Much thanks to Charlene Nichols Hixon who submitted this information in October, 2008.

Surnames N - Z

Miles, Direction
from Post Office
No. of Yrs
Lived in County
Naftsger, P Wapsinonoc Non-resident --- 80 ---
Negus, Est Bloomington Muscatine 4 n 70 33
Negus, J Bloomington Muscatine 4 n 20 28
Neitz, G Fulton Stockton 1 sw 200 14
Nelson, Frank Pike Nichols --- 80 27
Nelson, Jas Orono Conesville 2 s 345 30
Nelson, S Sweetland Muscatine 9 ne 80 48
Nelson, T Goshen Non-resident --- 80 ---
Nester, J Sweetland Muscatine 5 1/2 ne 60 ---
Nester, M Bloomington Muscatine 2 1/2 w 84 30
Nestlebush, F Sweetland Muscatine 7 ne 120 15
Newkirk, W Bloomington Muscatine 4 sw 52 14
Newton, Thos Pike Nichols 4 s 180 34
Nge, M W Wilton Pleasant Prairie 2 sw 340 38
Nichols, B F Pike Nichols --- 911 44
Nichols, C B Wapsinonoc West Liberty 6 sw 80 25
Nichols, C M Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 1/2 sw 160 31
Nichols, D A Wapsinonoc West Liberty 6 sw 160 31
Nichols, D A Wapsinonoc West Liberty 6 sw 160 31
Nichols, Geo Wapsinonoc West Liberty 6 sw 93 28
Nichols, H Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 1/2 sw 80 30
Nichols, Ira Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 1/2 w 354 31
Nichols, Isaac Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 1/2 sw 160 ---
Nichols, J J Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 1/2 sw 300 29
Nichols, J P Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 w 180 29
Nichols, Phineas Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 w 360 31
Nichols, Plimy Wapsinonoc West Liberty 6 sw 587 28
Nichols, T Bloomington Muscatine 2 sw 130 19
Nichols, Townsend Pike Chicago --- 2392 44
Nichols, W Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 1/2 sw 80 29
Nicholson, V F Fulton Blue Grass 3 nw 204 30
Nicola, Isabel Pike Nichols 3 ne 40 24
Nicola, John Pike Nichols 3 ne 146 34
Niettman, F Bloomington Muscatine 2 1/2 sw 91 30
Ninabor, F Fulton Stockton 2 1/2 se 80 20
Noland, S & EG Pike Conesville --- 160 3
Nolind, L Orono Conesville 3 1/2 ne 140 18
Noll, Adam Wilton Wilton 3/4 w 40 1
Noll, Anna Lake Muscatine 6 1/2 nw 260 17
Nolte, F Bloomington Muscatine 3 n 180 7
Nolte, Fred Wilton Wilton 1/4 s 720 37
Nolte, H Wilton Wilton 3 1/2 se 195 19
Noreros, J Sweetland Muscatine 5 ne 30 3
Norton, C W Fulton Wilton --- 480 ---
Norton, Silvia Wilton Wilton 6 se 60 14
Nugent, Jas Montpelier Montpelier 3 nw 150 16
Nugent, Jas Fulton Blue Grass 2 s 120 20
Null, Henry Goshen West Liberty --- 80 40
Nuller, J B Est Goshen Atalissa 5 sw 50 ---
Nuted, C Fulton --- rented 160 ---
Nye, Alfred Fulton Stockton 10 sw 500 46
Nye, Mose Wilton --- --- --- ---
Nyens, Nick Bloomington Muscatine --- 80 ---
Oberman, K Pike Non-resident --- 160 ---
O'Brien, D Seventy-six Lettsville 4 ne 140 5
O'Brien, J Seventy-six Lettsville 3 1/2 n 200 33
O'Brien, P Seventy-six Muscatine 10 w 360 33
O'Connor, Dad Fulton Davenport --- 80 ---
O'Connor, John Wilton Sweetland 3 nw 80 20
O'Connor, W decd Wilton Sweetland 3 1/2 nw 100 ---
Oepping, Fred Moscow Atalissa 2 1/2 e 450 35
Olds, G Pike Nichols --- 240 46
Olds, L W Pike Muscatine --- --- ---
Orcutt, C D Fulton Stockton 1 1/4 w 160 ---
Osbom, H B Wapsinonoc West Liberty 2 s 10 14
Osbom, J Wapsinonoc Non-resident --- 80 ---
Othmer, W Seventy-six Muscatine 8 w 200 39
Oto, C Bloomington Muscatine 2 1/4 n 118 4
Ott, B Wilton Non-resident --- 440 ---
Overman, Cyrus Goshen Atalissa 1 sw 352 37
Overton, Viraginia S Fulton New York --- 640 ---
Owen, Ira Orono Conesvill 2 1/4 ne 190 11
Oxley, Daniel Goshen Atalissa 2 w 156 4
Pace, M P Sweetland Muscatine --- 360 49
Page, Chas Bloomington Muscatine 1 1/2 w 70 31
Page, W P Bloomington Muscatine 2 n 74 27
Parker, E Moscow Atalissa --- 80 17
Parker, L Goshen Atalissa 2 ne 120 17
Parks, E Wapsinonoc West Liberty 4 1/2 s 78 28
Parks, G Bloomington Muscatine 6 n 253 32
Parks, J C Wapsinonoc West Liberty 4 1/2 s 82 28
Parmalee, J Bloomington Muscatine 4 s 160 5
Parr, Amanda Fulton Pleasant Prairie 1 se 10 48
Parry, J Goshen Atalissa 2 1/2 sw 120 30
Parry, L Goshen Atalissa 2 1/2 sw 120 30
Parsons, J Seventy-six Lettsville 2 n 120 39
Passmore, Ed Pike Adams 3 1/2 ne 85 28
Patterson, L L Sweetland Sweetland 4 ne 140 51
Patterson, Rose --- --- --- 120 ---
Paul, A Jr Fulton Pleasant Prairie 3 s 80 25
Paul, August Montpelier Pleasant Prairie 2 nw 260 30
Paul, Fredric Montpelier Pleasant Prairie 3 nw 340 32
Paulson, P Fulton Stockton 2 1/4 s 120 1
Pease, E Bloomington Muscatine 4 sw 40 40
Peaseley, E C Sweetland Muscatine 5 ne 40 ---
Peasley, Chas L Bloomington Muscatine 4 ne 209 30
Peck, J Wapsinonoc West Liberty 4 s 87 11
Pelton, J Goshen Atalissa 3 sw 30 21
Perry, H Wilton Wilton --- 57 ---
Person, A M Wilton Durant 1 1/4 sw 160 26
Peters, L Wapsinonoc West Liberty 1 3/4 s 158 20
Peterson, Max D Fulton Davenport --- 560 ---
Philips, E Wapsinonoc West Liberty 4 sw 90 40
Philips, Geo W Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 se 180 40
Philips, M Wapsinonoc West Liberty 2 se 120 35
Philips, M Wapsinonoc West Liberty 1 1/2 s 80 ---
Philips, N M Wapsinonoc West Liberty 4 sw 140 45
Philips, Wm Wapsinonoc West Liberty 2 1/2 sw 120 45
Phillips, James Seventy-six Muscatine --- 102 ---
Pigman, j Sweetland Sweetland 5 ne 160 ---
Pigman, J J Montpelier Pleasant Prairie 4 w 280 40
Pilgrim, John Moscow Muscatine 8 n 160 19
Ping, B G Orono Conesville 1 1/2 s 160 8
Pingrey, J H Wilton Wilton --- 520 28
Pipert, J Wilton Wilton 2 s 80 ---
Platt, C E Bloomington Muscatine 2 sw 70 26
Plessy, P Seventy-six Muscatine 6 w 136 31
Plitt, Louis Sweetland Muscatine 8 ne 160 ---
Plumback, J Fulton Davenport --- 120 ---
Plumley, N Goshen Atalissa --- 40 20
Plumley, Sarah Goshen Atalissa --- 40 20
Pollock, Thos Pike Adams --- 534 ---
Pool, M Z Pike West Liberty 5 sw 80 19
Pool, Wm S Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 1/2 sw 200 31
Porter, Ruth --- Non-resident --- 260 ---
Potter, J Wapsinonoc West Liberty s 18 17
Poutel, I Sweetland Muscatine 7 ne 120 23
Preston, Flora Pike Non-resident --- 235 ---
Price, J O Bloomington Muscatine 2 1/4 n 72 9
Prien, John Montpelier Blue Grass 3 sw 80 15
Pringey, Amus D Goshen Atalissa --- 80 80
Pringey, J Goshen Atalissa --- 340 35
Probst, S Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 sw 100 15
Purcell, Alfred Bloomington Muscatine 2 1/2 w 104 36
Purcell, J N Sweetland Muscatine 4 ne 80 35
Purvis, J M Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 1/2 w 246 32
Quimby, S Orono Conesville 3 n 77 25
Quimby, Wm Pike Nichols 4 sw 80 20
Rahe, Copeland Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 s 160 30
Rankin, B B Lake Muscatine 5 sw 10 31
Raub, W H Sweetland Sweetland 3 ne 416 29
Raynor, John Witon Wilton 3 1/2 e 162 28
Reed, Hugh Goshen West Liberty 5 se 160 28
Reed, J Seventy-six Muscatine 8 sw 25 20
Reed, T Bloomington Muscatine 6 n 80 24
Reiner, A Fulton Pleasant Prairie 1/4 w 120 14
Reiners, J Fulton Pleasant Prairie --- 120 7
Reinert, E Montpelier Montpelier 3 1/2 nw 85 25
Reinert, Fred Montpelier Montpelier 3 1/2 nw 85 28
Reinert, Peter Montpelier Montpelier 3 1/2 nw 350 32
Reinsink, G W Est Lake Muscatine 5 1/2 nw 110 5
Reisson, J C Fulton Walcott 2 3/4 sw 160 15
Reisson, Jurgen Fulton Walcott 2 sw 160 15
Reld, J Est --- --- --- 400 ---
Remers, E Wilton Durant --- 100 2
Rensick, Wm Wilton Sweetland 4 1/2 ne 80 25
Rensick, Wm Wilton Sweetland 5 ne 80 32
Repsom, W Sweetland Muscatine ne 52 27
Resley, M Moscow Moscow 2 w 200 30
Reynold, P Est Wapsinonoc West Liberty --- 90 ---
Rice, J W Lake Muscatine 5 nw 340 29
Richardson, I Sweetland Muscatine 4 1/2 ne 80 25
Richman, A Sweetland Muscatine 4 1/2 e 63 14
Richman, J S Bloomington Muscatine 2 1/2 n 167 32
Riggs, D M Seventy-six Muscatine 8 w 80 30
Riggs, J S Seventy-six Muscatine 8 w 804 30
Riggs, J W Seventy-six Muscatine 8 w 40 30
Riggs, Mrs Cedar Lettsville 3 nw 80 32
Riggs, W M Seventy-six Muscatine 8 w 80 30
Riggs, W M Lake Muscatine 8 w 80 35
Right, Wilson Seventy-six Muscatine --- 190 ---
Rininsland, Frank Wilton Wilton 2 1/2 s 80 22
Rininsland, John Wilton Wilton 2 1/2 s 80 26
Rininsland, Peter Wilton Wilton 2 1/2 s 90 31
Rininsland, Rose Wilton Wilton 2 1/2 w 30 22
Roberts, Dan'l Sweetland Muscatine 3 ne 143 3
Robinson, D Sweetland Muscatine 6 ne 227 12
Robinson, Geo W Montpelier Montpelier 3/4 w 307 8
Robshaw, Ann Goshen West Liberty 6 se 160 34
Robshaw, R J Goshen West Liberty 6 se 120 23
Robshaw, Thos Wapsinonoc West Liberty --- 80 30
Rock, E Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 1/2 s 80 39
Rock, E Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 1/2 s 80 36
Rodder, John Fulton Stockton 1/4 s 80 13
Rodes, I W Wapsinonoc West Liberty 6 sw 80 20
Rogers, Mary Wilton Durant 4 s 80 35
Rogers, Mathew Wilton Durant 4 sw 80 28
Rolf, A F Fulton Walcott 3 1/4 sw 80 2
Rollock, John Goshen Atalissa 4 sw 10 ---
Rolwland, Widow Bloomington Muscatine 1 1/2 nw 3 30
Romain, C D Wapsinonoc West Liberty 2 3/4 sw 100 28
Romain, J D Wapsinonoc West Liberty 2 1/4 w 225 44
Roman, A Wilton Wilton 2 1/2 s 160 29
Roman, C Wapsinonoc West Liberty 2 3/4 sw 80 32
Romig, M J Wilton Wilton 5 se 160 30
Roseborough, James Sweetland Sweetland 2 1/2 3 134 3/4 36
Ross, P G Wilton Davenport --- 160 ---
Rost, Melchior Wilton Wilton 4 sw 80 15
Roth, J Bloomington Muscatine 4 sw 160 9
Roupe, Geo Wilton Muscatine --- 400 ---
Rowan, Mary Montpelier Montpelier --- 13 2
Rowe, D L Moscow Atalissa 3 e 239 26
Rowe, E H Fulton Non-resident w 150 ---
Rowe, J Goshen Atalissa --- 40 ---
Rowland, W Bloomington Muscatine 2 1/2 nw 45 27
Roy, Mary A Wilton Sweetland 3 n 210 30
Roy, Wm H Wilton Sweetland 3 n 200 25
Ruess, John Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 1/4 sw 260 31
Ruff, K Wilton Wilton 2 1/2 s 80 ---
Runyons, T F Seventy-six Lettsville 2 n 80 25
Russel, M Sweetland Muscatine 5 ne 60 28
Russel, M Sweetland Muscatine 6 ne 60 12
Russell, Jno Wilton Sweetland 3 nw 122 28
Ryan, D Seventy-six Lettsville 4 ne 120 25
Ryan, Jas Wilton Sweetland 3 1/2 ne 240 24
Ryan, Jas Pike Nichols 2 sw 22- 31
Ryan, Thos Wilton Sweetland 4 ne 160 34
Ryan, Thos Pike Nichols 2 1/2 s 80 1
Saager, J Lake Muscatine 5 nw 178 11
Salterett, J & W Lake Muscatine 7 nw 357 37
Saltweddle, John Sweetland Muscatine 5 1/2 ne 80 5
Sander, C Lake Muscatine 3 1/2 w 105 17
Sanders, J Bloomington Muscatine 4 1/2 n 58 12
Sanders, Wm Pike Adams --- 80 40
Satterwaite, G Bloomington Muscatine 8 n 160 30
Sauer, Dan Sweetland Muscatine 8 sw 85 10
Sauer, Melchior Pike Nichols 2 ne 100 10
Saweman, Wm Montpelier Blue Grass 2 w 60 16
Sawer Est Bloomington Muscatine 3 1/2 sw 127 28
Schaab, M Lake Muscatine 6 nw 472 19
Scheilds, G Bloomington Muscatine 5 nw 70 26
Schellabarger, J M Seventy-six Lettsville 4 n 200 32
Schenk, J F Wapsinonoc Downey 2 1/4 sw 60 39
Schiele, Julius Montpelier Montpelier 2 ne 260 26
Schindler, C Seventy-six Muscatine 8 1/2 w 117 30
Schmalz, E Bloomington Fruitland 1/2 e 80 6
Schmidt, A Moscow Atalissa 2 1/2 e 245 26
Schmidt, F Wapsinonoc Non-resident --- 160 ---
Schmidt, Geo Sweetland Fairport 1 e 419 19
Schmidt, Wm Fulton Blue Grass 3 w 120 2
Schmitt, Geo Pike Nichols 3 1/2 nw 160 17
Schnider, Simon Wilton Wilton 2 1/2 s 180 16
Schoenig, H Sweetland Muscatine 8 ne 80 10
Schonberg, Jno C Pike Nichols 3 1/2 sw 370 31
Schrader, C Fulton Pleasant Prairie 3 ne 160 11
Schrader, J D Fulton Blue Grass 3 nw 320 12
Schuartz, L Lake Muscatine 8 nw 57 10
Schuesler, W Bloomington Muscatine 5 nw 123 8
Schuffer, Lewis Montpelier Pleasant Prairie 3 se 40 7
Schuirman, N Wapsinonoc Nichols 3 1/2 nw 160 20
Schultz, J Bloomington Muscatine 4 sw 55 30
Schultz, M Goshen Muscatine --- 80 24
Schwalin, H Bloomington Muscatine 3 1/2 nw 267 29
Scott, J Est Lake Muscatine 9 nw 143 20
Scrader, H Fulton Pleasant Prairie 3 ne 160 10
Seauright, Wm Bloomington Muscatine 4 sw 80 15
See, Wm F Goshen West Liberty 2 1/2 e 270 4
Segler, J J Lake Muscatine 10 w 149 ---
Segler, J P Lake Muscatine 10 w 320 32
Seibke, Mart Fulton Walcott 2 1/2 sw 240 15
Shafcut, Geo F Moscow Moscow 1 1/2 nw 513 33
Shafutt Bloomington Muscatine 4 nw 50 ---
Shanglinesy, C O Wilton Wilton 6 se 80 25
Shangter, C Est Lake Muscatine 5 nw 160 ---
Shannon, J Pike West Liberty 4 sw 80 28
Sharp, T Bloomington Muscatine 3 n 33 20
Shellabarger, D M Cedar Lettsville 6 nw 120 38
Shellabarger, J W Cedar Lettsville 6 nw 130 38
Shepard, C Bloomington Muscatine 1 1/2 se 4 14
Shepard, P Bloomington Muscatine 4 sw 110 11
Sherfey, J Est Sweetland Muscatine 6 ne 320 45
Sherwood, A Lake Muscatine 5 1/2 nw 112 13
Shields, G Bloomington Muscatine 4 nw 270 9
Shoonover, B & Wid Fulton Stockton 2 sw 135 35
Shulte, Chas Moscow Atalissa --- 245 22
Shumaker, S Bloomington --- 3 w 69 ---
Silverthon, A D Fulton Pleasant Prairie 1/2 w 175 45
Simpson, J Seventy-six Muscatine 9 w 440 46
Simpson, W R Lake Muscatine 9 nw 46 30
Singleton, M Orono Conesville --- 40 ---
Sinnett, Sam'l Bloomington Muscatine 2 n 260 40
Sissel, W Fulton Pleasant Prairie 1 1/2 nw 80 34
Skiles, J F Fulton Walcott 3 1/4 sw 160 30
Slater, R A Pike Nichols 2 1/2 se 80 17
Sliehl, C Pike Muscatine --- 160 ---
Smalley, AJ & WD Seventy-six Muscatine 5 w 245 32
Smalley, S Seventy-six Muscatine 8 w 160 46
Smalley, S Bloomington Muscatine 1 s 1100 45
Smith & Jud Wapsinonoc West Liberty 2 nw 137 7
Smith, Berry N Goshen Atalissa 1 nw 120 30
Smith, D K Bloomington Muscatine 3 1/2 sw 40 5
Smith, EH & TD Wilton Muscatine --- 160 ---
Smith, Geo Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 1/4 sw 92 19
Smith, H G Bloomington Muscatine 2 n 15 31
Smith, H G Bloomington Muscatine 5 n 80 30
Smith, Hans Cedar Lettsville 5 ne 200 16
Smith, J L Goshen Atalissa 5 sw 145 29
Smith, J V Est Goshen --- --- 90 ---
Smith, James Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 1/2 se 375 33
Smith, James S Wapsinonoc West Liberty 6 se 310 28
Smith, Jas P Pike Adams 1 sw 200 30
Smith, Jerrett Est Goshen --- --- 40 ---
Smith, John Goshen West Liberty 6 se 290 35
Smith, John H Montpelier Pleasant Prairie 3 nw 80 14
Smith, John Jr Montpelier Pleasant Prairie 3 nw 40 14
Smith, M C Bloomington Muscatine 4 1/2 n 80 37
Smith, Nathan Goshen Atalissa 4 sw 240 23
Smith, Peter Bloomington Muscatine 4 n 120 8
Smith, T D Bloomington Muscatine 4 1/2 sw 227 29
Smith, W W Moscow Moscow 4 sw 170 42
Smith, Wm Pike Nichols 5 sw 160 9
Smurr, E Montpelier Montpelier 3/4 w 56 20
Sneer, C Bloomington Muscatine 3 nw 31 1
Snider, J Cedar Lettsville 3 1/2 nw 50 13
Snyder, J M Seventy-six Muscatine 9 1/2 w 104 31
Snyder, S B Seventy-six Lettsville 5 1/2 n 126 31
Soenke, Peter Fulton Walcott 2 1/2 sw 160 2
Sohn, G Sweetland Muscatine 6 1/2 ne 30 15
Sohsen, John Fulton Blue Grass 1 1/2 w 125 19
Spalding, John Goshen Atalissa 2 1/2 s 40 11
Sppilger, Nicholas Goshen Atalissa 1 1/2 sw 80 4
Spring, W & SD Bloomington Muscatine 5 n 320 30
Springer, G Bloomington Muscatine 3 n 80 22
Ssherfey Est Sweetland Muscatine 6 ne 388 46
Stafford, J Est --- --- --- 61 ---
Stamler, F Seventy-six Muscatine 9 w 101 7
Stanley, U Bloomington Muscatine 4 n 20 22
Starke, J Bloomington Muscatine 2 nw 50 5
Stecker, F Montpelier Pleasant Prairie 2 sw 240 ---
Stecker, M Montpelier Pleasant Prairie 1 1/4 s 80 30
Stein, S Bloomington Muscatine --- 160 ---
Sterns, J M Goshen West Liberty 3 3/4 se 87 4
Stigers, A Fulton Blue Grass 3 1/2 nw 120 28
Stigers, L N Fulton Walcott 5 sw 120 33
Stigers, M L Fulton Walcott 5 sw 80 30
Stiles, J Sweetland Muscatine 2 12 ne 65 30
Stolenburg, H Fulton Stockton 1/4 w 160 ---
Stoltenburg, Henry Fulton Walcott --- 400 ---
Storus, S Cedar Lettsville 4 1/2 nw 360 46
Stoufer, Martha Wilton Muscatine --- 100 36
Stratton, J J Fulton Pleasant Prairie 1 nw 240 28
Stronner, A Fulton Pleasant Prairie at P O 160 18
Stucker, Caroline Goshen Atalissa 2 1/2 se 150 25
Stucker, R P Goshen Atalissa 1 se 87 17
Stutsman, A Bloomington Muscatine 5 1/2 n 80 15
Stutsman, W Bloomington Muscatine 5 n 80 20
Sullivan Wapsinonoc Timothy 4 nw 280 ---
Sumner, P H Pike Muscatine --- 240 ---
Swain, M Goshen Atalissa 3 se 123 15
Swassink, J W Seventy-six Muscatine 7 w 110 30
Swickard, Marg Est Pike Nichols --- 900 ---
Tarky, John Orono Conesville 3 1/4 nw 212 22
Tarky, Timothy Orono Conesville 2 1/2 nw 40 23
Taylor, E Cedar Lettsville 5 nw 100 18
Taylor, J K Fulton Pleasant Prairie 1 1/4 n 80 6
Teisch, E Bloomington Muscatine 4 1/2 n 200 6
Tenfel, J Moscow Muscatine 7 n 100 ---
Terry, I K Wilton Wilton 1 e 400 28
Teters, A Wapsinonoc West Liberty 1 sw 32 15
Tewksberry, E H Bloomington Muscatine 4 sw 80 15
Thiesson, P Fulton Stockton 2 s 120 1
Thoenston, B Bloomington Muscatine 2 s 90 24
Thomas, Hiram Wapsinonoc West Liberty --- 13 9
Thomas, Jas Lake Muscatine 10 w 293 18
Thompson, H Est Wapsinonoc West Liberty 4 sw 97 ---
Thompson, J D Wilton Wilton 3 s 40 12
Thompson, Jas Wilton Wilton 3 se 40 18
Thompson, L Bloomington Muscatine 5 1/2 n 82 15
Thone, Anton Montpelier Montpelier 1 1/2 nw 250 20
Thone, Frank Montpelier Montpelier 3 nw 370 25
Thorp, E S Wapsinonoc West Liberty 2 sw 100 15
Tice, B F Bloomington Muscatine 4 nw 50 30
Ticker, A Bloomington Muscatine 4 nw 70 1
Tight, E Orono Conesville 2 sw 40 7
Timberlake, H Pike West Liberty 5 1/2 se 155 43
Tipton, E R --- ---- --- --- ---
Tipton, T Orono Conesville 1/4 n 200 28
Tipton, Thos --- --- --- --- ---
Todd, C Bloomington Muscatine 3 1/2 n 100 20
Tolle, W Seventy-six Lettsville 4 ne 570 34
Tomeny, P Seventy-six Lettsville 5 ne 40 27
Tough, J Fulton Stockton 3 s 400 16
Townsley, A G Seventy-six Lettsville 5 n 295 41
Townsley, C E Cedar Lettsville 5 nw 260 35
Townsley, C E Cedar Lettsville 4 1/2 nw 50 24
Toyne, J Lake Muscatine 6 nw 130 25
Toyne, W Lake Muscatine 6 nw 120 11
Tracy, V Cedar Muscatine 11 w 240 40
Trahmsky, T Montpelier Montpelier 1 1/2 nw 60 15
Tranper, John Fulton Stockton --- 40 6
Trautman, Ezra Pike Conesville 4 1/2 ne 40 25
Trautman, Phil Est Pike --- --- 160 ---
Trautman, Sarah Pike Conesville 4 ne 120 29
Trerests, John Wapsinonoc Nichols 4 1/2 nw 80 13
Trusty, E Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 1/2 sw 40 21
Tunison, A Sweetland Sweetland 1 1/2 nw 260 ---
Turner, H Lake Muscatine 4 1/2 nw 36 1
Union Bank Wilton Wilton 3 s --- 60
Vaatta, Jas Seventy-six Muscatine 6 w 130 38
Vail, C B Bloomington Muscatine 3 sw 140 ---
Vail, J H Bloomington Fruitland 1 n 140 29
Vail, J M Bloomington Fruitland 3/4 e 180 29
Vallett, Geo Moscow Moscow 2 se 120 38
Vallett, J Bloomington Muscatine 2 n 60 15
Vallett, John Moscow Non-resident --- 20 ---
Vanatta, J B Seventy-six Muscatine 7 w 120 ---
Vanatta, S Seventy-six Muscatine 4 1/2 e 40 48
Vanatta, W Seventy-six Muscatine 4 e 200 48
VanCamp, K Sweetland Sweetland 1 n 445 34
Vance, J Sweetland Deceased --- 100 37
Vance, R J Sweetland Sweetland 2 ne 180 39
VanDoran, J Sweetland Sweetland 1 1/2 n 100 29
VanEna, J Fulton Blue Grass 2 nw 140 20
Vantuyl, Wm Pike Nichols 1 1/2 se 470 16
Vaughn, A Moscow Non-resident --- 140 ---
Verink, B W Cedar Lettsville 7 nw 160 17
Verink, M Cedar Lettsville 5 nw 240 35
Verink, M Cedar Lettsville 6 1/2 nw 40 12
Verry, Wm Wapsinonoc West Liberty 6 3/4 sw 160 15
Vincent, W K Seventy-six Lettsville 1/2 n 353 13
Vodermark, E Lake Muscatine 8 1/2 nw 120 15
Vogle, Adolph Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 sw 160 17
Vogle, F Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 sw 80 17
Vogle, H Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 sw 140 17
Vogt, J Fulton Stockton 2 se 360 22
Wabnitz, C F Seventy-six Lettsville 1/2 n 240 3
Wages, E Fulton Stockton 2 1/2 s 80 17
Waggoner, F Sweetland Muscatine 2 ne 46 7
Waggoner, P Seventy-six Lettsville 3 ne 240 ---
Wagner, H C Montpelier Montpelier 1 1/2 ne 280 17
Wales, J G Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 1/2 se 138 32
Walker, A Goshen Non-resident --- 119 ---
Walker, J G Lake Muscatine 8 w 185 27
Walker, Lewis Moscow Muscatine --- 67 6
Walkins, J G Pike Nichols 3 1/4 se 418 40
Wallace, A Bloomington Muscatine 3 sw 94 40
Wallace, H M Mosc Muscatine 7 n 190 40
Waltham, E Montpelier Pleasant Prairie 2 s 80 26
Warfield, E Bloomington Muscatine 1 1/2 w 145 46
Watkins, R & NF Goshen Atalissa 4 1/2 s 150 4
Watson, A S Goshen West Liberty --- 80 27
Watson, L J Goshen West Liberty 2 1/4 e 85 35
Watson, M Wapsinonoc West Liberty 2 ne 142 1/2 13
Watters, M B Wapsinonoc West Liberty 1 1/2 ne 176 19
Watters, W B Goshen Atalissa 1 ne 120 34
Watters, W P Goshen Atalissa 2 ne 80 30
Watters, W W Est Goshen Atalissa 1 ne 200 ---
Watton, J Lake Muscatine 4 1/2 nw 73 18
Watts, A Goshen Atalissa 2 sw 100 30
Watts, John Montpelier Blue Grass 3 1/2 w 120 33
Weaver, J Cedar Lettsville 6 1/2 nw 80 30
Webb, A A Bloomington Muscatine 4 nw 91 10
Webb, Berry Bloomington Muscatine --- 80 ---
Webster, D D Bloomington Fruitland 1 nw 52 19
Weed, Jas Sweetland Muscatine 1 ne 80 ---
Weed, Jas M D Bloomington Muscatine 1/2 ne 320 47
Wegim, A Seventy-six Muscatine 7 w 668 30
Weikert, Christ Wilton Muscatine 7 n 30 26
Weikert, Conrad Wilton Muscatine 7 n 60 31
Weikert, Sophia Wilton Muscatine 7 n 30 20
Weiler, G Est Pike --- --- 80 ---
Weirhauser, C Sweetland Muscatine 5 ne 80 10
Weirshauser, C --- Muscatine 5 ne 120 3
Weise, Chas Sr Moscow Atalissa --- 463 20
Weise, Peter Wilton Non-resident --- 160 ---
Weise, Wm Goshen Atalissa 2 1/2 se 140 16
Weiss, Geo Goshen Atalissa 2 1/2 sw 240 80
Welb, J A Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3/4 n 186 23
Welch, Julius Montpelier --- --- 240 ---
Welke, A Montpelier Fairport 5 ne 40 6
Wells, Jas A Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 sw 80 4
Wells, L C Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 sw 40 4
Wessen, John Pike West Liberty --- 231 ---
Westbrook, A J Seventy-six Muscatine 10 sw 240 26
Westbrork, A J Seventy-six Muscatine 6 w 80 ---
Westerman, H Orono Conesville 1 s 120 9
White, A W Bloomington Fruitland 1 n 37 18
White, J Lake Muscatine 10 w 80 20
White, J Wapsinonoc West Liberty 1 1/2 se 280 20
White, Owen Bloomington Muscatine 1 1/2 ne 157 20
White, W Bloomington Muscatine --- --- ---
Wicke, Annie Est Moscow Wilton 3 s 200 ---
Wiggins, Lemuel G Wapsinonoc Downey 2 1/2 sw 468 31
Wigim, S Seventy-six Muscatine 7 w 288 35
Wildasin, Amelia Wilton Wilton 1 1/2 se 198 34
Wildasin, Geo Wilton Wilton 1 s 198 34
Wildasin, H Wilton Wilton 1 s 198 34
Wilgus, L Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 se 120 29
Wilgus, L Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 se 80 29
Wilhelm, J Bloomington Muscatine 3 n 80 29
Wilkinson, Geo R Goshen Atalissa 2 ne 224 30
Will, August Moscow Moscow sw 200 36
Will, Geo Moscow Moscow 3 1/2 s 740 44
Will, Henry Moscow Moscow sw 320 40
Will, J A Lake Muscatine 5 nw 967 40
Will, John G Moscow Moscow 2 1/2 se 505 44
Williams, J A Bloomington Muscatine 2 sw 95 44
Williams, J D Cedar Conesville 6 ne 120 26
Wilson, David Sr Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 nw 571 5
Wilson, M Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 sw 286 28
Wilson, S V Bloomington --- --- 67 ---
Winder, J Lake Muscatine 6 nw 120 14
Windle, HD & JL Moscow Wilton 1 1/2 w 165 29
Windus, Thos G Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 sw 180 23
Winnemore, T M Sweetland Muscatine 3 1/2 ne 90 20
Winnemore, T M Sweetland Muscatine 3 1/2 ne 83 14
Winscheid, Lewis Pike Nichols 2 1/2 e 266 3
Wintermute, B Sweetland Muscatine --- 80 ---
Wintermute, S Sweetland Muscatine 10 ne 80 30
Wintexnite, A H Fulton Pleasant Prairie 2 sw 40 18
Wirtz, G Wilton Wilton 2 1/2 s 80 5
Witter, F M Bloomington Muscatine 2 ne 30 20
Wolf, C Wapsinonoc West Liberty 4 1/2 sw 100 13
Wonder, J Montpelier Blue Grass 2 1/2 w 80 20
Wonderlich, H Montpelier --- --- 200 35
Wood, AJ & WJ Sweetland Muscatine 5 ne 40 3
Wood, E L Lake Muscatine 8 w 119 22
Wood, G H Lake Muscatine 7 nw 354 29
Wood, P Sweetland Muscatine 6 ne 137 31
Wood, Russell Wapsinonoc West Liberty 5 1/2 sw 120 27
Woods, G Sweetland Muscatine 8 ne 94 18
Wright, L Wapsinonoc West Liberty 3 1/2 s 80 18
Wulf, Christian Montpelier Pleasant Prairie 2 nw 320 28
Wulf, W Wilton Durant --- 120 ---
Wunsche, C G Montpelier --- --- 80 3
Yocum Heirs Cedar Lettsville 6 1/2 nw 200 8
Young, James Wilton Durant 1 1/2 sw 100 32
Young, Jos Bloomington Muscatine 6 n 114 24
Younkin, E Est Pike --- --- 127 ---
Zimmerman, H Pike Nichols 4 nw 81 2

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