Muscatine County, Iowa
Muscatine Journal & News-Tribune
Centennial Edition
31 May 1940

Section 1 - Page 6 & 7, Submitted by Charlene Nichols Hixon, July 2, 2012

In The Pictures

The pictures appearing on page one of this section record advancement made in the Muscatine schools during the years they have been in operation.

In the two ovals are representative graduate groups, the one at left presenting al members of the first graduating class of Muscatine high school in the year 1866. Attired in their Sunday best and already for the impressive ceremonies, they were: Jennie F. Sinnett, Mary L. Humphreys, Lillie E. Morrison, Anna M. Robbins and Rebecca J. Myers (in the upper row, reading left to right.) In the lower row are shown Ed Betts, Ed Steart, Prof. F. M.Witter, Frank R. Lewis and John Hurlbut.

Representatives of the 1940 graduating class of Muscatine, picked at random from the large class membership (in the oval at right) are: Back row, Shirley Bergenske, Elizabeth Sywassink, Levi Odell and Morris Maisenbach. Front row, Marie Weikert, Eunice Wagner, Principal Fred Messenger, Junior Gabriel and Nathan Weis.

The picture at top presents Muscatine’s model new half million dollar high school building, completed in the year 1939 through funds voted by Muscatine residents augmented by Public Works Administration funds. The board of education, headed by Ray Dunker as president, which worked out plans and checked construction of the attractive structure, at a meeting earlier this month, completed payment for the building.

Directly below the ovals s a former Muscatine high school structure which stood on the southeast corner of Iowa avenue and Sixth street on the same site where the former high school, now the junior high building, now stands. Erected in 1873 ad dedicated on November 1, of that year, it was designed by J. P. Walton and was built by S. B. Hill. Class work there was under the supervision of Principal f. M. Witter who was appointed to that position in 1864. Fire razed this structure on Feb. 19, 1896 and work on the new school was begun later in that year.

Two pioneer grade buildings are presented in the lower photos, the one at left being designated as old No. 1 and the other as old grade No. 2. Old No. 1 served the northern district of the city while the No. 2 school, which served the southern area, had the distinction of being the first large brick schoolhouse to be built in the state. It measured 40 by 45 feet and was two stories in height.

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Braun Bakery in Group of Firms Noting 50th Year

The Braun bakery, which is celebrating its golden anniversary year in business in 1940, is mentioned in the business directory for the years from 1885 to 1900 in section three of this issue. Through an omission the advertisement of the firm does not appear in that section but is presented in this part of the centennial edition.

The firm, which has been managed by Carl Braun since he was 19 years of age, was established by his father, Frank Braun, and first located at 201 West Second street. The present location is 500 Mulberry avenue.

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Typical of Years Past

Memories of the days before the automobiles were even thought of are brought to mind at the Blacksmith shop, operated by Thomas Fisher which adjoins the sale barn, in the 100 block on Orange street. Typical of a regular day’s activity is the scene portrayed above. Although only established about five years, the firm is typical in every respect of that earlier era.

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Photo ~ Remodeled in 1940. Construction of an entirely new building front at Broud’s, 123 West Second street, was one of the major business improvements recently completed.

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Zion Lutheran School Plans Commencement

P. H. Willey, principal of Jefferson and McKinley schools, will be the principal speaker when the Zion Lutheran school holds commencement exercises for a class of 13 eighth grade graduates at the parish hall on Monday night, June 3. His topic will be “Duty Before Pleasure.”

Included among the graduates will be Lavona Drewes, Violet Dunker, Marietta Kennedy, Hilda Noerenberg, Mary Louise Shoultz, Glenn Axel, Donald Jones, Arlo Kemp, James Koslow, Richard O’Brien, Warren Roth, Raymond Stange, and Richard Welter.

Marietta Kennedy will give the salutatory address on the commencement program, and the valedictory address will be given by James Koslow. Diplomas are to be presented by the Rev. John Haefner, pastor of the Zion Lutheran church. The remainder of the commencement program was announced today as follows:

Processional, “The American School March,” Englemann, by Jacqueline Balanger and Ruth Schwartz; songs, “The Days of Long Ago,” Brandl, and “Moon of the Springtime,” Woodcock, by the Zion Lutheran junior choir; class wills, Raymond Stange; sextette selections, “From Woodland and Glade,” Wilson, and “The Spring Awakens,” Wilson; drill, “A Pennant Drill,” by lower grades; baritone solo, “Country Gardens,” Ranger, and “I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen,” Westendorf, by Lavona Drewes accompanied by Jacqueline Ballanger.

Song, by room B; class play, “The Frosted Cake,” eighth grade; piano duet, “Military March,” Schubert, by Jacqueline Ballanger and Ruth Schwartz; class song, “Goodbye,” eighth grade; presentation of diplomas by the Rev. John Haefner; school song, “God Bless Our School,” by the entire school.

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Agreeable Surprise - We neglected to notice at a more seasonable time the fact that the Rev. Mr. Robbins was visited on Christmas eve by a surprise party of members of his congregation, whose gifts and presents amounted to about 75 dollars in money, besides several very needful articles, among which was a barrel of apples that a gentleman, wheeled up the hill on a wheel-barrow to the reverend gentleman’s residence. This pleasant affair attests the affectionate regard in which the Congregational society of this city holds its worthy pastor. – Jan. 6, 1857.

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Caution - The public are hereby cautioned against purchasing a note of hand given by me to _____ for the sum of Seventy Dollars, dated the 14th day of December, 1839, as I have not received value therefor, and am determined to resist payment. James B. Witter – Feb. 12, 1841.

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Page created July 6, 2012 by Lynn McCleary