Submitted by Eleanor B. McCleary, Kristine Conlon and James Batchelor on May 7, 2009
Surname of Groom | Given Name of Groom | Occupation & Residence | Marriage Date | Surname of Bride | Given Name of Bride | Bride's Address | Remarks | Pastor |
Backmann | Christian | Farmer, Wilton | 14 Oct 1882 | Moller | Anna | Wilton | Both from North Schleswig, Germany descent | Fr. Lutz |
Bartels | Gustav Carl | Farmer in Wilton T., b. 5 May 1856 in Hoym, Anhalt, Germany | 22 Mar 1885, Wilton, in the parental house | Nolte | Anna Maria | b. 25 Dec 1856 in Muscatine Co, IA | Marriage Witnesses: Frieder. Nolte & John G. Nolte | J. List |
Bartels | Karl | Farmer, born in Nienburg, Germany on 26 Sep 1858; parents Gottlieb Bartels, Charlotte nee Becker | 18 Jan 1904 at the Parish | Hank | Anna | nee Morris, born 26 Nov 1863, Washington Co., PA. Parents: James Morris, Mary nee Wood | Mrs. Elisabeth Doden | Julius Doden |
Batschelet | Christian | Farmer, Wilton, IA 40 yrs | 13 Jan 1885 | Gross | Marie | born Walbersroyl, Schweig. Lives in Wilton, IA, 27 yrs | Both belong to the Parish. Witnesses Gottfr. Gross, Andr. Kaufman | Fr. Lutz |
Christiansen | Christian | Worker, born in Flenterop, Denmark, 22 Feb 1873 | 9 Mar 1898 in God's house in Wilton | Oversen | Sine | born in Denmark, 27 Nov 1872 | Andrew Oveson, Nellie Patterson | Julius Doden |
Daufeldt | Charlie O. | Farmer born 1887, 22nd Feb in Davenport, IA. Parents: John Daufeldt, Louisa nee Ingwersen | 23 Feb 1910, in the house of the Groom, Rochester Twp, Cedar Co, IA | Freese | Alwine A. | born 8 Mar 1890, Rochester Twp, Cedar Co., IA. Parents: John Freese, Magdalene nee Hinz | Julius Doden | |
Daufeldt | Martin M. | Farmer, born 20 Feb 1889 in Rochester Twp, Cedar Co, IA. Parents: John Daufeldt, Louisa nee Ingwersen | 10 Feb 1914 in the parental house of Groom | Freese | Emma | born 22 Apr 1892 in Rochester Twp, Cedar Co., IA. Parents: John Freese, Magdelena nee Hinze | John H. Daufeldt, Mrs. Stella nee - | Julius Doden |
Doden | Julius R. | Pastor in Wilton, b. 6 Jun 1861 in Achtersund, Ostfriesland; son of Minister Johann A. H. Doden and his wife Richardine nee Scha--ert---m | 6 Oct 1892 in the Church at Wilton | Mueller | Elisabeth Margareta | Daughter of Friedrich Mueller and his wife Elisabeth Born; born.on 28 Aug 1872 in Wilton, IA | L. Braumeied & Friedericke Mueller | H. Reinerson |
Duerschner | Friedrich Heinrich | Lutheran Pastor in Talmage, Neb., b. Nov 1861 in Galena, Ills | 13 Oct 1886 in the Church in Wilton | List | Maria Magdalena Christina Sophia | b. Sept in Madison, Wis. | Marriage Witnesses: Past. C. Schade, Rev. Jul Doden | |
Duerschner | Johannes Elias | Lutheran Pator of Pyrmont, Morgan Co, MO., b. 20 Jul 1859 in Galena Ills. Son of Conrad Duerschner & his wife Katharine nee Hammerand | 23 Apr 1890, Wilton, in the house of Mr. Heinrich Schmidt | Opitz | Emma Margarethe | b. 13 Jul 1864 in Wilton, IA; daughter of Adolph Opitz & his wife Bertha nee Prox | Marriage Witnesses: Adolph Opitz & Heinrich Schmidt | J. List |
Duffe | Franz Andreas | Farmer in Moscow T., Musc. Co., IA b. 6 Feb 1859 in Moscow T. | 3 May 1887 in parental house of Bride | Marolf | Anna Louisa | Ochterdes Benedict Marolf b. 25 Mar 1863 in wilton T. | Marriage Witnesses: Wilh. Duffe, Benedict Marolf | J. List |
Duffe | Wilh. F. | Farmer, Moscow Twp, 37 yrs | 26 May 1885 | Wills | Lula | born Wendel, Milton Ind., moved to Wilton, 32 yrs. | Belong to Mose Parish, Frank Duffe & Andr. Kaufmann | Text: Ph. 118, 25 Johanna! |
Farner | Rudolph | Type-setter In Wilton, IA, b. 2 Jun 1862 in Oberstammenheir, Audelfingen, County Zurich, Switzerland; son of Conrad Farner & his wife Anna nee Strasser | 28 Apr 1892 in house of the parents of the Groom in Wilton, IA | Mueller | Rosa | b. 8 Oct 1864 in Princeton, Illinois; daughter of Philipp Mueller & his wife Elisabeth nee Bohren | Louis Brameyer & Rita Mueller | Jul. Doden |
Feldmann | Gottlieb F. | Farmer 1 1/2 miles east of Wilton; son of Anton Feldmann & Wilhelmine nee Feldmann | 25 Nov 1897 | Dixon | Gertie | Wilton, daughter of David Dixon & his wife Charlotte nee Boothe | In witness by parents of the Bride | Julius Doden |
Finley | Howard A. | born 17 Feb 1883 in Moscow Twp, Muscatine Co., IA. Parents: James Finley, Caroline nee Giese | 18 Mar 1908 in Parish house | Weber | Grace | born 8 Feb 1890, Farmington Twp, Cedar Co, IA; parents Stephan Weber, Anna nee Schorr | Frank A. Finley | Julius Doden |
Freitag | Fred Edw. | Gard Master, Muscatine IA, 24 yrs | 17 Sep 1884 | Engle | Anna Clara | Augusta, Ill, 20 yrs | Not to the Parish. Witnesses G. Nicolaus, Anna Freitag | Fr. Lutz |
Frenzel | Adam | Farmer, Moscow, IA | 11 Feb (1877) | Hahn | Anna Cathar. | Moscow, IA | Bride belongs to another congregation | J. Landdeck |
Frieden | Friedrich | Saloon Keeper, Wilton, IA | 13 Nov (1877) | Daut | Lena | Sugar Creek, IA | The Bride nee Frenzel, Widowed | J. Landdeck |
Gettert | August | Farmer, born in Sweetland Twp, Muscatine Co., IA, on 25 Jul 1868, son of Heinrich Gettert & his wife Augusta nee Fetchner | 21 Feb 1895, in the home of the parents of the Bride's mother in Wilton | Friedli | Louisa | b. 24 Feb 1873 in Wilton, Muscatine Co. , IA; daughter of Jacob Friedli & his wife Maria nee Schiess | John Gettert, Rosa Friedli | Julius Doden |
Giese | Arthur | Wilton, IA, Route #1 | 24 Jul 1923, Church | Dohrmund | Auguste | Carl Friedrich Giese, Henry Giese, Mrs. E. Sindt | E. Holtz | |
Giese | Henry | Cedar Co., Farmer | 2 Jan 1926, Church | Scheel | Rosa | Germany | Arthur Giese, Mrs. A. Giese, John Scheel | E. H. |
Grade | August | Farmer, Sweetland Center, IA | 4 Nov 1880 | Nolte | Louisa | Wilton, IA | The Groom is Baptist | J. Landdeck |
Grunder | Albert | Farmer, Sugar Creek, IA | 17 Jan 1882 | Marolf | Maria | Wilton, IA | Groom belongs to Mo. Parish (Moses' Parish) | J. Landdeck |
Grunder | Henry | Farmer. born 13 Dec 1897, Sugar Creek Twp, Cedar Co., IA. Parents: John Grunder, Emilie nee Bolle | 16 Feb 1910, in the house of the parents of Bride, Suger Creek Twp, Cedar Co., IA | Walter | Louisa | born 17 Mar 1888, Sugar Creek Twp, Cedar Co., IA. Parents: Friederich Walter, Maria nee Maurer | John A. Grunder, Mae Maurer | Julius Doden |
Grunder | Louis, Albert | Wilton, IA (Cedar Co.) | 16 Oct 1923, Parish house | Marolf | Anna Marie | Cedar Co., IA | A. J. Wacker, Amilie Wacker | E. Holtz |
Gust | Julius | born in Bloomington Twp, Muscatine Co., IA on 11 Jul 1874. Parents: Gottlieb Gust & Christine | 22 Feb 1900 in Minister's home | Huesmann | Lena | born in Wilton Twp, Muscatine Co., IA on 1 Nov 1876. Parents: Friedrich Huesmann, Anna nee Beahans | Leonard Gust, Mary Huesmann | Julius Doden |
Hammerick | Louis Henry | Farmer | 15 Oct 1925, Parsonage | Marolf | Emma | Moscow, IA | John C. Marolf, Arthur E. Marolf | E. Holtz |
Harder | Ferdinand | Farmer, born 14 Feb 1884, Wilton Twp, IA. Parents: Clauss Harder, Maria nee Bollow | 26 Aug 1908 in the parents house of the Bride in Wilton, IA | Klein | Katie M. | born 5 Feb 1888, Wilton Twp, Muscatine Co., IA. Parents: George W. Klein, Katherina nee Nolte | Witnesses: George W. Klein, Robert Harder | Julius Doden |
Hebbeln | Johann | Worker, Davenport, IA | 31 Oct 1882 | Reichert | Emma Car. | Davenport, IA | Bride is the step-daughter of Mr. Fritz of here | Fr. Lutz |
Hermann | Georg Heinr. | Farmer, Atalissa, IA, 21 yrs. | 21 Nov 1882 | Weber | Regina M | Muscatine, IA, 23 yrs | Moved to Muscatine, IA | Fr. Lutz |
Hipple | John Henry | Farmer in Center Town, Cedar Co., IA b. 12 Aug 1857 in Center T. Cedar Co., IA | 13 Mar 1888 in the Minister's house here | Hirschmann | Anna Katharina | b. 19 Mar 1865 | Marriage Witnesses: Georg Hunt, John Huebner | J. List |
Holzhauer | Conrad | Shoemaker, Wilton, IA | 6 Dec (1877) | Niclaus | Margaretha | Wilton, IA | J. Landdeck | |
Holzhauer | George | Shoemaker in Wilton, b. 18 Dec 1865 in Martinsville, PA. Son of Jakob Holzhauer & his wife Maria nee Hess | 14 Apr 1891, Wilton in the parental house of Bride | Nicolaus | Emma Margarethe | b. 22 Feb 1870 in Wilton, IA; daughter of Heinrich Nicolaus & his wife Margarethe nee Frenzel | Marriage Witnesses: Henry Nicolaus & George Nicolaus | J. List |
Huebner | George Washington | Farmer in Moscow Twp, Musc. Co., IA b. 13 May 1864 in Wilton T. IA | 26 Nov 1885 | Rexroth | Pauline Helena | Moscow T. Musc. Co., IA b. 15 Apr 1865 in Wilton, IA | Both belong to Parish. Witnesses: Georg Nicolaus, Edmund Chamberlin | J. List, marriage in Lutheran Church in Wilton |
Jespersen | Christian | Farmer in Wilton T., b. 1 Mar 1855 in Nykjobing, Denmark | 27 Mar 1888, Wilton, in parental house of Bride | Feldmann | Nancy Ellen | b. 17 Dec 1857, in Illinois City, Rock Island, Co, Illinois | Marriage Witnesses: Anton Feldmann & Gottlieb Feldmann | J. List |
Johnson | Steven | born 23 Jul 1885 in Denmark. Worker. Parents: Albert Johnson, Dorthea nee Jensen | 21 Dec 1907 in the house of the parents of Groom | Jensen | Thyra | born 5 Mar 1888 in Alsen Schleswig Holstein. Parents: Jens Jensen, Thyra nee Hainea | Carl Jensen, Alberrt Johnson | Julius Doden |
Kai | Heinrick | Farmer, Wilton T, Muscatine Co., IA. Parents: Hans Kai & Margaretha nee Kai, born 22 Dec 1879 | 19 Feb 1907, in the house of the parents of the Bride | Rohwer | Helene | born 13 Aug 1882, Breiholz, Holstein, Germany. Parents Johann Rohwer, Catherina nee Matthiessen | Marcus Rohwer, Olga Mumm | Julius Doden |
Kaufmann | Georg Juluis Nicolaus | In Wilton, b. 28 Oct 1863 in Wilton, IA | 11 Sep 1888, Wilton, in apartment, home of Groom | Daut | Theresa Emma | b. 26 Apr 1869 in Cedar Co, IA | Marriage Witnesses: Peter Daut & Henry Nicolaus | J. List |
Kaufmann | Johannes Friedrich | Farmer in Sugar Creek T., Cedar Co., IA b. 28 Apr 1868 in Suger Creek Twp, Cedar Co, IA. Son of Andreas Heinrich Kaufmann & his wife Rosina nee Ruchti | 15 Jan 1891, Wilton T. in the parental house of Bride | Marolf | Pauline Elisabeth | b. 23 Jul 1871 in Wilton Twp, Muscatine Co., IA; daughter of Benedict Marolf & his wife Anna nee Marolf | Marriage Witnesses: Jakob W. Lenker & Wilhelmina Kaufmann | J. List |
Kroeplen | John | Farmer, Tipton, Cedar Co, IA. Born 6 Oct 1875, parents: John Kroeplen, Maria nee Vitense | 16 Apr 1902 | Bartscher | Anna | Farminton Twp, Cedar Co., IA, born 10 Feb 1879. Parents Frank Bartscher, Emma nee Gammer | The parents of the Bride | Julius Doden, Pastor |
Lamp | Heinrich Wm | Merchant in Wilton, IA. Parents: C. H. Lamp & _, born 2 Sep 1863 in Germany | 26 Jun 1902 | Mueller | Amalia Emma | Wilton, Muscatine Co., IA, born 26 Mar 1876. Parents: Phil. Friedr. Mueller, Elisabeth nee Born | Edward Mueller, Ranee Lamp | Julius Doden |
Loppe | Carl Ernst | Farmer, Moscow T., Muscatine Co., 30 yrs | 21 Apr 1883 | Wicke | Anna Cath. | Moscow T. Muscatine Co., 28 yrs | Member of another small parish that joined the Wilton Parish | Fr. Lutz |
Lueppen | John | 42, Durant, IA. Herm. Lueppen, Anna Pohlmann | 6 Sep 1922, home of Bride, Scott Co. | Witt | Katie | 19, Johannes Witt, Rose Wilh. Bech, Scott Co. | Hermann Lueppen, Mathilda Witt | H. Notle |
Marolf | Alfred | born in Walperswyl, County Bern, Switzerland on 24 Mar 1862 | 18 Jan 1900 in house of the parents of Bride | Marolf | Louisa | born in Wilton Twp, Muscatine Co., IA on 18 Mar 1873. Parents: John Marolf, Elisabeth nee Marolf | Edward Marolf, Marie Klein | Julius Doden |
Marolf | Carl, Fred. | Farmer, Cedar Co. | 16 Feb 1930, Church | Hall | Jennie Mary | Muscatine, IA | Wm. B. Hunter, Elizabeth Wickey, Wm. Otto Ravenhill | E. H. |
Marolf | Edward | born in Wilton Twp, Muscatine Co., IA on 1 Jan 1878. Parents: John Marolf & Elisabeth nee Marolf | 8 Feb 1900 in house of the parents of Bride | Klein | Maria | born in Moscow Twp, Muscatine Co., IA on 24 Feb 1876. Parents Georg Klein, Katharina nee Nolte | Alfred Marolf, Louisa Marolf | Julius Doden |
Marolf | Fritz | Farmer, Wilton, IA 27 yrs | 9 Oct 1883 | Gueder | Ellis | Wilton, IA, 27 yrs | Belongs in Parish | Fr. Lutz |
Marolf | George W. | Farmer, Wilton, IA | 1923, Parish house | McQuillen | Gladys | Wilton, IA | Ed. Marolf, Mrs. K. Holtz | E. Holtz |
Marolf | Johann | Farmer, Wilton, IA | 7 Mar 1882 | Rexroth | Anna | Durant, IA | J. Landdeck | |
Marolf | Johannes | Farmer born in Wilton Twp, Muscatine Co. IA. Parents: Johannes Marolf & Elisabeth nee Marolf | 22 Feb 1899 in the house of the parents of Groom | Berg | Wilhelmine | born in Davenport, IA; parents: Wilhelm Berg, Anna nee Johnson | Willie Berg, Louisa Marolf | Julius Doden |
Marolf | Wilhelm F. | Farmer in Wilton Twp, IA. Born 9 Nov 1880, parents: Benedict Marolf, Anna nee Marolf | 24 Feb 1904 in the Parish | Friedli | Emma A. | born 16 Dec 1878, Wilton T., Muscatine Co., IA. Parents: Jacob Friedli, Marie nee Schiess | Robert Maurer, Rosa nee Marolf | Julius Doden |
Marticke | Oscar | Farmer in Moscow Twp, Muscatine Co., IA, son of Herwig Marticke & his wife Helene nee Grade, b. 27 Dec 1864 | 2 Jan 1896 in the house of parents of the Bride | Klein | Anna | Daughter of Georg Klein & his wife Katharina nee Nolte, born on 10 Mar 1874 in Moscow Twp, Muscatine Co., IA | Julius Doden, Pastor | |
Martz | Edward Hermann | born 19 Nov 1889, Melpine, IA. Parents: Christoph Martz, Emilie nee Gatzke | 17 Feb 1915 in Parish house | Schroeder | Emma | born 19 Mar 1896 in Blue Grass, IA. Parents: Emil Schroeder, Auguste nee Krueger | Otto Schroeder, Elsie Martz | Julius Doden |
Matthiessen | Henry | born 10 Jul 1890 in Muscatine, IA. Parents: John Matthiessen, Margarethe nee ? | 4 May 1913 | Nolte | Mytrle A. | born 5 Aug 1892 in Muscatine, IA. Parents: Edward Nolte, Anna nee Thomson | Wm. Matthiessen, Mrs. J. H. Ashton | Julius Doden |
Maurer | Friedrich | born 17 Nov 1841, Walperswyl, Switzerland. Parents: Peter Maurer, Anna nee Zeesiger | 10 Apr 1913, in Parish house | Zimmermann | Margarthe | born 16 Jan 1862, Aspisheim, Rhinehessen, Germany. Parents: Jacob Zimmermann, Anna Maria nee Erik | F. A. Martin, Mrs. Pearl Martin | Julius Doden |
Maurer | Henry Rudolf | Farmer born in Moscow Twp., Muscatine Co. IA. 18, son of John Maurere and Magdalena nee Marolf | 14 Mar 1895 in the parental house of Bride , Wilton Twp, Muscatine Co., IA | Marolf | Ida M. | b. 22 Jun 1874 Wilton Twp. Muscatine Co, IA; daughter of Benedict Marolf & his wife Christina Anna nee Marolf | Edward Maurer, Rosa Friedli | Julius Doden |
Maurer | Johann Friedrcih | Farmer in Moscow T., Musc. Co., IA b. 29 Mar 1862 in Wilton T. | 30 Nov 1886 in parental house of Bride | Campbell | Ellen Magdalena | Wilton, b. 27 Jul 1867 in Wilton | Marriage Witnesses: Franz Jakobs, Robert Maurer | |
Maurer | Robert | Farmer, Moscow Twp, Muscatine Co., IA b. 25 Dec 1866 in Moscow Twp, Muscatine Co, IA; son of John Maurer & his wife Mary nee Marolf | 17 Dec 1891, in parental house of the Bride, Wilton Twp. | Marolf | Rosa Bertha | b. 25 Apr 1869 in Wilton Twp, Muscatine, Co., IA; daughter of Benedict Marolf & his wife Anna Marolf | Marriage Witnesses: Henry Maurer, Ida Marolf | Jul. Doden |
McDermott | Mathew Creston | Muscatine, IA | 16 Sep 1930 | Hain | Lois | Muscatine, IA | Hline Beverlin Bevlae, Muscatine | E. H. |
Miller | Johann Adam | School teacher & Farmer in Inland, Cedar Co, IA b. 26 Nov 1865 in Montpellier T., Musc. Co., IA. Parents of Groom: Lorenz Miller and Maria nee Ehrke | 20 Mar 1889, Durant | Arp | Amalie Cacilie | b. 15 May 1867 in Davenport, IA. Parents of Bride: Peter Arp & Helena nee Arp | Marriage Witnesses: Lorenz Miller & Peter Arp | J. List |
Minott | H. A. | R.R. Fireman, Aurora, Ills | 16 Jan (1877) | Wendel | Maria | Wilton, IA | Groom is American | J. Landdeck |
Mockmore | James G. | born 20 Jan 1886 in Platte Co., Nebraska. Worker. Parents: Geo. Mockmore, Della nee Proctor | 26 Nov 1907 in the house of Groom | Klein | Louise K. | born 13 Mar 1886 in Wilton Twp, Muscatine Co., IA. Parents: Geo. W. Klein, Catharina nee Nolte | Ferdinand Harder, Katharine Klein | Julius Doden |
Mueller | Edward B. | born 3 May 1874 in Wilton, Muscatine Co., IA. Parents: Phil. Fr. Mueller, Elisabeth nee Born | 20 Jun 1907 in the house of the parents of the Bride | Heiner | Anna K. | born in Lowden, Cedar Co., IA | Julius Doden | |
Mueller | Johann Friedrich | Railroad Employer, b. 4 Dec 1860 in Princeton, Ills. Son of Philipp Friedr. Mueller & his wife Elisabeth nee Born | 17 Feb 1890, Wilton, in parental house of Groom | Mohr | Katharina | b. 31 Mar 1859 in Hoennerkirchen, Holstein, Prussia. Daughter of Joachim Mohr & his wife Salome nee Schoellemann | Marriage Witnesses: Phil. Fr. Mueller, Wilhelm Mueller | J. List |
Myer | Fred. J. | 27 Dec 1910 in Parish house | Marolf | Lydia C. | Julius Doden | |||
Nielsen | Andrew | Farmer Muscatine Co., IA b. in Joslew, Denmark - 25 yrs old, son of Nielsen, Anderson & Mrs. Maria nee Thomson | 7 Mar 1896, Farmer. Iin house of Jacob Karskas in Kleona Twp, Scott Co., IA | Matthiesen | Anna | Daughter of Matthias Larson & his wife Ingrid Margariet nee - b. in Mo., Norwegen - 27yrs old | Jacob Keatens & Mrs. Wielke nee - | Julius Doden, Pastor |
Ovesen | Christian | Farmer | 3 Jan 1924, Church | Have | Andrea | Mrs. M. Hansen, Mr. M. Hansen | E. Holtz | |
Oveson | Andrew | Worker, born in Sonder Deraaby, Denmark. Parents: William Oveson & Maria nee Jesperson | 12 Feb 1899 in God's house in Wilton | Patterson | Nellie | born in wilton Jct., Muscatine Co., IA; parents: William Patterson, Anna nee - | Andreas Eriksen, Anna Patterson | Julius Doden |
Peters | Alfred | born 25 Jul 1890 Sunberg, Cedar Co., IA. Parents: Peter D. Peters, Marie nee Oelrich | 14 Feb 1917, Sunberg, Cedar Co., IA | Wendel | Johanna | born 8 Jan 1890, Fehmarn Schleswig Holstein, Germany. Parents: Joachin Wendel, Anna nee Harmsen | Peter Peters, Alma Wendel | Jul. Doden |
Proctor | Joseph Edw. | born 23 Dec 1891, Lime City, Cedar Co., IA. Parents: James Edw. Proctor, Amittie, L. nee Franklin | 25 Nov 1919 at the home of the Bride's parents | Marolf | Lydia, Kath. | b. 8 Sep 1900, Wilton Twp, Muscatine Co., IA. Parents: Edw. Marolf, Marg nee Klein | Thomas Proctor, Mrs. Florenz Welsch | Jul. Doden |
Reed | Christopher | Farmer Goshen Twp, Muscatine Co., IA b. 1867, 7th Aug, Cedar Co, IA; son of Hugh Reed & his wife Marg. nee Drum | 8 Mar 1892 in house of the sister of the Bride, G. E. Gatzke | Werth | Adelheid | b. 1871 on 21st Sep in Stropewohauland, District Kolmar, Posen; daughter of Wilh. Werth & his wife Ernestine nee Zelmer | Adolph Gatzke, Emma Gatzke | Jul. Doden |
Schiele | Otto | Farmer Farmington Twp, Cedar Co, b. in Neustadt in Magdeberg, Germany; son of Carl Schiele & Wilhelmine nee Wurtemberg | 19 Jan 1892, in parental house of Bride, Farmingotn Twp, Cedar Co., IA | Hartz | Anna Elsie | born in Long Grove, Scott Co, IA; daughter of Mark Henry Hartz & Maria nee Stoetaran | William Hartz, Mary Hartz, from side of ? in ? | Jul. Doden |
Schorr | Jacob | Farmer in Cedar Co, IA | 19 Oct 1881 | Reimers | Anna | Durant, IA | J. Landdeck | |
Schorr | John P. | born 18 Feb 1887, Farmington Twp, Cedar Co., IA. Parents: Henry Schorr, Francis nee Roe | 18 Jan 1911 in Parish house | Busch | Laura O. | born 23 May 1891, Schoenberg, Schleswig Holstein, Germany. Parents: Wilhelm Busch, Emilie nee Pranger | Hugo Paustian, Anna Hagge | Julius Doden |
Schwerin | Friedrich | Carpenter, born 19 May 1881 in Gaddelegen, C. Magdeburg, Germany. Parents: Friedr. Schwerin, Sophie nee Gigeler | 27 Jan 1915 in the parental house of the Bride in Wilton Twp, Muscatine Co., IA | Lueppens | Hannah | born 26 Nov 188, West Burlington, IA. Parents: Hermann Lueppens, Anna nee Pohlmann | John Lueppen, Lizzie Lueppen | Julius Doden |
Sindt | Bernhard | born 25 May 1894, Krockaw, Schleswig Holstein. Parents: Johann Sindt & Anna nee Rauckert | 16 Dec 1919 in parental house of Bride | Giese | Emma | born 5 Mar 1902, in Schoenberg, Schleswig Holstein. Parents: Wilhelm Giese & Anna nee Timm | Arthur Giese, Hermann Giese | Jul. Doden |
Smith | Johann J. | Butcher, born in Pohleswig, Wilton, 35 yrs | 30 Apr 1885 | Gueder | Marianna | Daufleten Schweig, Wilton 24 yrs | Wife belongs to Parish. Witnesses Fritz Marolf, Dora Binack | Fr. Lutz |
Smith | John Henry | Born in Scherebeck, North Schleswig, Germany; son of Andreas Smith & Meta Katharina nee Sorgenfries | 29 Nov 1894, in the house of the Groom | Stehr | Theresa A | Scott Co, IA; daughter of Wilhelm Stehr & his wife Friedericke nee Landmann In Grand Island, Nebraska | George Bannick & Dora Bannick | Julius Doden |
Solbrig | John | Farmer, born 5 Sep 1882 in Sachsen, Germany. Parents: Eli Solbrig, Erdmuthe nee Zeuner | 2 Feb 1910, in parental house of Bride in Durant, IA | Lueppens | Anna | born 18, Des Moines Co., IA. Parents: Hermann Lueppens, Anna nee Polmann | John Lueppens, Emanuel Streid | Julius Doden |
Spilger | Nicolaus | Farmer, in Rock Island, Ills | 10 Feb 1881 | Weiss | Maria | Goshen Twp, Muscatine Co., IA | J. Landdeck | |
Stamm | Georg | Farmer, Egdington, Rock Island Co, Ills | 7 Feb 1878 | Wiess | Catharina | Goshen Twp, Muscatine Co., IA | J. Landdeck | |
Sterner | Lester E. | Farmer, Wilton, IA, Muscatine Co. | 1923, Parish house | Marolf | Edna Victoria | Wilton, IA, Muscatine Co. | Harry Fliss, Fannie F. Mohr | E. Holtz |
Stuehm | Louis | Farmer in Inland Twp, Cedar Co, IA, b. 10 Apr 1858 in Hohenfelde, Holstein; son of Fritz Stuehm & his wife Sophia nee Thode | 24 Feb 1892, in parental house of Bride | Boyens | Alwine | b. 21 Mar 1872 in the Parish of Schwabstedt, District Husum, Schleswig; daughter of Peter Boyens & Mrs. Maria nee Jochims of Inland Twp. Cedar Co., IA | Jacob Keatsen, Hans Kelling | Jul. Doden |
Teufel | Johann Jacob | Farmer in Moscow, IA | 21 Jan (1877) | Pilgrim | Anna Elisabetha | Moscow, IA | Couple lives in Moscow and belongs in Wilton parish | J. Landdeck |
Teufel | John | Farmer, Moscow T., Muscatine Co., IA. Parents: Jacob Teufel, Elisabeth nee Pilgram, born 25 Jan 1878 | 19 Feb 1902 in the house of the parents of the Bride | Friedli | Rosa | Wilton T, Muscatine Co, IA, born 25 May 1875. Parents: Jacob Friedli & Maria nee Schiess | Witness: Harry Will, Mrs. Anna Will nee Teufel | Julius Doden |
Walter | Friedrich | Farmer in Sugar Creek T., Cedar Co., IA b. 21 Mar 1854 in Krauchthal, County Bern, Switzerland. Son of Jakob Walter & his wife Anna Barbara nee Egli | 22 May 1890, Moscow T., in the parental house of Bride | Maurer | Maria | b. 9 Oct 1859 in Wilton Twp, Muscatine Co, IA; daughter of Johann Maurer & his wife Magdalena Marolf | Marriage Witnesses: Robert Maurer & Rosa Marolf | J. List |
Weih | Johann Heinrich | Boot & Shoe Dealer, b. 1 May 1853 in Marne, Holstein, Germany | 23 Nov 1887 in the house of the Groom | Wippermann | Maria Auguste Karoline | b. 21 Jul 1864, in Enigloh, Westphalen, Germany | Marriage Witnesses: Hiram Oepping, Paul (?) Wieh | J. List |
Weiss | Georg Wilhelm | born 28 Oct 1893, Lone Tree, Johnson Co., IA. Parents: Philipp Weiss, Rosina nee Kaufmann | 23 Apr 1918, Sugar Creek Twp, Cedar Co., IA | Marolf | Rosa Barbara | born 23 Apr 1892, Sugar Creek Twp, Cedar Co., IA. Parents: John C. Marolf, Maria nee Waelkoli | Andreas Weiss, Anna Marolf | Jul. Doden |
Windel | Heirnrich | Farmer born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on 8 Feb 1842; son of Martin Windel & his wife Anna nee Diehl | 23 Mar 1895 at the home of Heinrich Windel, Moscow Twp, IA | Roth | Katharina | b. 26 May 1840 in Walperesagl, County Bern, Switzerland; daughter of Johann Roth & his wife Elisabeth nee Ledser | Christian Batschelet, Maire Batschelet | Jul. Doden |