The Commencement exercises of the Wilton High school will be held at the Methodist church Friday evening May 25, at 8:00 o'clock, when a class of 20 will be graduated.
The Rev. Frank Court of Niles, Ia., will deliver the address.
Other events for the week will be baccalaureate sermon at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening, May 20, by the Rev. J. M. Newgard of the Grace Reformed church. The alumni banquet will be held at the Presbyterian church dining rooms Thursday evening, May 24. The dates for the Senior class play, "The Lady of the Library," will be announced later.Those to be presented with the long sought "goat-skin" are as follows:
CLASS OF 1928 |
Francis Henderson |
Alfred Hanson |
Hennrietta Friederichsen |
Victor Rexroth |
Maebelle Stoneburner |
Hilbert Leech |
Marie Marticke |
Gretchen Smith |
Leola Schnack |
Frank Johnson |
Kermit Christensen |
Johanna Hanson |
Gladys Nangle |
Genevieve Stoneburner |
Leeona Hoskins |
Doris Moorhead |
Margaret Looney |
Lela Bunge |
Bernice Daut |
Treva Hearst |