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Muscatine County, Iowa |
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Source: "History of Muscatine County Iowa, From the Earliest Settlements to the Present Time, This information was submitted by John Davis with the hope that it will help some in their research. Dave Dunston converted the material over to HTML. Thank you John Davis for sharing this information with all of us!
Irving B. Richmond, Volume 1, 1911".
Thirty-Fifth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry
Field and staff officers: Lieutenant colonel, James H. Rothrock; second assistant surgeon, E. H. Reigart.
Company A: Orderly Sergeant, Henry Blank, a native of Hanover, Germany, was advanced to rank of captain of this company during the war and was killed in the battle of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana; third sergeant, John Strohm; privates, Jeremiah Blessing, John Fuestel, Henry Gustner, John Crossman, William M. Henning, Jeremiah Hahn, Charles W. Hesser, Conrad Herschmann, Israel Kinzle, William A. Klepfer, Ed. Kemptner, Adam Stakeman Jacob Strohm.
Company B: Third sergeant, Samuel Lantz, fifth corporal, Benjamin Hershey, eigth corporal, John Seiler, drummer, D. A. Prosser, privates, Abraham S. Funk, William Gertenbach, William Hoffner, D. S. Knopp, George Kanoff, Christian Narbaugh, Charles P. Ruger, Michael Schultz, Conrad Smeltzer.
Company C: Captain, George C. Burmeister. By courtesy of his brother, H. F. Burnmeister, now living near Marengo, Iowa, the writer received a short sketch of the life of Captain George C. Burmeister, which is given here within, as follows:
George C. Burmeister was born in northern Germany, December 18, 1838. He emigrated with his parents to America in the fall of 1848, arriving at St. Louis, Missouri in December of that year. There for a number of years he attended school, both public and private, clerking in stores at intervals to help pay his way. In 1856, when eighteen years of age, he went to Alton Illinois, where he secured a position in a bookstore. There a good opportunity to study was granted him. A severe illness caused him to give up his position and in the fall of 1857 he joined his parents, who had settled in Iowa county, Iowa. There he taught a district school the following winter, and organized the first Sunday school and debating society. In the spring of 1858 he entered Western College. He remained there for several years, supporting himself by teaching during the winter, being thus employed in Lenox township, Iowa county, Cedar Rapids and near Muscatine. In 1861 he returned to Western College to finish his senior year. In April 1861 he, with others students, enlisted in Company K, First Iowa Infantry. After being mustered out he finished a course in Jones Commercial College at St. Louis Missouri. He returned to Muscatine and near this city again taught school during the winter of 1861-62. After the close of his school in the spring of 1862 he studied law for a short time in Muscatine. He then made arrangements to enter the State University at Iowa City but was again seized with the war fever. He recruited members for Company C, thirty-fifth Iowa, in which he enlisted July 24, 1862, and was commissioned captain to date from September 18, 1862. He participated in every battle and skirmish in which the regiment was engaged up to the time of his being wounded at Yellow Bayou, Louisiana, May 18, 1864. He died June 16, 1864, at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, and was buried at Muscatine on the 22d of that month.
The other officers of Company C. were: First lieutenant, Joseph Meyer; second lieutenant, Conrad Krank; first sergeant, Frank S. Koehler; second sergeant, Lorenz Goetzmann; third sergeant, Charles A. Rink; fourth sergeant, John Hill; fifth sergeant, Konstantin Hinkel; first corporal, Bernhard Navil; second corporal, Fred Mayer; third corporal, Louis Mueller; fourth corporal, Conrad Brenner; fifth corporal, William Ashter; sixth corporal, John Huber; seventh corporal, William Kaiser; eight corporal, Joseph Bosten; drummer, Adam Hartmann; fifer, Conrad Braun; wagoner, Charles Weneck; privates, Hubert Aller, H. F. Burnmeister, George Brenner, Adam Brenner, Charles Berg, Jacob Block, Peter Bosten, J. M. Bobleter, John Bolinski, E. Bender, John Koeping, Henry Kiefner, John Lentzbach, Jacob Lang, August Lucas, Henry Lange, Gustav Markart, Henry Mark, Henry J. Martin, William martin, Jacob Bauer, John Bach, George Doefler, John Dallar, Henry Eckhardt, Jacob Egli, John Ernst, William Funke, John Froehner, Fred Giesler, Fred Goeser, Jacob Hessler, George Hettinger, Henry Kooke, M. Hilz, Jacob Hess, Joseph Haner, Jacob Hemle, Fred Holtz, John Hoefler, John Hillweg, Jacob Hoefer, August Kindler, John Kurz, Henry Kurz, Henry Kessler, George P. Knopp, Charles Knoblauch, Christian Merkel, Jacob Neibert, August Othner, John Pickelder, Frank Peterka, Henry Reickenburg, John Regenbogen, Jack Rank, Lorenz Rexroth, Lorenz Savelsberg, John Schaefer, Jacob Schomberg, Fred Schmoker, Hermann Schmidt, William Schmelzer, John Schlegelmilch, George Spohn, Charles Strutz, Ulrich Staufer, Dietrich Sauer, Peter Volberg, George Weimann, Fred Weber, George Wunderlich, Charles Wanak, George Yung.
Company D: Second corporal, John G. Zahn; fourth corporal, Peter Laysen; sixth corporal, C. W. Hine; drummer, Mathais Becky; privates Joseph M. Alger, Robert D. Bodmann, William Biebusch, George Bischer, Rudolph Bowman, John Bowman, John Eberhart, Valentine Getter, Henry Durdink, Herman M. Myers, George Schuler, Frederick Schnier, Nicholas Schafflentzel, John Skofel, G. Stocker, Adam Waldie, Herman Winning
Company E: James Lang, Peter Lang
Company F: Second Lieutenant, G. W. H. Lucas; fifer, John Bumgardner; privates, John Bretz, Benjamin F. Bertz, John W. Brookhart, Peter Jonson, W. R. Lucas, Henry Eichelberger, Z. D. Epperly, T. J. Epperly, James Epperly, William Epperly, John Everling, William P. Fullmer, William Faugmeier, William J. Hartman, Henry Hessler, John Heininger, George Heininger, D. W. Shellabarger, R. Wescha.
Company G : First lieutenant, L. F. Creitz; sixth corporal, William S. P. Keller; wagoner, Charles Burgan; privates, George Burgan, James Brenner, Samuel Garber, Christia F. Mayer, John Mensch, H. T. Neff, William L. Overman, W. H. Ponbeck, Paul Peterson, M. L. Rodebush, Thomas Rayner, George C. Sanger, J. Sanger, Jacob Kyger, Christian Lampy, D. R. Wilgus, J. B. Welsh, George Wildasin.
Company H: Fourth sergeant, William Ayers; fourth corporal, J. H. Onstat; seventh corporal, J. J. Alger; drummer, W. Ziegenfus; privates, A. R. Betzer, Edward Kamering, L. Lanfer, Phillip Mohn, L. H. Topping
Company I: Third sergeant; George A. Geller; third corporal, J. R. Hoffman; sixth corporal, William Brandt; fifer, George Frederick; privates, Charles R. Hesser, Samuel Kissinger, Henry Louderman, John W. Marten, Charles Merlin, H. P. Neyman, T. Sheets, Henry Spitzer, I. Stoneberner.
Company K: First sergeant, E. Lichtenwalter; third sergeant, Charles Marquand; sixth corporal, L. Bader; seventh corporal, Martin F. Funk; eighth corporal, S. G. Funk; wagoner, A. Fulwider; privates, Mathias Betzner, C. J. Billinger, Jacob C. Drumm, Daniel Fleagel, M. Heller, Henry H. Happ, William Happ, Peter Heltzel, John Heck, J. Housman, J. J. Klinglesmith, C. Kiser, S. J. Lichtenwalter, James Mardis, J. Nosley, William Redinger, George Steffy, Henry Swarms, A. Switzer, G. W. Soper, A. J. Swonger, John C. Winter.
First Iowa Infantry
Sergeant, William Fessler; sergeant, Christian Mellinger; corporal, James Belgar; privates, G. Bitzer, Christian Blackhart, L. F. Creitz, Peter Fingle, F. Geiger, William Gettert, Adam Hacker, C. W. Hine, M. Keife, E. Kepner, Christian Kern, Samuel Lantz, George Lantz, Joseph Lorber, Charles Maritz, W. Moeller, Henry Richter C. S. Ritz, William Rupp, Henry Seibert, M. B. Stein, John Strohm, John Zollner, M. Ange, A. Butman, John Gertenback, R. Hafemeister, G. W. Heckler, Jacob Kern, G. Maurer F. G. Schultz, C. H. Straub, G. G. Schneck.
Seventh Iowa Infantry
Quartermaster sergeant, Frank Hoyer; first lieutenant, A. W. Springer; second lieutenant, S. Estle; second lieutenant, T. W. Eichelberger; corporal, F. Hansen; corporal, W. B. Bargenbush; privates, J. Alberton, B. Bosch, John Bowman, A. Gebhart, J. W. Henley, H. Hesser, John Hesser, W. H. Hinckley, A. Kleintop, E. Marcks, J. M. Myers, H. Porchers, J. B. Raseman, W. H. Styers, H. Stein, E. Steckle, John Yeager, John Roth.
Eight Iowa Infantry
P. F. Munhoven, Robert Selder, W. Stotler
Eleventh Iowa Infantry
Captain, E. Shellabarger; second lieutenant, William Bakey; corporal, D. Witmoyer; corporal, Charles Bier; corporal M. Sellabarger; corporal August Mettege; musician, Jacob Bowman; privates, G. F. Boyer, August Bakey, Henry Benedick, G. Bowman, Carl Brenner, A. Enstler, D. Enstler, E. Fortwagler, William Friedman, Joseph Fristler, John Goedecke, C. L. Jesler, D. Kellinger, B. Kettman, G. Murer, S. Myers, John Myers, William Myers, August Pauchen, L. G. Springer, J. L. Stanber, captain, A. D. Shrope; sergeant, Henry Seibert; corporal William Fultz; corporal, James Wymer Jr.; musician D. B. Spillman; privates, Reuben Hartman, G. Kiser, J. P. Mussellman, A. Wiker, E. M. Wiker, A. B. Yager, sergeant, Christian Kern; sergeant, D. Seiler; sergeant, H. Kesner; corporal, G. W. Hershe; musician, Fred Killian; privates, Christian Fichtner, G. W. Hank, Henry Hanson, Adam Hacker, Conrad Krantz, August Krantz, A. Keitt, R. L. Kiser, John Lorber, B. F. Neidig, C. G. Schenck, B. Spangler, John H. Zoellner; sergeant, J. W. Fanner; corporal N. W. Wolff; privates, Hans Bernholt, C. J. Faulkner, N. Geller, H. Hinkhouse, John Kester, M. Kief, L. Mattern, William Pitsenberger, John Resley, J. F. Rubart, J. Sterneman, J. Taulman, Charles Judisck, H. Vermink, C. H. Wolf, H. Zeager, S. S. Bozarth, G. W. Baumgardner, J. Ellembuger, W. F. Getter, W. B. Letner, W. H. Myers, J. P. Mussellman, John Rupp, H. Stormfelte, C. G. Schenck, C. L. Stanber, L. W. Shutts, G. B. Waltz.
Sixteenth Iowa Infantry
Commissary sergeant, Charles Weisemann; corporal, Adolph Gottbrecht; privates, Anton Brenner, W. Geiger, August Gottbrecht, William Kuhn, Jacob Reimers, Fritz Schlosser, Joseph Luca, Herman Roth, Jacob Kern, H. W. Blessing, S. Cretzmyer, F. G. Schultz, P. Gettert, L. Alger, M. Ange, Nicholas Bair, N. Bause, John Brawand, Adam Brown, J. H. Cimmerman, George Cline, O. Hess, J. Hettiker, Phillip Hettinger, Adam Hettinger, John Kuhn, G. W. Keckler, P. Schmoker, John Burkhart, J. Esterline, Fred Kern, W. H. Rifenberg, B. Knoepfel, Christian Heppe, John M. Grau, H. Stelib, G. Schwarzdraper, Captain J. H. Lucas, John Hocke, John Maryin, Adam Schott.
Eighteenth Iowa Infantry
Captain, S. Estle; privates, G. Bitzer, Charles Kettle, W. Eberling, F. Geiger, Otto Kuhnd, George Lantz, H. Richter, W. Roseman, J. Trexler, H. Winning, William Pegan, A. Schlaissmar
Thirty-Seventh Iowa Infantry
Theodore Hand, John Berger, Joseph Bowman, D. Blank, August Frederick, William Gard, C. Hians, J. Hucke, A. Martin, B. W. Ninohouse, J. Schott, John Schnier, Samuel Wilhelm, A. Wittenberger, F. G. Busch, George Krieger, J. K. Hakart, J. B. Groshong, J. H. Kahart, John Doering, Herman Gebring.
Forty-Fourth Iowa Infantry
Adjutant, E. F. Richman; captain, G. Bitzer; privates, William Eichelberger, John Koehler, Adam Bitzer, Thomas Fry, J. Hendrickson, William N. Hennings, R. Kiser, George W. Miller, L. S. Moss, F. F. Richman, C. Ruckdeschel, George Schutrum, John Zeigler, Jr., S. F. Fenstemaker, James P. Schell.
Second Iowa Cavalry
Quartermaster, Benjamin F. Diffenbacher; privates, George A. Funk, George H. Zeigler, Edward Henniker, Frederick L. Ayer, Benjamin Wagoner; privates, Jacob H. Martin, Jacob Schaller, C. G. Petmacky, David N. Moyer, Christian Baabe, George Gabriel, William M. Lowe, Jacob Beamer, M. Bernghart, J. Bickford, W. Cissler, I. Dibble, J. T. Esty, J. M. Geiger, J. W. Hartinger, A. Henninger, William Hartman, W. H. Jobes, William Lucas, Martin Mohr, Charles Straub, B. F. Snyder, J. Shoffer, William Bahl, James W. Eystra, William Pickering, William W. Miller, Benjamin C. Lilly, John F. Kurz, J. Walter, Jacob Coble, William Martin, W. H. Cramer, J. Diffendorfer, George Frazen, J. F. Hemperly, J. F. Hershey, B. Kephart, John J. Kurz, George Lambert, William Meslur, Adam Opel, George Staeffer, James Walter, H. H. Bromer, C. C. Richire, Frank Dorr, N. Kaffenheimer.
Eighth Iowa Cavalry
Charles Burgett, William Crais, W. H. Dicks, J. Dicks, George Fritz, H. Hancus, Theodore Richarz, L. Sheets
Ninth Iowa Cavalry
Henry Ritcher, J. H. Cimmamon, Henry Hess, Conrad Hucke, Jacob Busket, R. Bohern, Jacob Binkle, C. E. Crammer, J. M. Esley, F. C. Fintel, C. Gephart, John Gertenbach, A. Helberman,, George Hazelmyer, J. D. Ovrick, George A. Rickey, August Shrader, Jacob Smeltz, William Wendman, Charles Wahl, William Blessing, Samuel Blessing, William Fisher, James Rafeasperger, R. Shrope.
Second Iowa Infantry
Frank W. Kasper, William Brawner, Samuel Funk, D. W. Myers, J. B. Estell.
Various Units
Second Veteran Infantry, Joseph H. Weltz, David M. Myers; Fifth Infantry, Thomas Sharkey; Sixth Infantry, John Ufford, John Datenhoff; Ninth Infantry, Samuel V. Bumgardener; Thirteenth Infantry, David V. Hammer, C. F. C. Keller; Twentieth Infantry, John Hillweg, William Diffendaffer; Twenty-fourth, E. Gabriel, J. A. Wagoner, H. L. Carl, William Crisman, S. A. Crisman, F. A. Crisman, Jacob Slater, T. J. Brent, S. Neidig; Twenty-eighth Infantry, John Greaser, John Steffy; Thirty-first Infantry, A. B. Hershe; Fortieth Infantry, Jacob Frits, J. W. Flack; Forty-first Infantry, Edward L. Swem; First Cavalry, O. C. Limbocker, John Kay; Fifth Veteran Cavalry, George Wolf, W. K. Finker, Henry Matter; Sixth Cavalry, E. A. Altekruse, August Paul, Charles trait; Seventh Cavalry, George Ayers; First Infantry, Albert Hanly; First Battalion Light Artillery, Thomas J. Ijams, Loius Fess; Fifteenth United States Infantry, E. Knapp; Eleventh Illinois Infantry, Captain Isaac D. Vose; Fifty-fifth Illinois Infantry, William Wardin; Fifty-seventh Illinois Infantry, Charles Wabeser; Ninth Illinois Cavalry, Jacob Wagoner; Third Missouri Infantry, Maritz Cronert, Jacob Storts.
As can be gleaned from the above, a total of 622 citizens of German descent, of Muscatine county, participated in the great Civil War.