Muscatine County Iowa

Here is what the abbreviations in the bios stand for: far: farm; Co.: company or county; dir: dealer; IVA: Iowa Volunteer Artillery; IVC: Iowa Volunteer Cavalry; IVI: Iowa Volunteer Infantry; P.O.: Post Office; S. or Sec.: section; and st.: street.

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Biographical Section, 1879, page 673

J. L. GEISLER, Cashier Union Bank of Wilton, residence, Fourth street, Wilton; son of Henry Geisler and Mary Wildason, natives of York Co., Penn., the former born in 1829, the latter in 1817; they became early settlers of Muscatine Co., and he became the first Postmaster of Wilton. In 1857, in company with Dennis Mahanna, Mr. Geisler, Sr., engaged in the grocery trade, which he continued until about a year previous to his death, in October, 1861, leaving a widow with two sons; the youngest, J. L., was born in Wilton, May 17, 1857; after receiving a liberal education at the schools of his native town, in January, 1875, he entered the bank of J. L. Reed; remained for one year, then in the Farmers' & Citizens' Bank, until June, 1878; the Union Bank was established that year, since which he has acted as Cashier; March 14 of the present year, he was appointed Secretary of the White Pigeon Fire and Lightning Insurance Company. A member of the Grace Reformed Church. Independent in politics.

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