City Directory
Muscatine Iowa

Here is an explanation of the abreviations used in this directory: "ws" for west side, "es" for east side, "ss" for south side and "ns" for north side. Also, "r" stands for residence, "bds" for boards, "e" for east of, "w" for west of, "s" for south of, "n" for north of, "c" for corner and "opp" for opposite. Also, let it be noted that in 1856 only "Water" and "Second" streets were numbered. Whenever you see a ? (question mark), that means I had a hard time reading the word and did my best to decipher it. If you want to know what the occupation means, this link may help: List of Occupations. Hit your back button to come back to this webpage. I hope you find your relative on this database. Good luck!!!

L thru Q

Laibbard, Jacob Tailor . basement German M. E. Church
Lakin, Mrs. Julia-Ann . . ns Fourth e Orange
Lainbert, Michael Laborer . bds foot of Cherry
Lamar, George Carpenter . ss Sixth e Oak
Lamergen?, Thomas Laborer . ws Green n Water
Langridge, William B. Printer . ns Sixth w Linn
Langmaid, Charles Blacksmith . bds ns Fourth e Chestnut
Langpaap, Henry Teamster . ws Walnut n Fourth
Lahr, Peter Shoemaker . ss Sixth e Lombard
Lark?, William . . bds Boston House
Larue, Palranios? Laborer . es Green n Water
Lade?, James Carpenter . bds Boston House
Lauffer, Simon P. Clerk . bds ss Second e Cedar
Laury, Patrick Laborer . es Cedar s Fourth
Leap, Henry Laborer . ss Third w Iowa Avenue
Leasfield?, Jacob Clergyman . ss Fourth w Locust
Lee, Patrick Laborer . ns Second e Locust
Lee, John Laborer . bds ns Second e Locust
Lee, Henry Laborer . bds 18 Water
Lee, John Shingle-maker . ns Second e Orange
Leffingwell, William Clerk . ss ss Fifth e Oak
Leffingwell, A. J. . . bds ss Fifth e Oak
Leigh, Thomas Laborer . ss Sixth w Pine
Leinhart, Philip Butcher . 24 Water
Lemp, John Merchant L. & Sells 139? Second r 127 Water
Leonard, William Express agent . bds Ogilvie House
Lesenea, Joshua Laborer . ss Tenth e Cypress
Lesenea, John Laborer . bds ss Second e Cedar
Lestrom, David Laborer . bds ns Fourth e Oak
Lewis, J. P. Tailor . ss Second w Cedar
Lewis, Ewing B. Tailor 173 Second bds Water w Orange
Lewis, R. W. Clerk . bds ss Second e Cedar
Lewis, Mrs. Mary . . Water w Orange
Lillibridge, Mrs. Amanda . . ns Ninth e Lombard
Lindsley, Charles Coach-driver . bds ss Fifth e Orange
Lindsey, Mrs. Mary . . ss Fifth w Cedar
Linch, Margaret . . ss Sixth w Poplar
Lingle, Ettas? Shoemaker . bds Iowa Hotel
Link, Henry Shoemaker . bds 35 Water
Linn, Robert . . bds Boston House
Lintner, John Laborer . ss Seventh w Iowa Avenue
Little, John Miller . 86 Second
Liza?, Jacob Laborer . ws Green n Water
Lofles?, Thomas Plasterer . ss Sixth w Pine
Lofland, H. Saddle and harness maker L. & Fesler 204 Second r ns Fourth e Iowa Avenue
Logan, Jas. W. Editor L. & Earley "Journal" bds Clover House
Lone, B. F. Carpenter . ns Sixth e Orange
Long, Henry Carpenter . ns Sixth e Sycamore
Long, Daniel Newsman . ss Fifth e Chestnut
Longstreth, Isaac Blacksmith . ss Sixth w Orange
Lord, J. S. Bookseller Smith & L. 277 Second bds Ogilvie House
Lorens, Jacob Carpenter . bds rear 139 Second
Lother, Robert Clerk . bds es? Iowa Avenue s Third
Low, George Proprietor . Ogilvie House
Lower, George Wagon-maker . ns Third e Chestnut
Lowry, Patrick Laborer . ns Third w Cedar
Lucas, John W. Clerk in Surveryor-General's office . 119? Water
Lucas, Augustus Laborer . ss Seventh w Walnut
Lumbage, Henry Laborer . ss Seventh e Cedar

Mackey, Patrick Blacksmith . bds ss Second e Cedar
Mackey, John M. Blacksmith . bds ss Second e Cedar
Madden, Henry Carpenter . es Broadway s? Fifth
Madder, Henry Laborer . ss Sixth w Cedar
Maear?, John Chandler . ws Green n Water
Mahan, George G. Hardware merchant 145 Second r ns Fifth w Cedar
Maher, Edward Laborer . ns Second e Locust
Maher, Mrs. Bridget . . ws Green n Water
Mahin, Jacob . . ss Fifth w Walnut
Mahin, John Printer . bds ss Fifth w Walnut
Mahony, Michael Laborer . ss Sixth w Iowa Avenue
Mahony, Patrick Laborer . ss Eighth w Linn
Mahony, Edward Laborer . ss Sixth e Linn
Mahony, Mrs. Fanny . . ws Orange s Third
Magoon, George D. Sash-maker . bds ns Fifth w Chestnut
Malay, James Teamster . bds ns Fourth w Cherry
Manly, Michael Laborer . bds 30 Water
Manly George S. Teamster . ss Third e Spruce
Manly, G. (Colored) Drayman . ns Third w Linn
Margardt, John Cooper . ss Seventh e Orange
Mark, Bariel? Teamster . ns Fourth e Walnut
Mars, George . . bds ss Fourth e Linn
Marshall, W. H. Merchant 149 Second r ss Fifth e Orange
Marshall, T. L. Clerk . ss Third w Walnut
Marshall, Samuel Physician . ss Third w Mulberry
Martin, John T. B. Carpenter . ss Seventh w Iowa Avenue
Martin, John Laborer . es Green n Water
Martin, John Clerk . bds Water e Cedar
Martin, Henry Cooper . bds ss Sixth e Spring
Mater, Anderson Laborer . ss Seventh w Walnut
Maltei?, Peter Laborer . bds Ogilvie House
Mathews, John Laborer . 72 Water (up stairs)
Mathews, Charles Laborer . es Iowa Avenue n Water
Matthews, Hiram . . 122 Water
Matthews, Benjamin (Colored) Drayman . es Sycamore e? Second
Mauck, Isaac Brick-maker . ns Fourth e Linn
Maxfield, J. Clerk . bds 187 Second (up stairs)
Mays, Uriah Carpenter . 120 Water
McDonald, Donald Clerk . bds Water e Chestnut
McDonald, John Laborer . es Locust s Fourth
McDonald, Alexander Clerk . ss Sixth w Pine
McCabe, John Drayman . ss? Third e Sycamore
McFieltman?, James Miller . es Cedar s Third
Mc????, David Laborer . rear 1?0 Second (second floor)
McCormick?, John A. City Assessor . es Mulberry n Fourth
McCormick?, William . . bds Clover House
McCormick, Michael Laborer . ss Fifth e Mulberry
McCloud, David G. Sheriff . ss Third w Sycamore
McCloud, John . . bds ss Third w Mulberry
McCulloch?, W. R. Millwright . ns Sixth w Sycamore
McCullough, Cyrus B. Clerk . bds 180 Second (up stairs)
McCardy, John Harness-maker . bds 60 Water
McCrow, Mrs. Eleanor . . ws Cedar n Second
McCurdy, Wm. Cabinet-maker 191 Second r ss Fifth e Iowa Avenue
McGinley, W. A. School teacher . bds Irving House
McGovern, William Laborer . ss Fourth e Linn
McGough, Thomas Sr. Laborer . Water e Iowa Avenue
McGough, Thomas Jr. Laborer . Water e Iowa Avenue
McGrah, Michael Millwright . ns Fourth e Oak
McGrew, ------- Harness-maker . ns Third e Iowa Avenue
McElroy, W. D. Marble-cutter . ss Fifth w Sycamore
McElroy, G. W. Teamster . ss Fifth w Sycamore
McElroy, Mrs. Delila . . ss Third w Walnut
McKibben, S. M. Lumber merchant S. M. McK. & C. 240 Second r 242 Second
McMenomy, Jeremiah Carpenter . ns Third e Walnut
McMurry, T. P. Wagon and plow manufacturer Ament & McM. Ss Third e Walnut r 283 Second
McSparin, Philip Varnisher . ss Sixth e Spring
Means, John Laborer . ss Eighth e Poplar
Meason, George County Judge . ns Third e Pine
Meetman, Frederick Blacksmith . ws Elm n Water
Megere, Michael Laborer . ss Fifth w Broadway
Meir, John Turner . ws Mulberry s Sixth
Meir, Lee Carpenter . ws Mulberry s Sixth
Mell, Eli Blacksmith . ns Fifth e Oak
Melville, Thomas Saddler and harness maker . ss Third e Linn
Meerink, G. J. Laborer . ss Seventh e Broadway
Messick, George W. . . es Chestnut n Water
Meyer, Henry Furniture dealer Wienker & M. Es Iowa Avenue s Third bds 187 Second (up stairs)
Meyor?, David Wagon-maker . ss Fifth w Orange
Middleton, Benjamin Butcher . ss Third w Walnut
Mikesell, Mrs. Mary Ann . . ns Fifth c Walnut
Miles, Henry Sash-maker . ss Tenth e Lombard
Miller, Frederick Proprietor of Muscatine Hotel . Muscatine Hotel?
Miller, David T. Tinner . bds Muscatine Hotel
Miller, Henry Plasterer . ss Eighth e Mulberry
Miller, Henry Machinist . ss Eighth w Walnut
Miller, Mrs. Mary . . ss Seventh w Chestnut
Miller, Mrs. Margaret . . ss Seventh w Iowa Avenue
Mills, Robert Carpenter . 285 Second
Mills, Robert T. Foundryman R. T. M. & Co. Water e Spring r 291 Second
Miner, C. E. M. D. M. & Beardsley ns Third c Cedar
Mitchell, J. W. Daguerrean 164? Second (third floor) bds Clover House
Mitchell, William Carpenter . ss Second e Sycamore
Moffit, James Laborer . ss Fourth e Linn
Moier?, Frederick Blacksmith . bds ns Third e Cedar
Molis, Henry Gunsmith M. & Co. 199 Second r ns Third e Cedar
Montral?, John Laborer . ss Third e Ash
Moore, H. W. Tinner and stove and iron dealer 194? Second r ns Third e? Cherry
Moore, John Laborer . ss Sixth w Walnut
Moore, James Cooper . ss Eighth w Spring
Morer, John Irish linen peddler . bds Iowa House
Monroe, J. . . bds Boston House
Moravr, Wruck Blacksmith . bds Farmer's Home
Mordea, Thomas Tailor . es Third e Ash
Mordea, W. H. Tailor . es Third e Ash
Morgan, Patrick Laborer . 123 Second (up stairs)
Morgan, C. A. Printer . bds Irving House
Morgan, W. D. Harness-maker . bds ns Fourth e Iowa Avenue
Morris, Lawrence Laborer . ns Second w Spruce
Morris, Michael Laborer . Water w Spruce
Morrison, Henry Merchant 68 Water r up stairs
Morrison, Joseph Clerk bds 68 Water (up stairs)
Morrison, W. Carpenter . ns Third w Pine
Morton, Wm. Livery stable proprietor M. & Banks Water e Sycamore r 225 Second
Morton, D. C. Butcher Vogell & M. Stall? 272 Second bds 275 Second
Mosier, Lewis Carpenter . es Cedar n Fourth
Moss, D. P. Blacksmith . ws Walnut s Third
Motts?, Thomas C. (Colored) Barber . 82 Water
Mulford, Joseph Carpenter . bds western suburb, opp. Cherry
Mull, B. T. Cabinet-maker . 187 Second (up stairs)
Mull, G. B. Teamster . ss Fifth e Walnut
Mull, Wm. Restaurant keeper M. & Eichelberger 209 Second bds ns Sixth e Oak
Mullen, Mrs. Phebe . . ns Sixth w Pine
Mullen, H. Laborer . ns Third e Cedar
Mulholland, Isaac Railroad contractor . ns Sixth w Spring
Munhenry, John Baker . es Walnut s Fifth
Murphy, John Laborer . Water w Oak
Murphy, William Laborer . es Broadway n Fourth
Murphy, Clement Tinner . ss Sixth e Pine
Murphy, John Laborer . ns Fifth e Pine
Murphy, Mrs. Judith . . ss Fifth e Pine
Murphy, James Laborer . ss Eighth e Walnut
Murphy, Jeremiah Laborer . ns Seventh e Linn
Murry, John Laborer . bds Ogilvie House
Musser, Peter Lumber merchant Hoch & M. 249 Second bds Clover House
Musser, Richard Lumber merchant Hoch & M. 249 Second bds Clover House
Myers, Henry Laborer . ss Eighth e Cedar
Myer, Frank Laborer . ns Seventh e Cedar
Myer, E. C. Tailor . bds ns Third e Iowa Avenue

Naeve?, Barnet Cooper . ns Third w Locust
Narvis, Christian Laborer . ss Eighth w Sycamore
Naves, J. W. Paper-changer . ns Seventh w Iowa Avenue
Nealley, Charles Boot and shoe and leather dealer 170 Second r ns Third w Sycamore
Neeles, John Laborer . es Cedar n Fifth
Neidig, Benjamin Butcher B. N. & Son stall? 230 Second r 108 Second
Neidig, Morris O. Butcher B. Neidig & Son bds 108 Second
Neidig, Isaac Grocer ws Walnut c Third r ns Seventh e Oak
Negus, Isaac Nurseryman . northern suburb, opp. Mulberry
Neiswanger, Jacob Teamster . Water w Elm
Nelles, G. W. Merchant 174 Second bds Ogilvie House
Nestor, John Blacksmith . es Spring s Seventh
Newell, Charles farmer? . western suburb, opp. Cherry
Newell, Samuel Laborer . bds western suburb, opp. Cherry
Newell, Finley Laborer . bds western suburb, opp. Cherry
Newell, Joseph Laborer . bds western suburb, opp. Cherry
Neville, Mrs. Auliza . . ss Eighth e Poplar
Newhouse?, O. Cabinet-maker . ns Fifth w Spruce
Nicholson, Cornelius Plasterer . western suburb, opp. Cherry
Nicholson, John F. Laborer . bds western suburb, opp. Cherry
Nisley, J. R. Lawyer 142 Second (up stairs) bds Iowa Hotel
Nisley, Christian J. Clerk . bds 212 Second (up stairs)
Nollert, Jacob Barber . ss Fifth w Cedar
Northam, C. C. Jeweler N. & Durlee 129 Second bds Ogilvie House
Norton, D. Auctioneer Faxon & N. 162 Second bds Ogilvie House

Oaster, John Bricklayer . 55 Second
Oberhouse, Henry Laborer . ss Sixth e Sycamore
Oberman, Christian F. Pastor Evang. Prot. Church . r ss Eighth w Sycamore
O'Brien, Michael Laborer . ss Fourth w Linn
O'Conner, Henry Lawyer Cloud & O'C. ns Fourth e Cherry
O'Conner, James Laborer . ss Eighth w Linn
Octar, John Painter . western suburb, opp Cherry
Octar, M. Painter . ns Third w Locust
Ogilvie, Adam Manufacturer and dealer in flour and produce O. & St. John office 79 Water r northern suburb, opp. Oak
Ohler, Philip Baker . bds 198 Second
Olehouse, John Laborer . ss Eighth w Sycamore
Olds, L. W. Merchant O. & Bonn r ns Third e Spruce
Olds, J. Whit Clerk . bds 231? Second
Olds, William Sawyer . ns Third e Spruce
Olmated?, Edward Carpenter . ns Third e Linn
Omaley, Austin Laborer . Water w Spruce
Omaley, Michael Laborer . Water w Spruce
Omelar, Godfrey? Shoemaker . ss Fifth w Walnut
Ostrom, --------- Carpenter . bds ns Third e Iowa Avenue
Opelt, George Laborer . ss Sixth e Broadway
Opelt, John Laborer . ss Sixth e Broadway
Oppenheimer, Jacob Clothier and furniture dealer 143 Second r 80 Second
Ovelkeller, Conrad Laborer . ss Sixth e Cedar

Paine, Thomas Volney M. Harness-maker . 35 Water
Paine, Stephen Peddler . ss Fifth e Walnut
Painter, Jonathan Teamster . ss Seventh e Cedar
Palmer, C. L. Pork-packer . bds Ogilvie House
Palmer, Jesse Millwright . ss Sixth e Walnut
Palmer, Ephraim Blacksmith . ss Seventh w Mulberry
Palmer, P. Clerk . bds ss Third e Cedar
Pariner?, L. D. Merchant 192 Second r Water c Cedar
Pariner?, A. Land dealer . bds Ogilvie House
Parker, J. Carpenter . ns Sixth w Sycamore
Parvin, Theodore S. . . northern suburb, opp. Walnut
Parvin, Mrs. ------- . . ns Third e Cedar
Patten, James Carpenter . es Chestnut n Third
Patterson, A. O. Lawyer over Isett & Brewster's bank r Water w Mulberry
Patterson, William Teamster . ws Walnut n Sixth
Patrick, Charles Carpenter . bds Boston House
Paulins?, Jacob Teamster . ns Third e Mulberry
Pear, Godfrey Carpenter . es Chestnut s Third
Peck, W. G. Bricklayer . es Cedar n Fourth
Perkins, T. G. Clerk . bds 180 Second (up stairs)
Perry, Geo. Blacksmith ss? Third c Mulberry r ns Fourth e Chestnut
Perry, Sherman Assistant stage-agent . es Iowa Avenue n Water
Persinger, John M. Dealer in patent rights . 76 Second
Pettibone, Giles Ferryman . ns Fourth w Pine
Pfeiffer, X. Shoemaker 125 Second r es Spruce s Third
Pickle, Jacob Sash-maker . ns Fourth e Spring
Pierce, John Collar-maker . bds 118 Second (up stairs)
Phelps, F. S. Livery stable proprietor P. & Worsham ns Third c Iowa Avenue r ns Third e Linn
Phelps, C. L. Master steamer Lamartine? ns Third e Iowa Avenue
Phelps, Ozra Deputy sheriff . ns Third e Linn
Phipps, John Clothier Ryckman & P. 216 Second bds 275 Second
Platt, Thomas Carpenter . 61 Second
Poland, Oliver Cooper . ss Sixth e Poplar
Popkiss, Robert Clerk . bds Boston House
Porter, George Merchant . r 119 Water
Porter, Chas. S. Book-keeper . bds 119 Water
Porter, J. Y. Ticket agent . bds Ogilvie House
Powell, John Laborer . ss Fifth w Cedar
Pratt, J. H. Leather merchant P. & Co. 176 Second r ns Sixth ? Spring
Price, J. Book-keeper . bds 187 Second (up stairs)
Pritchard, Jacob (Colored) Steamboat steward . 43 Water
Pritchard, R. Clerk . bds 212 Second up stairs
Profter?, David Carpenter . ns Third w Chestnut
Purcell, John Laborer . es Broadway n Fourth
Purcell, William Carpenter . ss Seventh w Mulberry
Purcell, Thomas Carpenter . ss Seventh w Mulberry

Quinn, Jas. Merchant Q. & Brother 235 Second r up stairs
Quinn, John W. Merchant Q. & Brother 235 Second 63 Second
Quinn, Louis F. Merchant Q. & Brother 235 Second 63 Second
Quinn, John Brakeman . ns Fifth e Pine
Quincy, John Cooper . ws Walnut n Sixth

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Page created by Dave Dunston, on March 20, 2005