Muscatine County Iowa

Here is what the abbreviations in the bios stand for: far: farm; Co.: company or county; dir: dealer; IVA: Iowa Volunteer Artillery; IVC: Iowa Volunteer Cavalry; IVI: Iowa Volunteer Infantry; P.O.: Post Office; S. or Sec.: section; and st.: street.

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Biographical Section, 1879, page 636

WILLIAM HALLING, farmer, Sec.2; P.O. Melpine; born in Prussia May 12, 1814; came to St. Louis in 1849, where he worked three years by the day, and, in 1852, came to Muscatine, where he worked as a day laborer until he got money enough to buy eighty acres of land; then worked till he had money to buy things to enable him to move on his farm, where he remained until 1868, then removed where he now owns 500 acres. Married Miss Rika Niamaire in March, 1849; born in Prusssia, Dec.25, 1825; they have nine cchildren---Lewis, Wiilliam, Christian, Henry, Mary, Louisa, George, Eddie, and Fred. Mr. and Mrs. H. are members of the Lutheran Church; Mr. H. is a Democrat.

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