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Beautiful Statue in Memory of Very Rev. Philip LaurentTO BE UNVEILED TOMORROW
Special Services Will Be Held Tomorrow Afternoon at St. Matthias Church
When the Statue in Memory of Father Laurent Will be DedicatedSource of Article: “Muscatine Journal", Muscatine, Iowa Saturday, April 29, 1905 page 5
Submitted by Cheryl Sheets, February 7, 2012Statue was placed by the front entrance of
St. Matthias (Mathias) Church,
215 W. 8th St., Muscatine, Iowa
Click here to view photos.At 8 o’clock tomorrow afternoon the beautiful statue of St. Philip will be dedicated to the memory of the Very Rev. Philip Laurent, for many years rector of St. Matthias church. The vesper services will be held at 3 o’clock. Father James P. Ryan, rector of St. Mary’s church Davenport, will preach the sermon, while Father F. J. Leonard, of this city, will have charge, after which the benediction of the Blessed Sacraments will be given. The priests and altar boys will then march to the statue, which is situated just east of the church, and the services of blessing and dedicating the statue will be held. Several priests from Davenport are expected to assist in the services tomorrow.
The Statue.
The beautiful monument stands 10 feet high and is made of cararia marble. This beautiful tribute to the memory of that pioneer priest, who did so much for the cause of religion in this part of the state, is a gift of his many friends in this city. The committee composed of Phil Murphy and C. R. Fuller deserve much credit for the work they have done in soliciting funds for the monument. The front of the pedestal is engraved with the following inscription: “In memory of Very Rev. Philip Laurent, rector of St. Matthias church, 1851-1902. Born Feb. 22, 1828, died Dec. 2, 1902. Requiescat in pace.”
Pastor Fifty-One Years.
Father Laurent had a distinction not possessed by another Catholic priest in this part of the country. He has been the pastor of St. Matthias for 51 years, having came to Muscatine on a flat boat Nov. 8, 1851. A year ago, the 7th of November, his golden jubilee was celebrated in the church at this place. At that time special services were held and an elaborate banquet served, at which there were priests from all over this part of the country. The sermon of the day was preached by Father Ryan of Davenport, who was a little boy eight years old when Father Laurent came to Muscatine, and who was instructed by him.
Built Many Buildings.
During Father Laurent’s pastorate many buildings have been erected in this city. When he came here his church was a wooden structure on Second street. In 1856, he built the present church on Eighth street and in 1869, Father Laurent built St. Mary’s church, and did much toward the establishing of that parish. The church was completed in 1879 and the Germans went to that church. He later built the school buildings and the home for the sisters. In 1888 one of the school buildings was burned, but he, with the assistance of several moneyed men of this city, was able to replace it. He always appreciated the efforts of the people of Muscatine in his behalf, and always displayed the greatest amount of gratefulness towards them. Since the time of his jubilee, his health had failed rapidly, and the last few months his mind had been weakened as well as his body. Nevertheless he continued to hold services up until about the middle of October, when he gave it up and began preparing for his journey to France. He left Muscatine just one month ago today and has been at Dijon, France, his birthplace, about two weeks.
An Interesting Life.
Father P. Laurent, rector of St. Matthias church was born in the 22d of Feb. 1828, near Dijon, France. After attending the schools of his native place, he was sent when 10 years of age away from home to begin his classical course. In those days it took nine years to complete the studies. Four of which he spent in the old City of Attun, the bibracte of Ceasars Commentaries and five years at Plombieros. It is customary in French colleges and seminaries for students to make collections of insects and plants and study as a pastime entomology and botany. Strange to say it was that feature which in a great measure caused Father Laurent to leave his country for America. After studying philosophy in Troyes and passing his examination and, taking degrees at the old Paris Torbonne the great questions arose—what is to be done now? In that year of revolution, 1818, it was hard to decide: positions under the government were unreliable and no one could tell what or where the end would be.
Urged to Be a Priest.
There was then in the city of Troyes a good holy man from Lyons who was at the head of a religious publication printed at the capital of Champlain. P. Laurent used to meet him often, and later his successful examination in Paris, Mr. Bernard, a friend and old schoolmate of Bishop Loras, of Dubuque, (Ia.) spoke to him about going to America, and devoting his life to the service of God, since it could not be done for his own country in the present state of affairs. He depicted to him in glowing terms the greatness of the work done by Bishop Loras among the Indian tribes, and in the settlements of the new territory of Iowa. And the Wily abbe added, too, what a glorious field that would be to study the fauna and flora of the new world. His words fell on responding soil—the young man begged him to write to Bishop Loras and have him incorporated in his clergy.
Comes to America.
So in the beginning of 1850, reluctantly and sadly, P. Laurent bade farewell to his friends in the land of beautiful lakes, to the snow-covered peaks and pine forests, the European land of the free and home of the brave, and in the cold January crossed the whole Helvetic Confederation, and went to Lyons to spend the remainder of the winter. Thither he was joined by other recruits—young French abbes induced by Bishop Loras to follow him to the wilds of Iowa. In the month of April, they left Harve on the sailing ship “Zurich,” and in 35 days landed in New York, on the 12th of May. From New York to Albany by steamer, thence to Buffalo by rail, brought the travelers to the terminus of the railroad, and to avoid the stage coach they went by way of the lakes to Milwaukee and thence to Dubuque, partly by much wagons and partly on foot. On the following Sunday, Bishop Loras announced from the pulpit to his people that he had brought from across the ocean, six young men. Two Irishmen, two Frenchmen, and two Germans.
Came to Muscatine.
P. Laurent was ordained on the eighteenth of November, 1851, at Dubuque and sent to Muscatine, having learned a great deal in school, and yet ignorant of the world and its ways. Muscatine was a good place to learn, the congregation was small and the duties limited. In silence and meditation, hearing much and saying little, one is likely to acquire experience. In 1853 the old church on Second street being too small, had to be enlarged. This was done in the shape of an L. Next year priests being scarce, the bishop directed Father Laurent to accompany him to Council Bluffs, and see what could be done on the Missouri river. It was too soon for serious improvements, but lots were purchased which in 1888 sold for $25,000. At the end of this year we see the young father a professor at the Mt. St. Bernard Seminary, four miles from Dubuque. That was another comfortable winter quarter, but early in the spring he was sent to Winneshiek county, and the northeastern part of Iowa to look after the new settlements. In the meantime his place in Muscatine had been successfully filled by German and Irish priests, but the congregation being a mixture of all nations among which the Irish and German nations predominated in equal proportions. It seems that none would answer the place except one who was neither Irish nor German, so they petitioned the bishop to again send them Father Laurent. The request was granted, and the father’s first duty was to sell the old church house on Second and Cedar streets, and buy a block on Eighth, where the present church was built in 1856. It was then a grand building, 40 by 80 feet, and 27 feet high. This church was enlarged in 1868, and finally the steeple, chimes and clock added in 1880.
Built St. Mary’s.
In 1876 Father Laurent built St. Mary’s German church of Muscatine. The Germans contributing about one-fourth of the cost, and the Irish-Americans and all other supplying the balance. In 1879 the German portion of the congregation after 27 years of associated and united life with the Irish were organized into a congregation of their own. The same year the Catholic cemetery was commenced, roads, bridges and culverts made. The father seemed to have the special predilection for the blessed Virgin for he called the building intended for the German church St. Mary’s church, and the grave yard destined for all the Catholics of Muscatine, St. Mary’s cemetery.
School Was Destroyed.
The school building of St. Matthias, which he had constructed with so much pains and expense during 25 years of labor, were consumed by fire on the night of January 28, 1888. Sad was the ruin and great was the loss—enough to discourage any one. The father asked for help and had not to ask twice. The late Benjamin Hershey began the subscription with $500, and many gave their $100 each, while hundreds of others wanted to join in the good work. They all considered it a slight not to be called upon. The school buildings now stand, together with the churches, lasting monuments of the work of this good man. Aside from these material temples which he has built, he had built a temple “not made with hands, eternal is the heavens.” No one can realize the many acts of kindness, the many little deeds, and the many good traits of character of this worthy priest.
Note: Today the church is referred to as St. Mary's & St. Mathias Catholic Church. Return to Muscatine Co. IAGenWeb, Index Page
Page created February 10, 2012 by Lynn McCleary