Muscatine County Iowa

Here is what the abbreviations in the bios stand for: far: farm; Co.: company or county; dir: dealer; IVA: Iowa Volunteer Artillery; IVC: Iowa Volunteer Cavalry; IVI: Iowa Volunteer Infantry; P.O.: Post Office; S. or Sec.: section; and st.: street.

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, Biographical Section, 1879, page 670

LUKE COCKSHOOT, far., Sec. 17; P. O. Wilton; was born in Manchester, England, March 22, 1801; lived on a farm until 14 or 15 years of age, when he was apprenticed to a velvet-maker, with whom he remained for six years, receiving as a compensation for his services one-half of all he made. He then married Margaret Manchester, who was born in Manchester, England, in 1807, and, soon after, emigrated to America, Columbiana Co., Penn., where he taught country school in the Scotch settlements for four years; thence to Pittsburgh, where he engaged in the mercantile business for fifteen years in the same store; in the spring of 1856, they came to Iowa, this county, and settled where he now resides; and owns 360 acres of land, valued at $55 per acre, having, on first coming to Iowa, acted as Government Land Agent and entered a great amount of land in this and other counties. They have three children, all born in Pittsburgh----Mary is the wife of Obed Vandike, of Tama Co., a farmer; Andrew and James Townly are at home.

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