Muscatine County Iowa

Source: Portrait and Biographical Album, Muscatine County, Iowa, 1889, page 611


This paper first made its appearance April 4, 1868, and has therefore completed its twenty-first year. It was published by Charles Baker, who continued its publication for about six months, and then sold to C. D. Eaton and Geo. Trumbo. In 1869 Mr. Trumbo became sole proprietor. In 1873 he associated with himself in its publication A. R. Fuller, the partnership continuing until January, 1874, when Mr. Fuller retired. In February following J. W. McElravy purchased the office, and continued the publication of the paper. In 1884 McDonald & Benjamin became the publishers; and in 1887 it passed into the hands of Charles A. Bancroft, its present editor and proprietor. The Enterprise is a six-column quarto, and has a good local circulation. Mr. Bancroft is a writer of fine ability, and under his management the paper has met with deserved success. In connection with the paper is a good job-office, and the proprietor is ready at all times to turn out first class work at living prices.

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