News of the Day!

The Red Oak Sun, Red Oak, Iowa, May 2, 1902


The Tabor Telephone Co., which began business about six years ago with less than - 'phones and two miles of wire, has developed a system having 1200 'phones and reaching every town in Fremont and Mills County.

A jeweler in Malvern has a clock that has run 400 days with one winding. It ticks about eight times a minute, while an ordinary ticks 150 times per minute. Its pendulum vibrates instead of clanging. The clock was made in Switzerland.

--arl Garman, the 19-year-old boy who shot his father, a miller in Glenwood several days ago, claims he did so because his father was about to sell the house, leave his mother and go away with another woman. The man was shot in the back of the head. It is now believed that he will recover.
W. L. Wilson last Tuesday shipped a cycle to Albert T. Smith, at Dawson City, Canada. The price of the wheel was $?5.50 and the freght charges will bring the cost to near $300. Mr. Smith formerly lived in Shenandoah, going to the Yukon country in 1898 and being an old chum of Mr. Wilson concluded to send to Red Oak for a wheel which he cited can be used as nicely there as it can anywhere in the world. He is foreman in an iron foundry in Dawson, his wages being $12.50 per day. He made the first piece of iron casting ever produced in the Klondike. The letter ordering the wheel was dated April 6, its quick ship being due to the rapidity of the stage -- west Dawson and the White Horse --pide is going 394 miles in four days.

The best smoker on earth for fie cents, Scottish Rite.

John Shafer for 45 years a respected resident of Red Oak, died at his home here last Saturday, in his 75th year. He was born in Richland county, O., Oct 31, 1827. Mrs. Shafer and one son and three daughters survive him. The son, Wm. Shafer, resides in California and could not get here to attend the funeral. The daughters are Mrs.  J. I. Freer of Lead, S. Dak., Mrs. W. S. Harding of Deadwood, S. Dak., and Mrs. J. C. Kretchmer of Red Oak. Mrs. Freer and Mrs. Harding came a few days before their father's death. Mr. Shafer was a soldier in the Mexican war and was severely wounded. He came to this county in 1859, when
Frankfort was the county seat. He was justice of the peace a number of years and served as sheriff and deputy sheriff  for eight years. He was a carpenter and built the first school house in Frankfort. For a number of years he carried on the house moving business in Red Oak. He was conscientious in all his dealings and was held in high esteem. He had been a member of the M. E. church more than 50 years. The funeral services were held at the home on Monday afternoon, and were conducted by Rev. W. G. Hohanshelt, Mr. Shafer's pastor, and Rev. W. W. Merritt, a friend of many years. There was a large attendance of friends and
many beautiful floral tributes were received.

Stanton, May 2 -- The graduating exercises of the Stanton high school were held Wednesday evening, April 30, in the Lutheran church. There were three graduates, Marie A. Liljequist, Emma M. Julian and Clarence Peterson. Each gave creditable orations, Clarence Peterson on "The Growth of the Republic," Marie Liljequist on "The Reign of Victoria" and Emma Julian on "Famous Warriors." There was class history and prophecy by Henry Ossian. The valedictory was by Marie Liljequist.  The address to the class was by Edward Mills of Red Oak. Class day exercises were held on Tuesday afternoon, in the high school room. The sermon to the class was given by Rev. D. Martin, of the M. E. church, last Sunday evening.

~ submitted by Bill Smith