and Mrs. B. Carpenter, who have been passing the winter visiting
children here and at Russell, have returned to their home in
Colorado, in
the Bear river valley.
Fred Myers, working on the McElheney farm, had a leg badly cut
just below
the knee in a stalk cutter accident several days ago and will be
laid up for
two or three weeks.
Quite a buzzing business is being done by the Jos. Scherer saw
mill, now
located on the Liljedahl place. There are enough logs to keep the
saw busily
buzzing for over a month. A log was worked up one day last week that
860 feet of 2x4 lumber.
A. J. Albinnesson thinks Stanton ought to have a livery stable.
Chas. Johnson is building a nice residence just north of town.
Thomas Larson is home from his visit in the northern part of the
Chas. Elborg has been taking treatment at the mineral springs at
Burlington Junction, Mo.
A. Monson acted as manager of the Farmers store while Swan Hawkins
was visiting in Kansas City.
Miss Lillie Henry, from Omaha, was visiting at the home of Mrs.
Ammons a day or two last week.
The Stanton literary society will give an entertainment at the
school house on the evening of May 11 to which an admission fee of
10 cents will be charged.
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Nordquist, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lilljeberg, Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Bloom, Mrs. A. M. Rapp and Mrs. Gust Anderson were
over from Red Oak Thursday of last week.
A committee of the Stanton district of the Swedish Lutheran
Conference have charge of the publication of a monthly paper called
The Helper. It has eight pages, three columns to the pages.
The Stanton public schools close Friday, April 24, with a public
entertainment by the pupils. On Tuesday evening Aug. 28, the
graduating exercises will be held. There are four in the graduating
Miss Emily Holm, formerly principal of the Stanton Schools, died in
Chicago April 15. The funeral was from the Baptist church in
Villisca on April 16. Mrs. T. A. Trulson, Mrs. Swan Hawkins, Mrs.
Fred Peterson, F. W. Shaeffer, Horan Roll and T. B. Walsh attended
the funeral.
Mrs. Gertrude Stonehouse Spellman, daughter of G. B. Stonehouse,
of Frankfort township, died at her home in Creston April 14, leaving
three small children. The remains were brought from Creston for
interment in Frankfort cemetery. The funeral was from the Frankfort
church. The services were conducted by Rev. J. B. Hall.
The Sunday School at Houser school house elected new officers last
Sunday. Mrs. J. P. Norcross was elected superintendent, Lee
Steinmates assistant superintendent, Miss Miriam Norcross secretary
and treasure, and Miss Myrtle Weaver organist.
Geo. Smith's new well is 108 feet deep.
J. C. McGrew is home from a visit of some weeks in Ohio.
Art Van Ausdale arrived home last week from his visit in
M. L. Evans shipped in a car load of horses from Carmon, Ill., a
few days ago.
H. M. Brainerd, formerly of Emerson, is now editor of the Videtia
at Forest River, N Dak.
Dr. McMurtrey is here from California on a business trip. His
Emerson friends are glad to see him.
A. W. Culver has taken appointment as agent for the Mutual Life
Association of Iowa, which has headquarters at Red Oak.
R. M. Shipman and M. L. Evans, of the Farmers bank, have bought
the Exchange bank of Chase & Griffth and consolidated the two.
A barn belonging to Judge Tubbs, located on the farm occupied by
Wm. Snodgrass, was struck by lightening one night lately, but no
serious damage done. Their were five horses and two mules and a
large quantity of hay in the barn at the time.
Miss Nellie Williamson died at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Williamson, on April 15. She was in her 15th year.
Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church on the evening
of April 16 and the remains were taken to Orlon, Ill., for
Hal Gillmore visited near Hathorne Friday.
W. F. McGreer made a business trip to Red Oak last week.
G. A. Stibbens and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. J.
Beeson Sunday.
The county bridge gang is putting in a new bridge across the river
just west of town.
Geo. McBoyle and family have moved to Essex where they expect to
spend the summer.
A new porch on the front of A. McDevitt's house adds much to the
appearance of his place.
Miss Emma Brooks is slowly recovering from her injuries received in
a runaway some time ago.
O.P. Dixon is having some building done. Sam Swim is
superintending the carpenter work.
The work on the ??? is moving along very smoothly. John Baltrell of Red
Oak is head plasterer.
Miss Bessie Swim went to Essex Wednesday where she is going to stay
with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. McBoyle.
A few of the friends of John Kassel gathered at his home to
surprise him on Saturday evening and make it his farewell party.
They spent a pleasant evening and the early hours of Sunday morning
were broken into before all got home.
Mrs. Maud Mauderly received a telegram Friday morning telling of
the death of her father-in-law, Mr. Mauderly at Nodaway. She and
Chris Kohli, who is a nephew of the deceased, went to Nodaway on the
noon train to attend the funeral. Mrs. M. returned Sunday.
A man from Villisca was in the neighborhood last week buying
horses and succeeded in getting a respectable number. He got three
from Thos. Donahue, two from S. F. Davenport, two from John Kassel,
and one each from W. H. Lathrop, S. W. Alterffer, W. T. Harper,
Xavier Hossie and Emery DeWitt of Pilot Grove.
The quarterly conference of the Red Oak circuit, will be held
Saturday and Sunday, April 25 and 26. Quarterly conference Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the M. E. church in Red Oak and preaching
at 8 in the evening; also at 7:30 on Sunday evening, followed by
communion services. Rev. Mr. Young, of Griswold, will preside at the
conference, and preach the sermons in place of Rev. Dr. Smith, the
presiding elder.
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