Muscatine County Iowa

Here is what the abbreviations in the bios stand for: far: farm; Co.: company or county; dir: dealer; IVA: Iowa Volunteer Artillery; IVC: Iowa Volunteer Cavalry; IVI: Iowa Volunteer Infantry; P.O.: Post Office; S. or Sec.: section; and st.: street.

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Biographical Section, 1879, page 678

CHARLES W. NORTON, farmer, breeder and dealer in short-horn cattle. Bershire hogs and Cotswold sheep, Sec. 13; P. O. Durant; the second son of Bundsy B. Norton and Emily W. Ward, the former a native of Litchfield, Conn., where he was a schoolmate of H. W. Beecher; the latter of Canadian birth and parentage; both, when young, with their parents, became residents of Medina Co., Ohio, where his father (Charles W.'s grandfather), a Captain in the Revolutionary war, had taken up 1,000 acres of land; on this land, the parents of Charles settled; had six children, five sons and one daughter--C. W., the second, born Sept. 9, 1836; the mother died April 14, 1854. The father again married, and is now an extensive farmer of Medina Co. At the age of 16, Charles having secured a good common-school education, purchased his time from his father, entered the academy at Seville, and remained for three terms, and, after teaching several terms to obtain the means, continued his studies; he went to Berea, Ohio, and took a scientific course; graduated at Folsom's Mercantile College, at Cleveland, in 1857; then taught for some time; and, after clerking in drugs at Phelps, N. Y., for two years, he made a journey westward on horseback, traveling 4,300 miles, entering land for Eastern parties. July 13, 1859, he married Mary, the youngest of nine children of George W. and Heppie Collin, nee Steel, natives of Hartford Co., Conn.; settled in Medina Co., Ohio, in 1819, where she was born, in October, 1838. In the fall of 1863, they came to this county, and settled where he now resides, investing $2,500 in a home, to which has since been added until he now owns 740 acres, valued at $65 per acre, well stocked with short-horn cattle, imported Berkshire and Poland-China hogs, and blooded sheep, on which he has received many first premiums at the county fairs. They have four children--Oaky G., born Oct. 6, 1863; James C., Aug. 16, 1868; Birdie L. July 3, 1873; Florence E., May 19, 1877. Members of the Congregational Church; Republican.

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