kopp, Daniel lab Burl. Rd. ss w Elm res Eighth sw cor Poplar Korte, Bernard carpenter . res Fifth nw cor Locust Korte, Joseph coopershop Locust ws 2 n Fifth res same Kraemer, Matthias grocer's clerk 129 Second res 65 Second Kramer, George farmer . res Butlerville Krantz, August on ferryboat . bds Pennsylvania House KRANZ, CONRAD watch mkr.& Floral Garden 197 2nd. & 8th.nw cor Ia. av res same Krehe, John T. druggist's clerk 181 Second res Fifth ss 3 e Oak Krehl, John laborer . res Seventh sw cor Lombard Kreider, Cyrus clerk Ogilvie House bds same Krememer, Frederick carpenter . res Eighth ss 4 e Ash Kremer, Peter . . res Fifth nw cor Locust Kremer, Wi;he;m shoemaker 165 Second res Spring es 1 s Sixth Kreps, Miss Hattie dress-maker . res Mulberry ws 4 n Fourth Kreps, Mrs. Margaret dress-maker . res Mulberry ws 4 n Fourth Kritzberg, Mrs. Mary . . res Front ns 2 e Elm Kruk, John laborer . res Eleventh ns 6 e Tipton Road Kuckmann, Mrs. Mary . . res Sixth ns 2 w Walnut Kulp, Joseph S. firm of W. O. K. & Bro. . res Cherry ws 2 s Third KULP WILLIAM O.& BROTHER dentists 143 Second . Kulp, William O. firm of W. O. K. & Bro. . res Cherry ws 2 s Third Kuptkue, Cahrles laborer . res Sixth ns 1 w Spruce Kuriger, Peter laborer . bds Locust ws 2 n Fifth Kurtz, Thomas lab Burl Rd ss e Elm res Eighth ss 3 e Cherry Kurz, John J. barber Front nw cor Chestnut res Fourth ns 4 w Chestnut
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