Geographical Situation | 109 |
Topography | 109 |
Drainage System | 110 |
Rivers | 111 |
Lakes | 118 |
Springs | 119 |
Prairies | 120 |
Geology ~ includes: | 120 |
The Azoic System | 121 |
Lower Silurian System | 122 |
Upper Silurian System | 123 |
Devonian System | 123 |
Carboniferous System | 124 |
Cretaceous System | 129 |
Peat | 130 |
Gypsum | 131 |
Sulphate of Lime | 135 |
Climatology | 137 |
Discovery and Occupation | 139 |
Indians of Iowa | 147 |
Pike's Expedition | 151 |
Indian Wars | 152 |
Black Hawk War | 157 |
Indian Purchase, Reservations and Treaties | 159 |
Spanish Grants | 163 |
Half-Breed Tract | 164 |
Early Settlements | 166 |
Territorial History | 173 |
Boundary Questions | 177 |
State Organization | 181 |
Growth and Progress | 185 |
Agricultural College and Farm | 186 |
State University | 187 |
State Historical Society | 193 |
Penitentiaries | 194 |
Insane Hospitals | 195 |
College for the Blind | 197 |
Deaf and Dumb Institution | 199 |
Soldiers' Orphans' Homes | 199 |
State Normal School | 201 |
Asylum for Feeble Minded Children | 201 |
Reform School | 202 |
Fish Hatching Establshment | 203 |
Public Lands ~ includes: | 204 |
The 500,000 Acre Grant. | 204 |
The 16th Section Grant. | 205 |
The Mortgage School Lands. | 205 |
The University Grant. | 206 |
The Saline Grant. | 206 |
The Des Moines River Grant. | 210 |
The Des Moines River School Lands. | 210 |
The Swamp Land Grant. | 211 |
The Railroad Grant. | 212 |
The Agricultural College Grant. | 217 |
Public Schools | 218 |
Political Record | 223 |
War Record | 229 |
Infantry | 233 |
Cavalry | 244 |
Artillery | 247 |
Miscellaneous | 248 |
Promotions from Iowa Regiments | 249 |
Number Casualties - Officers | 250 |
Number Casualties - Enlisted Men | 252 |
Number Volunteers | 254 |
Population by Counties: Adair-Jones Keokuk-Wright | 255 |
The Northwestern States ~ includes: | 257 |
Illinois | 240 |
Indiana | 242 |
Iowa | 243 |
Michigan | 244 |
Wisconsin | 245 |
Minnesota | 247 |
Nebraska | 248 |
Constitution of the United States of America and its Amendments | 269 |
Miscellaneous Information: | |
Practical Rules for Every Day Use | 284 |
Names of the States of the Union & Their Significations | 290 |
Population of the United States | 292 |
Principle Countries of the World, Population & Area | 292 |
Abstracts of Iowa State Laws: | |
Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes | 293 |
Descent, Wills & Estates | 294 |
Taxes | 295 |
Jurisdiction of Courts ~ includes: Limitation of Actions, Jurors, Capital Punishment | 297 |
Married Women | 298 |
Exemptions from Execution | 298 |
Estrays ~ includes: Wolf scalps, Damages from Trespass, Fences | 299 |
Mechanics' Liens | 301 |
Roads and Bridges | 302 |
Adoption of Children | 303 |
Surveyors and Surveys | 303 |
Support of Poor | 303 |
Landlord and Tenant | 304 |
Weights and Measures | 305 |
Definition of Commercial Terms | 305 |
Forms ~ includes: | 306 |
Notes | 306 |
Orders | 306 |
Receipts | 306 |
Bill of Purchase | 306 |
Confession of Judgement | 306 |
Articles of Agreement | 307 |
General Form of Agreement | 307 |
Agreement with Clerk of Services | 308 |
Bill of Sale | 308 |
Notice to Quit | 309 |
General Form of Will for Real and Personal Property | 309 |
Codicil | 310 |
Satisfaction of Mortgage Form | 310 |
One Form of Real Estate Mortgage | 311 |
Second Form of Real Estate Mortgage | 311 |
Form of Lease | 312 |
Form of Note | 313 |
Chattel Mortgage | 314 |
Warrenty Deed | 314 |
Quit Claim Deed | 315 |
Bond for Deed | 315 |
Charitable, Scientific and Religious Associations | 316 |
Intoxicating Liquors | 319 |
Suggestions to those Purchasing Books by Subscription | 319 |
Agricultural Statistics of Iowa (Census of 1875) | 320 |
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