Muscatine County, Iowa

1901 – 1954


~ PART 13 ~

Transcribed, as written, by Beverly Gerdts. Submitted January 6, 2020

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Car Derailed Near Culver Causes Much Trouble

Milwaukee Passenger No. 108 Delayed Over An Hour As Result Of
Breakdown - Other Items

    As a result of a minor wreck which occurred on the Milwaukee Road last evening near the Culver Station, traffic was suspended for several hours. One of the heavy cars on a local freight jumped the track and tore up the right of way for a short distance. A section crew was sent to the scene and after working for several hours the track was cleared. The Milwaukee passenger No. 108 which is due to arrive here shortly after 9 o'clock was delayed for some time by the accident.

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    Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eutsler and children left Wednesday on No. 3 for Haskins, Ia., to spend several days at the home of James Foster.

    Mrs. Anna Byrne received word Friday stating that Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Deam and little son arrived at Butte, Mont, safely.

    Mrs. William Bloom of Muscatine, spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Hugh Wigim and family.

    The Slough Road Sewing Circle was entertained at the home of Mrs. J. T. Downer Wednesday afternoon. Ira Lee, who is attending school at Burlington, Ia., spent Thursday with his parents.

    Altekruse Bros. shipped a car load of cattle to Chicago Tuesday. Sam accompanied the shipment.

    Rev. Brook former pastor of St. John's Church was visiting friends in this vicinity several days last week.

    Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wigim of Muscatine, spent Tuesday with Ardon friends.

    Patrick Shingledecker, of near Moscow, has moved onto the Curtis Hunter farm.

    Revival meetings are in progress at St. John's Chapel and Elder Patterson is assisting Rev. Ballard with the work.

    The Ladies Aid Society of the U. B. Church will meet with Mrs. John Webb Thursday, February 6, for an all day meeting. Members are requested to be present.

    Mr. Downey shipped three car loads of cattle to Chicago Saturday.

    The dance given by Edward Healey and Harrison Terry Friday night was well attended considering the stormy night.

    W. M. Riggs and Ed. Seller shipped a car of hogs to Chicago Thursday.

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    J. J. Legler, of Muscatine, spent several days of last week visiting friends in this vicinity.

    Joe Milholn, formerly of this place, but now of Kansas, is spending several weeks with his brother, Bert, and other relatives.

    Andrew Healey shipped two car loads of cattle to Chicago Sunday.

    Miss Foster, of Haskins, Ia., is visiting at the home of her uncle, Frank Eutsler.

    J. T. Downer and Hugh Wigim, have been busy the past week filling their large ice houses.

    S. N. Grosjean left Monday for an extended visit on the Pacific Coast.

    Joe Furlong shipped a car of hogs to Chicago Wednesday. Elder Patterson, after assisting Rev. Ballard the past week in the revival, left Friday morning for Coppac, Ia.

    Thirty five of Mrs. J. T. Healey's friends went in and kindly reminded her of her thirtieth birthday anniversary Friday evening Feb. 7. The evening was most enjoyably spent. Refreshments were served at a late hour.

    Mrs. Cochran and daughter, Nannie, of Muscatine, were visiting several days at the former's daughter, Mrs. Bert Milholin.

    Robert and Gertrude Wigim of Muscatine spent Saturday with their little Ardon friends.

    Mrs. Ballard, who has spent the past four weeks with her son at Washington, Ia., is expected home this evening.

    Allie Chapman, after spending three weeks visiting friends at Conesville returned home Saturday on No. 8.

    The M. E. Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Barclay Thursday afternoon, Feb. 13.

    Mrs. Austin of Muscatine, spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Anna Byrne.

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    Ardon, Ia., Feb. 18—Mr. and Mrs. Mike Healey and family arrived Wednesday morning from Chicago. They will move on the Joe Vanatta farm. Their many friends are glad to have them in their midst again.

    Jeanette and Kathryn Lee are spending several days at Burlington visiting their brothers and cousins who are attending school at that place.

    David Webster shipped a car load of calves in from Kansas City last Tuesday.

    Vernon Legler arrived home Tuesday evening on No. 8 after eighteen months of North Dakota life. He proved up on his claim and feels as if his time was well spent.

    W. M. Riggs shipped five car loads of cattle to Chicago last Wednesday. Mr. Riggs accompanied the shipment.

    Quite a number of this neighborhood attended the funeral of the late Highland Brickenridge Wednesday afternoon at High Prairie Chapel.

    Joe Milholn departed for his home at Olathe, Kansas, Saturday evening after several weeks with relatives.

    Mr. and Mr. A. D. Timberlake entertained a number of their friends at dinner last Wednesday. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Altekruse, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eichelberger, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wigim, and Mrs. J. T. Downer, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Downer and Mr. and Mrs. David Legler.

    Joe and Louie Byrne had a car load of stockers shipped in from North English last Wednesday.

    F. M. Ferguson spent Tuesday in Davenport. Vernon Legler, J. T. Downer and Bert Milholin were business visitors in Muscatine Friday evening.

    Mrs. Henry Dethoff, who is staying at the home of her daughter Mrs. Hugh Wigim, spent several days at her home in Muscatine.

    Miss Dot McSwiggin of Wilton and Ralph Healey of Bayfield, were over Sunday visitors at the Andrew Healey home.

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    Ardon, Iowa, Feb. 25--Mrs. El, Winnemore, of Butte, Montana, Mrs. Lottie Hare and daughter Dorothy and Mrs. Bessie Hartman, of Muscatine, spent Thursday with Mrs. Anna Byrne and family.

    Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Timberlake spent Monday and Tuesday, near West Liberty at the home of Kaleb McIntire.

    Mike Tomney and Christy Nolan shipped a car load of hogs to Chicago Tuesday. Truman Wigim visited with his brother Hugh and family Saturday, returning to Muscatine in the evening.

    Mrs. Bert Milholin and daughter Mabel were visiting at the home of Mrs. Cochran, of Muscatine, for several days.

    Mr. and Mrs. John Lanflier of Muscatine arrived Sunday morning and will visit for several days at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiest.

    Mr. and Mrs. John Webb and family were pleasantly surprised Thursday evening when about fifty of their friends and neighbors came in and took possession of their home. Miss Cicely Webb entertained the happy crowd with graphophone selections which were appreciated by all present. The invaders departed for their homes at a late hour, all declaring the evening well spent.

    Joe O'Brien shipped a car load of fat cattle to Chicago Saturday.

    Mr. O'Brien also went to Chicago to attend to business. W. C. Knight and F . M. Cooper of Muscatine spent Friday and Saturday in Ardon looking after insurance business.

    Mr. and Mrs. Bert Milholin entertained at dancing a number of young people at their home Tuesday evening.

    School closed at No, 4 Friday with a Washington program. A number of visitors also enjoyed the entertainment as well as pupils and teachers Miss Agnes O'Brien has given good satisfaction and will open, the spring term after a two weeks' vacation.

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    Ardon, Ia. March 4--Miss Rheinhart, of Columbus City, spent last week with Rev. and Mrs. Ballard.

    Mrs. John Storms, of Conesville, attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Ann Fletcher, Thursday, also visited for several days at the home of her cousin, W. H. Fletcher.

    The Misses Marie and Felicitas Byrne attended the Healey-Niver wedding Tuesday in Muscatine, and remained until Thursday visiting with friends and relatives.

    Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dethof spent last week with their daughter Mrs. Hugh Wigim and family.

    Robert Lee was in Muscatine several days, where he has been taking treatment for his eyes.

    John Webb went to Muscatine Friday on No. 92 to attend to business matters.

    Wilson Riggs shipped a car load of hogs to Savanna Friday. Anna Ryan, of Muscatine, was an over Sunday visitor at the Andrew Healey home.

    The U. B. Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. Louis Downer Thursday March 5, for an all day meeting. Mrs. E. E. Eichelberger and son, Levi, visited for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waltz, of Muscatine.

    Vernon Legler was a passenger to Rock Island Saturday evening.

    Frank Byrne who has been spending several weeks at home, left for Ottumwa Friday evening, where he will again resume his work.

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    Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seller, of Muscatine, spent Sunday at the home of the former's brother, Edward Seller and family.

    John, Ira and Leola Lee returned home Friday evening from Burlington, where they have been attending school the past winter. Miss Leola will return in two weeks to resume her studies.

    The dance given by Bee Terry and William King Friday evening was well attended considering the bad roads.

    Mrs. Anna Byrne was a passenger to Muscatine Saturday.

    C. H, Sandvos, of Muscatine was a business visitor in Ardon Saturday.

    Miss Helen Cone, of Muscatine, spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Hugh Wigim.

    Mr. and Mrs. Milton Waltz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapman.

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    Seven carloads of stock were shipped from here Monday. W. H. Fletchei three loads of cattle, Patsy Tomney one of hogs, Altekruse Bros, one of cattle; Peter Byrne, one of hogs, Wilson Riggs, one of hogs. Those who accompanied the shipments were W. H. Fletcher, Sam Altekruse, Pat Tomney and Peter Byrne.

    Rev. Brook of Kansas City spent Thursday with Rev. Ballard and calling on friends in the interest of church building at that place.

    Horace Smith, of Summit, was an Ardon business visitor on Monday. Mrs. G. E. Marden of Ottumwa was visiting Ardon friends Thursday and Friday.

    Mrs. Samuel Wigim, Mrs. Wm. Bloom and Miss Elsie Hubacher, of Muscatine, spent Thursday with Mrs. Hugh Wigim.

    Assessor Fullerton was making his annual calls in this vicinity on Monday.

    Mrs. Wilton Walts entertained 22 of her lady friends at her beautiful country home last Wednesday, March 4. At noon an elegant dinner was served by the hostess to which all did justice. The afternoon was spent in a social and musical manner. The guests departed for their homes declaring the day well spent.

    Mrs. Anna Byrne, Mr. and Mrs. John Lauder, Frank Martin and F. M. Ferguson were passengers to Muscatine the other evening on No. 92. Tom Leddy was called to Amboy Friday on account of the serious illness of his father.

    R. J. Altekruse was a passenger to Chicago Tuesday evening.

    Lee Riggs left for Texas the forepart of the week where he expects to spend ten days on a land expedition.

    David and Veron Legler attended the horse sale at Lone Tree Friday.

    W. M. Riggs shipped in a carload of cotton seed meal from the south Friday. Mrs. Adam Wigim and Mrs. J. J. Legler of Muscatine visited with friends in Ardon Wednesday.

    Dave Corbin of Letts was a business visitor in Ardon Friday evening.

    Frank Addleman entertained a number of his friends at dinner Sunday.

    Mrs. Ida Hunter of Muscatine spent Sunday with her parents.

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    Mr. Hubbard, live stock commissioner, of Chicago, is spending several days in this vicinity in the interest of live stock men.

    Mrs. Louis Downer was called to Grandview Friday evening to the bedside of her father, Jacob Belk, who is seriously ill.

    Miss Merle Nesper and brother, Fred, of Muscatine, spent Sunday at the home of David Legler.

    Andrew Healey shipped in three carloads of stock cattle today. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Martin, of Fruitland, spent Sunday at F. M. Ferguson's.

    Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marden and daughter, Billi, of Ottumwa, visited with friends in Ardon Sunday.

    Miss Hattie Meeker, of Cranston, visited with her cousin, Hazel Longstreth, Wednesday.

    Miss Rhea Legler returned to her school duties at Grinnell Monday after spending a week at home.

    Miss Edith Riggs returned to Toledo, Ia., Monday, where she is attending school, after spending her spring vacation.

    Miss Marie Byrne returned home Tuesday, after spending several days at Burlington with her friend, Leola Lee.

    Frank Byrne returned home from Ottumwa Saturday. Rev. Stice, the new minister who was recently assigned to the Ardon circuit arrived Saturday and preached his first sermon at St. John's and Cranston Sunday. Rev. Ballard will load his goods Tuesday and will leave for his new field of labor at Wayland, Ia.

    Isaac Lee will leave tonight for Chicago, and from there to Omaha. He will look for stock cattle.

    Lee Riggs returned home from Texas Saturday after spending three weeks sight-seeing.

    The people of Ardon tendered Rev. and Mrs. Ballard a farewell reception at the home of Mrs. Anna Byrne Monday evening at a six o'clock dinner, the occasion being a complete surprise. Mrs. Byrne invited them to dine and spend the evening with her and on their arrival the friends to the number of 35 were ready to welcome the Rev. and his wife. Their many friends regret to lose them from their midst, but wish them success in their new work.

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    Ardon, Ia., April 8--Mrs. Ed Welch and children, of new Boston arrived Friday morning, and are visiting with Mrs. Welch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Shoemaker, near Ardon.

    Charley Rider shipped three car loads of cattle to Chicago today and Dave Legler shipped two loads. C. H. Rider and Vernon Legler ac - companied the shipments.

    Mr. and Mrs. Elzie Hesson, of Wilton were over Sunday visitors with friends in Ardon.

    Rev. Stice, who has been assigned to Ardon circuit for the coming year arrived with his goods Friday evening. Mrs. Stice is expected to arrive today or Thursday.

    Isaac and Robert Lee each shipped in two car load of stock cattle Wednesday.

    James O'Toole shipped a car of hogs to Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Hugh Wigim and children are spending this week visiting with relatives in Muscatine.

    Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wigim, of Muscatine, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.W. H. Fulton.

    The twp. board held its first meetings of the board, in the hall Monday.

    All meetings of the board, primaries and elections will be held in Ardon hereafter. The board of trustees are deserving of much credit for making this important change.

    John Verink shipped two car load of cattle to Chicago Sunday.

    Aaron Noble, of Muscatine, was a business visitor in Ardon last Friday.

    J. B. Downer was visiting with relatives in Ardon Monday. Louise and Lilly Bently left Monday for an extended visit with relatives near Wilton.

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    Rev. W. M. Stice, the U. B. minister, has made arrangements for preaching services at the Ardon hall next Sunday evening, May 3.

    The Y.P.C.U. will meet at 7 o'clock, followed by preaching at 8 o'clock by Rev. Stice. Young people's meeting and preaching hereafter every two weeks at the same hours. All are cordially invited.

    Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seller, of Muscatine, spent Sunday at the Edward Seller home.

    Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Mitchell, of Muscatine, and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Downer and son, Ray, spent Sunday at A. D. Timberlake's.

    Isaac Lee shipped three car loads of cattle to Chicago today.

    Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ryan and children, of Muscatine, visited with Mrs. Thos. Byrne and family Sunday.

    Zula Abbott, of Conesville, visited several days with her sister, Mrs. Wilbur Chapman.

    Ed Seller and Milton Waltz shipped cattle to Chicago Tuesday. Both accompanied the shipment. Mr. Seller bringing back with him four head of horses.

    It is rumored that L. A. Summers will open a barber shop in Ardon in the near future.

    Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan and son, John, of Muscatine, visited at the home of Andrew and Mike Healey, Sunday.

    Frank and Will Byrne will leave tonight for Butte, Montana, where they expect to take up positions with the Milwaukee railroad.

    J. T. O'Brien shipped one car of cattle to Chicago today. Mrs. Louis Downer spent several days at the bedside of her father at Grandview, who still remains very low.

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    Misses Marie and Felicitis Byrne and Messrs. Lawrence and Peter Byrne spent Sunday with friends at Nichols.

    The Misses Weingert and Ryan spent Saturday and Sunday at the Andrew Healey home.

    Minteer and Hubbard shipped three car load of cattle to Chicago Sunday.

    Mrs. Jim Foster and daughter, of Haskins, are visiting at the home of Frank Eutsler.

    J. B. Downer, of Muscatine, spent Friday with his son J. T. of this place.

    Lawrence Byrne shipped a car load of baled hay to Muscatine Thursday.

    The Ladies' Aid of the U.B. Church will meet with Mrs. Elmer Chapman Thursday, May 3rd, for an all day meeting. A good attendance is desired.

    Mrs. Cochran and daughter, Nannie, of Muscatine, spent Sunday with the former's daughter, Mrs. Bert Milholin.

    Kathryn Lee, who is attending school in Muscatine, spent Sunday home of her father, Isaac Lee.

    Mrs. George Hayes, of Muscatine, returned to her home Thursday after spending several days at the F. M. Ferguson home.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Downer will leave for Wilton tonight to attend the funeral of the latter's aunt, Mrs. Nichols Lang, Tuesday.

    Mrs. Isaac Reed still continues very sick at her home. L. A. Summers has opened up a barber shop in the depot and is we equipped for business.

    Miss Elsie Hubacher and Trumak Wigim spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wigim.

    In spite of the inclemency of the weather the young people's meeting and preaching service announced for last evening at the Ardon were held. The attendance was quite good considering. An able sermon was delivered by Rev. Stite.

Page 416



    Ardon, Ia., May 11--Robert Lee shipped five cars of cattle to Chicago last Tuesday.

    Mrs. Hugh Wigim and children are visiting with relatives in Muscatine.

    Mrs. Adam Wigim and Miss Elizabeth Fayle, of Muscatine, were calling on friends in Ardon Sunday afternoon.

    Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ferguson, Friday evening, a son.

    W. M. Riggs shipped a car of hogs to Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. John Teetrick and daughters, May and Ruth, spent several days visiting with friends in Muscatine.

    There will be preaching by Rev. Stice at the Ardon Hall next Sunday evening May 17 at 8 o'clock. Young People's meeting at 7 o'clock, led by Miss Mary Chapman. All are cordially invited.

Page 417



    Ardon, June 8--Mrs. Frank Eutsler and son, Herbert, were passengers to Haskins Wednesday morning, where they will spend several days visiting with relatives.

    Miss Nettie Downer, of Muscatine, spent Friday and Saturday, with her brothers John and Lewis, at this place.

    A Large crowd attended the social at the hall Friday evening given by the ball team and the boys realized a neat sum by their efforts.

    John Ewing, of Seaton, Ill, is visiting with relatives near Ardon.

    Wilson Riggs shipped a car of cattle to Chicago Saturday. Children's day exercises will be held at the High Prairie M. E. Church next Sunday morning, June 11 at 10:00 o'clock and at St. John's chapel in the evening at 7:30 o'clock.

    There will be no preaching at the Ardon hall next Sunday evening on account of children's exercises at the U. B. church.

    Mesdames Cone, Bloom and Baurbauch and Geo. Dethoff, of Muscatine, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wigim.

    Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stice, of Tama, Ia. are visiting at the home of the former's father, Rev. W. M. Stice.

    Mrs. W. M. Stice left for Garrison, Ia., Friday morning where she will visit with relatives.

    Andrew Healey met with quite a painful accident last Tuesday while on his way to Chicago with stock. He was riding in the caboose when the train came to a sudden stop, throwing Mr. Healey against the stove, cutting his hands and bruising him up quite badly.

    Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wigim spent Thursday with friends in Ardon.

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    Ardon, June 22—Mr. and Mrs. Whaley, of Minneapolis, arrived Saturday morning and are visiting at the home of the latter's parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Stice.

    Miss Leola Lee, who has been attending school in Burlington, is home for the summer vacation.

    Mrs. Adam Wigim and Mrs. John Van Lent, of Muscatine, spent Thursday with friends in Ardon.

    Robt. Lee shipped two carloads of hogs to Chicago Monday.

    Miss Rhea Legler, who has been attending school at Grinnell, and Miss Edith Riggs, who was at Toledo, are home for the summer vacation.

    Arthur Timberlake spent Sunday with friends at West Liberty. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott of Conesville spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Chapman.

    Wilson Riggs shipped a car of hogs to Chicago Wednesday.

    A very large crowd attended the social at John Hitchcock's Tuesday evening given by the M. E. Ladle's Aid Society of High Prairie.

    The ladies realized about thirty dollars by their untiring efforts.

    There will be preaching by Rev. Stice in the Ardon hall next Sunday evening June 28, at 8 o'clock. Young People's meeting at 7:30.

    Mrs. S. E. Cole and sons, Harlan and Ardon, and Ray Downer spent Thursday at Washington.

    Mrs. L. C. Hirt of Muscatine, spent several days last week with Mrs. Ed Seller.

    Erma and Sylvia Eutsler were passengers to haskins Friday morning where they will spend several days visiting with relatives.

    Mr. and Mrs. Will Bloom of Muscatine spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wigim.

Page 419



    Vernon Legler Returned home Saturday morning after spending a week in North Dakota.

    S. Vanzant shipped two carloads of stock to Chicago on Tuesday.

    Downer & Schwin have built a porch on the front of their store, which adds much to its appearance.

    Miss Belle Long, of Williamsburg, Ia. and Miss Obbletta Porter of Pasadena, Cal., returned home Saturday, after spending ten days visiting with the former's sister, Mrs. S. E. Cole.

    The ball game which took place Sunday between Ardon and Letts resulted in a score of 8 to 4 in favor of Ardon.

    Miss Julia Byrne was a passenger to Ottumwa Thursday morning, where she will spend several days visiting with her friend, Blyss Marden.

    Mr. and Mrs. John Teetrick spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Muscatine.

    J. T. Downer has purchased C. Schwin's interest in the stock of general merchandise heretofore conducted by Downer & Schwin. Mr. Downer takes possession today and will control the business himself hereafter.

Page 420



    Ardon, Ia., August 28--Mr. and Mrs. C. T. McCabe and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Downer left for Des Moines today to attend the state fair.

    Hal and Paul Belk, of Grandview, spent Sunday at the home of their sister, Mrs. L. E. Downer.

    J. T. Downer unloaded a car of feed Monday. Mesdames Cone and Bloom of Muscatine, spent Thursday with their sister, Mrs. Hugh Wigim.

    Will and Legler shipped a car of hogs to Chicago Friday. Mr. Jensen of Springdale, has rented the farm now occupied by Bert Milholin.

    Rev. and Mrs. Rutledge, of Muscatine were calling in Ardon Wednesday.

    Elder Patterson, of Toledo, Ia., spent several days in this vicinity and preached in the U. B. church Tuesday evening.

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    Ardon, Ia. —August 31—Mrs. W. H. Wahl and son Harold, who have been visiting at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. J. T. Downer, for the past three weeks, left Saturday for Wilton to visit with Mrs. Wahl's parents, Mr. and M r s . H. N. Lang, before returning to her home in Paton, Iowa.

    Misses Nancy and Minnie Klein, of Muscatine, are here and will spend several days visiting at the Robert Lee home.

    Rev. Father J. N. Corley, of Davenport, spent several days of last week at the home of Mrs. Anna Byrne.

    Misses Clara and Cathryn Healey returned home from Des Moines Saturday after spending several days attending the state fair.

    Wilson Riggs shipped a car load of hogs to Chicago Thursday.

    Albert Martin returned home from La Crosse, Wednesday morning where he was called by the death of his mother.

    Mike Lynch is tearing down his brick house, it being one of the landmarks of seventy-six and will erect a new frame building this fall.

    Bert Milholin has rented the Joe McMichael farm for next year. A New telephone line is being built giving the people direct com- munication from Letts to Ardon.

Page 422



Hundreds Crowd Into Small Hall To Hear Congressman


Large Number of Local Republicans Attend Meeting in Small
City - Enthusiasm Runs High and Applause is Decidedly Emphatic

    "I realize that the question of deposit guarantee is an economical question rather than a political one. If there is any good to it, I would like to see it considered from an unprejudiced legislative standpoint and not through the bias of partisanship. But I say to you that the Republican party is first and foremost interested in your having the deposits. In the early nineties you didn't worry any about your deposits. You didn't have any then to be guaranteed."

    In this language Congressman A, F. Dawson sounded a keynote in his speech at Ardon last evening, and the little hall crowded to the limit of its capacity with attentive, not enthusiastic hearers, burst into a spon- taneous and a sincere expression of approval.

    It was a wonderful meeting that was held last evening in the little town hall in the little town of Ardon,

    It was the first republican meeting ever held in this new hamlet on the Milwaukee.

    It is safe, too, to venture the prediction that it will remain the best meeting for many months, if not years to come.

    As before indicated, there was little handclapping, little stamping of feet and but one whistle and but one horn.

    But there was attention, attention of the most concentrated kind, attention which in its earnestness proved beyond a question that the speaker of the evening told the truth when he said "we are here to consider some great questions, to consider them, not as democrate, not as republicans, but as citizens, to weigh and to decide and to prepare to act on that decision.

Page 423


By order of the trustees, the voting place of 76 township has been changed from Central school house to the Ardon hall. Per order. Township Clerk



    Ardon, Ia., Dec. 14 - Bert Milholinand family moved on the McMichael farm Thursday, and George Gens on and family have moved on the farm where Mr. Milholn lived.

    Mrs. William Stice is spending several weeks visiting her son at Tama, Ia.

    Mrs. Elizabeth Kaufman, of Wilton, is visiting for several days with her friend , Mrs. J. T. Downer.

    Mrs. Hugh Wigim and children left on No. 8 for Muscatine to visit at the Henry Detthoff home.

    Dewey Timberlake made a business trip to West Liberty Wednesday.

    Mr. and Mrs. C. Schwin have moved to Evanston, Ill., where Mr. Schwin has charge of a gang of bridge men.

    Hazel Ferguson has been sick for several days but is better at the present time.

    Hugh Wigim has rented the C. Schwin house. L. E. Downer and C. T. McCabe made a business trip to Wilton Saturday returning in the evening.

    The sisters of Mercy, from Iowa City, spent several days at the home of Mrs. Anna Bryne.

    Newt. Longstreth, of Letts, visited with his daughter Hazel Wednesday. Miss Felicitas Byrne is visiting freinds in Muscatine.

Page 424


    Adam Wigim, of Muscatine, was a business visitor to Ardon Friday.

    Rev. William Stice was a business caller in Muscatine today. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Weist and son Arthur left on No. 8 for Muscatine to visit friends for several days.

    Earl Ferguson, of Healey Avenue, spent yesterday in Mucatine attending to business matters.



    Ardon, Ia., Dec 23—Miss Elizabeth Healey spent Wednesday in Muscatine.

    Mrs. L. E. Downer entertained the ladies of the Slough Road sewing circle Wednesday afternoon.

    Little Miss Mable Milholn is getting better after a slight attack of the grippe.

    Mrs. Wm. Stice returned home last night from Tama, Iowa after spending a week with her son.

    Miss Leola Lee visited Saturday and Sunday in Muscatine. Mrs. L. T. Downer left on No. 7 for Muscatine where she will spend several days with friends.

    Miss Agnes O'Brien, teacher of No. 4 school held their Xmas entertainment on Tuesday, Dec. 22 at the school house.

    Mrs. F. M. Ferguson has been on the sick list but is some better at this writing.

    Charles Cross, of Ottumwa, came in on No. 8 Tuesday night to fill the position resigned by E. E. Cole.

    W. M. Rigg and Vernon Legler have gone to St. Paul on business.

    Miss Allie Chapman is spending this week with her sister at Cone.

    John T. Downer and son Ray of Muscatine spent Sunday with Mrs. Downer.

    Master Harlan Cole of Williamsburg is reported sick with the scarlet fever. Mrs. John Webb and sons, William and George, have gone to Davenport to visit friends for several days. Miss Rhea Legler of Muscatine spent Wednesday with Hazel Longstreth.

Page 425

12-23-1908 - Cont'd

    John T. Downer and sone Ray of Muscatine spent Sunday with Mrs. Downer. Master Harlan Cole of Williamsburg, is reported sick with the scarlet fever.

    John Webb and sons, William and George have gone to Davenport to visit friends for several days.

    Miss Rhea Legler of Muscatine spent Wednesday with Hazel Longstreth.

Page 426




Presents Check at German-American Bank--Telephone
Causes Him to Quickly Disappear

    Claiming that he had sold a horse for $125.00 to Andrew Healey, of Seventy-Six Township, Henry Bryant presented what is claimed to be a forged check for that amount at the German-American Savings Bank just before 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and when Assistant Cashier J. W. Hahn stepped into the telephone booth to communicate with Mr. Healey, Bryant made his get away. He was arrested, however, at 10 o'clock last night at Whitaker's Livery Barn, where he was formerly employed, by Officer Jake Ziffron, and today admitted his guilt. It seems that Bryant, who is 20 years of age, was at one time employed on Mr. Healey's farm, but recently he has been working at the only restaurant and Whitaker barn. Bryant walked into the bank and presented the check without hesitation, and Mr. Hahn, detecting at once some defect in the signature, stepped to the telephone to inquire as to the genuineness of the check. Bryant, however, became alarmed, and when Mr. Hahn's back was turned, hurriedly went out of the building.

Police Notified

    The police were at once notified and the Chief of Police Vanatta ordered a thorough search for the young man with the result that he was found at Whitaker's barn. Today he admitted to the officals that he had forged the check.

Preliminary Hearing

    Bryant will not have his preliminary hearing until some time tomorrow, or possibly not until Saturday, as the condition of the road makes it most difficult for Mr. Healey to reach the city.

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    Ardon, Ia ., March 17, 1909—Leola Lee came from Muscatine to visit for several days with her brother.

    Andrew Healey, Jr., met with quite a painful accident Saturday. while chopping wood the ax slipped and struck his foot, cutting it till it was necessary to take a number of stitches in it. He was taken to the hospital at Muscatine and was resting as well as could be expected when last heard from.

    Rev. Stice is confined to his room with an attack of lagrippe.

    Hugh Wigim was a business caller in Muscatine. Joseph O'Brien has returned, from a short business trip to Kansas City.

    Mike Lynch was a Muscatine visitor today.

    Geo. Jensen has gone to West Liberty to visit for several days.

    Wm. Healey, of near Muscatine, was in this town yesterday looking after some business matters.

    A large crowd and a good time is expected at the St. Patrick dance in the hall Wednesday evening.



    Ardon, Ia., March 23, 1909--Mike Tomney returned home this morning after spending several days in Muscatine.

    Mrs. Fitzgerald, of Oxford, Ia., is spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. John Russell.

    Adam Wigim, of Muscatine, is spending the day with Wm. Fulton.

    Andrew Healey returned from Charles City, where he was called on business.

    Miller Riggs entertained a few of their friends at dinner Sunday Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lee and two children, Robbie and Leola, from Muscatine; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lee, Mr.;. Mrs. Fred Wood and daughter Avis, and Hazel Longstreth.

    Miss Grace Chapman returned to her home at Cone, Ia. after visiting for several days with her Cousin Mary.

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    Mr. and Mrs. Nau, of Muscatine, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Byrne.

    Chas. Brooke, of Dayton, Ohio, came yesterday, and will spend several days calling on old friends.

    Jake Seltzer and family are spending several days with Mr. Seltzer's sister, Mrs. C. Nolan.

    Mrs. Henry Detthof and Mrs. Wm. Bloom, of Muscatine, are spending some time with Mrs. Hugh Wigim.



    Ardon, Ia., April 3, 1909--Mrs. Peter Byrne returned home after spending several days with her parents near Muscatine.

    Geo. Jenson was a business visitor at West Liberty today.

    Mrs. Hugh Wigim and children are visiting in Muscatine this week.

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee have been spending several days with their son, Ira.

    Felicitas Byrne is visiting friends at Nichols this week. Mr. and Mrs. Kike Healey and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Anna Byrne.

    Newt Coder of Letts was a caller in this town yesterday. The many friends of Andrew Healey will be glad to hear of his recovery.

    Arthur Timberlake has gone for several days' visit with his near West Liberty.

    Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wigim, Mrs. J. T. Downer, and Miss Myrie Nesper of Muscatine took dinner at Mrs. Byrne's Tuesday.

Page 429

April 7, 1909



Brother Clarence Swam to Scene of Combat and Stuns
Big Fish With A Hatchet

    Dragged more than 20 yards into deep water of the Muscatine slough a giant catfish and then after a plucky struggle to capture the fish was the unusual experience of Frank Healey, the 17-year-old son of James Healey, of the Burlington Road. The young man and a younger brother were mending a fence on the farm, which is adjacent to the stream, yesterday afternoon, and while working they noticed the immense fish resting in the shallow water near the shore. They at once determined to capture it, and Frank grasping the fish by the gills attempted to hold it. The leviathan was too strong for him, however, and struggling to deeper water, it dragged the youth about eighty feet into the slough. Clarence, seeing that his brother had a herculean task on his hands, grabbed a hatchet and waded and swam to the scene of the combat. He rained blows upon the back and head of the fish and succeeded in stunning it sufficiently so that the two boys could take it to the shore. The fish was brought to the city and when placed on the scales was found to weight forty founds.

April 27, 1909

    Ardon, Ia., April 27--(Special)-Letts is getting to be quite metropolitan Monday the first strike was announced, when about fifteen of the button cutters employed by the Letts Pearl Button Company walked out, demanding a higher price. The company offered to pay more than they had been paying, but the cutters wanted still more. It is believed that a settlement will be reached shortly.

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    Ardon, Ia., May 6, 1909. - - Mrs. Stice left on 7:40 p. m. train Saturday for Hansel, Iowa, being called there by the serious illness of her grand-daughter. John Verink left Wednesday for Chicago. He returned home Friday.

    Larry Byrne made a flying trip to Muscatine Tuesday. He returned home Wednesday morning.

    Hugh Wigim and family moved to Muscatine Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lee visited with friends in Muscatine Tuesday night.

    J. W. Riggs shipped two car loads of hogs to Savanna last week.

    Miss Janette Lee visited with her brother, John Lee, Thursday night.

    Ardon, May 12, 1909. - - J . L. Hitchcock went to Chicago Tuesday with two car loads of cattle.

    Frank Orr and Rev. Stice went to Muscatine Tuesday on business.

    Mrs. Anna Byrne went to Muscatine on business Tuesday. The extra gang that has been here during the past two weeks working on some bad track east of town, moved to Cone Tuesday. Leo Summers was in Muscatine Tuesday.

    Adam Wigim of Muscatine was on our streets Tuesday. The farmers are all busy getting their ground ready for corn planting.

    Miss Vernal Soberts went to Ottumwa Monday. C. Kincaid, of Muscatine, is having 300 oak piling hauled here to be loaded and shipped to Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

    Mr. and Mrs. Ike Lee of Muscatine came in for a few days visit with their son, John Lee near Ardon.

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November 1, 1909



Accident To Car Throws It From Track and Others Follow---
Traffic Suspended

     Seven cars were thrown from the track and were badly damaged yesterday when as a fast Milwaukee freight was coming down the steep incline west of this city, through some breakdown on one of the cars a derailment occurred near the old Hershey creamery. The wreck occurred before noon yesterday morning and was one of the most serious that has occurred in this vicinity in some time. Several of the cars were rolled down asteep embankment and were found more than thirty feet from the track. The cars were all wrecked to a considerable degree, having telescoped as they left the track. A long strip of track was torn up and traffic was suspended on the line until this afternoon. All Milwaukee trains late yesterday and last night were sent over the Rock Island from Washington to this city.

     The cause of the wreck has not been definitely determined. It is thought by the crew that as the train was coming down the grade, a break beam dropped on one of the cars and throwing the one car from the track it was followed by the others.

     A wrecking train arrived from Ottumwa late in the day, and with the aid of a heavy crane, the large crew of men by working through the night succeeded in clearing the track by morning. The several hundred feet of track which was torn up is being relaid and late this afternoon traffic was resumed over the line.

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December 24, 1909



Excellent List of Numbers Has Been Prepared—Treat For The Children

     The scholars, members of the church and friends of the institution at St. John's United Brethren Church this evening will enjoy an excellent program, which will be followed by a genuine Christmas treat for the children. The program just as it is expected to be given has been arranged and shows an unusually interesting list of numbers. The exercises will be held at St.John's Church and will be attended by practically all the residents of the community. The program follows:

Song—Glory to the New Born King
Song—Welcome Christmas Day
Recitation—Mildred Green
Song—We Wish You A Merry Christmas—Primary Class
Recitation—Velma Gertenbach
Recitation—Levi Eichelberger
Recitation—Velma Hunter
Recitation—Gwendolyn Fulton
Recitation—Anna Gertrude Riggs
Song—The Message of the Bells—By School
Recitation—Charley Eutsler
Exercise—Christmas Bells—By Ten Children
Recitation—Franklin Hoffmeyer
Recitation—Arthur Welst
Recitation—Milton Eichelberger
Song—Tell The Story O'er Again
Exercise—The Christmas Story—By Six Children
Recitation—Sylvia Eutsler
Recitation—Lillian Hunter
Recitation—Robert Hunter
Song—Off To Slumberland—By Primary Class
Exercise—Spirit of Christmas—By Eight Girls
Song—Glory In The Highest
Recitation—Herschel Flecher
Recitation—Irma Eutsler
Recitation—Melvina Van Sant
Exercise—The Winter Child—By Seven Young Ladies
Song—Star Of The Morning—By Class of Girls
Recitation—Clyde McDaniel
Recitqtion—Edith McDaniel
Recitation—Irma Eutsler
Recitation—Rachel Brookhart
Recitation—Gertrude Gertenbach
Song—From Lands Afar
Closing Song—Hail To The King

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