![]() | History of Muscatine County Iowa 1879 | ![]() |
Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Historical Section, 1879, pages 584-588
STOCKTON. This town was first called Farnham by the old settlers, but really known as Fulton, which name the railroad company still retains for the station, although the post office is named Stockton, is situated in Section 4, in the northern part of Fulton Township, near the Scott County line, on the C., R. I. & P. R. R., surrounded by a magnificent and rich farming country, barley, wheat and oats being the principal products of the soil, although corn is raised in great abundance. The vicinity is especially noted for its fine short-horn and other superior classes of cattle, as well as for its fine-bred hogs. At one time, the place was known as Prairie Mills, owing to the fact that Burrows & Prettyman had a steam-mill on the prairie, which has since been demolished and the lumber used in the construction of an elevator, built by Hetzel & Haner, now doing a large grain business, shipping on an average 300 cars per year. From ninety to one hundred cars of stock are shipped from this point per annum. The town lots were surveyed by Jonathan Parker, and the plat was filed for record September 14,1855, by A. C. Fulton, J. M. Burrows, N. Feyervary, J. M. Witherywase and R. M. Prettyman. The post office was established in 1855, with Mr. Chapman, clerk for Burrows & Prettyman, of Davenport, who opened the first store, in charge. As there was already a town called Fulton in the State, the post office was named Prairie Mills. In 1866, W. J. Speer was appointed Postmaster, which position he still retains, conducting, also, a general store. Owing to the fact that a bill of goods shipped to him, addressed Fulton, was sent to the town of that name in Jackson County, he used his influence and succeeded in having the name of both the town and the post office changed to Stockton.
The first building in the town was a large hotel, still standing, erected by A. C. Fulton. The first death in the place was that of Thomas Barron. The schoolhouse of Township District No. 1, located here, was built in 1856, and an addition made to it in 1875, when the graded system was introduced. The business of Stockton is represented by two general stores, two hotels, one blacksmith-shop, one wagonmaker's shop, two shoemaker's shops and one grain establishment.
The Farmers' Club was was organized in the spring of 1872. The officers are Aug. Ruge, President, and E. F. Jockehk, Secretary. Connected with the Club is a library, of which the Secretary of the Club is Librarian. The object of the Club is to discuss the political topics of the day, to debate and advance new ideas in the science of agriculture; also, to entertain its members in varioUS ways. The present membership is eighteen. The Club supports a Sunday school; and it was through the influence of its members that an elevator was built at this point.
Among the first settlers in Fulton Township were J. C. Newell, Andrew Smith, John Barron and Thomas Brickley.
The present township officers are: Jos. Kiegel, Milton Persons and David Brown, Trustees; James Raab and Charles Hetzel, Justices; William Chrisman and H. C. Higley, Constables; P. G. Brown, Assessor; A. A. Brown, Clerk.
CONESVILLE. Conesvine is located on the line of the B., C. R. & N. R. R., in the center of Orono Township, in Section 17, and named after its founder, Beebe S. Cone. The lots were surveyed by J. E. Lyman, Assistant Engineer of the B., C. R. & N. R. R. in March, 1870. In consideration that the railroad company build a depot at this point, B. S. Cone donated to them 200 feet of ground for that purpose. In July, 1870, Alexander McCurdy erected a fine dwelling-house-- the first building on the town site--which was destroyed by fire in October, 1875. He also opened the first general store in the town. The post office was established in the spring of 1870, with B. S. Cone as Postmaster. Mr. Cone disposed of $3,200 worth of stock for the B., C. R. & N. R. R., for the purpose of grading and tying the track from Todd's Ferry, Iowa River, to north line Pike Township. The town plat was recorded by B. S. Cone, November 26, 1870. George Bumgardner, Surveyor, divided the property of H. Ricketts' heirs into three eighties, and laid out town lots on their property at the same time. The plat was filed for record the same month, under the name of Orono, by Byron, Martha Jane and Robert Ricketts. These lots are located on the west side of the railroad track, where most of the business and largest part of the town is situated. Deeds for lots on this property are made out under the name of Orono; but the post office is called Conesville, while the railroad company have adopted the name of Cone for the station. On the 18th day of May, 1878, the entire settlement was regularly incorporated as a town, and called Conesville. An addition was laid out by B. S. Cone, and surveyed by Peter Houtz February 11, 1876. The first town officers elected were: J. Calhoun, Mayor; J. K. Hill, John Barrett, Thomas Tipton, John McLeod, Daniel McCurdy, Trustees; S. D. McCurdy, Recorder; John Gay, Marshal; S. H. Wolford, Treasurer. The present officers are: John McLeod, Mayor; John Barrett, Thomas Tipton, M. L. Brockway, A. McCurdy, S. H. Wolford, John Gunderson, Trustees; S. D. McCurdy, Recorder; John Gay, Treasurer; R. R. Wolford, Marshal. The present Postmaster is Mason Brockway.
The business of Conesville is represented by one mill, three general stores, one clothing and boot and shoe store, two blacksmith-shops, one wagon-maker, one grain firm; one hotel and two physicians.
The first schoolhouse built in Orono Township is situated in Conesville, and called Township District School No. 1.
The German Reform Church was built in 1872, at a cost of $3,000. The congregation is a large one, and the present Pastor, Rev. G. H. Buser, has preached to them for more than twenty years. Previous to the erection of the house of worship, all meetings were held in the schoolhouse. This church was built by the people of the town and vicinity, and is therefore open to all denominations, when used by the Reformists, who have the control of it. Every other Sunday it is occupied by the Methodists, who are preached to by Rev. Joseph Jeffery, of Columbus Junction.
Orono Township officers are: Thomas Maxwell, R. McCurdy and W. D. Cone, Trustees; Frank Sanderson and J. Calhoun, Justices; Daniel McCurdy, Assessor; James Millard and Rufus Wolford, Constables; W. Hill, Clerk.
ATALISSA. Atalissa is located in the northeastern portion of Goshen Township, in Section 11, on the line of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, surrounded by a rich and beautiful farming country. The eighty acres which the town lots occupy were owned among other land by William Lundy, who came to what is now Goshen Township in 1847. By contract, John P. Cook, of the firm of Cook & Sargent, of Davenport, became partner in the undivided half of this property, with the intention of laying it out into town lots. The lots were surveyed by Peter Houtz and the town plat filed for record by John P. Cook and William Lundy, January 31, 1856. While mining in California, Capt. Lundy was near a small mining village called Atalissa and named after an Indian queen of one of the tribes. Being pleased with the name, he adopted it for the town in question, and, at the time, remarked that the first female child born on the premises and named Atalissa should be presented with a cornerd lot. Miss Atalissa Davis, now a young lady about twenty-two years of age, living at present in Cedar County was the fortunate one. After the financial failure of John P. Cook, Charles W. Durant, of New York, became interested in the property. Deeds for lots are signed by Charles W. Durant and wife and William Lundy and wife. Atalissa is one of the best watering-places for the railroad between Davenport and Des Moines. An immense spring, twenty-five or thirty feet in diameter, situated in the northeast corner of the town, furnishes all the water for the railroad tank. This spring was donated to the railroad company by William Lundy. The post office was moved from Overman's Ferry and established in this place in 1856, with N. c. Swank as Postmaster. The first building, a shanty, was built and in it the first store opened by the same man. The business of the place is represented by two general stores, one drug store, two physicians, one grain firm, one grocery store, two harness-shops, two blacksmith- shops, one wagon-maker's shop, one tin-shop, one meat market one hotel, and boot and shoe and hardware store. The present Postmaster is George Worrall.
Among the earliest settlers in Goshen Township were the following, viz.: JameS Thompson, Mr. Boggs, Thomas Odell, William G. Holmes, John McIntosh, Samuel Fletcher, Elias Overman, James V. Smith, who came from 1837 to 1842.
The present township officers are: Henry Markham, Charles Buckman, Marius Plumly, Trustees; Frank Mathers and Richard Armstrong, Justices; James Dickerson and Q. Cornwall, Constables; W. T. Jones, Assessor; Owen Doyle, Clerk.
Presbyterian Church.--Meetings were held and preaching was commenced in the depot building in April, 1857, by Rev. Charles F. Beach, who effected an organization with the following first members: William Kelley, J. D. Guild and wife, J. M. Guild and wife, Samuel croxon and Mrs. Margaret Rilchey. The house of worship was erected the same year. The first who officiated in it was Rev. Dudley. The present membership is twenty; the Church property is valued at $1,500, and the present pastor is Edwin C. Haskell. Connected with the Church is a Sunday school, with an average attendance of eighty, including teachers.
The Christian Church was organized by Elder J. C. Hay, formerly of West Liberty, now in California, in June, 1870, with a membership of about thirty- six. The house of worship was built in September, 1871. Lot Parker is the present Elder, and once a week Elder J. Mad. Williams, of West Liberty, preaches here. The value of the Church property is $1,200, and the present membership is about thirty. T. L. Ady is Superintendent of the Sunday- school, which has an average attendance of sixty.
The Methodists hold their meetings in the Christian Church, and being on the Lone Tree Circuit, Rev. Thomas preaches to this congregation once every two weeks. Meetings were held by the Methodists as early as 1857, and several organizations have taken place, but been given up. The last one dates back some six or seven years.
The large two-story brick schoolhouse of Independent District, No. 1, was finished in 1866.
Ionic Lodge,. No. 122, A., F. A. M., was burnt out and all records were destroyed, but a duplicate charter was issued June 7, 1866, by Edward A. Gilbert, Grand Master. The first officers under this charter were: T. L. Ady, M.; William Lundy, S. W.; James McIntosh, J. W. The present officers are: William Lundy, M.; John Wilshire, S. W.; John Ady, J. W.; L. B. overman, Jr., Secretary; L. B. Nachbauer, Treasurer. The Lodge meets in Masonic Hall, and has property valued at $75. The present membership is thirty.
Rose of Sharon Lodge, No. 101, I. 0. G. T., was organized May 2, 1876, and afterward chartered. The first officers were: William Lundy, W. c. T.; Eunice cornwell, W. V. T.; c. F. Aiken, Secretary; Linnie Harris, Financial Secretary; 0. Cornwell, P.; Lot Parker, Chaplain; J. S. Rowe, Marshal; Eliza Rowe, I. G.; Walter WaIters, Sentinel; Zephy Wright, Assistant Secretary; Fanny Neff, Deputy Marshal; Susan Parker, R. H. S.; Josephine H. Clark, L. H. S. Present officers: Mary Angel, W. C. T.; Mary Neff, W. V. T.; R. G. Gifford, Secretary; Dr. Turner, Financial Secretary; John Alger, Marshal; Pheaney Barnes, Deputy Marshal; Laura Brown, I. G.; Hall Ady, R. H. S.; Jerome Worrall, L. H. S.; John Wilshire, Chaplain. The present membership is thirty-three. The Lodge meets in Masonic Hall, and has property valued at $50.
The Atalissa Temperance Reform Club was organized in March, 1876. The first officers were: John Wilshire, President; V. R. Rowe, Secretary; Samuel Desbro, Trersurer. The present officers are: John Wilshire, President; Henry Hebling, Secretary; Andrew Hebling, Treasurer. The present membership is 380, and the Club meets at the Christian Church.
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