Muscatine County Iowa
Cemetery Records


Those Unknowns who are FOUND, we will hi-lite the surname in yellow. The name of the cemetery, town, township will also be posted along with any "Notes". You should still verify age and/or birth and death dates.
Good luck in finding your long-last relative and thanks for any help you can give us!


Surname First Name/Init. Birth date/ Age Death Date Cemetery Town Township Notes
O'Brien Catherine 1842 1863 Unknown Ardon ? Twp. .
O'Callahan Edmond (E. J.) 3/25/1830 2/2/1893 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Husb. Of Mary Barry---Father of Minnie, John, Mrs. Anna Benedict, Edward, Mrs. Emma E. Rose, William & Bert (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ogilvie Adam Jr. Age 23 1/22/1855 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born at Keith, Scotland---Died in Muscatine (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ogilvie Adam Age 61 2/5/1865 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born at Keith, Scotland---Died in Muscatine (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ogilvie Charles Age 42 9/14/1840 (should be 9/14/1859) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born at Keith, Scotland---Died in Muscatine (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ogilvie Charles B. 1845 1917 (7/20/1917) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ogilvie Frank Age 30 4/17/1878 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Died in Muscatine (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ogilvie Isabella 1809 12/27/1891 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born in Keith, Scotland----Died in Muscatine---Wife of Adam (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Olds Lyman W. (L. W.) 11/3/1824 4/19/1895 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Olds Sarah M. 3/1/1826 3/5/1902 (should be 3/7/1902) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Lyman W. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Olson Albert Age 65 1/7/1914 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Register Leader, 1/8/1914 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Oppelt (correct spelling is Opelt) Joseph 2/12/1859 10/22/1918 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Orlowsky Samuel 2/11/1856 1/21/1936 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Spanish-American War Vet---Husb. Of Ella (Wickey)----Father of Lorena Theophal (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Orr Mildred 1901 1926 (6/13/1926) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Lenny (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Othmer William 3/3/1824 1/18/1895 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Husb. Of Lena Caroline (Hartman) #1 and Mary (Meyer) #2-----Three children from 1st marriage and nine children from 2nd marriage (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Overman Ellas 1794 12/18/1855 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Daily Gazettte, 1/4/1856
Pace Chas. 7/28/1880 3/31/1904 Unknown . . .
Pace M. 8/29/1825 2/6/1920 Unknown . . .
Padeskie Estella M. (should be Stella) 1878 1920 (4/1/1920) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Edw. A. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Padski (correct spelling is Padeski) Lee 1871 1931 (buried 3/17/1931) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Painter J. H. 9/3/1819 1892 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Husb. Of Edith (Dean)---Father of M. D., A. J., Mrs. J. C. Michener, Mrs. L. E. Michener & Mrs. C. L. Tebbetts
Panbeck (Correct spelling is Ponbeck) John Age 53 10/22/1883 Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington Buried: Ogilivie Block 8, Lot 67; he is buried next to his wife, Sophia Hines Ponbeck (Info source is Jo Phillips)
Pantel Charlotte 12/29/1868 10/31/1898 Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington Shares stone with Mary E. Pantel (Updated by Jean Wigdahl)
Pantel (correct spelling is Pontel) Ferdinand 5/25/1861 1/2/1909 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Pantel Jane Goddard 1857 1929 (11/16/1929) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Wm. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Pantel (correct spelling is Pontel) Mary E. 11/9/1866 1/21/1887 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Pantel (Mother) (Wilhelmina C.) 5/30/1837 4/28/1932 (this is a burial date, d: 4/26/1932) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Pantel William (Wm. Chas. Frederick) 1853 12 May 1933 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Jean Wigdahl)
Panten George P. (Pantel)? 1834 1919 Unknown . . Same cemetery lot as Jane & William Pantel
Parker George Age 34 8/11/1902 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Burial Record: Muscatine, IA.---Des Moines News, 8/12/1902, pg. 2, col. 5
Parker Jonathan 2/28/1860 8/11/1921 Unknown Durant ? Relatives: Sarah & Mrs. Clara Carter---Burial record: Durant, IA.---Davenport Democrat, 8/12/1921
Parkham (correct spelling is Parham) Deborah Age 76yrs,0mo, 6dys 1/21/1893 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Parkham (correct spelling is Parham) J. G. (James C.) Age 65yrs,2mos,6dys 6/9/1878 (should be 6/6/1878) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Parkhurst Ada Skalley (Should be Ada M. (Smalley)---Info source: Dixie 1859 1935 Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington Wife of James W.; Rhoda is the d/o John & Caroline (Waterbury) Smalley---Info source: Dixie
Parkhurst James W. 1/5/1863 6/4/1934 Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington Possible Spanish-American Vet---Husb. Of Ada---Bural record: Muscatine---Davenport Democrat, 6/5/1934
Parkin (correct spelling is Parkins) Susan Hare (Susan M.) 1830 1914 (3/22/1914) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of William (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Parkin (also spelled Parkins) William R. (Russel) 1861 1932 (4/4/1932) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Son of Wm. & S. H. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Parks George ? (72yrs) 11/10/1892 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---News Tribune, Muscatine, IA., 11/12/1892 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Parvin Archer W. 1870 1918 Unknown . . .
Parvin Josiah 1831 1913 (should be 8/7/1879) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Parvin Laura F. 1867 1902 Unknown . . .
Parvin Laura V. 1839 1875 (9/10/1875) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Josiah (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Patterson Robert 5/10/1853 1/24/1928 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Spanish-American War Vet----Husb. Of Georgia (Barnes) (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Pease E. B. (Elizabeth) 1/22/1827 7/26/1877 (should be 7/25/1877) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Pease Mary A. (Ann) 1837 1930 (11/24/1930) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Sherman (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Pearsch (correct spelling is Pearson, also spelled Pierson) Joseph Age 70 6/26/1897 (6/25/1897) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Burial record: Muscatine, IA.---Des Moines Leader, 6/27/1897, pg. 7, col. 4 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Peck Henry 4/26/1834 9/26/1895 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Burial record: Muscatine, IA.---Muscatine News Tribune, 9/27/1895---Husb. Of Mary (Melvin)---Father of Harry, John, Ralph, Nellie & Bessie (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Perrin John Age 91 1/21/1866 Unknown . . Possible Vet
Perry Ella Reppert 10/26/1885 12/21/1905 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of W. P. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Perry Etta 1870 1905 Unknown . . .
Petersen Frederick Sr.(no Sr.) 10/5/1857 5/20/1919 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Petersen Harry 6/22/1897 9/30/1915 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Phelps J. E. 12/29/1853 12/16/1937 Unknown . . Possible Civil or Sp-Am War Vet---Burial Record: West Liberty----Davenport Democrat, 12/11?/1937---Son of Henry & Phoebe--Husb. Of Sarah (Kennedy)---Father of Mrs. Albert Kline, Mrs. Don Beemis, Mildred, Everett, Dr. Harrison & Phillip
Phillips George W. Age 75 1/2/1907 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Burial Record: West Liberty, Iowa----Des Moines News, 1/3/1907
Philbrick Eleanor 3/11/1797 9/4/1897 Unknown . . .
Pierce Lute Age 24 10/28/1871 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Burial Record--Wilton, Iowa---Davenport Democrat, 10/30/1871
Pierson Bessie (May) 1895 1919 (4/1/1919) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Pilgrim (Pilgram) Elizabeth 1855 12/3/1918 Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington Wife of George (Updated by Phyllis Hazen)
Pilgrim George 1834 1916 (3/10/1916) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Pilgrim Henry 1861 1924 (8/20/1924) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Spanish-American Vet---Relatives: Mrs. E. E. Davidson, Mrs. Settlick & Reinhart (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Pilgrim John 10/10/1816 5/22/1892 Unknown . . Husb. Of Elizabeth (Gabriel)----Father of Mrs. Jacob Teufel, Mrs. A. Long & Henry
Pitchforth Ada 4/9/1891 4/4/1919 Unknown . . .
Pitchforth Harriet (Mrs. H. R.) 1836 1906 (12/10/1906) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Pitchforth Henry 1834 1882 (5/27/1882) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Pitchforth T. R. (Thomas R.) 1859 1926 (should be 2/20/1928) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Plumly (correct spelling is Plumley) Silvan 1853 or 1858 1936 (11/9/1936) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington A. W. R. C. Marker on lot 22, maybe some connection to Plumly grave (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ponbeck Elizabeth C. 1810 1??3 (6/12/1883) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ponbeck Henry 1810 1886 (11/3/1886) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ponbeck Jacob M. (Miller) 1847 1911 Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington Civil War Vet (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ponbeck (correct spelling is Panbeck) Susana (Susan) 1845 1922 (11/21/1922) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Jacob (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Porter (Brother) 1855 1901 Unknown . . On same lot with Bessie, Geo. W. & Laura
Porter (Father) 1808 1886 Unknown . . On same lot with Bessie, Geo. W. & Laura
Porter (Mother) 1818 1887 Unknown . . On same lot with Bessie, Geo. W. & Laura
Porter Bessie 1846 1898 (4/11/1899) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Porter Geo. 3/30/1807 1/29/1867 (should be 6/29/1867) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Individual record gives Greenwood Cemetery, Muscatine, Bloomington Twp.---Born in Ross County, Ohio---Muscatine Daily Journal, 1/29/1867 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Porter Geo. W. 10/28/1815 (?)(74yrs) 2/1/1906 (should be 2/1/1926) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Porter Laura (Mrs. G. W.) 9/1/1852 2/3/1920 (should be 2/8/1920) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Porter (Sister) 1845 1879 Unknown . . On same lot with Bessie, Geo. W. & Laura
Potter Edward Melbert? ? 5/26/1883/1923/33 Unknown . . .
Powell H. M. (should be Mrs. Lou R.) 10/15/1853 11/5/1924 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Powell H. M. 3/9/1858 7/21/1892 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Pratt Harvey 1/24/1857 6/17/1925 Unknown . . Spanish-American Vet--Husb. Of Minnie (Sim??s?---Father of Mrs. C. L. Lutz, Mrs. Dale Field, Louis---Davenport Democrat, 6/18/1925--Burial record at Muscatine
Predzler (correct spelling is Pentzler) Laura Funck (Laura F.) Age 22yrs,11mos,1dy 3/12/1875 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Priester Emma 7/12/1872 1/22/1898 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Priester Harman 9/20/1840 5/5/1927 Unknown . . .
Priester William J. 7/21/1826 11/25/1891 Unknown . . .
Pulse (Correct spelling is Pultz) David G. 6/28/1866 2/17/1919 Rose Hill Buffalo, Iowa Scott County, Iowa Spanish-American Vet---Burial Record: Muscatine---Davenport Democrat, 2/18/1919---Husb. Of Rosa (Bridge)--Father of L. J., W. P., S. T. & D. F. His parents were George Franklin Pultz and Sarah Frances Moore Pultz.(Update info provided by Joanita Canavan)
Quigley George Age 70 9/22/1935 Unknown Wilton Wilton Twp. Possible Spanish-American Vet---Davenport Democrat, 9/22/1935
Rankin James Age 43 5/9/1854 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Muscatine Journal, 5/21/1854
Reaney Samuel 1847 3/15/1921 Unknown Letts . Civil War Vet--Burial Record at Letts---Father of Robert & Margaret
Reay Joseph Age 24 ? Unknown . . Possible Vet---Try-Weekly Journal, 5/26/1854
Rebelsky Charles 1/7/1860 10/29/1909 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Reddington John Age 75 1/7/1904 St. Mary's MuscatineBloomington(Updatd by Jean Reynolds)
Reed Frank W. 5/29/1859 3/1/1915 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Reed Joseph Leander 12/29/1831 11/5/1875 Unknown . . More to read---need to look at C. D.
Regel C. Age 82 5/23/1857 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Burial record at Muscatine---Muscatine Journal, 3?/24/1857
Rhinehart (correct spelling is Reinhardt) Ulrich Age 57yrs,7mos,?dys 12/20/1892 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Muscatine News Tribune, 12/21/1892--wife and 6 children survive (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Rensink (also spelled Reesink) Christian 9/9/1814 6/17/1892 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Husb. Of Jane Gertrude (Wessel)---Father of Mrs. Hannah Bruntik, Mrs. Mary Reesink, Mrs. Lena Sander, William, Henry, & John (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Rensink Jane Gertrude 6/23/1818 12/27/1888 Unknown . . Born in Holland---Died in Muscatine
Rensink Wm. 9/27/1852 3/31/1923 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Reppert Emma Olds 6/16/1849 10/7/1900 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington W. R. C. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Reppert Ferdinand (Fred) 12/27/? 7/20/1903 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Husb. Of Emma (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Reppert Dr. Lyell (Lysle, not sure about Dr.) 10/16/1878 5/30/1919 (should be 5/31/1913) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Son of F. & E. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Reuling Fredericka W.(not sure about the W.) 1826 7/22/1850 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of John Adam---on family stone, F. S., on family monument, F. W. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Reuling John Adam 1826 11/7/1898 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Reuling Louisa W. (Schnier) 1834 10/5/1882 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of John Adam Reuling (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Reynolds Eli (Dr.) ? 12/24/1911 (this is a burial date, d:12/22/1911) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Was 80 in 1871--Muscatine Journal, 4/5/1871 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Richardson Edward Age 68yrs,11mos,21dys 7/31/1854 Unknown West Liberty Orono Twp. ??? Possible Vet---Try-Weekly Journal, 8/9/1854
Richter Johanna (should be J. M.) 2/9/1821 11/21/1902 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ricket H. W. Age 30yrs 7/29/1857 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Muscatine Journal, 8/14/1857
Rieger John 9/17/1837 5/17/1924 Unknown . . Civil War Vet---Burial Record at Muscatine, Iowa---Davenport Democrat, 5/19/1924
Riemcke C. H. (Dr.) Age 48yrs,7mos,11dys 4/20/1855 Unknown . . .
Riemcke Fannie (Curtis) 1855 1927 (3/27/1927) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Riggs Mary (C.) 1854 1920 (12/30/1920) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of W. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Riggs Wilson J. (should be John Wilson) 1847 1920 (11/19/1920) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Rineley (correct spelling is Rinely) John W. 12/10/1860 6/19/1913 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Rineley Mary E. 1839 1916 (2/14/1916) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ringlesby Christopher 1779 9/17/1873 Unknown . . War of 1812 Vet---Place of death: Montpelier Twp.---Davenport Democrat, 9/20/1873
Roach (correct surname is Shafnit) Elizabeth 1861 1931 (1/23/1931) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Roach Sarah M. (Mary) 1835 1920 (4/11/1920) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Roach William 1822 1898 (7/13/1896) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Roach William L. (LeRoy) 1862 1916 (12/18/1916) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Husb. Of Mrs. Anna Kempton----Father of John Edward & Robert (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Robbins Rev. A. B. (Alden B.) 1816 12/27/1896 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Pastor of the Congregational Church of Muscatine for 50 yrs.---Burial Record at Muscatine---Davenport Democrat, 12/29/1896 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Rogan William E. 8/9/1877 8/16/1914 (should be 6/16/1904) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Rogers Harry 3/8/1877 5/15/1916 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Rosborough James 12/17/1815 2/11/1898 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Place of death: near Muscatine---Husb. Of Anna A. (Wallace), b. 1852---Father of Charles A., Fran J., James W., S. B., Roby S., Grant & Anna A. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Rosborough James (SR.) Age 81yrs 8/21/1860 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Twp.Muscatine Journal, 8/30/1860---Emigrated to this country in 1850, born at Kilmarnock, Ayershire, Scotland (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Rosborough James (W.) 1858 1916 (4/13/1916) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Rosenberg Sarah 1/27/1804 2/1/1882 Unknown . . .
Rowland Charles Age 37yrs,9mos,3dys 7/19/1884 Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington Buried: Fletcher 1st Addition, Block 6, Lot 38. He is lot owner.(Info source is Greenwood Cemetery office)
Royster Frank B. 1857 6/18/1912 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Royster William 1882 3/5/1933 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Des Moines Register, 3/6/1933, pg. 12 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ruckdeschel Ernest K. (not sure on the K.) 1877 1903 7/19/1903) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ruckdeschel Lida E. (not sure on the E.) 1848 1911 (10/30/1911) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ruppel John W. (not sure on the W.) 10/25/1830 10/25/1904 Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington Twp. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Rush Samuel Age 60yrs 12/10/1877 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Rusher Clara C. M. 9/24/1888 1/20/1912 Unknown Durant Fulton Twp. .
Russell John B. 1821 6/27/1842 Unknown . . Possible Vet----Davenport Gazette, 7/7/1842
Ryan Thomas 1/29/1859 5/19/1927 St. Mary's Muscatine Bloomington Twp. Spanish-American War Vet---Husb. Of Margaret (Cotter)---Father of John J., Mary, & Frances---Davenport Democrat, 5/24/1927 (Updatd by Jean Reynolds)
Sager Mary Age 50yrs,8mos,25dys 9/17/1881 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of L. W. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Sander Chris (Christopher) 5/31/1849 3/5/1924 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Sander Mary E. Age 68yrs,8mos,6dys 5/?/1895 (should be 5/1/1885) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Frederick (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Sander Frederick Age 66yrs 10/1/1869 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Sawyer Bessie May 1873 1887 Unknown . . .
Sawyer Elvira Davis 1806 1886 Unknown . . Wife of Thos.
Sawyer Margaret Aiken (should be Adelaide M.) 1832 1899 (3/15/1899) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Thomas (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Sawyer Thomas 1799 1870 Unknown . . .
Sawyer Thomas R. (T. R.) 1831 1900 (2/14/1900) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schaad (correct spelling is Schadd) Clara C. (not sure about the C.) 1875 1896 (6/3/1896) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of F. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schaefer (spelled Schaffer) Clara E. 3/10/1873 2/24/1895 Greenwood MuscatineBloomington Wife of F. X. (Updated by Carla Dunlap)
Schaefer Marie 1822 1901 Unknown . . .
Schafnit Jacob 1808 3 or 8/5/1860 Unknown Moscow Moscow Twp. .
Schell (also spelled Shell) Christina 2/1/1842 7/17/1909 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schell (also spelled Shell) S. J. 12/28/1837 11/22/1907 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schenck Clara V. Age 28yrs,5mos,4dys 7/24/1880 Unknown . . Wife of Robert
Schenck Elna or Elma E. (should be Elma E.) 8/21/1862 7/1/1926 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schenck Karl H. 2/22/1886 5/7/1905 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Son of Rob.? & Elna? E. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schermer Charles W. Age 22yrs,6mos,18dys 8/7/1881 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Son of C. F. & M. R. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schmelzer Ella (Z.) 1872 1933 (3/24/1933) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schmelzer (correct spelling is Schmeltzer) Henry F. (should be Heinrich) 1831 1876 (6/1/1876) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schmelzer Loveth (should be Louella) 1871 1936 (11/29/1936) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schmelzer (correct spelling is Schmeltzer) Martha (should be Anna) 1836 1876 (8/26/1876) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schmidt John Age 76yrs,3mos,22dys 6/6/1903 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schmidt Katharina 5/12/1848 1/12/1925 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schmidt Kathryn W. (Wiley) 3/23/1887 2/22/1920 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of J. A. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schmidt Marie (Maria) 1867 1937 (1/4/1937) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schmidt Oscar 1871 1917 (9/10/1917) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schmidt Wilhelmina 1814 1931? (1/25/1901) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schmidt William H. Age 21yrs,3mos,30dys 8/1/1883 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Son of John & Frederica (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schmier Margaret L. 9/5/1863 2/23/1915 Unknown . . Wife of William
Schmitt Mary 1/20/1817 9/30/1876 Unknown . . .
Schnier William J. Age 33yrs 11/14/1893 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schoenig Therese M. (not sure on the M.) 1851 1936 (8/22/1936) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Scholton (Grandfather) 1815 1889 Unknown . . .
Scholton H. E. 1842 1880 Unknown . . .
Scholton Henry ? ? Unknown . . Son of J. W. & H. E.
Scholton J. W. 1823 1900 Unknown . . .
Schott Emma 12/31/1843 12/4/1912 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schreurs Mary J. (Jane) ? (76yrs) ? (buried 9/5/1922) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of G. W. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schrier Fred Age 80 yrs 5/5/1892 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Burial record at Wilton---Muscatine News Tribune, 5/6/1892
Schultz Henry Wm. 9/17/1835 9/14/1915 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schultz John Age 85 yrs 12/25/1891 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Newspaper: 12/27/1891
Schultz Tena 4/14/1841 8/28/1928 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schwab Anton 4/27/1849 1/3/1861 Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington update info provided by Sharon Cole Tutt
Schwab Margaret 1/6/1815 3/4/1899 Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington update info provided by Sharon Cole Tutt
Schwake (correct spelling is Schwacke) Henry C. 1/3/1816 12/29/1896 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born in Hanover, Germany (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schwake (correct spelling is Schwacke) Maria 1/17/1815 8/11/1898 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born in Hanover, Germany (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schwalm Anna C. 1888 1929 (12/22/1929) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schwalm Catharine 1845 1929 (2/27/1929) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schwalm Elizabeth 1823 1880 (4/27/1880) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schwalm Henry 1831 1900 (should be 12/23/1901) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Schweitzer Edward 1886 1923 (10/29/1923) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Scofield T. T. 7/16/1812 6/23/1886 Unknown . . .
Scofield (correct spelling is Schofield) Hannah 1/18/1823 1/7/1898 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Sergel Jean (should be Jeon G. or John G.) Age 72yrs,8mos,8dys 1/22/1915 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of J. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Seright William W. Age 46yrs 3/25/1888 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Son of Wm.----Muscatine Journal, 5/31/1888
Shaffer (correct spelling is Shafer) Jane Age 50yrs 2/6/1896 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of J. W. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Shaffer (correct spelling is Schaffer) Maggie (Margaret) 9/9/1843 7/18/1927 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of J. W. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Shamma (correct spelling is Shammo) Mary (E.) 11/26/1838 11/11/1910 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Shammo Samuel 3/20/1829 6/19/1896 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Shaw Alfred 1/19/1855 3/22/1907 Unknown . . .
Shaw Carrie 8/22/1861 5/30/1906 Unknown . . .
Sheppard (also spelled Shepard) Abbie Age 28yrs 6/30/1876 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Sherfey Elbridzer R. 9/24/1854 11/3/1934 Unknown . . .
Sherfey Johnnie 5/19/1884 8/6/1892 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Sherfey Patience A. (Adams) 12/4/1817 9/17/1892 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of John (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Shield (correct spelling is Shields) Anna Maria (Mrs. Geo. Sr.) 6/?/1828 1/25/1901 (should be 1/26/1901) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of George (Sr.) (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Shield (correct spelling is Shields) Elizabeth G. (not sure on the G.) 2/14/1841 1/10/1895 (should be 6/10/1896) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of William (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Shield (correct spelling is Shields) George (Sr.) 4/21/1809 1/10/1891 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Shield (correct spelling is Shields) George 8/28/1845 3/31/1921 Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Shield (correct spelling is Shields) Rhoda 9/8/1851 5/11/1929 Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington Wife of George; Rhoda is the d/o Shepherd & Minerva (Drury) Smalley---(Info source: Dixie)
Shield (also spelled Shields) William 10/19/1839 4/23/1923 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Shulte John Frederick 4/2/1812 10/2/1880 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Wilton Review, 10/7/1880---Came to this country in 1859
Siemon (correct spelling is Sieman) Catherine (E.) 1841 1922 (4/13/1922) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Siemon Justus 1832 1914 (7/24/1914) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Silverhorn (correct spelling is Silberhorn) John E. 10/10/1891 8/12/1914 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Silkwood Samuel B. Age 49yrs 10/21/1912 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Father of 2 daughters and 1 son---Des Moines Register and Leader, 10/22/1912
Simpson James Age 47yrs 9/23/1888 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Muscatine Journal, 9/23/1888
Simpson Walter H. Age 42yrs,6mos,24dys 4/25/1872 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Sissel William H. 4/22/1880 5/25/1929 Unknown . . Possible Spanish-American Vet---Father of Allie and George
Smeenk Gertrude JoAnna (J.) ? (82yrs) ? (6/2/1929) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Smeenk (correct spelling is Smeenck) Jacob 1844 1874 (5/1/1874) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Smith Calvin W. 1845 1913 (2/9/1913) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Smith David 7/18/1823 10/1/1908 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Place of death: West Liberty, Iowa--Father of Richard and Mrs. Martha Beeson--Des Moines Register and Leader, 10/3/1908
Smith Frank E. 9/9/1869 1/6/1919 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Spanish-American War Vet---Husb. Of Fannie (Rench)---Father of Mrs. R. E. Clark and Mrs. S. H. Scott----Individual record shows Greenwood Cemetery (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Smith Fred B. 1873 1912 (3/24/1912) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Smith Juliette 1846 1875 (2/12/1875) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Smith Mary H. or M. or H. (should be M.) 1810 1889 (3/20/1889) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Smith Sylvester ? 1879 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Husb. Of Mary (Hildreth)---Father of E. W.----Biography: Guthrie County History, 1907,. Pg. 355
Smith Wm. L. (William) 1816 8/24/1844 (burial is 8/31/1844) GreenwoodMuscatine Bloomington Twp. Possible Vet---Bloomington Herald, 8/30/1844 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Smull Wm. L. (should be William Irwin) 6/22/1866 8/1/1934 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Spanish-American War Vet---Husb. Of Elizabeth (Barnard)---Father of Willard, Durard, Cecil, Ralph & Levi (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Snyder Philip (should be Phil H.) Age 27yrs 4/14/1890 (not sure if this date is correct, no dates listed at cemetery) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Snyder Remandis (should be Remandine) 1815 12/14/1900 (should be 12/13/1900) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Burial record at Muscatine----Des Moines Leader, 12/16/1900 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Southall John Burnell (B.) 1881 1935 (12/26/1935) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Southgate Merriam (should be Mary M.) 1/10/1817 4/7/1900 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Spangler Geo. Age 58yrs 5/5/1929 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Des Moines Register, 5/6/1929 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Spieth Carl 1868 1914 (2/28/1914) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Spieth Sophie (Gisen) 1870 1932 (2/19/1932) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Spooner Esteella M. (should be Hannah Estella) 1852 1921 (4/28/1921) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of I. W. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Spring (correct spelling is Springer) Sherman 3/4/1864 5/13/1920 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Springer Elizabeth Age 21yrs 10/6/1886 Unknown . . Wife of S.
Steenbergen (correct spelling is Steinberger) Lavisa (should be Levisa) Age 81yrs,6mos,27dys 3/16/1865 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Grave on Warfield lot (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stebbins Bert Ray 1882 1913 (should be 10/2/1915) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stegman Chas. L. 11/28/1830 6/13/1865 Unknown . . Born in Germany
Steinbaugh (correct spelling is Steinbough) Rosanna 1/1/1864 11/28/1914 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of W. L. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Steinke Adelia (should be Ottillie Siefert) 1860 1925 (12/7/1925) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Steinke Albert (August) 5/9/1895 9/24/1915 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Steinke Martin 9/16/1861 1/17/1916 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stephens (correct spelling is Stevens) Anna Beck 8/13/1858 1/1/1911 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Sterneman David Age 54yrs,5mos,3dys 5/7/1873 Unknown . . .
Sterneman David S. 4/?/1855 12/21/1920 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Husb. Of Cora (Brown)---Father of Mrs. Ray VanWinkle, Mrs. Adam Scharl & Frederick----Davenport Democrat, 12/22/1920
Sterneman Elizabeth Age 60yrs,9mos,22dys 8/10/1879 Unknown . . .
Stevenson Hannah E.(Hanna F.) 1846 1931 (2/22/1931) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Steward (correct spelling is Stewart) Mary (Faulke) 1/26/1854 9/22/1930 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of T. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stewart Charles 10/15/1849 8/14/1895 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stewart Chas. Edward 6/19/1880 9/24/1907 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stewart John (L.) 1819 8/10/1902 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Dubuque Daily Times, 8/10/1902, pg. 2 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stewart Mary (M.) Age 51yrs 5/19/1874 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of W. H. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stewart Stella Age 28yrs 12/26/1879 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of G. E. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stiehl Christian 3/2/1830 or 1839 2/27/1882 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Sharon Cole Tutt)
Stine (correct spelling is Stein) Anna Barbara Age 73yrs 1/23/1861 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born in Lebanon Co., Penn.---Died at Muscatine (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stine (correct spelling is Stein) John G. (J. G.) 8/18/1811 1/27/1872 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born in East Hanover, Lebanon Co., Penn. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stine (correct spelling is Stein) Louisiana Age 48yrs,2mos,25dys 9/3/1850 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of John G.---Born in Lebanon Co., Penn.---Died at Muscatine (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stine (correct spelling is Stein) Marie Jane (J.) 3/17/1837 5/27/1872 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of John G.---Born in Edinburg, Scotland (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stith Fannie ? ? Unknown . . Wife of G. A.---Dau. Of J. J. & Amanda Hoapes
Stock Conrad 4/1/1857 8/9/1925 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stock Harry 3/20/1895 8/4/1915 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stolzeman (correct spelling is Stolzenau) Caroline 1857 1904 (11/3/1904) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Herman (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stolzeman (correct spelling is Stolzenau) Herman 1850 1909 (2/23/1909) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stone Kate Fairchild 1816 1900 Unknown . . Wife of Fred
Stone Loot? ? ? Unknown . . 3 graves but no stone
Stone Susane (should be Susan F.) 3/25/1797 12/12/1886 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stortz Mary M. ? 1927 (7/31/1927) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Birth or age not given (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Streitler Louise Bauer 7/10/1887 5/2/1915 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Walter (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stuart John D. Age 72yrs 5/16/1931 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet----Des Moines Register, 5/17/1931 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Studevoss (correct spelling is Stutevoss) Frederick (Fred) Age 69yrs 12/10/1892 (12/11/1892) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Father of 4 sons----Muscatine News Tribune, 12/11/1892 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Stump Frank Lee 11/18/1867 10/15/1930 Unknown . . Spanish-American War Vet---Son of H. H.--Bro. of F. A. & Chas.---Davenport Democrat, 10/15/1930
Sullivan Mortimer D. 9/26/1875 2/2/1922 Unknown . . Spanish-American War Vet---Husb. Of Kora (O'Keefe)---Bro. of John---Davenport Democrat, 2/3/1922
Summers Henry 8/16/1782 2/3/1867 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born in England (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Sumner Frederick 6/1/1881 11/18/1891 Unknown . . .
Sumner Harriet Age 57yrs 11/16/1880 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of P. H. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Sumner P. H. Age 75yrs,4mos,11dys 9/11/1885 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Swain Elizabeth 12/25/1839 10/2/1902 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Swalley James ? 10/11/1921 Unknown . . Adv. Gazette, Creston, Iowa, 10/11/1921---Death caused by infection from an Indian arrow wound of 50 yrs before
Sweeney Rebecca 1834 1891 (buried 9/21/1891) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Sweeney Thomas 1826 1885 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Switzer Margaret 5/25/1836 8/14/1879 Unknown . . Wife of Robert
Switzer Robert 4/1/1834 11/29/1904 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Swope Harry 10/25/1888 2/26/1897 Unknown . . .
Sywassink J. C. (Warnshuis) ? ? Unknown . . Wife of J. W.----Born at Wintersuyk, Netherland
Sywassink J. W. (John Wm.) 11/5/1829 5/12/1924 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born at Wintersuyk, Netherland (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Taggue Elizabeth 6/8/1855 2/24/1921 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Talley Julia 1828 5/16/1912 Unknown . . .
Tappe Frederick 2/22/1833 8/24/1878 Unknown . . .
Tappe Frederick Arthur (A.) 1874 1929 (buried 9/19/1929) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Tappe William A. 1861 1932 (2/18/1932) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Tarr George Rogers Age 21yrs,11mos,3dys 5/22/1869 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Tarr Sarah (A.) Age 67yrs,9mos,17dys 7/13/1876 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Samuel (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Teichmiller Clara 1897 1915 (7/24/1915) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Teichmiller Mattie 1878 1918 (11/10/1918) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Teitsch Fred 2/24/1863 ? (11/25/1945) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Teitsch (correct spelling is Teitch) John 8/15/1859 3/4/1931 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Tenfel (correct spelling is Teufel) Anna E. (Elizabeth) 1848 1929 (3/27/1929) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Tenfel (correct spelling is Teufel) Jacob (should be John Jacob) 1852 1930(10/11/1930) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Tenfel (correct spelling is Teufel) Walter (Jacob) 1/6/1903 5/25/1919 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Terstege (correct spelling is Terstage) John H. 5/14/1854 1/13/1935 (buried 1/15/1935) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Spanish-American Vet---Davenport Democrat, 1/13/1935 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Teuksbury (correct spelling is Tewksbury) Josie (Josephine) Age 17yrs,1mo,28dys 10/1/1879 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Teuksbury (correct spelling is Tewksbury) Elizabeth H. Age 61yrs,11mos,13dys 12/3/1887 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of M. H. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Teuksbury (correct spelling is Tewksbury) Merrell H. (Hurd) Age 13yrs,2mos,18dys 4/28/1864 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Theisen Henry 1877 1919 Unknown . . Spanish-American Vet---Husb. Of Mary (Kane)---Bro. of Lena, Mrs. J. Ford and Julius----Davenport Democrat, 5/26/1919
Thomas Edward 1878 11/24/1918 Unknown . . World War Vet
Thompson Ella (Woodward) ? 11/8/1827 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of S. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Thompson Harriet 11/21/1821 6/24/1882 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of S. M. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Thompson Irene 1868 1917 Unknown . . .
Thompson Louisa M. Age 75yrs,1mo, 20dys 4/6/1889 Unknown Muscatine Bloomington Twp. Wife of Wm. B.
Thompson Robert E. Age 22yrs 1/20/1903 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Thompson Stephens? (should be Steven St. John) Age 42yrs 2/17/1890 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Thompson Stephen Age 14yrs 10/27/1898 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Thompson Wm. L. Age 42yrs 1/21/1906 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet----Residence of Muscatine, Iowa----Des Moines Register & Leader, 1/23/1906 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Tilden E. ? 6/13/1859 Unknown . . Possible Vet----Davenport Gazette, 6/13/1859---Died at Muscatine, Iowa
Tillard Robert Age 15yrs,3mos,6dys 3/22/1887 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Son of M. A. & T. J. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Tillard Thomas J. Age 48yrs 8/17/1889 Unknown . . .
Trader Ella (Fair) ? (87yrs) ? (7/8/1949) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Trask (correct spelling is Traas) Loretta S.(J., not S.) 3/20/1821 4/20/1908 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Trask Proctor P. Age 39yrs 11/25/1881 Unknown . . .
Truitt Martha (A.) 9/25/1895 3/5/1914 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Dau. Of J. W. & A. T. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Trusty Elijah ? 6/14/1897 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Colored, thought to be over 100 yrs. Old----News Tribune, 6/16/1897
Tuel G. W. ? 6/?/1856 Unknown Brighton? Washington, Co.?? Possible Vet---Muscatine Journal, 6/7/1856
Tuerk (correct spelling is Turk) Florence (H.) 1898 1920 (3/25/1920) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Turner Basil (B. A.) Age 42yrs,8mos,?dys 10/27/1901 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ufford Catharine (also spelled Katherine) Age 43yrs,6mos,?dys 9/12/1855 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Rev. J. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ufford Elizabeth Age 54yrs 11/24/1861 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of George W. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Underwood Anna 1772 2/10/1856 Unknown . . Wife of J.
Underwood Emma Frances 1855 1923 (6/15/1923) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Underwood John 1814 1896 (11/5/1896) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Upton - Corrected surname is Ford George 10/25/1872 10/14/1913 Oakdale Wilton Wilton George Upton Ford, Husb. of Bertha (Blair)---Father of Wilbert, Hilbert & Herbert---The Wilton Advocate, Wilton, Iowa, 10/18/1913 (Updated by Phyllis Hazen)
Vail Charles (B.) 1849 1917 (3/17/1917) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Vail Ella (Rebecca) 1849 1908 (8/16/1908) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Vail J. (Jonathan) Henry 1853 1925 (1/4/1925) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Vail Jonathan M. (noted as John M.) 1819 6/7/1887 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Vail Louisa C. 1817 3/23/1890 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Vanatta (also spelled Van Atta) David Henry 1857 1938 (10/13/1938) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Vanatta (also spelled Van Atta) Lydia E. (not sure about the E.) 1856 1936 (1/4/1936) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Vanatta (also spelled Van Atta) William S. 1849 1926 (11/18/1926) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Van Camp Louisa Sherfey 3/27/1850 10/19/1899 Unknown . . Wife of A. E.
Vance Charles (Owen) 8/23/1892 11/30/1914 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Vance Isabella Age 25yrs,4mos,13dys 10/4/1854 Unknown . . Wife of John J.
Vance John J. (not sure about the J.) Age 59yrs,9mos,7dys 12/11/1882 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Vance Mary Hershe (should be Margaret) Age 78yrs,2mos,11dys 5/4/1907 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Vance Richard Irwin (listed as R. J.) Age 87yrs,0mo,7dys 4/15/1904 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Varner Thebe (should be Phoebe) 1847 1880 (5/25/1880) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of H. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Varner Barbara Nietzel (A., not sure about Nietzel) 1852 1930 (5/28/1930) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Varner William 1869 1900 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Vetter Christian 1804 1880 Unknown . . .
Vetter George Age 68yrs,10mos,?dys 10/27/1892 Unknown . . Possible Vet--Husb. Of Sevilla (Koerner)--Father of John, Charles, Michael & Anna, wife of Carl Loesche--News Tribune, 10/28/1897---Baked all the bread for the soldiers at Camp Strong, before they left for the battle fields of the South
Viele (correct spelling is Velie) Douglas (should be D. S.) Age 53yrs 4/5/1867 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Viele (correct spelling is Velie) Margaret 8/31/1813 1/16/1876 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born in Keith, Scotland (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Waide Carolinn (should be Caroline) 1844 1924 (12/5/1924) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Waide Elizabeth A. (not sure on the A.) 9/25/1817 3/18/1890 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Waide Leonard S. (should be Samuel Leonard) 1837 1916 (9/17/1916) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Waide W. Irving 10/7/1880 12/27/1899 Unknown . . Twin son of S. L. & C.
Waide William Arthur 6/10/1869 2/8/1932 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wales Adeline 12/2/1828 3/4/1915 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wales John G. (should be Jon Granville) 5/5/1834 10/31/1902 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wales S. E. (should be Samuel) 1857 1922 (6/26/1922) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wallace Andrew 2/28/1825 7/24/1888 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Muscatine Journal, 7/25/1888 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wallace Harry (Glen) 5/6/1874 10/12/1923 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wallace Nancy (H.) 5/7/1839 6/29/1913 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wallace Hon. Robt. T. (listed as R. T.) 10/29/1826 1/1/1898 (should be 1/1/1877) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Burial record at Muscatine, Iowa----Born at Allegheny Co., Pa.---Son of John (War of 1812) and Rebecca (Irwin)--Husb. Of Mary A. (Kerr)--Father of Wm. N.--News Tribune, 1/2/1898, pg.1, col. 1, 1/5/1898, pg. 1, col. 4 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wallace William 4/7/1862 11/3/1892 Unknown . . .
Wallingsford (correct spelling is Wallingford) Eva E. (Elizabeth) 1844 1918 (11/1/1918) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Walter (correct spelling is Walters) Alice 7/15/1858 7/17/1889 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Walter (correct spelling is Walters) Mary E. (not sure on the E.) 9/17/1879 3/1/1921 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Henry G. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Walter Nancy 11/27/1822 2/8/1898 Unknown .. Born at Mowhock Valley
Walton Amos 4/23/1800 4/29/1841 (maybe 11/18/1837) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born at New Ipswick, N. H., settled in Muscatine, Nov. 18, 1837 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Walton Anna (B.) Lewis 7/31/1842 1/27/1905 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of C. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Walton Asa Age 53yrs 10/16/1853 (should be 10/15/1863) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Walton Eunice Oakes 4/5/1802 1/25/1836 Unknown . . Wife of Amos
Walton Josiah Proctor (listed as P.) 2/26/1826 11/24/1899 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born at New Ipswick, N. H., settled in Muscatine, Nov. 24, 1838 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Walton Mary E. (should be Elizabeth B.) 6/13/1834 8/27/1909 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Josiah P. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Ward Mary ? (56yrs) ? (9/6/1894) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Warfield George A.(Alexander) 2/14/1846 8/21/1909 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Warfield Joanna L. Age 57yrs,3mos,3dys 1/8/1875 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of D. R. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Warfield Lillian (Plum) Age 21yrs,3mos,7dys 3/4/1872 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of George A. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Warman James L. (Lislia) 1865 1930 (3/13/1930) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Washburn Phebe (should be Phoebe) Age 64yrs,10mos,5dys 10/20/1864 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of F. Z. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Watcke Hans 10/30/1824 2/21/1926 Unknown . . .
Waters (correct spelling is Walters) Ellen E. (Klein)(not sure about Klein) ? 1/20/1866 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of O. P. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Waters (correct spelling is Walters) Fannie T. 1831 1897 (10/23/1897) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Waters Lida E. 1859 1888 Unknown . . .
Waters Lisle Cummins 1849 1903 Unknown . . .
Waters (correct spelling is Walters) O. P. 3/23/1830 6/28/1888 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Watson Harvey Age 60yrs 10/6/1898 Unknown . . Possible Vet--Burial record at West Liberty, Iowa---Des Moines News, 10/8/1898, pg.8
Watson Sarah M. (Mallissa) 8/14/1849 1/10/1917 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Thomas (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Watters (correct spelling is Walters) Charles D.(O., not D.) 1816 1893 (3/6/1893) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Webel Lena Age 70yrs (should be 67yrs) 1919 (11/17/1919) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Born in Germany (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Webel Louise (Broege) (should be Louisa) 5/23/1821 2/27/1902 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of Frederick (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Weber Frank 10/?/1880 7/17/1938 Unknown . . Burial record at West Liberty, Iowa---Son of William & Sylvia--Step father of Richard & George Peters---Davenport Democrat, 7/18/1938
Weber Fredrick (should be Frederick) 5/13/1826 10/11/1904 (date of burial) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Civil War Vet---Co. C 35th Ia. Inf.---Private (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Weddle Clay 1850 3/22/1881 Unknown . . Civil War Vet----Burial record at Wilton, Iowa---Davenport Democrat, 3/24/1881
Weed Benjamin (Dr.) Age 57yrs 3/12/1846 (should be 3/4/1846) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Place of birth: Hartford Co., Conn--Burial record at Bloomington, Iowa---Bloomington Herald, 3/14/1846 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Weed James 1813 5/?/1904 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Waverly Independent, 5/5/1904---Burial record at Muscatine, Iowa (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Weimann (correct spelling is Weiman) Jacob 4/19/1859 6/15/1917 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Weimann Katherina (should be Anna Katherine) 8/12/1870 7/5/1938 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Weir (correct spelling is Wier) R.(Richard) H. 6/25/1836 8/18/1909 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Weise (correct spelling is Weisse) Catherine 10/27/1825 1/9/1894 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Weise (correct spelling is Weisse) Fannie W.(M., not W.) Age 17yrs,4mos,23dys 11/21/1879 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Dau. Of J. H.& C. E. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Weise (correct spelling is Weisse) James H. Age 70yrs ? (12/11/1895) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Burial record at Muscatine, Iowa----Muscatine News Tribune, 12/14/1895---Born at Carlysle, Penn. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Weissenhagen Caroline 10/14/1846 5/1/1937 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Weissenhagen (correct spelling is Weisenhagen) Julia 5/5/1867 11/19/1886 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Weissenhagen (correct spelling is Weisenhauser) Karl (should be Charles) 6/4/1837 12/4/1905 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Weissenhagen (correct spelling is Weisenhagen) Matilda 9/15/1870 10/23/1886 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wells Luella 1868 1929 (12/15/1929) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of S. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wells Samuel 1846 1924 (3/13/1924) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wenak Anna 11/18/1841 7/12/1876 (should be 4/15/1890) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Westphal Carl 1844 8/27/1916 Unknown . . Civil War Vet---Burial record at Durant--Father of Adele, Edna, Bessie, Ed & Chas.---Born in Germany---Davenport Democrat, 8/29/1916
White Mabel M. ? ? Unknown . . Dau. Of G. W. & R. J. Appleton
White William Age 77yrs 6/18/1893 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Born in Paisley, Scotland---Husb. Of Helen (Wilkey)--Daily News Tribune, 6/20/1893 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Whitescarver C. O. 9/30/1817 7/7/1897 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Born in Rappahanock Co., VA.--Husb. Of Mary Stett---born in Ky., 1857---Father of Mrs. C. W. Goldsberry and G. C., six other children deceased----Burial record at Muscatine---News Tribune, 7/8/1897 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wickey Catherine Age 74yrs,3mos,10dys 9/26/1896 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wickey John Age 69yrs,1mo,19dys 3/7/1881 Unknown . . .
Wier Carrie 1842 1889 (10/21/1889) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wier Joseph S. (B., not S.) 3/4/1844 (should be 9yrs) 6/12/1870 (should be 6/9/1879) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wier Nancy C. 1807 1892 (should be 12/20/1891) Greenwood . . .
Wiese (correct spelling is Weisse) James 10/24/1825 12/11/1898 (should be 12/11/1895) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wigim Jane 1860 1881 (burial date 1/1/1861, not 1881) Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington Twp. Dau. Of S. & M. B. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wilbert (correct spelling is Wilvert) J. A. (John Albert) 3/14/1857 6/5/1914 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wildasin Samuel 1824 5/19/1884 Unknown . . Civil War Vet---Born in PA.---Davenport Democrat, 5/21/1884---He was President of a bank at Wilton
Will Elsie (should be Elsina Evlyn) 1871 1924 (8/12/1924) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Will John A. (Andrew) 1836 1915 (3/15/1915) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Will Mary A. 1839 1910 (3/14/1910) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of John A. (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Will Wiliam Chatham 12/9/1840 8/28/1876 Unknown . . .
Williams Susan 1819 1905 Unknown . . .
Wilson ? ? 7/30/1899 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Burial record at West Liberty, Iowa---Place of death: Athens, Georgia---Father of Mrs. F. A. Sackett, Howard, Mrs. Cornell--Boone Co. Democrat, 8/11/1899
Wilson Andrew 1812 1908 Unknown . . .
Wilson Ealum 2/7/1889 10/22/1929 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington World War Vet--Burial record at Muscatine, Iowa---Husb. Of Lydi (Allen)---Father of Andy & W. A.---Davenport Democrat, 10/22/1929 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wilson Edwin Age 75yrs 10/21/1929 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Residence at Muscatine, Iowa---Des Moines Register, 10/23/1929
Wilson John (Sr.) Age 94yrs 10/6/1907 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Burial record at Muscatine, Iowa---Des Moines Register, 10/8/1907
Wilson Rachel Ella (Reed) 1864 1933 Unknown . . Dau. Of Andrew & Rachel
Winkler Bernhard 7/13/1820 3/15/1871 Unknown . . .
Winn Annie L. (should be Anna L.) 6/6/1848 12/2/1932 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of George (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Winn Cecliar (should be Celia R.) 3/1/1814 3/16/1901 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of John (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Winning Carl R. E. 1887 1936 (5/29/1936) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Winning Clarence ? 1885 Unknown . . .
Winning Edward (Ed. H.) 1859 1894 (3/18/1894) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Winning Elmer ? 1888 Unknown . . .
Winning Emma ? 1884 Unknown . . .
Winning John 4/3/1866 7/1/1896 Unknown . . .
Winning Margaret 6/24/1829 4/4/1916 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Winning Mollie 1860 1891 Unknown . . .
Winsche Chas. Age 77yrs 10/12/1902 Unknown . . Possible Vet--Des Moines News, 10/13/1902
Winter (correct spelling is Winters) Abbie F. (E., not F.) 2/3/1839 8/16/1877 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Winter (correct spelling is Winters) George 1858 1937 (1/16/1937) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Winter John H. 11/8/1830 5/18/1873 Unknown . . .
Winter (also spelled Winters) Mary 8/23/1835 1/14/1911 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Winter (also spelled Winters) Rev. Wm. (William) Age 56yrs,6mos,20dys 2/21/1882 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wirtz Nicholas 11/3/1853 7/29/1925 Unknown . . Spanish-American War Vet--Died at Muscatine, Iowa---Born in Germany--Husb. Of Emma (Romann)---Step-father of Fred & Helen Luneen--Davenport Democrat, 7/30/1925
Wise Amanda 1854 1932 Unknown . . .
Wise (correct spelling is Weiss) Leopold Age 52yrs 3/25/1898 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Burial record at Muscatine, Iowa----Residence in Louisa Co, Iowa---News Tribune, 3/27/1898 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Witte Wm. 7/18/1858 11/25/1918 (should be 11/24/1918) GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Spanish-American War Vet---Burial record at Muscatine, Iowa---Born in Germany--Husb. Of Ernestine (Hanzog)---Father of Anna, Wm., Freda, Ernest & Paul---Davenport Democrat, 11/26/1918 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Wolf Christian 8/5/1926 5/12/1912 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Residence at West Liberty, Iowa---Des Moines Register, 5/17/1912
Wood Thomas ? 11/14/1854 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Place of death: Muscatine, Iowa---Try-Weekly Journal, 11/15/1854
Woodhouse Lydia Rand 1835 1872 Unknown . . Wife of J. L.
Woods Rebecca 12/25/1819 3/22/1900 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Worthington David ? 3/7/1866 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Place of death: Mt. Pleasant, Iowa---Muscatine Journal, 3/7/1866
Wright Nancy Age 55yrs,4mos,16dys 5/16/1880 Unknown . . .
Wulf Jacob 6/6/1863 10/1/1932 Evergreen Cem Unknown Unknown Spanish-American War Vet---Burial record at Muscatine, Iowa---Place of death: Grand Mound, Iowa--Born in Germany--Husb. Of Julia (Frank)--Father of Will, Ed, Emil & Ben----Davenport Democrat, 10/3/1932
Wunderlight Nicholas Age 60yrs 8/15/1872 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Burial record at Pine Mills, Montpelier Twp., Iowa----Davenport Democrat, 8/17/1872
Yarbrough Charles Age 53yrs 7/27/1930 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Residence at Muscatine, Iowa---Des Moines Register, 7/30/1930
Yeater Violetta (Correct given name is Moletta Viola) 1869 (full date is 4/10/1869 1894 (full date is 10/11/1894) Greenwood Muscatine Bloomington Wife of J. W. (John Wesley). Update info is from Waine Yeater
Young J. S. Age 16yrs 1/16/1867 Unknown . . Possible Vet---Burial record at Muscatine, Iowa---Davenport Gazette, 1/18/1867
Young Obadiah (should be Owen) Age 35yrs 11/6/1844 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Possible Vet---Place of death: Bloomington, Iowa---Bloomington Herald, 11/8/1844 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Zeak Mary 4/3/1831 7/31/1894 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Wife of William (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Zeak William Age 53yrs 10/23/1908 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington(Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Zedeker Daniel Age 74yrs 1/13/1881 Unknown . . .
Zeug Gustav (Gustave) Adolph 10/6/1860 11/19/1935 GreenwoodMuscatineBloomington Spanish-American War Vet---Burial record at Muscatine, Iowa---Born in Germany--Husb. Of Marie (Huffman)--Father of Mrs. Wm. Eisner, Wm., Henry & Gustav Jr.---Davenport Democrat, 11/19/1935 (Updated by Lynn McCleary)
Zoehringer Joseph 4/11/1833 4/28/1872 Unknown . . .

Page updated August 6, 2024 by Lynn McCleary

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