Page 433
January 26, 1910
Gathering of Those Interested in Schools in Seventy-Six
Was Held Last Evening
The first of the series of township school meetings planned by County
Superintendent M. F. Cronin was held last evening at the Central school
in Seventy-Six township. The building was crowded and the session was
a distinctive success. Prof. Cronin addressed the meeting discussing
questions and offering suggestions which will aid in the betterment of
the school system. The following program was also presented:
"School Library and Its Uses "--Nana O'Brien. |
Recitation, "My Ma She Knows "--Lawrence O'Toole. |
"Necessary Supplies for Use in the Schools "--Edna Runyon. |
"Quotation Exercise" Fifth reader class—Miss Agnes O'Brien school. |
"Hygienic Conditions in Schools "--Dora E. Webster. |
Recitation, "The Orphan Anna"--Miss Pearl Fitzsimmons. |
"What Should the Teacher Expect from the Home"--Miss Agnes O'Brien, Miss Christina Karr. |
Oration, "Who Patriots Are"--Edward O'Toole. |
"Geography in the Rural Schools"--Miss Ruby Runyon. |
Other Dates
The next meeting will be held this evening at Olive Branch school, and
the following night at Kalorama schools in Bloomington. At Conesville
the school board decided to give all schools a half holiday Friday so
that the attendance at the meeting would be increased. The Cedar
township a meeting will be held at Conesville, Friday afternoon and all
patrons of the schools are invited to attend.
Page 434
February 2, 1910
Walls Painted, Tiling Cleaned, Radiators Painted and Seats Varnished--
Appearance Pleasing
The work of giving the union passanger a thorough cleaning was finished
last evening and the force of men employed on the job left this morning
for other fields of labors. The station certainly shows the result of the
work done during the past two weeks while the painting, etc., has been
in progress. First, the entire ceiling and part of the side walls were
given two coats of paint, and then the woodwork was carefully washed and
varnished. The part of the walls covered by tiling was cleaned thoroughly
and every little thing which was within the powers of the men at work
was done to give the interior a much-needed cleaning. Even the radiators
were not neglected, each being given a coat of very becoming red paint.
Last but not least, the seats were taken one by one into the ladies'
waiting room, where they were varnished. With the addition of the
clock and the new paint, etc., a former resident of the town would not
feel at home in the depot from this time on.
March 25, 1910
Will Conduct Examinations at Ottumwa--New Rules to Take Effect
on the 1st of April.
A one-car special left this city this morning over the Milwaukee for
Ottumwa, bearing Division Superintendent J. A. MacDonald, Division
Freight and Passenger Agent W. C. Parker, of the C., M. & St. P.,
both of whom have their headquarters at Ottumwa, and A. E. Walker,
trainmaster of the C., R. I. & P. The party will inspect the Milwaukee
line between this city and Ottumwa, noting the condition of the roadbed
and also look over the accounts of the agents along the line, and inspect
the condition of the companies' equipment in general. Upon their arrival
in Ottumwa this evening, Mr. Walker, of the Rock Island road, will
conduct an examination of the Milwaukee employees of that road
who run over the Rock Island from here to Nahant as to their
knowledge of the Rock Island's new rules, which go into effect
April 1st.
Page 435
Aged Austrian Found In Dying Condition
Driven From Greek Camp Near Ardon and Crawls
Among Bushes To Die - Condition Serious
Following an exposure of about four days, terribly emaciated by
consumption and so weak that he could not walk, Anton Golbreck,
an aged Austrian was found lying in the open last evening near
Ardon by Sheriff Benham and Dr. G. A. Heidel and was brought to
this city after 9 o'clock. The man is now confined at the county
jail and will later be removed to the county farm. That the man
will die as a result of the exposure is feared. The aged man
has been a sufferer from consumption for about three years and
has been wandering about the country. He was refused shelter
by a group of Greeks working below this city and he was forced
to remain in the open, crawling off into some bushes at the roadside,
where he would have succumbed had not county help been
offered him. Information regarding the dying man was received
by Sheriff' Benham at about 6 o'clock and the two men left here
immediately after the supper hour to locate the helpless invalid.
Anton Golbreck, Who Suffered Exposure, Dies
Man Was Found Lying In Bushes, Following Four
Days Exposure to Severe Weather
Anton Golbreck, the Austrian, who was found nearly dead as a result
four days of exposure to the severe weather of the early part
of this week, passed away at 12:30 o'clock today the county farm
to which he was removed following his removal to this city by the
His death was due to consumption, and was hastened by the severe
exposure to which he was subjected. The details concerning the
discovery of the emaciated body are startling, when it is considered
that the afflicted man was allowed to remain lying in the
bushes at the roadside for several days, during the most inclement
weather of the entire spring and the Greek section crews
who drove him from their camp, made not the slightest effort to
even notify anyone who might come to the aid of the suffering
Little is known regarding Golbreck's life. He stated previous
to his death that he was 31 years of age, and came to America in
May, 1907 on the steamer Cecelia, sailing from Hamburg. He had
two sisters residing in Europe. The man had been a sufferer from
tuberculosis since his arrival in America and had wandered about
the country a greater part of the time.
Page 436
May 6, 1910
Was Born in Ireland and Attained Age of 82 Years
Funeral Will Be Held Saturday
Miss Margaret Byrne, an aged resident of Seventy-Six Township,
passed away last evening at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Thomas Byrne, near Ardon. Her death was due to senility, and
followed an extended failure of health. She was born in Ireland
and attained the age of 82 years. She was quite well known in
this locality and leaves a number of relatives. The deceased
came to America 63 years ago and resided at St. Louis until
twelve years ago, when she moved to this locality, making her
home with her brother's family. The funeral will be held at
9 o'clock Saturday morning from St. Malachy's Church in Seventy-
Six and Father Fitzsimmons will officiate. Interment will be
made in the Catholic cemetary near that place.
May 10, 1910
Ticket for Primary Election Is Suggested and Delegates
Named to County Convention
It is an exceptionally strong township ticket that the republi-
cans of Seventy-Six have suggested for the primary election in
June. The ticket which is composed of prominent residents who
will make efficient officers follows :
Trustees-~John Reed, Chas. S. Seiler and F. A. Runyon
Assessor—R. C. Fry
Township Clerk--John Lee
Justice of the Peace—A.D. Timberlake, Wm Hendrix
Constables—Ernest Meeker and Arthur Timberlake
B. F. Brookhart was suggested as committeeman and the following
were nominated as delegates to the county convention: A. D.
Timberlake, C. T. McCabe, B. F. Brookhart and F. A. Runyon.
Page 437
May 10, 1910
Ardon, Ia., May 10, 1910--Ira Lee was a Conesville visitor Thursday.
Fred Fergeuson was in Muscatine, Friday.
John Russell has been ill the past few days.
Nellie Cashman was having dental work done in Muscatine the first of
the week.
Andrew Healey received a car of cattle from the north Wednesday.
Arrangements are being made for a fine children's day program at St.
John's church.
Mrs. John Downer and Mrs. Adam Wigim, of Muscatine, attended the
Ladies' Aid at Mrs. Timberlake's. All enjoyed a good time.
Leo Summers, the Ardon agent, is taking a vacation.
Mrs. Dave Legler and daughter were in Ardon Thursday.
The cold weather is the general complaint of the farmers.
Mrs. Marguerite Byrnes died at the home of her sons Thursday night.
funeral services were held at the Catholic church Saturday morning.
Ardon, Ia., May 24, 1910--Mrs. Levi Weist left Tuesday for West
Liberty to visit her daughter at that place.
Lee and wife attended the big baseball game in Muscatine Tuesday.
Millar Riggs returned from Chicago Tuesday.
Sara Heiser, Julia Byrne spent Thursday in Muscatine.
Mrs. Joseph Meeker spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. John Lee.
Mrs. Isaac Lee and daughters, of Muscatine, visited at the John Lee
home Thursday.
Ira Lee and wife and Rev. Percy and family spent Thursday fishing.
Mrs. Milholin spent Thursday in Muscatine.
Mrs. C. Nolan and sons were Muscatine visitors Friday.
Mrs. Robert Deam was a Muscatine caller Friday.
Ardon, Ia., June 8, 1910--David Legler and wife spend Decoration day
with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Legler on the farm.
Arthur Seltzer and wife spent Monday with C. Nolan and family.
Mr. Vanzant and son received their new threshing outfit Wednesday,
Mrs. Robert Deam and little son left for Missouri Tuesday.
Isaac Abbot of Cone is visiting his sister, Mrs. Wilber Chapman.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Thursday morning, a son.
Mrs. Abbott of Cone left for her home Monday, after a few days visit in
the Anderson Chapman home.
The St, John's Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. Clark Altekruse Thursday
afternoon. All enjoyed a good time.
Quite a number from this vicinity attended the entertainment at Cranston
Marie Byrne attended the dance at Letts Thursday night.
Page 438
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green and Mildred attended the closing school
picnic at school No. 7 Friday.
The little infant of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eutsler was taken very ill Friday
The children's day program was well attended at St. John's church.
Miss Leola Lee, who recently came home from school, spent Sunday on
the farm with her brother, Ira.
Ardon, Ia., June 22, 1910--Miss Mary Swartz, returned to her home in
Muscatine after a short stay in the John Lee home.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Summers, returned home from Chicago, where they
were married June 8th. They will soon be at home to their many friends
in the Downer property in Ardon.
Robert Dean is visiting at the Mrs. Ann Byrne home.
Mrs. Eichelbarger was a Muscatine visitor Wednesday.
Mr. Lee and Mr. Foley, of Nichols spent several days in Ardon this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fergenson and children, returned Sunday after a few
days visit with relatives in Illinois.
Rev. Hoffman and family of Letts, visited Friday and Saturday with the
Rev. Percy family.
Ardon, Ia., July 15, 1910--The Robert Lee family of Muscatine are
spending the week at the farm.
Mrs. Torgenson has been on the sick list.
The farmers are busy in the harvest fields.
Dr. George Miller, of Carlisle, filled the pulpit at St. John's church last
Mamie Torgenson, who has been visiting in Illinois, returned home Sunday.
Mr. Summers, the Ardon agent, returned Friday from a visit with friends
at Marion.
Mrs. Ann Byrne was in Muscatine the first of the week.
Arthur Weist returned from West Liberty on Thursday, where he had been
visiting his sister.
Ardon, Ia., August 4, 1910--Miss Gretta Hippie of Lake City, Ia., sister
of Mrs. A. W. Percy is visiting at the Percy home.
Mrs. Fergenson visited at the Tomany home Monday.
A number from this vicinity are attending the chautauqua this week.
John Russell went to Muscatine Monday afternoon.
John Russell and family moved to Sioux City Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Brookhart and Fred Longstreth were in Ardon Friday.
The shower Wednesday was greatly appreciated.
Mr. Shellabarger of Letts was in Ardon Saturday.
Death came and claimed the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byrne Funeral
was held from St. Malachi's Catholic church Monday at 9 a. m.
Mr. and Mrs Ira Lee attended the Chautauqua Saturday evening and Sunday.
Mr Riggs of Muscatine has been buying wheat in the vicinity this week.
Page 439
August 23, 1910
Michael Byrne, Sr., one of the best known farmers of Cedar township,
passed away this morning at 10 o'clock at the home of his son, Michael
Byrne, J r ., southwest of Cranston. His demise was due to old age. He
was about eighty-eight years of age and had been ailing for some time.
He was a native of Ireland. Surviving him are his wife and two sons - -
Michael Byrne, Jr., of Cranston, and James Byrne, living four miles from
Letts. He is also survived by two grandchildren--Agatha Byrne, daughter
and Mrs. James Byrne, and Mary Byrne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Byrne. He was a member of St. Malachi's church.
No arrangements for the funeral have been made as yet.
Page 440
September 27, 1910
For The Past Two Years Many Concrete Structures Have Been Placed
West of Muscatine
Despite the extensive improvements made along the Milwaukee cut-off,
during the past two years, the company is planning to spend at least
$100,000 more on the right of way between Muscatine and Ottumwa. When
the line was first built, the bridges and other structures along the route
were in a measure temporary and they are now being made permanent.
Hundreds of concrete culverts have been placed and during the past year
several long bridges were constructed of the same material. More than
a train load of cement and sand has been used by the road in the great
improvement which is still under way and before the big task is completed
many more cars of material will be used.
To Double Track
That it is the intention of the company to double track the route is evidenced
by the building which is now being done , for the bridges and viaducts are
being so constructed that an additional track can be carried over them.
Perhaps no where in the entire state is railroad work being carried on on
such an extensive scale.
The long timber treaties, which are found at many points along the line
which runs through an exceptionally hilly country, are now giving way to
the improved viaduct. One of these which is now in course of construction
a quarter of a mile long and its cost will be many thousands of dollars.
The bridge over the Muscatine Slough which is now of wood, is to be re-
placed by a double track concrete structure, and before next winter, the
entire road is to be reballasted.
Condemn Land
Other improvements the nature of which have not been learned are to be
made as soon as the land adjoining the right of way can be condemned according
to a report eminating from Ottumwa. Because of farmers in some
localities along the line do not desire to sell their land, the officials of
the road have notified the state Railway Commission that extensive improve-
ments are being planned, and ask permission to condemn a tracts of land
near Farson, and at other points.
Page 441
December 14, 1910
Death Due to Pneumonia--Was Resident of Muscatine County All His Life
C. D. Humphreys, a well known resident of Lake township, passed away
at his home Tuesday afternoon, death following a short illness of pneumonia.
Mr. Humphreys, who was 53 years of age, lived in Muscatine county all
his life. His wife and four daughters mourn his demise, the daughters
being Mary Gertrude, Dorothy, Elizabeth and Irene.
February 23, 1911
Miss Mabel Healey, of School No. 1, Mis-spelled Only One Word and Won
First Honors
The Seventy-Six township spelling match was held at school No. 4 on
Wednesday afternoon, and was attended by many. Miss Mabel Healey, of
School No. 1, was the winner of the contest, she mis-spelling but one word.
Miss Elizabeth Digney, of school No. 4, won second prize and Henry
Martin, of school No. 4, was third.
Page 442
July 5, 1911
Heavy Loss Sustained at William Healey Farm- -
Hotel at Ardon Is Damaged by Fire.
The unprecedented hot and dry weather which this section has experienced
is having its result in numerous blazes in both city and country. Yesterday
two fires occurred in the vicinity of Muscatine. Fire did considerable
damage to the hotel at Ardon, owned by Mrs. Mary Byrne, but was extinguished
without large property loss. Flames last evening, due to it is
believed a spark from an engine, set fire to the hayfield on the farm of
William C. Healy, northwest of Muscatine on the Bayfield road, burning
over fifty acres before it could be extinguished.
The fire at the Healy place proved to be a stubborn conflagration, and
as the wind was blowing in that direction, it was feared for a time that
the farm buildings might be destroyed. Assisted by a large number of
neighbors, the residents of the farm fought the flames with determination
and succeeded in checking their spread before the buildings were reached.
While no one at the Healy home could make an estimate of the damage this
morning, it is certain that the loss will be heavy. The conflagration broke
out yesterday afternoon shortly after the freight train on the Western
branch of the Rock Island had passed the place.
Fire in Hotel Building
Fire of unknown origin was discovered at the front of the hotel at Ardon
conducted by Mrs. Mary Byrne about 6 o'clock last evening. The had
its origin under the roof of the front porch. Prompt efforts kept it from
spreading throughout the house and kept the loss sustained down to about
$250, partially covered by insurance.
Page 443
July 15, 1911
Effective May l4th, 1911
Going East | |
No. 108 Kas-City Chicago Local | 8:40 p.m. |
*No. 112 Southwest Ltd | 2:30 a.m. |
#No. 292 Local freight | 3:25 p.m. |
| |
Going West | |
No. 103 Chicago-Kas. City Local | 7:05 a.m. |
No. 105 Southwest Ltd | 11:44 p.m. |
#No. 291 Local freight | 8:40 a.m. |
| |
*Daily | |
# Daily except Sunday | |
E. Ferguson, Agt | |
September 11, 1911
Lived in Broken Bow, Neb., for 25 years, Funeral Will
Be Held At Ardon Wednesday Morning
Henry Cashman, formerly a resident of Seventy-Six, and for the
past 25 years living at Broken Bow, Neb., died at that place
Sunday evening. The body will be brought to Letts tomorrow morning
at 6:15 o'clock, and will be taken to the home of his brother,
Thomas Cashman, of near Ardon. He is survived by two brothers,
Thomas and William, and one sister, Mrs. Shannahan, of Cornell,
The funeral will be held 10 o'clock Wednesday morning in Ardon
from the Catholic Church. Rev. Fitzsimmons and Rev. Shannahan,
of Davenport will conduct the funeral, the latter a nephew of the
dead mna will celebrate mass. Iterment will be made in Ardon.
Page 444
November 24, 1911
Had Been In Failing Health for the Past Year~-Was a Survivor of the
Pioneer Days
In his 79th year, Samuel Wigim, one of the most generally and favorable
known of the pioneer residents of Muscatine county, passed away last
evening at his home on West Hill in this city. The announcement of the
demise of the well known man was received with surprise by many of
his friends, as it was not known by all that his death was imminent. For
the past year, the survivor of the pioneer day, had been in failing health
and his rugged constitution became greatly enfeebled. On Monday, he
became quite ill, and yesterday morning he lapsed into unconsciousness,
remaining in a comatose state until dissolution occurred last evening at
7:10 o'clock.
Mr. Wigim's death marks the passing away of another of the sturdy
pioneers, whose activities in the days of long ago made it possible for
the people of this country to enjoy the comforts of an established
Born In Ireland
The decedent was a native of the Emerald Isle, having first seen the light
of day in County Tyrone, Ireland, on March 17, 1833. His boyhood was
spent on his native heath but he early decided to cast his lot in the new
world and when seventeen years of age emigrated to America. In 1850
he crossed the ocean, the trip from Belfast to New Orleans being made
in a sailing vessel which was almost wrecked in a stormy and tempestuous
voyage which lasted seven weeks. Coming north by boat he landed in
Muscatine in June, 1850, at which time this place was still known as the
town of Bloomington.
Comes To County
Being reared to the pursuits of the farm it was not long until he purchased
a wild and timbered tract in Seventy-Six township living in a log cabin
meanwhile. By untiring energy he converted the place into a highly im-
proved farm and gradually increased his holding until he became known
as one of the prominent and successful farmers of the county, raising
many cattle and horses of which he was particularly fond. His unflagging
industry won him a competence as he actively followed the pursuits …
Page 445
… of agriculture until 1893, when he moved to Muscatine to enjoy well
earning retirement.
Those Who Survive
In 1851 Mr. Wigim was united in marriage with Miss Martha Beatty
whose parents had located in this region as early as 1842. This union
was graced with six children, one of whom died in infancy, the survivors
being Adam Wigim, of Muscatine, Samuel Wigim of Lone Tree, Robert
Wigim, Mrs. Henry Nyenhuis and Mrs. Daniel Caple, of Muscatine,
Mrs. Wigim passed away December 30, 1874.
Subsequently Mr. Wigim was again united in marriage to Miss Margaret
Trueman on October 29, 1877. Three children were born of this union--
Hugh W., of Muscatine; James G., who died in 1895, and Trueman I.
Wigim, now of Chicago.
Religiously, decedent afilliated with the Presbyterian Church. He was
widely and favorably known and friends will extend their sympathy to
the mourning widow and children.
Funeral Saturday
The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. W. H. Tomlinson on
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence, 905 West Third street,
Funeral private. Friends invited. No flowers.
Page 446
February 9, 1912
Was a Native of Ireland and Came to This Country Sixty Years Ago --
Was Well Known
John M. O'Brien, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed resident of
Seventy-Six Township, passed away last evening at his home unexpectedly.
He has been a resident of Muscatine county for sixty years and his death
brings grief to an extensive acquaintanceship. His death came in the 82nd
year and brought to a close a life of usefulness and sacrifice.
Mr. O'Brien not only attained success as a farmer but by his public spirit
and generousity assisted others on the road to prosperity. He was born
in County Carlow, Ireland, October 31, 1830. In 1847 he came in sailing
vessel to America with his parents and located in St. Louis. In 1848 he
came to Muscatine county and followed the pursuits of the farm and the
following year purchased a farm on sections 19 and 20. The stories of
great fortunes acquired quickly in the gold mines of California aroused
his interest and in 1854 he started for the west. He went by ship from
New York to the Isthmus of Panama, crossed the isthmus on a mule and
from the west coast took ship for San Francisco. Journeying up the
Sacramento river to the mountains he secured enough yellow metal to
give him a good start as a farmer in Muscatine county. After the death
of his parents he bought the old homestead and at one time owned 400
acres of good farming land.
In 1864 Mr. O'Brien was married to Miss Margaret Byrne, who passed
away in 1901, at the age of fifty-eight years.
The surviving children are Frank, of Denver, Colo; James S., at home;
John, of 76 township, and the Misses Nannie, Agnes and Kate at home
Two brothers also survive, they being Dennis, of Muscatine Island and
Daniel, of 76 township. Another brother, Michael, died in San Francisco
last November.
Mr. O'Brien always stood for what he believed to be right and true. He
was greatly beloved by his friends and a wide circle of acquaintances
who will regret to hear of his demise.
Religiously he was since childhood an adherent of the Catholic faith to
whose teachings be yielded devout assent.
The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock on Sunday morning at St. Malichi's
church near Ardon, Ia.
Page 447
April 11, 1912
Milwaukee Bridge Over Cone Lake Gives Way -- Engineer is Killed.
Pier Weakened By High Water Gives Way When Engine Is Sent Across
Bridge Ahead of Train to Test Strength of Structure.
Engineer John Adams, of Ottumwa, is dead, and Fireman John Moriarity,
also of Ottumwa, suffered the amputation of his right leg below the knee
as the result of an accident which occurred at 10 o'clock this morning,
when Milwaukee engine No. 275, plunged through a weakened bridge into
the waters of Cone Lake.
Adam's body still lies under the engine, which is completely immersed
under 34 feet of water. Moriarity probably owes his life to the loss of
the leg, as it is believed that had not the limb been completely shorn off
he too, like his companion would have been carried under the waters of
the lake to certain death,
The high waters of the recent period had greatly weakened the bridge
across the lower end of Cone Lake, one mile east of here since the lake
has been overflowed by the backwaters from the Cedar river, and yester-
day the middle pier of the bridge settled some. The morning west bound
passenger train passed over the bridge in safety, but two hours before
the accident, as also did the work train bearing the bridge gang that was
at work upon the bridge at the time of the accident. When the east bound
freight running as second No. 66 approached, it was decided to test the
bridge thoroughly before attempting to run over the heavy freight train,
The train was a double header, and the first engine, the ill fated No. 275,
was uncoupled and sent across the structure as a pilot.
Bridge Spans Give Way.
Creeping slowly over the bridge the engine approached the weakened
spans which had previously borne whole trains without disaster, its
crew little thinking of any possible disaster to their locomotive but
intent on judging the possibilities of the bridge safely bearing the long
heavy train behind. When the locomotive reaehed the center spans the
structure gave way with a crash, so suddenly that the engineer and fire-
man had no time to leap for their lives. Down into the swollen waters
of Cone lake the engine plunged carrying with it its human freight.
Both men were carried under, Adams' body, it is believed, being still
pintonee beneath the weight of the locomotive at the bottom on the lake.
Moriarity was also carried under and in some manner in the crash of …
Page 448
… the disaster, his leg was shorn completely off just below the knee.
Thus freed, his body rose to the surface of the water tha though
suffering from terrible pain and weakened by the shock of the accident
and his injury, he retained sufficient presence of mind to grasp a box
which floated out from the wreckage of the engine and fallen span,
to which he clung until members of the horrified bridge crew could
secure a boat and row hastily to his aid. When the boat reached his
side Moriarity was able to pull himself into the boat and was brought
ashore. Hasty and crude, but effective steps were taken to staunch the
flow of blood from his limb and he was hurried to the office of
Dr. English here. The physician at the time was on a call in the
country and another half an hour passed before he could be located
and summoned to the office. By virtue of the rude bandages and torquinet
applied at the bridge, however, the flow of blood had been staunched and
though the loss of blood was sufficiently great to weaken the victim
his condition is not regarded as by any means critical. Following
Dr. English's arrival he summond Dr. Hubbard from Columbus Junction
to assist in giving the wound the medical attention demanded. Moriarity
at noon was still at the local physician's office but will probably be
taken to Ottumwa-as soon as his condition is such as to warrant the trip.
Engineer's Body Under Engine.
It is not believed that Engineer Adams' body will be recovered for
several days at least. Men who visited the scene of the accident this
morning and talked with the railroad men at the bridge declare that it
will be necessary to build a temporary span connecting the severed
parts of the bridge to hold the derrick which will be needed to raise
the engine and not until the engine is raised will there be any possibility
of recovering the body of the unfortunate man, which is thought to be at
the very bottom of the pile of submerged debris. Something of the
magnitude of the task confronting the rescue workers will be realized
when it is stated that the uppermost part of the wrecked engine is eleven
feet under the surface of the water and that the current under the bridge
is of terrific velocity, as is evidenced by its weakening of the pier
So undermined was the pier by the force of the water that when the
engine this morning attempted to pass over the bridge it gave way.
Normally Cone lake, over the lower part of which the wrecked bridge
passes, is about a quarter of a mile east of the Cedar river. During
the recent high water, however, the Cedar has overflowed its banks
covering all the lowlands in the vicinity, being at places in this section
five miles wide. The water spreading over the lands north of the track
between the Cedar and Cone lake in flowing southward is of course
compelled to pass under the Cone lake bridge, as the high embankment
of the Milwaukee track prevents any other egress. The bridge being not
unusually wide, a big volume of water has been flowing at great speed
under the bridge since the beginning of the high water period and this
current has scarcely lessened since the water began to fall, the railroad …
Page 449
… embankment acting in a measure as a dam in holding back the water
that is attempting to flow back to the Cedar since the river began to
recede. For days the bridge has been closely watched and since the
settling of the pier yesterday the utmost caution has been observed.
It was as a precautionary measure that the ill-fated engine was sent
across the bridge in advance of the freight t r a in this morning, there
being no belief but what the structure retained sufficient strength to
bear the weight of the single engine, having to lately upheld the weight
of an entire passenger train.
Reported Bridge in Good Shape.
Superintendent J. A. MacDonald of the Milwaukee railroad, today
declared that not half an hour before the accident at Cone lake, he
and received a report from Foreman Kiburtz of the pile driver gang
that the bridge was in good shape for trains to pass over it. Yesterday
afternoon, according to the railroad report pier No. 4 settled two inches
and the wreck crew had been at work strengthening this pier by driving
piling about it.
Superintendent MacDonald and three sons of Engineer Adams left
here today for the scene of the wreck. Mr. Adams had been in the employ of
the Milwaukee railroad for thirty years. For the last 14 years he had
been an engineer. He was a native of Germany, where he was born in
1861. He is survived by a widow and seven children.
Page 450
April 12, 1912
Report of Fireman's Death is Erroneous, Body of Engineer
Arrives in Ottumwa -- Work of Repairing Bridge and
raising Engine Rushed.
The remains of Engineer John Adams of Ottumwa, who was carried
down to his death when a Milwaukee engine broke through the Cone lake
bridge yesterday, were recovered at 11 o'clock last night after
Captain Ferris, of Davenport, a professional diver, had made five
descents in an effort to locate the body.
The diver found the body wedged tight under a piling from the pier
of the bridge and it was necessary to make another descent and fasten
chains to the piling so that it might be lifted out before the body was
freed and could be brought to the surface. After the body had been
recovered it was turned over to an undertaker and in his charge and
accompanied by three sons of Mr. Adams, taken to Washington, from
whence it was taken to Ottumwa, where it arrived at 10 o'clock this
One wrecking crew arrived at the scene of the wreck about 7 o'clock
last night and another arrived late today. Work of repairing the bridge
and preparing to raise the engine is being rushed, the crews working
all night last night. At noon today, however, there was little prospect
of an immediate resumption of traffic across the bridge.
Report of Death Erroneous.
The body of Engineer John Adams, who was killed at the Cone lake bridge
yesterday, arrived here this morning at 10 o'clock. Arrangements for
the funeral have not yet been completed.
Dr. J. E. Newell, who yesterday at Washington operated on Fireman
John Moriarity, the other victim of the accident, also returned to
Ottumwa today. Dr. Newell was surprised at the reports from Muscatine
that Moriarity had succumbed, declaring the operation when Moriarity's
leg was amputated just below the knee, was entirely successful and that
the patient's condition was as good as could be expected from the nature
of his injuries.
Page 451
One Horse Killed and Two Others Are Stunned
Storm of Brief Duration This Morning Plays Havoc With Chas. Fletcher
and 12 Year Old Son
A well known farmer of Ardon and his son were rendered unconscious, a
horse killed and two others fell to the earth, stunned, when a freakish
play of lightning during this morning's brief storm struck the farm
of Charles Fletcher. The latter, with his 12 year old son, Charles
Jr., were working on his land this morning when the storm overtook them.
They were on the point of hastening for shelter when an unexpected bolt
struck one of the horses near them. The animal was killed instantly.
Two others were knocked to the ground while a fourth was untouched.
Mr. Fletcher and son were both down and lay in a stupor while the rain
beat down upon them for some time.
The lad was the first to revive. Seeing the unconscious form of his
father lying upon the ground, he feared that death had overcome him
and ran to the farm house, giving the alarm. Aid was swiftly brought
to the injured man but he had already recovered his senses when help
arrived. The shock received by him was severe but not serious.
Throughout the day he experienced a tingling sensation, his body being
surcharged with electricity.
Mrs. Ellen Haragon Succumbs
At Hershey Hospital
Long Illness Ends in Death Soon After Midnight This
Morning - Hold Funeral On Wednesday
The shock which resulted from the severance of a limb, caused the
death of Mrs. Ellen Haragon, widow of Patrick Haragon, shortly after
midnight this morning at Hershey Hospital, at which institution she
had been for the past several months. Gangrene affected the limb.
Heart trouble, aggrivated by a complication of disease, were indirect
causes of her demise. She was 73 years old.
Mrs. Haragon was a resident of 76 Township. Her long residence there
was resultant in winning her a large acquaintanceship and she was one
of the best known of the older generation. The remains were taken to
the undertaking establishment of Meyers & Gettert today, where the body
will be held until tomorrow morning, when the funeral will be conducted.
Services will be held from St. Matthias Church, of which she was a mem-
ber at 9 o'clock. The body will be taken from the undertakers at 8:30.
The decedant was a native of Tralee, Ireland. Her husband preceded
her in death ten years ago. Three children survive her death, they
being Mrs. Ellen Reynolds, of Cripple Creek, Col.; Mrs. R. Swift, of
St. Louis, and Patrick Haragon of 76 Township.
Page 452
Successful Term's End Marked By An Excellent Program-
Mrs. Lille Hopkinson
The closing day of the High Prairie School in Seventy-six township,
taught by Mrs. Lillie Hopkinson, 904 Cedar Street, this
city, was marked by the presentation of an interesting program
as follows:
Song, "America" —School. |
Recitation, "Suppose" —Jennie Tammenga. |
Dialogue, "Helping" —Levi Elchelberger, Zelda Verink, |
Jennie Tammenga, and Velma Gertenbach. |
Song, "Teddy Bear" --Clara Tammenga. |
Recitation, "The Dandelion Boy" —Howard Healey. |
Recitation, "Farmer Girls" —Zelda Verink. |
Recitation, "Verses" —Helen O'Brien. |
Song, "My Bonnie" —School. |
Dialogue, "Days of the Week" --Anna Gertrude Riggs, Beatrice |
Healey, Jennie Tammenga, Zelda Verink, Velma |
Gertenbach, Levi Eichelberger, Howard Healey, and James Furlong. |
Recitation, "Little Kitty" —Beatrice Healey. |
Song, "Little Gypsie Dandelions" --Jennie Tammenga. |
Recitation, "A Little Boys Thoughts" —Levi Elchelberger. |
Recitation, "The Dead Dolly" —Velma Gertenbach. |
Dialogue, "The Train to Mauro" --Helen M. O'Brien, Anna |
Gertrude Riggs, and Levi Eichelberger. |
Song. "Twenty Froggies" --School |
Wand Drill —By School. |
Song and Recitation. "Jesus Lover of My Soul" —Anna G. Riggs |
Recitation, "Good Night and Good Morning" —Clara Tammenga. |
Recitation, "Sister Susie's Beau" —Helen O'Brien. |
Dialogue, "What We Learn At School" —James Furlong, Beatrice |
Healey, Monica Furlong, Howard Healey, and Clara Tammenga. |
The program was well presented by the children and enjoyed by the
parents and friends of the scholars.
Page 453
June 26, 1912
Miss Ruby Runyon The Bride of John O'Toole.
Groom Is Resident of Seventy-six Township
-- Being A Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Toole.
Letts, Ia. June 26.
An interesting marriage took place this morning at 9 o'clock at St.
Malachy's Catholic church in Seventy-Six township, when Miss Ruby
Runyon, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Runyon of this place,
became the bride of John O'Toole, of Seventy-Six township. The Rev.
Father Fitzsimmons of Nichols, performed the ceremony. The bride
was attended by Miss Mollie O'Toole, and the groom by Jamie O'Toole,
sister and brother of the groom. The bride wore a handsome gown
of white lace and embroidery and carried a bouquet of roses. She wore
a long tulle veil held in place in her hair with blossoms. The brides-
maid's gown was of sky-blue material. The church was beautifully
decorated with palms and roses. Miss Margaret O'Toole, another
sister of the groom, played the wedding march.
A wedding dinner was served the guests at the home of the bride's
parents at 12 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Toole leave for Fosston, Col., where they will make
their future home. Both are members of prosperous and prominent
Page 454
January 30, 1913
The nuptials of Miss Grace Grosjean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
S. N. Grosjean, prominent residents of Seventy-Six township, and
Glen Will, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chet Will, well-known residents
of Lake township, were solemnized Wednesday at the rectory of
St. Mary's church here by the Rev. Father Fitzsimmons, pastor of
the church.
The celebration was a simple one, owing to the serious illness of the
bride's father. Following it the young people left for Chicago on a
short wedding trip, and after their return will make their future home
on a farm near Nichols.
April 5 1913
Although enthusiasm marked the meeting of the farmers of Seventy-six
township, held last evening at Ardon, the organization of a subordinate
branch of the county crop association was postponed until a future meeting.
County Crop Advisor Kirkpatrick was present and his remarks were heard
with undivided attention. It is planned to hold a meeting in the near future,
at which F. D. Steen, of West Liberty, the president of the conunty organization
will speak.
The meeting last evening was marked by a large attendance and it would
appear that the value of a township organization is recognized by those
active in farm activity in that locality.
May 30, 1913
Perhaps the most successful township meeting held in connection with the
present campaign was that which had its scene the No. 4 school in Seventy-
Six township last evening. Prof. J. W. Coverdale of Ames College and
County Crop Advisor Kirkpatrick spoke of the organization plan and of
the benefits of co-operative effort after which a business session was
held at which the following officers were named:
President - - - Thomas McCabe.
Vice Pres . - - - J. T. O'Brien.
Secy. Treas. ---- L . E. Downer.
Page 455
June 9, 1913
An interesting program which will be presented at the High Prairie school
in Seventy-Six township on Thursday evening, June 12th, has been arranged.
The affair promises to be one of the most attractive ever held at the school
house. On Friday, June 13, Mother's day will be observed there. The
following program will be offered Thursday:
Program. |
Song - M r . Bob White--School |
Recitation--The Duckling--Zelda Verink |
Song-- The Dairy Maids--Three Girls |
Recitaion--The Busy Little Maiden--Beatrice Healey. |
Recitation--Iowa--Velma Gertenbach |
Solo-Where the Riber Shannon Flows--Levi Eichelberger |
Recitation--Which Loved Best--Nellie Peterson |
Flag Drill--School |
Recitation--Dapple Gray--Reuben Gertenbach |
Solo -The Shell-Velma Peterson |
Dialogue--The Model Less on--School |
Song --Two Little Sailor Boys--Levi Eichelberger and Howard Healey |
Instrumental Solo--Anna Gertrude Riggs |
A Flower Masque or the Queen of Hearts and the Enchanted Flower Garden--School |
Page 456
June 10, 1913
Exercises Will Be Held at the Muscatine High School on Saturday, June 21
Arrange Program.
Forty-five pupils in the rural schools of Muscatine county will be awarded
common school diplomas at the commencement exercises to be held at the
Muscatine high school on Saturday, June 21. County Superintendent E. D.
Bradley today announced the personnel of the class. The examination papers
which were just corrected were quite encouraging. The members of the
class follow:
Emma Bockwoldt, Fulton |
Dorothy Birkett, Wapsie |
Ruby E. Balmos, Goshen |
Esther B. Buser, Orono |
Gertrude Florence Bermel, Sweetland |
John Shakespear Coxen, Wapsie |
Harry L. Cashman, Seventy-Six |
Fern Louis Criger, Orono |
Eugene Cook, Sweetland |
Mabel Carpenter, Orono |
Mildred B. Coder, Lake |
Hallie L. Dusenberry, Sweetland |
Merle Dodder, Seventy-Six |
Milton Eichelberger, Seventy-Six |
Mildred Greene, Lake |
Alice H. Gay, Orono |
Florence Lillian Gettert, Sweetland |
Guy E. Harp, Montpelier |
Milton A. Hunter, Cedar |
Guy V. Hafner, Cedar |
Elsie Pearl Kirchner, Pike |
Emma L. Moser, Bloomington |
Stella M. Metheny, Pike |
Reefa Goldie Meeks, Goshen |
Mervil Ellen Nolan, Seventy-Six |
Benjamin F. Nichols, Pike |
Helen O'Brien, Seventy-Six |
Stella O'Connor, Sweetland |
Marie Ratcliff, Orono |
Lillie M. Ogden, Sweetland |
Elsie Ruth Odgen, Sweetland |
Page 457
January 19, 1914
Playing and Accurate Attempts At Goal Give Cranston Lads
An Easy Victory
Cranston, Iowa, Jan. 19. -- Cranston High School again added a scalp to its
belt Sarurday evening, when, before an enthusiastic crowd of rooters,
Columbus Junction's second team, west down to defeat 24 to 18. One week
ago, a similar trick was pulled by the locals on the second team from
Muscatine High school.
While the guarding of both teams was carefully and systematically done,
Cranston's steller pair, P. Cashman and Swickard, were able to locate
the netting on numerous occasions. The totals show five field goals for
P. Cashman and four for Swichard.
The line up and score follows:
Cranston (24) | | Col. Junction (18) |
Lieberknecht | R. F. | Hanft |
Swickard | L. F. | Patton |
P. Cashman | C. | Darrow |
H. Cashman. | R. G. | Roberts |
Hafner | L. G. | Parks |
Goals from Field - - P . Cashman 5, Swickard 4, Hanft, 3, Lieberknecht 2, Roberts, Parks,
Free Throws - - Hanft, 8; Lieberknecht,2;
Referee - - Prof. Weber, Columbus Junction.
Page 458
February 20, 1914
Amount on hand and received from Treasurer, $2,440.73. Expenditures,
Mr. Wigim, hall rent, $17.50; Ed. Herlein, labor, $210.06; F. Runyon,
dragging, $49.52; Jas. Hackett, labor $12.06; Keve Lbr. Co., lumber,
$6.66; la. Culvert Co., culverts, $215.35; Mike Yunch, labor, $1.00;
J. E. Furlong, labor, $18.37; M. J. Shellabarger, labor, $16.70; J. S.
McBride, labor, $141.56; Ed. Ryan, labor, $14.87; J. Hackett, Labor,
$61.62; C. Plowman, labor, $76.67; M. C. Ross, repairs, $5.00; C.
Nolan, labor, $39.51; H. Hoqmeyer, labor, $16.19; Wm. Fletcher, labor,
$16.76; F. A. Runyon, labor $57.85; H. H. Fullerton, labor, $122.96;
Jas . O'Toole, Clk. Com., etc. $51.40; E. J. Coady, labor, $2.50;
Russell Grader Co., Graders, $73.77; Kelley Mfg. Co., draggs, $67.16;
Geo. Viner, labor, $16.00; Mike Tomney, labor, $27.74; L. Grosjean,
labor, $12.86; Merie Runyon, $6.00; Thos. Cashman, labor, $16.00;
Wm. Hackett, labor, $21.98; P. O'Toole, labor, $15.70; Fuller & Hillier
Hdwr. Co., iron, $25.60; Ed. Hendris, labor, $47.18; P. O'Toole,
labor, $15.70; Fuller & Hiller Hdwr. Co., iron, $25.60; Ed. Hendrix,
labor, $47. 18; P. O'Toole, dragging, $23.36; O. Blake, Dragging, $4.55;
H. C. Hendrix, dragging, $10.55; C. F. McCabe, dragging, $4.00; W. C.
Hendrix, dragging, $4.87; John Verink, dragging, $7.80; A . E . Brookhart,
dragging, $4.87; E. Meeker, dragging, $3.24; E. E. Eichelberger,
dragging, $2.16; A. Nau, dragging, $33.80; J. O'Brien, dragging, $9.75.
Total Expenditures, $1, 591. 05.
Page 459
August 31, 1914
Miss Sarah Byrne, a well known resident of Seventy-Six township, passed
away at her home at 12:30 o'clock on Sunday morning. Her demise followed
a brief illness and to many of her friends the announcement of her death was
She leaves to mourn her death two brothers, Joseph P. and Lewis F. Her
parents preceded her in death some years ago as did an only sister less
than a year ago. Miss Byrne never recovered from the shock of the latter
Funeral services will be held from St. Malachy's church at Ardon at 10
o'clock on Tuesday morning.
October 1, 1914
Will Re-Lay Steel On the Milwaukee Road From this City West
--Are Now At Work.
An extra gang of more than fifty men was started to work near Culver
yesterday on the Milwaukee railroad. They will re-lay the steel from
the city west, putting in 90 pound steel and taking out the 85 pound steel.
When completed the track will be in as good condition as any single track
in the west and a heavier class of locomotives will probably then be used
on this division. During the past year business on this division of the
Milwaukee has greatly increased, and has gained such proportions that
it is hard to handle with the smaller type locomotives. The work of relaying
the steel and putting the track in good condition will probably take
the greater part of the winter.
Stationary Houses
A new type of bunk houses are being used by the gang of men who are
working here. Instead of using old box cars which are unfit for service,
new bunk houses, which can be transported on flat cars, and then unloaded
upon a stationary foundation are being used. The bunks are all clean and
in the best of condition, and afford the workmen much better living quarters
than the old box car bunks.
Page 460
Seventy-Six Township
Clerk—James O'Toole
Assessor—H. H. Fullerton
Trustees—Ed. Herlain, E. E. Eichelberger and Mike Tomney
Funeral Services To Be Held at 9 O'clock Tomorrow Morning
at St. Mattias Church
James J. Gorey passed away about six o'clock last evening at
Bellevue Hospital, after an illness of about three days. Mr.
Gorey's condition was not regarded as serious until almost 24
hours before his death and at this time he was taken to the
hospital. Tonsilities was the first cause of his illness and
a complication of disease caused the demise.
Mr. Gorey was 44 years old at the time of his death, and had
resided during his entire life in this county. He was born
near Ardon, and moved to this city shortly before his marriage
about 12 years ago. He was a member of the St. Matthias Church.
Mr. Gorey was an employee of the Citizen's Railway and Light
Company here for nearly nine years and later was employed by the
Muscatine Lighting Company.
He is survived by his wife, three brothers, Paul, John and
William Gorey, all of this city, and three sisters, Mrs. Frank
O'Brien, of Denver, Colorado} Mrs. Charles Humphries of Chicago;
and Miss Elisabeth Gorey of Chicago.
Funeral services will be held at 9 o'clock Saturday morning at
St. Matthias Church. The Rev. F. J. Leonard will officiate and
the remains will be interred in St. Malachi's Cemetery, Ardon.
Page 461
November 13, 1914
Pioneer Resident of Muscatine Succumbs At Home In Seventy-
Six Township Last Night
John Hickey, a pioneer resident of this county, and one of the
early settlers in this part of the country, passed away at his home in
Seventy-Six Township about 11 o'clock last night, following
an illness of more than two years. Senility was the
cause of his death. Mr. Hickey was well known throughout the
county and especially in and near this city, having resided in
Seventy-Six Township continuously for the past 68 years.
Mr. Hickey was born in the County of Kilkenny, Ireland, June 24,
1833. He came to this country, locating at Chilocothe, O.,
March 1, 1851, and came to this county about five years later.
Mr. Hickey came to this county overland in a prairie wagon, which
was the common method of travel at that time. By industry he
soon saved enough to purchase a homestead in Seventy-Six Township
and it was on this homestead that he passed away. He was
united in marriage with Margaret Dalton, April 27, I863. To
this union were born six children. The children are Catherine,
who passed away in infancy; Joseph, of Seventy-Six Township;
Mrs. W. C. Healey, of Lake Township; Mrs. Joseph O'Brien, of
Seventy-Six Township, and John of Creston, Ia. His wife preceded
him in death about 23 years.
No definite funeral arrangements have yet been made, other than
that the funeral will be held at St. Mary's Church and the remains
will be interred in St. Mary's Cemetary.