Listed by name and amount of acreage in each parcel owned |
F. G. Giesenhaus Jr. 6 |
C. Kleindolph 5 |
Fred Geisenhaus 57 |
Mary F. and Winfield Berry 79 |
Irena Anderson 53.50 |
W. H. and M. E. Browning 60 |
James Weed 97.80 |
J. Soltwedel 18.65 |
Bernhart Korte 21 |
G. Stiles 15.50 |
Maggie Haney 30 |
S. Hantsch 10 |
Jacob Horr 39 |
John Shell 15.50 |
J. Anderson 10 |
A. Smalley 34.25 (Island) |
Chas. Kleindolph 15.26 (Island) |
Jesse Brogan 2 (Island), 2.50 (Island), 18 (Island) |
Elizabeth Banks 9.44 (Island), 36.87 |
Joa. Bidney 8.50 (Island) |
Hershey Lumber Co. 2 (Islands), 12.20, 48, 48, 19.60, 40 |
Robt. Welch 54.30, 169.50, 60 |
A. J. Hare 100 (Geneva School) |
John Starke 20, 26, 76 |
F. Rode 40.50 |
A. Rode 54.66 |
W. Johnson 15 |
Jul. R. Bansworth 20 |
S. L. Carter 10 |
W. H. Carter 10 |
J. H. Harris 5 |
A. Tunison and Mary Roy 10 |
J. Carscadden Trustee 10 |
Carl Dipple 63 |
Eliza Timm 47 |
******* |
E. H. 10 |
R. B. 14 |
Hare Est. 14.30 |
Gus Schmidt 10 |
Fred Giesenhaus 47.70, 5.50, 10 |
Giesenhaus Jr. 10, 47, 40 |
Chas. Kliendolph 10 |
John Stark 30 |
T. M. Winnemore 10 |
C. E. Sinnet 10 |
J. Hofman and M. Hend 13.95 |
T. Kaufman 13.95 |
Jacob Lorentz 13.95, 13.95 |
Chris Freyermuth 13.95 |
Mary Grete 22.19 |
D. S. 10 |
Jesse Brogan 37.80, 31.20, 24.06 |
B. K. Wintermute 12 |
W. A. Heinley 40.76, 43.60, 30.66, 19.54 |
W. H. Heinley 32.70, 10 |
E. A. Hershey 4.50 |
M. Haverkamp 5 |
M. Leu 5.5 |
J. E. Heinley 5 |
Carl Hagemeister 21.62 |
August Kormeman 27.20 |
Hershey Lumber Co. 10 |
Hy. Fuller 36.70, 46.70 |
******* |
Hy. Lamp 15, 15, 15, 40 |
Sherman Springer 35, 40 |
C. H. Carstensen 50 |
Ruth McDonald 74.10 |
H. Carstensen 38 |
Chas. Ristore 40, 20 |
Hy. Eckhardt 59 |
Frank Nesselbush 100, 33.50 |
C. Silverman 19 |
Ed. Maher 37.40 |
McDonald, Silverman and Moore 16 |
John Pantel 120 |
Franz Pantel 10, 92 |
Adam Brossart 120, 4.22 |
W. A. Heinley 30, 45.70, 42.90, 42.90, 4 |
Schroeder and Zoller 240.80 |
W. H. Heinley 11, 5 |
Michael Hunn 20.76, 6.72 |
John Feustel 30.60, 4.70, 4.70, 4.70, 210 |
A. John Dolliman 6.72, 18.75, 13 |
Jas. B. Bennett 12.60 (Depot) |
J. S. Shellhorn 17.67, 40, 40 (cem. on prop.) |
John Sherry 40 |
Phillip Hunn 61, 7.50, 7.50, 7.23 |
Josiah M. Day 20, 20, 139 (Union school), 169, 2.81 (Island), 160 |
Leah Campbell 20 |
Michael Schultz 15, 56.25, 69.72, 30 |
F. W. 5 |
Geo. Mochmore 20, 16.25 |
Geo. Schmidt 135.89, 293 |
J. H. Keck 78.10 |
John H. Mohnssen 90.87, 61.92 |
John Sywassink 30, 16.80, 16.80, 16.80, 80 |
Anneha Proctor 50.48 |
Edward Proctor 50.40, 15 |
J. C. Franklin 20.40 |
John E. Franklin 48.10 |
Jos. Brussart 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 |
Arthur C. Brandt 158 (New Era Church) |
Fred Altenbernd 80, 20 |
John C. Kemper 120, 80 |
S. J. Franklin 40 |
Daniel Gatton 100 |
M. Franklin 60 |
James Featherston 160, 38.50 |
Fredrick Paul 160 |
Heinrich Ficke 40 |
Aug. Pantel 80, 60, 37 |
Wm. Pantel 80, 80, 87 |
Ludwig Brei 80, 80 |
John Bersch 48, 80, 40 |
M. A. 5 |
Geo. Grete 62, 19, 5, 35 (Highland School), 20, 10, 5.50, 80 |
Geo. and A. Grete 27.75, 12, 70, 10, 20 |
Frank Sohn 20, 10 |
C. Klipper 10 |
F. M. Batchelor 20 |
Frank Van Camp 20, 13.85, 160, 80 |
Peter |
Gettert 40, 33.50, 120 (M.E.Church), 120 |
Claud Hanson 14.75 |
Kate E. Fromme 107.90 |
Thos. McEvoy 40, 40 |
A. and L.Grete 40 |
E. F. D. Kelly 10 |
Elmus Day 20, 10, 160 |
E. R. and N. Sherfey 60, 40 |
H. A. Holtz 40, 40 |
C. M. Sabbath 49, 10 |
John K. Freeland 6, 31.05 |
David Robinson 20, 40, 26.50 |
John Nestor 19.50, 38.50 |
Chris Cambel 67.35 |
Jas. Sinkler 12.45 |
Christiana Soltwedel 80 |
John Soltwedel 40 |
John Starke 40 |
Henrietta and John Rohr 80 |
Herman TeStrake 120 |
Geo. H. and Maggie F. Brogan 40 |
Emma Briggs 40 |
Thos. F. Richardson 40 |
Julius R. Farnsworth 80 |
J. W. and J. S. Garnes 80 |
J. W. and J. G. Garnes 40 |
Alex Kennedy 40 |
Willard Battey 38.50 |
Emma C. Battey 38.50 |
Hy. W. Moore 20, 54.26, 9.50, 34.46 |
G. L. Winnemore 55.25 |
Mary L. Alice and Harry C. Battey 39.50 |
Jennie Whitcomb 15.50., 18.65 |
J. S. Stiles 18.33 |
M. C. Stuble 76 |
J. Spooner 6 |
Isabella Sinnett 44.27, 22.50, 14.06 |
F. A. Duffield 20, 8 |
Jay Van Vranken 67 |
Jacob Schaffnetzel 143.25 |
Ludwig Fischer 96.50, 1.80 |
E. S. 1.50 |
T. M. Winnemore 87.60 |
Wm. Bush 23.15 |
C. S. Burnside 20, 20 |
Frank B. Burnside 20 |
Jac. Norcross 29.50 |
Chas. J. Norcross 49 |
Agnes Houdeck 70.72 |
Wm. Miller 40 |
Geo. H. Brogan 40 |
Chas. Kleindolph 120 |
Christian Klepper 160 |
Joseph Taylor 80 |
Sidney L. Carter 110 |
W. H. Carter 96, 49.50 |
Alfred H. Klepper 80 |
Fred'k Nolte 80 |
John N. Newman 62 |
David Robinson 162.02 |
Silas C. Pierson 40 |
Anton and Andrew Bersch 50 |
Georgia A. Berkshire 83.12 |
Martha Staufer 40, 20 |
Anton Bersch 40 |
Hiram and W.; Emma Eitens Goddard 120 |
Wm. Sanders 120 |
Eliz. Haman 40 |
John O. Holtz 80, 240 |
Claus Hansen 80 (cemetery) |
John Brase 42, 40, 20 |
Elizabeth Goddard 79 (Mt. Grove School) |
Martin N. Goddard 80 |
Daniel Sauer 95 |
T. M. Batchelor 105, 35 |
M. Paul 80 |
Margaret Bodgin 40 |
Noah Dusenberry 40 (Pine Bluff School), 32 |
Margaret Higgins 110 |
Fred Welsch 5, 40, 19 |
John Hocke 141 |
John H. Funck 40 |
D. M. Funck 20 |
Mary Sickman 20 |
N. Dowdal 14.50 |
A. J. Wood 80.54 |
M. E. and A. M. Pinkham 23, 80 |
Wm. G. Wood 58 1/2 |
James A. Carter 42.50 |
Rebecca J. Diedrich 80 |
Christian K. Winnemore 80 |
Wm. Bush Jr. 80 |
Alfred Tunison 40 |
S. D. Haifleigh 40 |
E. S. King 80 |
Alex Kennedy Est. 160 |
Julius R. Farnsworth 100 |
Elma C. Hoag 140 |
Kiple Van Camp 60, 160, 78 (M.B.A. Hall on Prop) School and P.O. |
Clark A. Miller 40, 40, 80 |
Wm. Kramer 200, 40 |
Dav. Robinson 37 1/2 |
Cemetery 1.50 |
C. H. Kelley Est. 40, 200, 40, 240 |
John Aldinger 40, 76 |
Isabella W. Merry 80 |
E. Y. Pace 150 |
Dan Sauer 80 |
Geo. C. Nyenhuis 80 |
Wm. Brownwell 40, 60, 220 |
Fred Welsch 40, 40 |
Wm. Holling 80, 80, 375 |
August Jesse 120 |
Frank Bermel 112, 56 |
Geo. Alteneder 80 |
Christian Altenbernd 80 |
August Henke 88, 44 |
D. A. Cole 80 |
N. B. Cole 80, 100 |
Chas. M. Patterson 160, 80 |
Jas. Rosborough Est. 80 |
Dudley S. Marsh 80 (spring on prop) |
G. West 1 |
J. B. Jester 69.25 (Mill creamery on prop) |
C. W. 1 |
John N. Newman 82 |
Joseph Taylor 160 |
Gustave Martz 160 |
L. L. Lane 240 |
Henry Gettert 120 |
August Kiechner 83 |
Peter Bermal 77 |
L. C. Horan 160 |
Marg. Ann Will 88 |
James Maher 51 |
Miles O. Stanwood 80 |
Julius A. Covell 39.50 |
Mary V. Blanchard 102 |
James Davis 199 |
Louis Plitt 197.59 |
Jeremiah O'Connor 160, 146.50 |
Jacob Gettert 160 |
John O'Connor 13.50 |
Frank Kelly 160 (Plesant Valley School) |
Geo. W. Freeland 120 |
W. S. Hafleigh 40 |
Christian Kaufman 80 |
Peter Kaufman 80 |
John Kaufman 80 |
Harvey Tunison 160 |
Christian Fick 80 |
Charles Knapp 80 |
David P. Kelley 80 |
John J. Vance 80, 20 |
Richard J. Vance 80, 105 |
Samuel C. Kelley 80, 159 |
M. Ray 1 |
Greeley Bentley and Bulah Bell 114 (Church) |
J. Carscadden Trustee 120 |
August Lebrecht Paul 200 (Cemetery) |
Chas. M. Patterson 79 (Melpine School) |
August Martz 80 |
Parsonage 1 |
G. Albee 60, 40 |
August Paul Jr. 100 |
T. A. Eis 40 |
Sabina Wintermute 60 |