North Page
Mrs. Trace Pershing met with an accident last week which might
have caused her the loss of her eyesight, when she accidentally
splattered a solution of concentrated lye in her eyes. As it is, she
is suffering great pain.
Carl Bergvall shipped three car loads of fat steers to the St.
Joseph market Thursday.
We are informed that Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Schantz have been the
parents of a baby girl since last week.
The Friendship club of which Mrs. Joe English is a prominent member
surprised the English family Thursday night when they stormed the
home and took possession, having a farewell party for them. The
usual program was carried out and the club presented the Mrs. with a
set of silver with which to eat food. Mrs. English responded to the
presentation speech in a few well chosen words of thanks, while Joe
stood by and wept copiously. It was an enjoyable affair, although
the club was sad in contemplation of the separation soon to take
Mrs. Eddie Johnson went from here as a delegate to the short course
in Ames and is now visiting relatives in Chicago.
Guss Dunn has leased the English farm and will be among our new
neighbors March 1.
The North Page Butcher club meets Thursday evening of this week.
Win Railsback is quarantined for small pox. He has been suffering
from the ravages of the disease for over a week. It was a serious
case but he is on the mend and it is thought he will soon recover.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moore was honored last Friday evening
by the presence of the North Page Ladies' Birthday club and their
families to the extent of about 50. The meeting was a surprise to
the ladies. After refreshments were served the crowd intermingled in
a session of social enjoyment.
The funeral of Mrs. Isaac Figgins, mention of whose death Wednesday
of last week at her home near Sciola was made in last week's Review,
was held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Christian church
in Morton Mills, with Rev. Geo. A Lawton of Villisca in charge of
the services, assisted by Rev. Nolan of Morton Mills. The
pallbearers were T. T. Thompson, F. M. Bates, J. D. Rhamy, R. T.
Williams, C. C. Anderson and Oliver Brennon, and the singing was by
Mrs. Arthur Talbot, Mrs. Scott Wilson, C. C. Anderson and Oscar
Focht. Interment was in the cemetery near Morton Mills.
Elizabeth Eldora McCleary was born Dec. 31, 1850, in Wapello
county, Iowa and was 75 years old at her death. At the age of 6
years she came with her parents to Montgomery county, and her home
has been here since that time. During the last forty years she
resided on the farm where she died.
She was married to Isaac Figgins on Dec. 19, 1867, and to this
union three children were born. They are Mrs. Emma Maybon, Sciola;
William E. Figgins, Shepherd, Mont; and Albert Figgins who has been
making his home with his mother since the death of the father and
husband. Feb. 2, 1918. Besides her children, Mrs. Mary Ackerman of
Griswold, a half brother, Ben McCleary of Oklahoma, five
grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
A social event of no small moment took place Friday evening when the
residents of North Page were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. Moore. The affair was in the nature of a surprise to the members
of the Birthday club who gave expressions of wonderment on being
asked to accompany their husbands to a beef club meeting an
explanation employed by some of the men to induce their wives to
join with them...
(Price of want ads is two cents a word for each issue. No ad
published for less than 25 cents. All want ads must be paid for in
For Sale -- About 1500 feet of seasoned oak, hickory and ash wagon
doubletrees., 2x4 and 2x6 up to 8 feet axels and bolsters, delivered
in Villisca at one-half what your dealer charges. Scott Findley
For Sale-- Five room residence with one and a half lot , 90x120 feet
corner location, southeast part, Villisca. Electric lights good well
and barn. Oscar Sandler, phone 1 on 23.
For Sale--Charter Oak wagon, Rock Island riding cultivator, John
Deere walking cultivator, 25 gallons crud oil, one pair of geese and
three ducks, Elmer Jack.
For Sale--Artificial flowers, waxed or unwaxed, various varieties.
Also fill orders for Decoration day. Mrs. D. J. Shepherd, phone 4 on
For Sale--Several bushels of 1925 corn, good for seed, $2 a bushel
s???ed from crib. J. P. Larson, southeast of Villisca.
For Sale--No. 1 milk cow, two dozen pure bred Light Brahma hens and
a few choice cockerels. W. C. Darnel.
For Sale--Limited quantity of barley, suitable for seed, free from
oat another grain. Frank Pierson.
For Sale--Nearly new 5x12 Axmilster rug, also Mandt wagon. Charles
Reynolds, Mutual phone 16 on 26.
For Sale--Three dozen R. I. Red pullets and four cockerels, also
three Touluse geese. Mrs. T. M. Scott.