Muscatine County Iowa

Here is what the abbreviations in the bios stand for: far: farm; Co.: company or county; dir: dealer; IVA: Iowa Volunteer Artillery; IVC: Iowa Volunteer Cavalry; IVI: Iowa Volunteer Infantry; P.O.: Post Office; S. or Sec.: section; and st.: street.

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Biographical Section, 1879, page 679

JACOB PENTZER, P. O. Wilton; his paternal ancestors were German as his name indicates, was born in Bedford Co., Penn., May 28, 1808, and resided among the mountains of Pennsylvania until 15 years old; hid father then moved into Fayette Co., west of the mountains, where he chiefly resided until 32 years of age; he commenced a course of studies in the spring of 1831, at Morgantown, Va., preparatory for the ministry; graduated at Jefferson College in the fall of 1837; studied theology at Allegheny Seminary, Pittsburgh; was licensed to preach by the old Red Stone Presbytery, in the spring of 1840; soon after, he emigrated to the Miami country in Ohio, settled in the village of Germantown, Montgomery Co., thirteen miles from Dayton; taught a high school a number of years and preached to two small congregations in that vicinity; in the spring of 1859, came to Wilton Junction, Iowa, his present residence; has been actively engaged in the work of the ministry until within three years past, since which he has been in a great measure disabled from the effects of rheumatism; is now on the list of the honorably retired ministers of the Presbyterian denomination and has no regular engagements for preaching; he is the father of seven living children, three of whom are married; he has been married twice; first wife, was Emma Meek, of Pittsburgh; she died, leaving four young children, three of whom are dead. Married for his second wife, Miss Martha Coon, daughter of Rev. John Coon, of Germantown, Ohio; by her he had seven children, six still alive; his living children are Emma, youngest daughter of the first wife, now Mrs. L. E. Ingham; Laura, now Mrs. Whitsett, of Carthage, Mo.; Jennie, now Mrs. J. Myers; John William, Jacob L., Hattie Kate and Frederic S.

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