Muscatine County Iowa

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Volume II, Biographical, 1911, page 655

GEORGE W. PECK....There is an interest attached to a family homestead which the ordinary home does not possess. It is largely on this account that George W. Peck greatly treasures the farm in Cedar township, Muscatine county, upon which his father settled many years ago and which the son still retains. He was born in Ohio, August 18, 1844, his parents being David and Elizabeth ( Wagner ) Peck, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Ohio. They were married in the Buckeye state and came to Iowa in 1857, taking up their home in Seventy-six township, Muscatine county. Here David Peck engaged in farming until 1870, when he sold out and purchased land in Cedar township, which became the family homestead. The mother departed this life in 1860, three years after her arrival in Iowa. The father continued in the active pursuit of his life work until seventy-five years of age, when he was called away. He was a representative of the sturdy pioneer type and attained deserved success in his chosen calling.. In his family were six children : John F.; Margaret A., the wife of Gottlieb Schuler ; George W., our subject ; Sarah E., now Mrs. Charles Hadley ; Mary E., who became the wife of Oran Lee and is now deceased ; and Emma J., the wife of Oran Lee.

George W. Peck was reared upon the home farm and under his father was thoroughly trained in agriculture and also in the details of stock-raising and marketing. He attended the district school and acquired the foundation of an education which he has since greatly extended by reading and observation. After reaching manhood he devoted his entire attention to the home farm, continuing thereon after the death of his father in 1885. He purchased the interests of the other heirs and has rented the farm, which comprises eighty acres, since 1890, leaving the labor of cultivation to younger hands. As a general farmer Mr. Peck years ago secured a handsome annual income and he is recognized as one of the prosperous citizens of the community.

Politically he has been identified with the democratic party ever since he reached voting age and has served to the general satisfaction of the tax-payers as assessor of the township. He is not affiliated with any religious denomination, although his parents were members of the Methodist church. Mr. Peck is recognized as a citizen who may always be depended upon to do what he promises and one who possesses many excellent traits of character. For more than fifty years he has been a resident of Iowa and he has a host of friends in Muscatine county who respect him for his upright life.

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