Muscatine County, Iowa

Dedicated July 2, 2011

Located on the front lawn of the
401 East Third Street in Muscatine

names arranged in alpha order

Adams John Q. 35th Infantry
Adams T. W. Regiment Unknown
Ady Henry C. 11th Infantry
Aikens W. R. Regiment Unknown
Akens W. A. 11th Infantry
Alden Sylvester J. 11th Infantry
Alexander John 35th Infantry
Anderson George 1st Regiment Iowa African Infantry
Atwood James W. 13th Infantry
Auge Marcel 16th Infantry
Avery Luther 2nd Cavalry
Avery Nathan F. 2nd Cavalry
Bagley Horace H. 35th Infantry
Bailey Franklin J. 11th Infantry
Bair Abraham K. 16th Infantry
Baker James H. 11th Infantry
Baregard John 16th Infantry
Barker Henry 7th Infantry
Barkhust Samuel 35th Infantry
Barnes George R. 37th Infantry
Barr C. 35th Infantry
Bauer Jacob 35th Infantry
Baxter J. 11th Infantry
Beall Zephaniah 11th Infantry
Beard John W. 35th Infantry
Bebush William 35th Infantry
Beinghart Michael 2nd Cavalry
Benedict Henry 11th Infantry
Berg Charles 35th Infantry
Bier Charles 11th Infantry
Bischer George 35th Infantry
Black David T. 35th Infantry
Blackstone N. 35th Infantry
Blakely Zephaniah 24th Infantry
Blanck Henry 35th Infantry
Bonham Benjamin W. 35th Infantry
Booten Benjamin C. 11th Infantry
Booth C. S. 7th Infantry
Borchers Henry 7th Infantry
Boston Peter 35th Infantry
Bowers Frank 35th Infantry
Bowles Michael B. 11th Infantry
Bradford Alexander 11th Infantry
Bradford George W. 16th Infantry
Brady William L. 35th Infantry
Brannon Hannibal B. 37th Infantry
Bringgs Enoch 11th Infantry
Brookes J. 4th Ohio Infantry
Brooks Robert 11th Infantry
Brown Adam 16th Infantry
Brown Edward 2nd Cavalry
Brown George W. 2nd Cavalry
Brown John 11th Infantry
Brown William P. 35th Infantry
Brownawell George 35th Infantry
Brunting John 7th Infantry
Brush Samuel 35th Infantry
Bryant Harvey A. 8th Cavalry
Buchanan Alexander 1st Infantry
Budd William C. 11th Infantry
Bumgardner John 35th Infantry
Burington Byron S. 11th Infantry
Burke Thomas A. 16th Infantry
Burmeister George 35th Infantry
Burner Hampton 2nd Cavalry
Burr Charles N. 35th Infantry
Burrell James W. 11th Infantry
Byers James H. 35th Infantry
Calendar George W. 11th Infantry
Campbell Samuel 11th Infantry
Cargill John 35th Infantry
Carpenter Richard 35th Infantry
Carter John 35th Infantry
Chambers William S. 35th Infantry
Chapman W. H. Regiment Unknown
Chappel Levi 35th Infantry
Chaudoin Jesse P. 35th Infantry
Chown William 35th Infantry
Christ William B. 35th Infantry
Clark Charles C. 35th Infantry
Clark Frank M. 35th Infantry
Clark Theodore A. 35th Infantry
Clemmons Theron H. 10th Infantry
Clepper W. A. 35th Infantry
Clinton George 11th Infantry
Coble Jacob 2nd Cavalry
Cochran James 7th Infantry
Coleman David 11th Infantry
Collins David H. 11th Infantry
Comerford John 35th Infantry
Cone William D. 35th Infantry
Cook Thomas 35th Infantry
Cooper Charles O. 11th Infantry
Cooper Marshall 35th Infantry
Cooper N. 9th Cavalry
Corbitt James 2nd Cavalry
Corey Thomas J. 11th Infantry
Cork F. 35th Infantry
Corwin Theron W. 11th Infantry
Coughlin Richard 35th Infantry
Courtney Patrick 35th Infantry
Cradock Albert S. 2nd Cavalry
Craig Thomas 37th Infantry
Craven Peter 11th Infantry
Crawford John A. 35th Infantry
Criner Isaac 35th Infantry
Cronch Thomas Sr. 37th Infantry
Cunningham Richard 8th Cavalry
Cunningham Lewis 7th Infantry
Curdy R. M. 11th Infantry
Currie David C. 35th Infantry
Daller John 35th Infantry
Daniels George E. 11th Infantry
Darland George 2nd Cavalry
Darr Frank O. 16th Infantry
Davis Shepard 35th Infantry
Dawson Levi 35th Infantry
DeHues William W. 7th Infantry
Devore H. 35th Infantry
Dill John 7th Infantry
Dill John A. 35th Infantry
Dimick WallaceA. 35th Infantry
Dixon George 35th Infantry
Dobson John 35th Infantry
Dodder Isaiah 7th Infantry
Doerfler George 35th Infantry
Dolson James M. 8th Cavalry
Doran Edward 35th Infantry
Dorland Vanloo 37th Infantry
Douglass Edward J. 35th Infantry
Dow F. 16th Infantry
Drake Andrew S. 16th Infantry
Dunn Isaac R. 2nd Cavalry
Dunn John 35th Infantry
Dunn Joseph P. 2nd Cavalry
Dyer Andres H. 35th Infantry
Eberling William 18th Infantry
Edgerton Jerome C. 35th Infantry
Edgington David S. 35th Infantry
Edwards A. 27th Infantry
Edwards Abraham 37th Infantry
Epperly Thomas 35th Infantry
Ernst John 35th Infantry
Escha R. W. 35th Infantry
Esterline John 16th Infantry
Etherton Moses 35th Infantry
Etherton William I. 11th Infantry
Evans Jackson A. 35th Infantry
Evans Warren W. 11th Infantry
Everett WilliamB. 35th Infantry
Fagen Terrance 35th Infantry
Fanning William 35th Infantry
Fay N. 11th Infantry
Fess Louis 1st Battery Iowa Light Artillery
Fieldman William 11th Infantry
Finn Frank B. 2nd Cavalry
Fintel Frederick C. 9th Cavalry
Fish Abraham 11th Infantry
Fisher A. G. 17th Infantry
Fisher Joesph C. 11th Infantry
Fitchner C. J. 11th Infantry
Fitzsimmons William 35th Infantry
Foster John W. 35th Infantry
Fox Peter 11th Infantry
Frits Daniel 40th Infantry
Galvin John 11th Infantry
Garber Samuel 35th Infantry
Garian Elbridge 9th Cavalry
Garland Richard 11th Infantry
Geodocke John 11th Infantry
Gibbons James G. 2nd Cavalry
Gissne P. 11th Infantry
Gordon William A. 11th Infantry
Gore Christopher W. 35th Infantry
Gottbrecht Augustus 16th Infantry
Graham James H. 35th Infantry
Grant David 11th Infantry
Grassman John 35th Infantry
Graves George D. 2nd Cavalry
Greely Moses 9th Cavalry
Greenwood James H. 35th Infantry
Gregory J. H. 11th Infantry
Groters Garret J. 35th Infantry
Guild William 35th Infantry
Guttka J. 11th Infantry
Hacket W. H. 35th Infantry
Hallock Martin O. 16th Infantry
Hammer David W. 13th Infantry
Hammer Dennis 35th Infantry
Hancock John 2nd Cavalry
Hanley Albert 1st Regiment Iowa African Infantry
Hanley John 35th Infantry
Hardy John F. 7th Infantry
Hare Russell B. 11th Infantry
Hargraves Edward S. 18th Infantry
Harker Theodore 35th Infantry
Harrison Peter 35th Infantry
Hart George W. 35th Infantry
Hasselmeyer George 9th Cavalry
Hawk George W. 11th Infantry
Hawkins Charles O. 35th Infantry
Hawley William A. 11th Infantry
Hazelton Henry 11th Infantry
Heaton Albert W. 18th Infantry
Heinly George W. 2nd Cavalry
Hemler Jacob 35th Infantry
Hemphill Thomas L. 35th Infantry
Henley John W. 7th Infantry
Herchmann Conrad 35th Infantry
Herwig William 35th Infantry
Hessler J. 35th Infantry
Hettiker John 16th Infantry
Hettinger John 16th Infantry
Higgins John R. 2nd Cavalry
Hill Fred 35th Infantry
Hill Geroge B. 35th Infantry
Hill Sylvester G. 35th Infantry
Hitchcock Henry 35th Infantry
Hodges J. 2nd Cavalry
Hoefler John 35th Infantry
Holliday Thomas B. 35th Infantry
Holmes John K. 7th Infantry
Holmes Michael 35th Infantry
Holmes Samuel H. 35th Infantry
Holmes W. 35th Infantry
Holtz Frederick 35th Infantry
Horton James 8th Cavalry
Howell James H. 16th Infantry
Huler John 35th Infantry
Hunnicutt Thomas 11th Infantry
Hunt Edward 35th Infantry
Hunt Jerome 7th Infantry
Hutcheson Robert 2nd Cavalry
Hyink Henry 11th Infantry
Insley Joseph 11th Infantry
Irwin Henry 35th Infantry
Jacks J. Regiment Unknown
Jackson Silas A. 11th Infantry
Jattett James M. 11th Infantry
Jester Elias 35th Infantry
Jester Thomas H. 35th Infantry
John Abraham 35th Infantry
Johnson John 35th Infantry
Joice John 35th Infantry
Kanoff George 35th Infantry
Keenan Stephen 35th Infantry
Keller William S. 35th Infantry
Kennedy James 35th Infantry
Kennedy John 37th Infantry
Kennedy Wilfred M. 7th Infantry
Kerr Robert H. 16th Infantry
Kerr Thomas J. 11th Infantry
Kerr Warren H. 8th Cavalry
Kester John 11th Infantry
Keyes Asa J. 29th Infantry
Kilburn Marcus 9th Cavalry
Kingsland Charles P. 11th Infantry
Kirkpatrick Mark 35th Infantry
Kirkpatrick William 35th Infantry
Kirton Richard 11th Infantry
Knoblauch Charles 35th Infantry
Knouse Sylvester J. 11th Infantry
Krauf G. 35th Infantry
Kurtz John 35th Infantry
Kyrk John A. 35th Infantry
Lafever Daniel 37th Infantry
Lang G. 35th Infantry
Lawrence Isaac N. 2nd Cavalry
Leach John 11th Infantry
Leary C. 35th Infantry
Lee A. 35th Infantry
Lee Martin 2nd Cavalry
Leibert H. 11th Infantry
Leutzbach John 35th Infantry
Leverich William 11th Infantry
Lindsley Andrew J. 10th Infantry
Lindsley Charles 27th Infantry
Linnville Benjamin F. 35th Infantry
Long John 35th Infantry
Lonthorn James 35th Infantry
Loomis Lyman C. 2nd Cavalry
Lord Andrew S. 35th Infantry
Ludlow John 11th Infantry
Lyons Benjamin F. 35th Infantry
Maginus Thomas 1st Infantry
Maher Edward 35th Infantry
Maher Michael 35th Infantry
Mahin John W. 7th Infantry
Manual Richard 35th Infantry
Martin Henry J. 35th Infantry
Martin Thomas A. 35th Infantry
Mason Alexander L. 1st Infantry
Mathews Oliver J. 35th Infantry
Mattison Orlando 16th Infantry
McCartney Isaac R. 35th Infantry
McClain Byron 2nd Cavalry
McCoy John H. 35th Infantry
McCurdy William 35th Infantry
McDaniel Frederick 35th Infantry
McDonald Edward 11th Infantry
McDonald John 37th Infantry
McDonough John 35th Infantry
McDowell Austin A. 16th Infantry
McElroy John 35th Infantry
McGill Benjamin F. 7th Infantry
McGrew Orlando 11th Infantry
McKeough Thomas 11th Infantry
McNall Enos 37th Infantry
McRea Roderick R. 11th Infantry
Meeker William H. 11th Infantry
Melan J. P. 11th Infantry
Mellinger Christian B. 11th Infantry
Michenor Charles C. 1st Infantry
Mikesell William W. 11th Infantry
Miller B. 27th Infantry
Miller Benedict 9th Cavalry
Miller Robert L. 35th Infantry
Mills Eli 7th Infantry
Mills Lyman P. 10th Infantry
Mockmore C. 35th Infantry
Mockmore Henry 37th Infantry
Moor Abner 11th Infantry
Moore George R. 35th Infantry
Mullen Thomas 37th Infantry
Murphy Edward 18th Infantry
Mylot Patrick 35th Infantry
Narbaugh Christ 35th Infantry
Neff Henry T. 35th Infantry
Neuberner C. 2nd Cavalry
Newell Finley H. 11th Infantry
Nichols Pliny C. 35th Infantry
Nicholson Thomas B. 14th Infantry
Nietzel L. 9th Cavalry
Nietzel Leonhard 35th Infantry
Ninehouse Ben W. 37th Infantry
Norman Shelby 1st Infantry
Norris Isaac 2nd Cavalry
Norton Jesse J. 35th Infantry
Opel Adam 2nd Cavalry
Overman William L. 35th Infantry
Pallat Leander 7th Infantry
Palmer George A. 35th Infantry
Parish Cyrenus 35th Infantry
Parsons John 35th Infantry
Parsons Peter 35th Infantry
Patterson N. 9th Cavalry
Patterson P. D. 35th Infantry
Patterson William 37th Infantry
Perry James H. 35th Infantry
Peterkin F. F. 35th Infantry
Peturke Franz 35th Infantry
Phelps Henry 35th Infantry
Phipps Willis O. 35th Infantry
Pickering George 35th Infantry
Pickering William H. 35th Infantry
Pigman H. M. 2nd Ohio Infantry
Pitchforth Thomas 7th Infantry
Pittsenbarger William 11th Infantry
Ponbeck William A. 35th Infantry
Poole Ewalt 35th Infantry
Port Augustus 11th Infantry
Posten P. 9th Cavalry
Pratt James G. 18th Infantry
Price Marion W. 16th Infantry
Prouty Hugh T. 11th Infantry
Prouty Jospeh W. 35th Infantry
Purcell Thadeus 16th Infantry
Ramsey James R. 35th Infantry
Rancipher Andrew H. 11th Infantry
Ray Andrew 1st Infantry
Redmond Patrick 35th Infantry
Reed Napoleon 16th Infantry
Reed William 35th Infantry
Reede Franklin 35th Infantry
Reeves John A. 35th Infantry
Regenbogen John 35th Infantry
Reickenberg Henry 35th Infantry
Reyburn Madison 11th Infantry
Rheinhart N. Regiment Unknown
Rice Henry 11th Infantry
Ridgeway George 2nd Cavalry
Robinson Joseph A. 11th Infantry
Robinson William 11th Infantry
Robshaw George 35th Infantry
Roger Charles T. 35th Infantry
Rogers Walter G. 11th Infantry
Ross David 37th Infantry
Rubart James F. 11th Infantry
Savelsberg Lorenze 35th Infantry
Schaffletzel Nicholas 35th Infantry
Schenk Charles G. 11th Infantry
Schiller Jacob 2nd Cavalry
Schlegelmilch John 35th Infantry
Schlosser Fritz 16th Infantry
Schmeltzer J. 2nd Cavalry
Schmelz Jacob 9th Cavalry
Schmidt Conrad 35th Infantry
Schmidt Herman 35th Infantry
Schmoker Frederick 35th Infantry
Schuller J. 7th Infantry
Schwarzdraber G. 16th Infantry
Seibert Henry 11th Infantry
Sheely J. 7th Infantry
Shellabarger Martin 11th Infantry
Sherman Charles F. 35th Infantry
Simpson James 2nd Cavalry
Sissel G. W. Regiment Unknown
Sissell John 27th Infantry
Slttery Patrick 35th Infantry
Small Isaac L. 11th Infantry
Smith Isaac M. 2nd Cavalry
Smith Mahlon K. 35th Infantry
Smith Phillip 2nd Cavalry
Spangler Benjamin 11th Infantry
Sparks Ellery E. 11th Infantry
Spillman David B. 11th Infantry
Springer John L. 35th Infantry
Stahl Ludwig 16th Infantry
Standard George W. 8th Cavalry
Stanford Bradford 35th Infantry
Stanley John W. 18th Infantry
Stearns Edgar H. 35th Infantry
Stewart Otis T. 18th Infantry
Stoddard Andrew 35th Infantry
Stoneburner Isaac 35th Infantry
Stratton Charles 7th Infantry
Stretch Francis M. 11th Infantry
Strohm Jacob 35th Infantry
Strutz Charles 35th Infantry
Sullivan Joshua B. 11th Infantry
Sweeney Harrison 35th Infantry
Swift William D. 9th Cavalry
Sybrits Christian 11th Infantry
Tannehill James 37th Infantry
Tate John 7th Infantry
Taylor Daniel 11th Infantry
Taylor Harvey 35th Infantry
Temple Joshua 35th Infantry
Thomas Nathan 35th Infantry
Thompson Jacob 2nd Cavalry
Thompson James T. 35th Infantry
Thorn Alexander 11th Infantry
Thornton John 16th Infantry
Tice David E. 35th Infantry
Tice J. W. 11th Infantry
Tice Jonathan W. 35th Infantry
Tinsley James W. 18th Infantry
Toren J. 2nd Cavalry
Townsley William 35th Infantry
Truitt Andrew 7th Infantry
Tschillard Louis 35th Infantry
Tulley Amos 35th Infantry
Turner John H. 35th Infantry
Tyler Corydon 35th Infantry
Tyler William K. 37th Infantry
Underwood David B. 7th Infantry
Vail William C. 8th Cavalry
Vandervort John W. 2nd Cavalry
Vanhessle Henry 11th Infantry
vannatta Harrison 11th Infantry
Vaun Mortimer 11th Infantry
Wagner Levi 35th Infantry
Waldie Adam 35th Infantry
Wales Thomas C. 5th Infantry
Walhlgamant Alex 35th Infantry
Walligsford John O. 2nd Cavalry
Wallingsford Luther 35th Infantry
Walsh James 35th Infantry
Walton John 35th Infantry
Ware Levi 35th Infantry
Washburn Hudson H. 16th Infantry
Waterman Luther H. 2nd Cavalry
Watkins Dallas T. 9th Cavalry
Weaver William W. 16th Infantry
Webb S. 11th Infantry
Welch Jordon B. 35th Infantry
Welker D. 7th Infantry
Wells John 7th Infantry
Wells William 7th Infantry
Werst John 7th Infantry
Westby Miller 16th Infantry
White H. M. 11th Infantry
White Michael 35th Infantry
White William 11th Infantry
Wigem Hugh 2nd Cavalry
Wiggins W. 2nd Cavalry
Wight Charles E. 35th Infantry
Wilbur Daniel R. 7th Infantry
Wiley Joseph 9th Cavalry
Wiley John J. 1st Infantry
Wilgus Daniel 35th Infantry
Williams Alvin E. 11th Infantry
Williams Jasper J. 11th Infantry
Williams Thomas E. 35th Infantry
Williamson Elias D. 35th Infantry
Wilson James W. 11th Infantry
Windrel Harrison 11th Infantry
Winning Herman 35th Infantry
Wolf Nathan W. 11th Infantry
Wooden Fernando 35th Infantry
Worrall Thomas B. 35th Infantry
Wunderlich George 35th Infantry
Youkin Norman D. 16th Infantry
Young Joseph H. 16th Infantry
Zaser J. 7th Infantry

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Page created March 25, 2011 by Lynn McCleary

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