The 1860s Journal of Nancy McGrew, Muscatine County, Iowa Transcribed and Submitted by Wendy Harris, May 21, 2012
Introduction In 1860, 15 year-old Nancy McGrew decided she should keep a journal, as “it affords a subject for Meditation in lonely hour to peruse as written by ourselves in our youth”. She obtained a basic bound, unlined journal from Burnett Booksellers in Muscatine, Iowa, and on July 1, started noting activities that affected her family. A transcription of this journal follows; no spelling or other corrections have been made.
There are an estimated 150 individuals mentioned in this journal, with the core being Nancy’s family. Lewis McGrew was born in Ohio in 1810; he married Kentucky-born Anna Highfield, and they settled in Illinois where daughters Almira (1834) and Charlotte (Lot, Lottie; 1836) were born. Almira died in 1837, and by 1839 the family relocated to rural southeast Muscatine County, Iowa, where their son Holland (Hol) was born. On December 1, 1841, Lewis purchased 160 acres in section 33 and 80 acres in section 34 of Township 76 north, range 3 west. Once the family was settled on this land, Melvin (1841), Viola (Vie or Vio; 1842), and Nancy (1844) were born. Melvin died in 1847, at the age of six, and one year later Rebecca Ann (Beck) was born. Charlotte married Dave Randleman in 1856, so by the time of this journal, four children were in the McGrew household. David and Charlotte lived in Bloomington Township as of 1860, and had a one-year-old daughter, Alice.
Most of the names in this journal have been identified based on the 1860 United States Federal Census.
The Journal In the first three months of the diary, the following individuals have been identified: Nancy’s cousins Mira (Almira), Minta (Araminta), and Annie (Annette) McGrew; Mr. (James) Schofield, a miller; Lawyer (David) Cloud; William and Matilda Vanatta, who had six children (Harrison, Samuel, Amelda (Meld), Williamson, Charlotte, and David H); William E. Millar, a farmer with children John, Henry, Lou(isa), Lizzie, and Polla; A.J. Westbrook; George Lucas; Jep Lucas (either Jessie H or his brother Joseph); John Riggs; Elita and Ruth Potter; Lou (probably Millar); Mr. (Rueben) Hollinses; Jake (Wagner); Ellie (Hendrix) ; Sue Neidig; Susy Thomas; Mr. (George) Kincaid; J.P.D. (possibly James P. Dunn; Sister Lot (Charlotte Malinda); Barbary (possibly Barbara Ott; “All” (Alvin Williams); and Grandmother Person (Harriett Pierson).
July 1860 A daily journal is kept for the purpose of Recording daily transactions. It affords a subject for Meditation in lonely hour to peruse as written by ourselves in our youth.
Sunday July first we all went up to Sunday School I went home with Lou it rained to night.
Monday July 2 nd. Tuesday July 3. Wednesday July 4th the folks all went to the Celebration at the Lucas Grove Hol went to the dance to night.
Thursday July 5th. Friday July 6th. Sat July 7th Vie and I went up to Mary's we all went to Church to night. Discourse from the I[inverted V] Chapter 33 verse of Mathew
Sunday July 8th we went up to sunday school this morning at half after 8 and had company to day. The foks went out to the Poor. House to see Barbary.
Monday July 9th. We finished washing at 4. OClock Mary Gillis Called this Evening
Tuesday July 10th Wednesday July 11th. We Harvested to day. Beck and I set out some plants it rained to night
Thursday July 12th. I went up to Mr. Schofields this Evening we all went up to singing school tonight (that so sur)
Friday July 13th Father and LL Mother over on the Island Mr. Potter Called this Evn
Saturday July 14 th. Sunday July 15th we went up to S.S. this morning and to singing this evn. And come home by moon shine.
Monday July 16th. Tuesday July17th Jake and Ellie were here Hol went up town to the circus. The sun Eclipsed.
Wednesday July 18 Thursday July 19th Mother went down to Mr. Vantta’s this after noon the boys all went up to the debate to night.
Friday July 20th Vie went up to Mr. KINCAIDS. This Evning Jim Dunn was here to night it rained very hard this Evn
Saturday July 21st. Mother went up town we all went up to Church Mr. Simmons Preached
Sunday July 22nd we attended sabbath school this morning at 9 oclock our singing was accompanied this evn by the Lake Township folks
Monday July 23 we are washing to day Beck and I went Blackberrying this afternoon
Tuesday July 24th Mother went up town to day Jep Lucas called this evn.
Wednesday July 25. Mother and Beck went up to Mr. Hollinses. this afternoon Hol. was up to Mr. Millars this evn.
Thursday July 26 George Lucas was here this morning to see Pa dog days begins the- boys all went up to the polemic to night
Friday July 27th Cousin Minta and Mira were here to day we all went down to the swing to night Vie had company home
Saturday July 28th Hol went up town this morning Vie went out to uncles this evning Lizzie Millar called
Sunday July 29th went up to sunday school this morning to singing this evn Brother had company to night
Monday July 30th Father and Mother- went up town All. was here to [see] Hol
Thursday July 31st Vie went out to Mr Riggses the boys were all here to night
August 1860 August first Vie went up town Mr. Wenrick was here to night Ma had company this after noon
Thursday August 2nd Friday August 3rd cousin Annie come down to day, raining All. was here,
Saturday August 4th went up to church. to night Mr. Millar preached
Sunday Aug 5th attended Sunday School this morning and singing this evning
Monday August 6. Mollie Williams called this morning went home with Sister Lot to night
Tuesday August 7th Mother went up town to day finished Ironing at half past 2. we were Late at singing
Wednesday Aug 8 trashing Wheat Sue Neidig and Dr. Goodin dined with us to day
Thursday August 9 Friday August 10th had company to day we all went down to the swing to night Jep was here flowers are awlways good sale-
Saturday August 11th Hol and Henry Millar went up to Iowa City yesterday Pa and Mother went up town the wind is blowing very hard we went up to singing school. to night
Sunday August 12th went to S.S. this morning-exercise open at 8. and a half oclock. Lou and Henry made us an evening call this evening
Monday August 13th washing. J.P.D. was here. Vie went up to Mr. Millars this evening-
Tuesday August 14 rained, Ellie Hendrix was here we went up to singing to night
Wednesday August 15th Thursday August 16 Vie and I. went graging had quite an expedition and was (Saddly disappointed) the boys attended their debate
Friday August 17th quite a warm day. we all went to Joe’s party to night spent a very- merry time Saturday August 18. Sunday Aug 19 we all went to camp meeting to day spent the day fine, in the evening the gust was accompanied by a shower of rain
Monday August 20th. Tuesday 21st Wednesday August 22nd Thursday Aug 23rd Mother went down to Mr. Vanattas this afternoon we nd in company went down to the swing to night, Ellie Hendrix was married to day
Friday August 24th Saturday Aug 25th Father and Hol. went up town cousin Minta come down this evn we all went up to singing to night
Sunday Aug 26th went to S.S. this morning the folk went over to Brothers, Jep was here to night (Vie had a present to day)
Monday Aug 27th Mis Gillis was here Hol. was Hauling hay
Tuesday Aug 28th washing attended our singing school. to night sis had company home.
Wednesday Aug 29th sister and I went up town visited Mr. Harts Gallery Lawyer Cloud was here to day
Thursday Aug 30 Friday Aug 31st went down to the swing to night Mother went up town to this afternoon Jep Lucas was here this evning
September 1860 Saturday September first sister Lot was here to day we all went to singing to night Vie had company home.
Sunday Sept 2nd went to our Sabbath School this morning brother went to Grandview to camp meeting to day
Monday Sept 3. Tuesday Sept 4 Wednesday Sep 5 Thursday Sep 6 Friday Sep 7 Hol. and Charley Booton went up town to the show Ellie H. and Jake Was here this evning
Saturday Sept 8. Vie and I went out to uncles this after noon we attended High Prairie singing school to night (quite charming)
Sunday Sep 9 Also their sabbath s. this morn, come home at 1 and a 2/1 oclock. Vie had company to night,
Monday sep 10. Tuesday sep 11th Ma had company this afternoon vie and I. went to singing school. at the Congregational church
Wednesday sep 12th raining father went up town Mr. Allman was here.
Thursday sep 13. every body went to the Republican campaign to day sis and I went down to Melds- Mother and beck went over to sister Lotties to day (Water Mellon time) Grandmother Person come this evening
Friday sep 14th Saturday sep 15 went up to s.s. this evning Jep was here to night
Sunday Sep 16. Monday sep 17 finished washing at 4 oclock Mr Potter called this evn
Tuesday sep 18 Pa and Ma went up town beck went over to the County fair
Sep 19. father went out to Uncles Mr. Westbrook was here this evening Hol had company
Thursday Sep 20 Friday sep 21 Saturday sep 22 cousin Annie and Mira were here to night the folks all went out to H.P. to singing to night
Sunday Sep 23 Mrs. Sallie Johnson was here to day went up to sunday school this morning Jep was here to night (Autumn begins)
Monday sep 24 Tuesday sep 25 Wednesday sep 26 Ironing, had company to night (days and nights equal)
Thursday Sep 27 Vie and Meld went out to Susy Thomases. to day pleasant weather
Friday Sep 28 Mother went visiting this afternoon vie and I went horse back riding we all went all went out to sqr. Wileses to an oyster supper.
Saturday [actually Sunday] Sep 30. The last day and no news only rain,
In the next three months we meet Sallie Graham; Sam and Harry (Vanatta); Frank (Francis) Williams; Chet (Chester) Weed; Hattie Kisor; Mrs. (Adeline) Hollins; Mr. Dorr, who was either D.F.R. Dorr or Franklin Dorr.
October 1860 Monday October first Beck went to school this morning Mother went out to uncles father went up town,
Tuesday Oct 2 Wednesday Oct 3 Vie went up town with Ellie and Jake took dinner at the Pennsylvania Hotel.
Thursday october 4th Friday oct 5 Ma went down to Mr H to day vie went buggie riding we all went up to the Franklin Station to a Lectur to night-
Saturday Oct 6 Sunday oct 7 went to sabbath school this morning had sunday callers to day. I went home with Meld. Vie had company to night
Monday Oct 8 Tuesday Oct 9 Hol went up to Iowa City to Hear Mr. Douglas speak we are washing day.
Wednesday Oct 10 Mother and Vie went up town we all went up to church to night
Thursday Oct 11th Lizzie Millar stayed all night with beckie E.W. and J.W. started for Origon to day I went out to uncles
Friday Oct 12. Saturday Oct 13. beck went down to Hatties. Hol and I went up town we all went up to our singing school to night
Sunday Oct 14 went up to Sunday School. Meld and I went home with Lou come home at 6. Monday Oct 15. Tuesday Oct 16. Wednesday Oct 17 brother was sick to day we all went up to church. Jep L. was here to night-
[quote from newspaper has been adhered to page “Noble spirits rejoice in the consciousness of a motive-base ones delight only in a pretext.”]
Thursday Oct 18 Friday Oct 19 had company to day we all went up to S. School sis had company home.
Saturday Oct 20. Sunday Oct 21 went up to Sunday School. vie went home with Lottie
Monday Oct 22. Tuesday 23. Wednesday Oct 24 father and Mother went up town the young folks all went down to Joes party vie and I went down to Mis Kisors this evning
Thursday Oct 25 Friday Oct 26 Saturday Oct 27 days Length 10 h. 35 minutes we all went to Singing, very cool nights
Sunday oct 28 Last Sunday School for this year Hol went down to Mr Chamberlains this afternoon Jep Lucas called to night
Monday October 29 Tuesday Oct 30 Wednesday Oct 31 Vie and Mother called up to Mrs hollins this evning Pa was gathering corn to day
November 1860 Thursday November first Friday nov 2. Saturday Nov 3 father and Holland went up town Mr. Dorr was there this evning the boy all went up to hear Major Oconnor Lecture the boy raised quite a shout over it
Sunday Nov 4 went over on the Island to day J.P.D. was here to night
Monday Nov 5 Tuesday Nov 6. Vie and I went over to Sallie Robbinses to day (Lection day)
Wednesday Nov 7 Thursday Nov 8 Hol went up town we all went to spelling School. J.H.L. was here to night
Friday Nov 9 Sat Nov 10 Mother went up town went to singing vie had company home
Sunday Nov 11 Hol and vie went out to uncles Dr and Sallie Johnson were here this evning
Monday Nov 12. Tuesday Nov 13. Wednesday Nov 14 Thursday Nov 15 Friday November 16 Saturday 17 cousin Mintie come down this eving we all went up to singing to night Jep was here to night
Sunday November 18 Mr. and Mrs Brown was here to day I went home with cousing
Monday Nov 19 Tuesday Nov 20 Wednesday Nov 21 us girls went up to the mill to day from school the folk all went up to church vie had company home
Thursday Nov 22 friday Nov 23 Ironed Vie and I went up town we all went up to singing J H L. was here to night
Saturday Nov 24 Sunday Nov 25 Hol and sis went out to uncles Mr Dorr was here to night
Monday Nov 26 Tuesday Nov 27 Wednesday Nov 28 aunty come this morning Minnie and Sallie Graham come down this afternoon
Thursday Nov 29 Friday Nov 30 sis is Ironing Sam and Harry was here this evning the boys all went out to spelling on High Prairie to night
December 1860 Saturday December first vie went up town Sue and Mira com down this evning all went to singing Jep come home with vie
Sunday december 2. Monday December 3. Tuesday dec 4th Wednesday dec 5 wash day father and beck went up to prayer meeting to night
Thursday december 6 Ma and Hol went up town this morning went up to spelling school
Friday dec 7 father and Hol went over on the Island this morning attended Grammar School
Saturday Dec 8 Sunday dec 9. Snowing very hard
Monday dec 10. Tuesday dec 11 Hol went up town Mr Wilits was here to night the fok all went up to the Lecture
Wednesday dec 12, Thursday dec 13 Friday december 14 Saturday december 15 Hol brought sis home. Chet Weed called this evning went up to singing Jep was here to night
Sunday december 16 Monday dec 17 washing! The boy all went up to the debate, resolved that wind is more damageable than Water,
Tuesday dec 18 Wednesday dec 19 father and Mother went out to uncles to day Chester and Miss Linora called this evn Frank Williams was here to night
Thursday dec 20 Friday dec 21 Saturday December 22 vie come home to day we all went up to singing vie had company home
Sunday dec 23 Lot and Dave come over this morn father went up to prayer meeting to night
Monday dec 24 Tuesday dec 25 (Christmas)
Wednesday dec 26 the folks all went sleighriding on the Island to night Pa went up to the debate
Thursday dec 27 Friday dec 28
[clipping of The Star Spangled Banner inserted into book]
Saturday dec 29 vie is Ironing we all went up to singing to night Jep was here
Sunday dec 30th Monday dec 31, a good beginning makes a bad ending, that’s all for 1860.
In the first three months of 1861 identified visitors not mentioned before included Anise Vanatta; Mary and Bob Moxley; Mary Lucas, wife of the previously mentioned George; Mr. (Chester Reuben) and Mrs. Holcolm; Mrs. Finn (Mary); Sallie Lucas (likely Jep’s sister Sarah). There were also hard-to-identify visitors: Mr. Nealie, M. Cain, Lawyer Walton, Frank and Sam, and Mr. Conner.
January 1861 Tuesday January first- (Newyears day) Jep and Sallie Lucas called this evning we all went down to Mr. Nealies to the party to night Lot and dave come over this morning
Wednesday Jan 2 Thursday Jan 3. Friday Jan 4 Ironing
Saturday Jan 5 father and Mother went up town Hol built his sleigh
Sunday Jan 6 Joe and Dorr called this morning
Monday Jan 7 Tuesday Jan 8 Washing!
Wednesday Jan 9. M Cain called this morning Jep Lucas was down this afternoon Mr Gillis and wife spent the evning
Thursday Jan 10 Friday Jan 11th Saturday January 12 father went to town to day Hol and I. went out on high Prairie to church
Sunday Jan 13 stayed all at uncles and went home with Susie to day we all went sleighriding this evn. Mother wen over to Lotties
Monday Jan 14th Hol went up town went to Spelling School.
Friday Jan 18 Saturday Jan 19 brother brought sis home we went out on H.P. to church
Sunday Jan 20th Hol went for the Doctor vie had company to nite
Monday Jan 21 us girls went up to the debate
Tuesday January 22 Wednesday Jan 23. I went to Singing,
Thursday Jan 24 Friday Jan 25 Hol made a visit at H.P. School to day Cousin Minta come down with him father went up the Lectur to night
Saturday January 26 we all went Sleighriding to night Jep was here
Sunday Jan 27 Mother and the folks went over to sisters we went out to the Chaple, to church to night
Monday Jan 28. Tuesday Jan 29 Wednesday Jan 30. Thursday Jan 31 Hol brought Sue and Mira down to Spelling,
February 1861 February first went to school to day. we all went up to hear Mr. Vanhorn Lecture
Saturday Feb 2. father and Hol went up town this morning Mr Dorr. Called this evning
Sunday Feb 3. Lot and dave come over this evning we all went out to the M.E. Church Jep was here to nit
Monday feb 4 Hol took vie up town to School this morning
Tuesday feb. 5 mr. and Mrs Holcom Hol went out to church
Wednesday Feb 6 Thursday Feb 7 went up town.
Friday feb. 8 Saturday feb 9 Ironing the boys went out to church
Sunday feb 10 Monday Feb 11 Tuesday feb 12 us girls went up to the Mill to day from school the boys all went up to the polemic
Wednesday Feb. 13. Thursday Feb 14, S.T. Valentines day
Friday feb. 15 Ironed
Saturday Feb 16th Uncle and Aunt come down this afternoon Melda and the boys paid us a call to night
Sunday feb. 17 we all attended church att the ,Chapel, this morning Mr dorr was here this evning
Monday feb. 18 washing George Lucas was here this morning
Tuesday Feb 19 Wednesday Feb. 20 Thursday feb. 21 Friday Feb 22 Mrs Finn was here to day we all went out to church Last Sleigh ride for this year
Saturday feb 23 Hol went up town sis come home. Frank and Same was here to night
Sunday Feb 24 was down to Melds this morning Jep was here to night
Monday Feb. 25 Lawyer Walton was here to day the boys all went up to their debate to night
Tuesday Feb 26 Wednesday Feb. 27 Thursday Feb 28 we rode home from spelling to night February ends with no news.
March 1861 March first Saturday March 2 Ironing Anise Vanatta was here
Sunday March 3. Mary and bob. Moxley was here this evning Hol went out to uncles
Monday March 4 President, Mr. A Lincoln takes the White house- Hol went out to the Vinivn School house to an Exhibition father went up to the debate
Tuesday March 5 Wednesday March 6 Thursday March 7 Friday March 8 Hol is thrashing for Mr. Vanattas Mary Lucas called this afternoon
Saturday March 9 went to singing.
Sunday March 10 Monday March 11 Hol is gathering corn Mr Connor was here to day
Tuesday March 12. Wednesday March 13. Thursday March 14 father and Mother went up town this morning Joe w. paid us a call this morning
Friday March 15 Saturday March 16 Meld and the boys come up to night
Sunday March 17 we all went to church this morning Potter and Lucas was here this evning
Monday March 18 went to school father went up to the debate to night
Tuesday March 19 Sister Lottie come over to day we all went up to the Panarama to night
Wednesday March 20 Thursday March 21 Friday March 22 Saturday March 23 Hol. went up town to day father and Beck went out to uncles to night.
Sunday March 24 we all went out to H.P. to Church this Morning Sis went Home with Sue.
Monday March 25 Tuesday March. 26 Wednesday march 27 Washing we all Spent the evening at Mr. Williames ,Jep called in,
Thursday March 28. Friday March 29 Saturday March 30 Sunday March 31 father Mother and Beck. went over to daves this morning Jep was here this afternoon, rained very hard, a bad beginning makes a good ending.
In the next three months, the Civil War begins. Identifiable visitors included Beck and Hattie Kisor; Mr. (Brinton) Darlington; Bob (L. William) Beard; Mr. (Jacob) Castner, whose wife (Amanda) and children Amanda (Allie) and Kate (Kitty) were also mentioned later in the journal. There were two possible Kerr families in the area: Jas. M and Kate, from Muscatine, or Robert and Mary, from Sweetland Township. The visit to Mr. Mosleys may have actually been to William and Mary Moxley’s, whose children Bob (Robert) and Mary have already been mentioned.
April 1861 April first Tuesday Apr 2. Vie and I. went flower hunting this afternoon. we all went up to the Mill to a Supprise to night
Wenesd Apr 3. Vie and I. went up town this morning Ma had company to day Bob. Beard and Jep Lucas called this evning
Thursday Apr 4 “Soda.” Hol is plowing
Friday Apr 5 Saturday Apr 6. Ironing. father went out to church
Sunday Apr 7. Monday Apr 8. Tuesday Apr 9 Wednesday Apr 10 Washing day, we all called up to Mr. Mosleys to night, (.Fort Sumpter taken by the Rebles)
Thursday Apr 11. we us in company went—down to Joes party to night Jep was here
Friday Apr 12. Saturday Apr 13 father and Mother went up town this morn. Beck Kisor was here this afternoon
Sunday Apr 14 Lot and dave come over this morning called up to Mr Castners Vie and Annie went down to Melds
Monday –Apr 15 Tuesday Apr. 16 uncle come down this evining
Wednesday Apr 17 Thursday apr 18 Cousin Mintie and Miry come down this morning vie and Mintie called down the road and made a purchase of flower roots consisting of dalias Mexican feather Chrisanthem and so forth—
Friday Apr 19 Saturday apr 20. father went out to the Schoolmeeting Mr Darlington called this evning vie is ironing first Whippowill,
Sunday apr 21. went to S.S. this morning at the chaple father went calling over to H.P. Finns,
Monday apr 22. we as Gillis was here this morning Hol. Vie and I. went up town, the Iowa first drilling in the coart yard.
Tuesday apr 23. Wednesday apr 24 we called on Meld to night
Thursday apr 25 Mother went up to Mr Gillises this evning Jep was there this evning
Friday April 26 1861 Saturday apr 27 Sunday apr 28 the folks all went to Sunday School Sam and Jas called Vie and Jep went out to uncles, uncle Jep High come to night
Monday apr 29, wash day, Hol and Father is plowing
Tuesday apr 30
May 1861 Wednesday, May first we all went up town , windy,
Thursday May 2nd Friday May 3.” Mother and Hol went up town this morning Lottie and Jep Vanatta called up this afternoon.
Saturday May 4 Sunday May 5 the wind blew very hard Jep Lucas come down this evning
Monday May 6. Washing. Sis and I. went out to uncles Hold went “up town”. the Iowa first Started for Keokuk” “God Speed the right onward right on,”
Tuesday may Wednesday May 8 Hol is planning corn Soda again
Thursday May 9th Friday May 10 Saturday May 11 beck went up town
Sunday May 12. Monday May 13. Tuesday May 14 Wednesday May 15 cousin Mintie come down this morn the folks all went down to the Swing to night
Thursday May 16 Friday May 17 Mother went out to Mr Riggses, Minta went home uncle come down
Saturday May 18. Hol is hauling Sand father went to Mill Dave and Lot come over this evning
Sunday May 19 we all went out to uncles this morning, raining, very hard Mollie and Lou Gillis was here
Monday May 20 Vie wrote a letter that’s all for to day
Tuesday May 21. Washday, father went up town
Wednesday May 22. Thursday May 23. we all went up to the convention to night organized picnic officers
Friday May 24 Mother went up to Mrs Kerrs. this afternoon Hol is hauling rye
Saturday May 25 Sunday May 26 went to Sunday School this Morning Hol Vie and I paid Meld a call this evning
Monday May 27 Tuesday May 28 Soda
Wednesda May 29 Hattie Kisor made us a visit to day—
Thursday May 30 Mr and Mrs Hatch called this evn
Friday May 31 Mintie come down this morni
June 1861 Saturday June first Ironing the Masons finished the cellar
Sunday June 2.” Monday June 3. Mother had company to day dull unsettled Weather
Tuesday June 4 Wednesday June 5 Soda Mr Riggs was here
Thursday June 6. Friday June 7 we all went to the picnic to day Spent quite a merry time of it Saturday June 8th Soda,
Sunday June 9th Vie went out to the Chapel to – church we all went Strawberrying this afternoon
Monday June 10 Sent to the Office to day beck went up to Mr Hitchesons.
Tuesday June 11 Sister Lot come over this morning Lawyer Walton and his Wife called this evning
Wednes June 12th the Bees swarmed
Thursday June 13. Hol is plowing
Friday June 14th mother went out to uncles this morning Potter called this evning
Saturday June 15 went up town Hol went out on High Prairie to night
Sunday June 16. father and Mother went up to Mr. Schofield’s us folks went posy hunting
Monday June 17th ‘Soda’
Tuesday June 18 Wednesday June 19 Thusday June 20 Summer begins) wash day us folks went down to Melds.
Friday June 21 Mother went up town – Ironing ,Showday,
Saturday June 22.nd we all went out on High Prairie to see the Home Guards drill
Sunday June 23. Sunday goes minus
Monday June 24. Tuesday June 25. Hol went up town, rained,
Wednesday June 26. Uncle Dougie and aunty Velie called this evning
Thursday June 27. Hol went up to Mr. Millars Soda raining to night
Friday June 28 harvesting Kitty Castner made us a call to day
Saturday June 29. Sunday June 30 Hol and Vie and I went out to Sunday School. called round by Mr. Riggses
Remember well and bare in mind
That atrustive friend is hard to find
So hard to find that when you do
Change not the old one for the new.
.Abram.As the war progressed in the next three months, new visitors included Joe (possibly Josephine) Williams; Annie Wells; Julia and Ellie Gates; and G. Snyder (George, a young farmer in 76 Township, or George, the son of Jacob and Catherine from Grandview Township).
July 1861 July first Tuesday July 2. father and Vie went up town we Ironed this after noon
Wednesday July 3. Vie went over to Lotts this morning Blanch H. was here
Thursday July fourth Independance Day we all went to the Celebration and spent a very pleasant fourth-
. Friday July 5 Mrs H was here hol is plowing corn
Saturday July 6 Sunday July 7. Moon Eclipsed In-Visible went out to Sunday- School Joe Williams called this evning
Monday July 8 Hol is reaping GRASS
Tuesday July 9. father and Hol went to Muscatine to day
Wednesday July 10 Vie and Mother went out to uncles this- morning.
Thursday July 11th Friday July 12 Beck went up town to day I went out to uncles to night us girls took a Walk over on the Sand hill
Saturday July 13 our folks went up town this morning Mr Potter was here all night we us in company went down to the grove to night
Sunday July 14 we all went out to the Chaple to Sabbath School Lot and Dave come over this morning
Monday July 15 Tuesday July 16 Wednesday July 17 Joe and Vida called this evning
Thursday July 18 reaping Wheat Allie Castner was here
Friday July rained we all went up to singing
Saturday July 20. Hol went out to H.P. to church “battle of bulls run fought.”
Sunday July 21 Hol and I. went down to Grandview one day well spent is that much.” The folk went out to Sunday School
Monday July 22 beck and Hol went over to brothers to day George Lucas was here this morning
Tuesday July 23. Mrs Schofield was here Mother went out to uncles
Wednesday July 24th Thursday July 25 Friday July 26 Saturday July 27 beck went out to uncles pa and Hol is ‘hauling hay
Sunday July 28 Mintie and Mira called this evning
Monday July 29 Tuesday July 30 Mother and Vie went down to Mr Vanattas uncle Jep Returned from back east to day
Wednesday July 31 Annie Wells was here father and Hol went up town ,”All is well. that ends well.”
August 1861 Thursday August first Soda Vie and I went Strawberrying
Friday August 2. washing Lou G was here
Saturday August 3. Lot and Dave come this evning Hol Annie and I. went down to the Grove
Sunday August 4 we all went to church had some Sunday callers this evning
Monday Aug 5 Hay making day (Some false reports from the army,
Tuesday Aug 6. Soda
Wednesday August 7 Soda it is raining this evening
Thursday August 8 Pa went up town Minnie W. called this evening
Friday August 9. Ironing Hol went down the road to see the boys days Length 14 hours and 13. Minutes
Saturday August 10 father and Mother went up town Hol is raking hay.
“Battle of Wilson’s Creek. fought in Missouri.
"Thy Spirit Independence let me Share Lord of the Lion heart and eagle eye
Thy steps I will follow with my bosom bare. Nor her the Storms that howl along the sky”Sunday August 11th. rainy day.
Monday August 12 Tuesday August 13. Annie W. was here this morning Vie and I. went buggie riding this evening
Wednesday August 14. Mother and I went up town this afternoon we all went down to the swing to night
Thursday August 15 Soda
Friday August 16 Ironing Cousin Minta come down this evning
Saturday August 17. Sunday August 18 we all went to Camp Meeting to day –Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy,
Monday August 19. Hol and Harry went down to Grandview this after noon
Tuesday August 20 Wednesday August 21 Thrashing Hol went up town this afternoon
Thursday August 22 Friday August 23. Mrs Wallace Riggs and aunty were here to day
Saturday August 24 Vie and beck went up town Julia Gates called this evning
Sunday August 25 Hol went down to Grandview to camp meeting Meld was here this evening
Monday August 26 we all went up town to day the Iowa first Landed this morning at 5 Oclock
”Remember the Soldiers.”Tuesday August 27. Uncle went up town this morning George Lucas called to see father Joe W. was here this evning
Wednesday August 28. Uncle went out to Mr. McNutts this afternoon Hol went up town
Thursday August 29. Ironing.
Friday August 30. father and Uncle went to the Sale Ellie Gates called this evening
Saturday August 31 father and Mother went up town this afternoon Hol went out to High Prairie to night
Puzzle no 1.
When fiercer storms are past and gone
Shall gentle calms then secede
I am told to ease atroubled mind
Sleep is the friend we need
With these few lines a question
You will find
My question’s plain so fin it out
Love is a torment while in doubt
September 1861 Sunday September first we all went to sabbath school this morning Sue Minta Mila and Lando come down to da Jep Lucas was here to night, raining,
Tuesday September 2 wash day.
Wednesday September 3. Hol went up town this morning G. Snyder was here to day
Thursday September 4 father and brother is plowing Meld and Ben T. was here to night
Thursday September 5 Soda—Uncle called out to Mr Lucases, this afternoon Hol went out to High Prairie to church to night “.fun in the camp among the boys.”
Friday September 6. Cousin Annie come down this morning Har and Jas was here to night
Saturday September 7. Hol and mother went down to Grandview to night father went up town this afternoon
Sunday September 8 Uncle and I went out to Sabbath School this morning we all took a walk up on the hill to the Grave yard this evening Jep was here to night
Monday September 9 uncle went up town this morning Soda Hol is plowing Mr Riggs was here
Tuesday September 19th Louisa G. was here this morning. Mr Kincaid called this evning
Wednesday September 11 Cousin Minta come this morning
Thursday September 12. Hlo went up town Julia G. was here this evning
Friday September 13. Vie and I went up to Mrs Kerrs to day mother had company
Saturday September 14 Hol went up town this morning beck was out to G. W. Lucases
Sunday September 15 the folks all went out to – conference. Lone som day for poor me,
Sun Monday September 16 Hol Listed to day Vie went out to uncles this evning “.Remember thy friends.”
Tuesday September 17. wash day Cousin Minta and Mira and Lando come down this evning “the happy must weepe”.
Wednesday September 18. we all went up town Hol went to Davenport to rendesvue,
Thursday September 19 we all attended Uncle Jepes. wedding spent a merry time of it, rained to night,
Friday Sep 20 Aunty and Uncle McGrew come down this morning I went home with uncles and beck with –Sister
Saturday September 21 Sunday September 22 ,a brigade of folks went over to Brothers this morning Jep was here to night
Monday September 23. Uncle and Aunty went up to – Adalifsie Vie went out to Mr B. riding this evning
Tuesday September 24 we went out to Minties quilting. Mr Thysler was here this evning
Wednesday September 25. rainy day. And Soda
Thursday September 26. wash day we all went out to Maggies party
Friday September 27th Vie and I went up town this morning we visited No 2 School and stayed all night with Mrs Young
Saturday September 28. Mr Darlington called this morning ,Ironing,
Sunday September 29. rained all day
Monday September 30 vie went over to Sister Lotts this morning father went up town this afternoon
[cut from newspaper] When you receive a kindness, remember it; when you bestow one, forget it.
During the last three months of 1861, Nancy mentions Mrs. E’s visit; this may be the mother of T.W. Eichelberger of Grandview Township, who was taken prisoner during the Battle of Belmont.
[“News from the Missing and Wounded at Columbus”, Muscatine Weekly Journal (Muscatine, IA), November 15, 1861; “List of the killed, wounded and prisoners of Compay A, of Muscatine, Iowa, at the Battle of Belmont”, Muscatine Weekly Journal Special (Muscatine, IA), November 25, 1861.]
Newly mentioned visitors during this period included Col. George W. Kincaid; Sopha (Sophia) French; Mollie (Mary) Richardson; “Mis” (probably Mrs. Elizabeth) Banks; Harry (possibly H.S.) Compton; Mrs. (Melissa) Gregory; and Uncle John (McGrew).
October 1861 October first Uncle and aunt started for the west this morning Minne W. was here to day
Wednesday October 2nd day washing
Thursday October. 3. father is gathering applies soda
Friday October 4 Saturday October 5 Allie Castner was here to day Hol come down on furlough went down to Melds to night
Sunday October 6 Hol and Vie went out to the chapel to church this morning Jep was here to night Hol went out on high Prairie this evning
Monday October 7. father and Hol went up town wash day Mother called up to H. this morning Melda and the ‘boys’ come up to night
Tuesday October 8. Mother an Vie went out to Mr. Castners Mollie Richardson and Sofa French was here to day We. all went down to Joes party to nite
Wednesday October 9th Hol went over to Lotties to day J.J.W. called this morning
Thursday October 10 raining cold and drizzling brother started back to Camp McClellen this morning “.Sad hearts must rejoice.”
Friday October 11 Mr Westbrook was here this morning Allie C. and Mollie R. called this evning
Saturday Oct 12. father went up town this morning Vie and I. went down to Melds, this evning
Sunday October 13. Vie went out to church Sam and Melda [unclear letter] called in this Morning
Monday October 14th wash da beck is reparing calico Sue T. come down this evning presented vie a boquetie arranged of choice flowers
Tuesday October 15 Ironing Sis went riding Kitty Castner was here to day the midle of this month is at hand
Wednesday October 16. Vie went out to Uncles this morning news are Scarse to day and is on account of cause it is
Thursday October 17. Friday October 18. Mother and Vie went up town this morning
Saturday October 19th Melda was here this evining vie went up to Mr Millars,
Sunday October 20. Lot and Dave come over this morning Mis Banks called this afternoon Jep Lucas was there this evining
Monday October 21. Mother went up town this morning Vie and I went down to the cane mill this afternoon had one caller this evning .”x.”
Tuesday October 22. Ironing Mr. Gardner called this evning
Wednesday October 23. Soda up at Mr Kerrs among the girls fugh. an Such aparty
Thursday October 24 Friday October 25 Vie went out ot uncle this morning I went up to Mis H. Jim Dunn called this evning
Saturday October 26. a Small Brigade of us folks. Started up to Camp this morning by sun rise we went by the way of the Mississipppi River Spent quite a merry time on the road and also after we got Here
Sunday October 27. went over to Rock Island this morning complemented the city and passed over to Davenport on the ferry boat—proceeded up to camp again dined with the boy, and called ove to camp Joe hols occupied by the 2nd Iowa Cavelry. with respects bid then adieu and passed down to Davenport for retirement for the night
Monday October 28. foraward this morning at 11 oclock. with sad hearts and tearful eyes Left kind regards with our friends stopped about 15 miles from that place Lunched on crackers and cheese reached Muscatine about 10 oclock in the evining spent a few minutes thare then journeyed home after our Sad by pleasant visit
Mond Tuesday October 28th raining
Wednesday. October 30th wash da Uncl Sam was here
Thursday October 31st Mother went up town this morn Uncle John come down this afternoon Harry Compton called this evning, it is just 10.oclock
“Long may it wave” The flag of our country, Oh Long may it
With its Stars and its stripes proudly blended
And deep rest the curse on the coward or
Wherever he dwells in this Land of the brave
Who would Leave its broad folds undefended
Then close the ranks firmly, march onward again
Let the Union of States be our glowing
November 1861 Friday November first Ironing father is gathering corn
Saturday November 2. father Mother and beck went up to Davenport this morning J.P.D. was here this evning Meld stayed all night with us to night
Sunday November 3. Cousin Mira McGrew come this morning J.H.L. was here to night
Monday November 4 ‘wash day’ Mrs Castner was here this morning we all went up to greet the young “Bride”
Tuesday November 5. Joe W. Ally C and Mollie R paid us a call this afternoon
Wednesday November 6. Had a Letter from Hol to day Henry Millar and John Long called down this evning
Thursday Novem 7 Vie and Beck went over to Daves to day
“Battle of Bellmont faught in Kentucky”.
Honor the brave and Remember
The Soldiers in your prayers.
“E.D. Union”.Friday November 8. father is gathering corn
Saturday November 9. Sunday Nov 10. vie and I went out to church Jep was here to night
Monday Nov 11 wash day Mrs E. was here (hard times)
Tuesday November 12 vie went out to uncles cousin Annie come home with her thats so
Wednesday November 13. Joe and Vide W. called this afternoon
Thursday November 14 Friday November 15th vie went down to Meld’s this afternoon we had caller this evning
Saturday November 16th we all went up town this morning the Eleventh Iowa Regiment7 Left camp this morning for S.T. Louis
[small paper with blue printed text adhered to journal]
‘Our hears, our hopes, our prayers, our tears,
Our faith triumphant o’er our fears,
Are all with thee, are all with thee!”Sunday November 17 Mother and Pa went over to Daves. this morning Colonel Kincaid was here to day Jep was here to night
Monday November 18 raining snowing cold and wet bad day
Tuesday November 19 Pa is sawing wood.
Wednesday November 20 Thursday November 21. Ma went up town Ironing da”
Friday November 22 Saturday November 23. Sunday November 24th father and mother went up to Mr Schofields to day Meld come up this evning,.”Secret-day”
Monday Nov 25 wash day.
Tuesday November 26th Had a Letter from Hol. Lottie N. was here
Wednesday November 27. Thursday November 28 Mr Darlington called this morning Minta come this evning
Friday November 29 Meld took ‘tea’ with us this evning
Saturday November 30. Mother and I went up town father Hauled wood to day
December 1861 Sunday december first Lott and Dave were over this morning Sunday comes once evry week.
Monday december 2. our folks went up town this morning Mr McVay was here to night
Tuesday December 3. ,wash day,
Wednesday December 4. Beck. went out to uncles visited there school
Thursday December 5 ‘Soda’ Minnie W. called this evning I. had a Letter from Saint Louis Vie had one from camp McClellen
Friday December 6 ‘Ironing’ .”Soda”.
Saturday December 7. the folks all went up to church Mr. Preached.
Sunday. Dec 8 Vie and I went out to the chapel to church took dinner at Mr Millars
Monday December 9. ‘ the french was here.
Tuesday December 10. Vie and Moather went up town the boys all went up to the debate to night (without dout)
Wednesday December 11th Thursday December 12 Friday December 13. Saturday December 14th Vie and mother went up town Louisa Lucas Lou Henry and John Millar, made us a call this evening
Sunday December 15th. us girls went out to church Mrs Gregery and her family was here to day
Monday December 16 ?wash da?
Tuesday December 17. All the wid Wannan in the Neighborhood and the next joining and the two on the other Side was here to day “Moon Eclipsed visible’”
Wednesday December 18th ---Thursday December 19 Friday December 20 Lou N. was here
Saturday December 21 Vie went up town I went out to uncles to night Snowing verry hard. Sunday Dec 22 Monday December 23. Father ‘Saved wood’
Tuesday December 24 Ironing
Wednesday December 25 “Christmas.” Lot and Dave come over this morning Charley Lloyed called, the young folks all went out ond Sand Prairie to an oyster supper to night
Thursday December 26 Vie went up town this morning beck to School
Friday December 27 Saturday December 28 Sunday December 29 “,Watch pots never boils”
Monday Dec__eber 30. Tuesday Dece___ber 31 Father and Mother went out to Mr. Wallaces to day We had company this evening
Winter Wraps her mantle
Upon the Icy busness of
They dying year
“.And So ends 1861”Names mentioned in the first three months of 1862 included: Mr. (William) Parvins; the Eperlys (George and Margaret; Isaac and Emily; or Jacob and Elizabeth); Sallie R(obbins); William Fitzsimmons; Lindly and Marg Hoops and their teenagers William, Sarah, Rebecca and younger children John, Joseph, and Mary; Mr. Chace (probably George Chase); and Dr. (Josiah) Lindsey, a physician in Grandview.
January 1862 Wednesday January first Newyears we all went up town this morning thermometer 20.0 below zero
Thursday January 2. Friday January 3. Saturday January 4th Vie went up town this morning Jep Lucas was here to night “a poor prospect for a new chaas”
The smallest hair casts a Shadow
The most trifling act has its consequents
If not here at Least here afterSunday January 5th Snowing
Monday January 6. wash da. Had no school. to day we all went Sleigh riding on the Island to night—
Tuesday January 7th Soda went down to the ;--- Surprise to night
Wednes January pa went up town
Thursday January 9th. Friday January 10th—father and Vie called up to Mr. Kincaids this evning
Saturday January 11th- Aunty and Uncle come down this afternoon us girls went down to Melds to nite
Sunday January 12. Janu_y Monday 13 went sleighing out to uncles to night—,cold night,
the result of Jan 13th 1861 may be found on the 14th. page Tuesday Januay 14th –mother went up town to Mrs Kisors to day we had company to night
Wednesday January 15’ Wash day had a letter from Hol.
Thursday January 16th
Remember thy creator nidhi
Days of thy YouthFriday January 17th father went up town this morning Vie went out to uncles this evening
Saturday January 18th—our folks went over to Daves to day, we all went out H.P. to church to night
Sunday January 19th Monday January 20th .very cold. Vie went out to Sallie Pollocks party to night
Tuesday January 21 Mother and Father went over to Mr Barletts to day
Wednesday January 22 pa and ma went down to Mr Westbrooks had company to day
Thursday January 23. Friday January 24 father and Mother over to Mr Holcombs. to day we us folks went down to Marys V’s party to night “ Spent quite an agreeable time of it,
Saturday January 25 View went up town father is hauling
Sunday January 26 we us girls went out to uncles this morning cousin Mira come down with us
Monday January 27 Tuesday January 28 Ma and Pa went up to Mr Parvins to day
Wednesday January 29 Mr and Mrs Eperly was here to day quite cold
Tursda Jan 30. Minta and Mr Chace called down this evning
Friday Jan 31 Sallie R. was here to day Jep L and John M. was here to night. Last day of January 1862.
February 1862 Saturday february first Mother went up town this morning Will Fitsimmons called this evning
Sunday february 2nd. Mollie W. called this morning we all went out to the M.E. Church to night
Monday February 3.rd Vie went visiting down to Onnonaway., to day, beck and I went to School.
Tuesday february Wednesday february 5 we all went out to church to nite Beck had a letter from Hol
Tis said that absence conqers Love
But O., believe it not
For I have tried its power Alas to prove
But thou art not forgotThursday february 6 ,cold, cold. Coldest night that ever blowed , travelers stoped with us from, Jollyett,
Friday February 7th Dr. Lindsey was to day. quite calm this morning
Saturday February 8. Father Mother and Bec went up town this morning. had a caller.
Sunday february 9. Lot and Dave come over this morning we went out to church to night
Monday february 10th.. Mother went up town today Vie had a Letter from camp McClellen
Tuesday february 11th had company from Fairport to day Mrs Rufoll. [illegible]
Wednesday february 12. father and Mother went out to uncles this morning we all went out to church. to night Mr Evans preached. J.P.D. was here to nte
Thursday february 13. Thermometer 19.o below zero. .’Battle of Springfield Mo. fought.
Friday february 14th. S.T. Valentine day vie and Moather went up town this morning
Saturday february 15 Lot and Dave come over to day ,Still water runs deep,
Sunday february 16th Vie went out to church this morning father and I. wrote a letter to Hol—“Sur of fort. Donelson”
Monday february 17. Tuesday february 18 Mother and father went out to Mr. Rigges to day we all went out to meeting to night
Wednesday february 19th – went out to church again Vie and I went to Mr. Hoopses and Stayed all night
Thursday february 20. It is now 8 oclock Friday bef 21 Mother went up town to day ‘Ironing’
Saturday february 22.nd Sunday feb 23 Monday february 24th. Tuesday feb. 25. Wednesday feb 26 father went up town to day Lawyer Lambert called here this afternoon
Thursday february 27th father Mother and I went over to Lotties this morning Soda,
Friday february 28 Vie and I paid Joe W a call this evening beck and I went out to church to night
Loves Decay,
It faded from me like the wave
Receding from the Shore
And like the wave it swept away
Traced on Lifes Sands before
New hopes may bloom on times dull Shore
But there may bloom [illegible] nevermore
My Life is Like that Sandy Shore
Monotonous and Gray
And evry mark hopes finger makes
The wave doth wash away
Still higher rolls the misfortune waves
In their relentless play
Hopes Last and deepest mark is swept
By Ocean tide away.Puzzle No 2.
Virtue I know in thee do dwell
In all you do or say
O. might I be as you are now
Like some Bright mornings day
Alas dear one when I am gone
May I remember thee
Can you the same kind thoughts maintain
Give all your charms to me
Remember me O dearest one
Ere all you think or do
When I return again my dear
Ill be. your Ellihu
March 1862 Saturday March first the plaintiff and defendant attended their trial here to day Pa went down to Mr J.V. this afternoon
Sunday March 2.nd Lottie and Davy. and Mrs Newell. come over this morning we all went out to the Chapel to church Snowed 3.[illegible]’ to night
Monday March 3.rd Mr. Dorr was here this morning father went up to the School meeting
Tuesday March 4th. Vie went up town this morning we had the Desmoin paper to day
Wednesday March.5th ‘.wash da” Melda & Sam accompanied by others called on us to night
Thursday March 6th Friday March 7enth.. Mother went up town this—morning we all went out to the Lucas School house to an Exhibition to night the entertainment was very good.
Saturday March 8. Sunday March Father went out to church this morning “thaw day”
Monday March 10th Tuesday March 11th Wednesday March 12th Thursday March 13. Friday March 14th Soda father Hauled wood
Saturday March 15th. the 16th Iowa Regiment Left Camp this morning for S.T. Louis; Let all kind wishes be with them: father went up town to day
Sunday March. 16th report that the 11th Iowa Regiment were fiting at Island No. 10 ‘not confirmed”
Monday March 17th. Millar Riggs and Clifford Sherwood were here to see pa Mother and I went up to the Poor House this evning
Tuesday March Wednesday March 19 father and I shelled a bushel of corn raining,
Thursday March 20th Friday march 21st cousin Minta come down this morning and we spent a jolly Friday
Saturday March 22. Mother went up town brought home cousin a Letter from Carmel Indiana
Sunday March 23. Vie and went home with Minta father and I. wrote some Letters to night
Monday march 24 washda C.P. Lloyd called this evning vie and I went down to Mrs kisors to night
Tuesday March 25 Wednesday March 26 Soda
Thursday March 27th I had a Letter from cousin Maranda to day we had callers this evning
Friday March 28 Saturday March 29th Minnie W was here to day father went up to Mill we paid Sofa a call to night
Sunday March 30th Monday March 31st father and Mother went over to Brothers to night Cousin Mira come down this evning us girls stayed all a lone to night
A number of new names were mentioned again during the next three months. The visitor Mr. Grane may have been either S.B. Crane, or William, a farmer. Others included Cull (Cullen) Sedgewick; Mr. (William) Sherwood and his son, Clifford; Mr. (Michael) Price; Mr. (Shepard or John) Smally ; and Dr. (D.H.) Goodno.
April 1862 Tuesday April first Wednesday April 2nd Soda father and Joe is sawing wood we all went up to prayer meeting
Thurs April 3rd Mother and Vie went up town this morning Louisa G. was here this evning
Friday April 4 Whitewashing da high wind Nothwithstanding the Sun Shone bright
Saturday April 5 Sunday April 6. we all went out to the chaple to church this morning “Battle of Shilo faught in Tennesee” which resulted in the death of many
[small clipping possibly from a newspaper inserted: If we still love those we lose we cannot altogether lose those we love.]
Monday April 7th High Water, rained all day Mr Sherwood was here this morning
Tuesday April 8th Father plowed the Garden to day, we had the telegraph news this evning
Wednesday April 9th Thursday April 10th Soda Vie and I went calling this evning
Friday Apr 11 Ironing I had a letter from Ringgold N
Saturday April 12 Vie and Mother went up town this morning, raining report that the 12th 14th and 8th Iowa Regiments29 were taken prisoners Cull Sedgwick called this morning,
Sunday April 13th Wrote a Letter to Cousin. Minta come down this evning
Monday April 14th went to school pa went up town raining
Tuesday April 15 had a Letter from hol. and a good prospect for annother rain,
Wednesday April 16th father went out to uncles to day
Thursday April 17th wash da.
Friday April 18th father sowed Wheat the folks went Skift riding this evning
Saturday April 19th. Saturday dont = Friday
Sunday April 20th we went flower hunting this morning and succeeded well,
Monday April 21st Soda Washda and goda
Tuesday April 22 Wednesday April 23rd we all went up to prayer meeting to night
Thursday April 24 father went up town Minta had a Letter from Lando
Friday April 25 Saturday April 26 Sunday April 27 we all went out to church “cloudy”
Monday April 28th wash da Mr Price was here this morning
Tuesday April 29 Ironing father and Joe went fishing Dr. Thompson was here this morning also the Constople and all this that and the other and it wasent a good day for it neither
Wednesday April 30th we all went up to prayer meeting to night I went home with Julia Gates Bec had a Letter from Ohio .adieu April 1862
May 1862 Thursday May first cold day
Friday May 2nd Mr Smally was here this morning to see father we had visitors at School.
Saturday May 3rd the folks all went up this morning Beck Hoops and Ally Castner was here this evning
Sunday May 4th goda
Monday May 5 Tuesday May 6 Ironed and baked
Wednesday 7th awful warm went boat riding to night
Thursday May 8th Vie went out to Mr Thomases. Susey come down with her we all went up to the Sharade to night
Friday may 9th father planted sugar cane
Saturday May 10th mother went up town ,telegraph news that the 11th had marching orders report that Corinth was taken by the fedreals. and vacated by the opposite
Sunday May 11th Vie and beck went out to church father and Mother went out to uncles the folks went Sleift riding
Monday may 12th most awful warm cloudy and rainy Frank W. started for Pikes Peak may Luck accompany him.
Tuesday may 13. Ironing planting corn
Wednesday May 14th Thursday may 15 vie went up town
Friday May 16th Dr Goodno called at school this morning
Saturday May 17th raining
Sunday may 18 new moon Allie C. come down
Monday may 19th our folks went up town this morning no Special dispatch
Tuesday may 20th minus,
Wedensday may 21 Thursday may 22 Mr Grane was here this morning sue come down this evining Julia Gates stayed all night with us to night
Friday may 23rd.. Vie started up to ~ Wilton this morning pa is making fense
Saturday May 24th Mother went up town we all went out to church to night
Sunday may 25 we all went out to Sunday School Mother and father called up to Mr Kincaids this evning we had company this evning
Monday May 26 Tuesday May 27th Wednesday May 28 we all went up to church
Thursday May 29th Friday May 30 rained hailed and blowed
Saturday May 31rst this month ended with no news
The union of Lakes the union of Lands
The union of states none can sever
The union of hearts and the union of hands
And the union of our flag foreverTo the Departed.
As the sweet perfume Lives beyond the hour
Of Life and Beauty in the fragile flower
So dearest Shall thy cherished image be
A never-dying thought of Love to me
Nor time. nor absence nor grim death shall
The sweet affection it is joy to peel.
Unwithering it Shall Live within my heart
Though other friendships—other Loves
An amaranthine flower that never dies
Budding on earth to blossom in the skies
[followed by a gold wreath cut-out adhered to the journal with the word “Love” written by hand inside it]
June 1862 Sunday June first rainy day .the folks all went out to Singing School
Monday June 2 had company this evning bett and I set out cabbage plants
Tuesday June 3. wash da the girls and boy all went up to the convention to night
Wednesday June 4 mother went town Capt Compton called this afternoon.
Thursday June 5 Friday June 6 Ironing father is working the road
Saturday June 7th the folks all went out on cedar to the picnic Lot and Dave come over this evning
Sunday June 8 Mr and Mrs Schofield accompanied by Lizzie was here to day the folks went out to church
Monday June 9th wash da Mother went up town
Tuesday June 10th Father and Mother went visiting to day ‘had a Letter from Hol
Wednesday June 11th meld was here to day Dr T. called this evning vie went to the consert to night
Thursday June 12th Friday June 13th Saturday June 14 Sis went up to the Strawberry festival to night doors open at 6 and 1/8 oclock
Sunday June 15 father and mother went up to Jake R. to day us girls passed off the evning fine with strawberries and sugar,
Monday June 16 raining all day.
Tuesday June 17 we all went to the picnic to day spent quite a dull time of it
Wednesday June 18 Thursday June 19 Friday June 20 Saturday June 21rst beck went up town this
morning us boys and girls went over to the Slough a fishing report that the 11th Iowa Reg went to Va
Sunday June 22nd we all went out to Sunday School pa and bett went over to Lots we went calling and had callers and it wasent a good day for it neither
Monday June 23 Tuesday June 24 Wednesday June 25 Mother went down to Mr Hendrixes to day raing very hard
Thursday June 26 father went up town report that Jeff Davis taken prisoner the folks all went out to High prairie to church
Friday June 27th raining awful warm cousin Annie come down this morning Trent Mellinger called this evning
Saturday June 28th Sunday June 29 went to SS twice to day heard Mr. Powers preach a Nativity Sermon and Spent a pleasant Sunday
Monday June 30th Wash day goda come da Soda and Lord Send Sunday
[Colored image adhered into journal of two women, one reading, one playing a lute. Border reads No 16 Yds, suggesting a possible connection to material. It measures 3 ˝ x 4 5/8 inches and is labeled by hand “.The two Musicians.”]
[hand drawn pencil sketch of a branching plant (tree?), butterfly, flowers, and distant birds]
In the final three months of Nancy’s journal, the only new visitor noted Mrs. (Caroline) Barrak, wife of Joseph, a butcher in Muscatine. Nancy closed out her journal on September 20, but this was not the end of her note taking, scrapbooking, and drawings.
July 1862 Tuesday July first mother went up town vie went over to Lotts this evning dispatch reports fiting at Richmond Va
Wednesday July 2.nd Hattie K. was here to day the folks all went up to P.M.
Thursday July 3rd warm warm da
Friday July 4th Independence da we all went to the celebration to day spent a pleasant day of it and quite an agreeable evning watching the fire works
Saturday July 5 Sunday July 6 Lott and Dave come over and we all went out to the Catholic church
Monday July 7th Tuesday July 8 Wednesday July 9th rained ve went up to Mrs H’s
Thursday July 10th vi and beck went up town we all went out ot high Prairie to church discourse from the 9 chapter and 18 verse of Roman Therefore hath he mercy on Whom he will have mercy, and Whom he will he hardeneth
Friday July 11th Mother and father went up town vie ironed
Saturday July 12 Sunday July 13. I went over on Strawberry Hill to day the God forsaken place of Iowa. the girls went out to Sunday School this morning
Monday July 14th Tuesday July 15 Mr and Mrs Called for T. this evning I went home weith cousin minta Wednesday July 16th Thursday 17th Vie went up town raining
Saturday Friday July 18 Minta and I went over to Lots and still it raing be boy are cutting grass warm day
Saturday July 19th Bec went up town exceedingly warm this morning
Sunday July 20th the folks went out to S.S. this morning us young folks Spent the eving at Woodbine Cottage
Monday July 21rst wasda Joe went up to the Black Smith Shop Lackes 2 minuts and a ˝ till 4 Oclock
Tuesday July 22 Wednesday July 23 harvesting Lou G. stayed all night with beck
Thursday July 24th Friday July 25 Vie went out to the Union school hous the folks all went down to Fannies Spelling School to night
Saturday July 26th Minta and Vie went up to Sallie L.s to day mother went up town Sunday July 27th Mery and Vie accompanied by others went out to the brick church to meeting the foks all went out to H.P. to singing
Monday July 28th washday we all went up to spelling school to night
Tuesday July 29th went up to Will Moxleys Wedding and to the party to night had a fine time and a jolly dance [inserted small cutout banner reading “BELIEVE ME TRUE”] That from the fullness of the heart the month Speaketh,
Wednesday July 30th father went to mill finished binding oats
Thursday July 31rst Mrs Holcomb accompanied by adda and Mrs Barraks called this evning Ironing [inserted colored paper cutout of burning hearts on a pedestal, measuring 1 ˝ x 2 1/8 inches. Beneath it, handwritten, is “A token of friendship”]
August 1862 Friday August first Saturday Aug 2nd we all went out to Mira Rs Exhibition Dr Goodno addressed the Audience I stayed all night at uncles
Sunday August 3rd raining cousin Mira come down with me and we spent quite a soeral evning of it
Monday August 4 and still they come Mr and Mrs Parrin accompanied by Mrs Smally and Miss Briggs visited us to day Gus Johnson called this morning rained all day
Tuesday August 5 Wednesday August 6 warm day and go night
Thursday August 7 Friday August 8 Last day of School rained good day for ducks
Saturday August 9th Vie and I went up town this afternoon no special news
Sunday August 10 bet went over to Lots vie went out to church pa and ma went out to uncle and it wasent a good day for it neither
Monday August 11th wash da father and mother went up town had a Letter from Camp Boliver
Tuesday August 12th Ironed. father went up to Mr Hawsers Nursery
Wednesday August 13 pa is plowing rained All W. Listed.
August 14th bec went to Mr Gregaries Mr Cellars was here this morning pleasant weather
Friday August 15th Saturday August 16th three travelers with 900 hundred sheep stayed all night with us on there way to Monro
Sunday August 17th Lot and Dave and Mrs Newel come over this morning we all went out to church
monday August 18 wash day vie and Mother went up town this afternoon
Tuesday August 19th Mother and sis went out to uncles Mrs H and Blanch was here this evening
Wednesday August 20th father hauled wood Mrs Vanatta was here comet visible in the sky mo
Thursday August 21 mother and beck went over to Daves rained
Friday August 22 Saturday August 23 Mollie Riggs called this morning Mother and I went up town this afternoon
Sunday August 24th Monday August 25 Tuesday August 26th washday father is planting Wheat a drove of 1000 sheep passed down this morning
Wednesday August 27th Henry Millar took Vie and I out to uncles we had quite a jolly time
Thursday August 28th vie and I went plumming had company report of a battle at [large space] Creek
Friday August 29th Saturday August 30th S[illegible] mother and went up town this afternoon
Sunday August 31 raining the folks went down to Grandview to Basket meeting
Tell me where the Maid is found
Whose can Love without deceit
And I will range the world around
To sigh one moment at her feet
For thee will yet think a while
On one whose bosom bleeds to doubt thee[paper cutout of double hearts and arrow adhered to journal]
[colored embossed paper image of woman reclining on pillow outside is adhered to journal. Again, stamped No and Yds, with marking suggesting 16 yards (of fabric). Measure 3 1/10x 4 ˝ inches. Beneath is handwritten “The sleeping Maiden.”]
[hand drawn and water colored image of flowers and buds with a butterfly is adhered to journal]
September 1862 Monday September first Washed Mrs Hollins called this evning
Tuesday September 2 Wednesday Sep 3rd—the boys are making hay report of a compromise
Thursday Sep 4th rained
Friday September 5 father and Joe went up town had the Muscatine paper and still it rains
Saturday September 6. Sunday September 7 Vie and went down to melds Allie C called telegraph report 11th Iowa taken prisoner
Monday September 8th washed soda and goda
Tuesday September 9th Wednesday Sep 10 Thursday September 11th rained
Friday September 12th cousin Minta and Maria Riggs come down this morning
Saturday Sep Mother and I went up town called at Lieut Maddins
Sunday September 14th Vie and I. visited Camp Strong Spent a merry time
Monday September 15th washed mother went down to Minnie Ws
Tuesday September 16th rained Mollie Finn stayed all night with us
Wednesday September 17th father went to Mill,
Thursday September 18th Friday September 19. Saturday September 20th vie and I went up town this morning father finished hauling hay Lou Ryrne called this evning
A journal of 27 months transaction - commencing on the first of July 1860 and ending September 20 1862. is now ended it consists chiefly of who How Where and What. Which I hop may be useful in future days to come. Adieu,
While keeping her journal, Nancy added clipped cardstock-like images and sayings to the inside front cover and facing page, as well as several poems. The end of the book contains many notes, thoughts, poetry, and facts on the war, the weather, and events going on around her. Nancy then wrote out the ‘language of flowers’, and included clipped and handwritten poems.
Afterwards Following the conclusion of this journal in September 1862, much more can be said about the family. Nancy’s sister Charlotte Randleman and her infant died on June 20, 1863, likely during childbirth. Holland re-enlisted in the military, returning to the 11th Infantry in late 1863. During a furlough to Davenport, Iowa, Nancy’s cousin Orlando died April 2, possibly due to disease. Holland was discharged for disability April 26, 1864 and presumably returned to the family farm, where he found many family members had diphtheria. His father, Lewis, died May 6, and Nancy died May 15, both likely of this disease.
In 1865 Nancy’s cousin Araminta married Samuel Vanatta. On May 29, 1866, John McGrew married his third wife, Belle J. Odonnell. Later that year, on November 29, 1866, in a double wedding, Nancy’s cousin Almira (Mira) McGrew married A. Henry Miller and Almira’s sister, Lydia Ann, married Jesse Kerr. Nancy’s sister Rebecca married Charles W. Cilley on May 24, 1870. The only other living McGrew sister, Viola, married William H. Vanatta, a farmer, November 13, 1872 in Muscatine County. By December 1873 they had settled in Kansas, where daughter Della A. was born. They also had Lewis T. (1878) and another child.
By 1876 Holland settled on a 105 acre farm on Slough Road, five miles from Muscatine. In 1880, he was housing a number of family members, including his mother, his niece Lizzie Randleman, and his sister and brother-in-law, the Cilley’s, and their son. On March 14, 1888, he married Mollie Harris, and they had one son, Edward.
The death of John McGrew made big news July 12, 1889. He and his third wife were thrown from their one-horse buggy while riding through Muscatine; he died instantly and his wife was badly injured and taken to Almira’s house.
Nancy’s mother, Anne, died at Rebecca’s home in What Cheer in January, 1897; the funeral was held at Holland’s house. Many of the family members, including Nancy, were buried in Houtz Cemetery, on Highway G28/231st Street, west of Jasper Avenue. The headstones remain, although time is slowly erasing this bit of documentation of their lives.
Return to Muscatine Co. IAGenWeb, Index Page Page created May 27, 2012 by Lynn McCleary