Muscatine County Iowa
1905 Iowa State Census

This State census gathered information about its inhabitants for statistical analysis. Its findings were published in January, 1906. Questions were asked as to color, place of birth, naturalization, years in the United States, years in Iowa, conjugal condition, school attendance, literacy, occupation and military service of each person enumerated. Their answers were recorded on numbered cards.

County Registers of townships and towns provided an index by card number with the persons’ name and their post office address. These Registers may be found today on microfilm. The whereabouts of the original cards are unknown. Since these Registers do not have page numbers, we have noted the microfilm image sequence of the pages.

Muscatine County Townships, Towns, Cities and City Wards
as reported in the 1905 Census

Bloomington Township

Cedar Township

Fruitland Township

Fulton Township, except of Stockton

Stockton town

Goshen Township

Lake Township

Montpelier Township

Moscow Township

Muscatine City, Bloomington Township

Ward 1 - Register Book A, B, C, D

Ward 2 - Register Book A, B , C , D

Ward 3 - Register Book A , B , C, D, E

Ward 4 - Register Book A, B, C, D

Orono Township

Pike Township, except of Nichols

Nichols town

Seventy-six Township

Sweetland Township Register Books A & B

Wapsinonoc Township, except of West Liberty

West Liberty town, Register Book A, B

Wilton Township, except of Wilton

Wilton town - Register Books A & B

Page updated October 30, 2009

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Page created on July 11, 2009 by Lynn McCleary