Muscatine County Iowa

Here is what the abbreviations in the bios stand for: far: farm; Co.: company or county; dir: dealer; IVA: Iowa Volunteer Artillery; IVC: Iowa Volunteer Cavalry; IVI: Iowa Volunteer Infantry; P.O.: Post Office; S. or Sec.: section; and st.: street.

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Biographical Section, 1879, page 671

PHILIP DARE, retired; resides Sixth street, Wilton. Father Dare was born at Hanover, near Frankfort, Germany, 30th October, 1808. His father in early life was a shepherd, but later became possessor of a farm, on which Philip lived until in his 16th year. Was apprenticed to a shoemaker, with whom he served the customary three years, and worked at journeyman work for nine years; and when 28 years of age, he married Miss Catherine Harighman, who was born in Hanover, Germany, Oct. 13, 1813. After their marriage, having secured license from Government, he engaged in business on his own responsibility in his native town; and continued until June 30, 1837, when they emigrated to America, first making their home in Peter Township, Franklin Co., Penn., where he contiued shoemaking until 1841, when they removed to Bedford Co., near Shellsby, where he purchased a little farm of twenty-five acres, and succeeded in building up for himself a pleasant and happy home, and continued to make shoes for his neighbors there until the spring of 1856, when their eldest daughter having married and removed to Iowa, they were persuaded to dispose of their home and come West. He purchased forty acres of land near his daughter, in Sugar Creek Township, Cedar Co., where they remained until October, 1872, when they removed to Wilton. Mr. and Mrs. D. had four daughters, three still living----Catherine, born in Germany March 7, 1834; she became the wife of Aaron Christman, a native of Pennsylvania and came to Iowa, Cedar Co., the fall of 1855; she died October 10, 1866, leaving four children; her husband outlived her but four years. Mary M., born in Pennsylvania, March 30, 1850, consequently 17 years of age on coming to Iowa, and was married within three months of her arrival to Michael Witmer, of Cedar Co., now deceased. Wilhelmina E., born July 28, 1842, and married Jacob Miller, of Cedar Co., and Susanna R., born July 14, 1846, the wife of Theodore Porter, all of whom are residents and prosperous farmers of Sugar Creek Tp., and have made the old people the grandparents of twenty-two children. Members of the U. B. Church, as were all the children before their marriage, some of whom have joined other churches with their husbands.

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