Montgomery County, Iowa

Our Military
World War I
Men of Company F
Part of the 168th Infantry of the "Rainbow Divison"
Report of the Adjutant General of Iowa
For the Biennial Period Ended June 30, 1918
Published by the State of Iowa, Des Moines

The office of the Adjutant General has been a very busy place during the past two years. The United States has been involved in two wars during this period. At the beginning of the year 1917, the Iowa National Guard, with the exception of the Field Artillery, which was mustered out in December, was in Federal service and was on duty on the Mexican Border guarding the border states from invasion. The organizations were returned to their homes early in the year and by March 23, 1917 were all out of active service.

On March 25, 1917 the President again issued a proclamation calling into active service a part of the National Guard from each state, preparatory to entering the World War. In Iowa the First Regiment of Infantry was called into service and placed on duty guarding bridges and munitions plants. By July 15, 1917 all other organizations of National Guard had been called into service.

On August 5, 1917 all men who had been mustered into National Guard service were drafted into U. S. service. This took the Guard entirely from under the control of the state. By the latter part of August all Iowa units had left the state.

Iowa Guard units sent into the service were all efficient, but it so happened that only one of them, the Third Iowa Infantry (168th U.S. Infantry) experienced any battle field service. This regiment was a part of the 42nd or Rainbow, division, and was a composite organization, composed of the third and parts of the First and Second Infantry regiments. Three-fifths of the enlisted men of the Third, when it left Iowa, had been for some time in the ranks of this regiment. Two-fifths were Guardsmen, transferred from the First and Second Regiments. As a result it was truly a representative Iowa National Guard unit, and its brilliant achievements on the battle fields reflects credit upon the National Guard as a whole.

Company F:

The National Guard of Iowa, as of June 30, 1918, consisted of one brigade of infantry (3 regiments), First Infantry, Second Infantry and Third Infantry, as well as many other outfits. The Third Infantry was made up of fifteen companies, one of which was Company F, Red Oak, Montgomery County. These 3 regiments went on to fight in the battles of Lorraine, Champagne, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel, Argonne and Sedan in France in World War I as part of the 168th Infantry of the famed Rainbow Division. Members of Company F are listed here.

      Commissioned Officers
Last Name
First name
State Born
Casey Charles J. 32 Villisca New York Captain
Kelley William A. 44 Villisca Iowa 1st Lieutenant
Peckham Howard D. 36 Villisca Iowa 2nd Lieutenant
      Non-Commissioned Officers
Last Name
First name
State Born
Meyerhoff Charles L 38 Villisca Iowa 1st Sgt.
Phillip Ralph Earl 27 Villisca Illinois Supply Sgt.
Reynolds Gus R. 40 Villisca Illinois Mess Sgt.
Anderson Oscar Mearl 23 Villisca Iowa Sgt.
Brainerd Harold 22 Ft. Dodge Iowa Sgt.
Brockmeier Harry E. 22 Villisca Iowa Sgt.
Buffington Allison 22 Villisca Iowa Sgt.
Court Bert C. 22 Cedar Falls Iowa Sgt.
Fisher  Fen 25 Villisca Iowa Sgt.
Gallagher James A. 25 Cedar Falls Minnesota Sgt.
Hicks Milton E. 23 Ft. Dodge Illinois Sgt.
Moats Hobert M. 20 Villisca Iowa Sgt.
Overman Manfrord L. 24 Villisca Iowa Sgt.
Raney Roy N. 20 Villisca Iowa Sgt.
Wells Fremont S. 22 Cedar Falls Iowa Sgt.
Winter Orville C. 23 Villisca Iowa Sgt.
Anderson Frode C. 24 Villisca Michigan Cpl.
Arbuckle Clyde William 22 Villisca Iowa Cpl.
Baker Perry D. 24 Cedar Falls Iowa Cpl.
Bloom Alva H. 18 Villisca Iowa Cpl.
Brown Vernon C. 20 Villisca Iowa Cpl.
Bryson Alfred J. 21 Villisca Iowa Cpl.
Burnham Clifford 20 Villisca Iowa Cpl.
Bye Harold J. 21 Ft. Dodge Iowa Cpl.
Cook Arthur E. 24 Villisca Iowa Cpl.
Elliott Clarence M. 19 Ft. Dodge Iowa Cpl.
Fisher Joel E. 25 Britton, South Dakota Minnesota Cpl.
Goff Newell E. 22 Villisca Iowa Cpl.
Greenway Abel G. 19 Villisca Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Hansen Thorvald 29 Cedar Falls Denmark Cpl.
Henry Glen A. 20 Villisca Iowa Cpl.
Henry Raine E. 22 Villisca Iowa Cpl.
Kempley Walter V. 21 Ft. Dodge Iowa Cpl.
Miller Cecil B. 20 Clarinda Iowa Cpl.
Montgomery Clarence M. 22 Villisca Nebraska Cpl.
Newman Merle D. 20 Villisca Iowa Cpl.
Ostrander Glenn C. 33 LuVerne Iowa Cpl.
Roth Claude Everett 21 Villisca Iowa Cpl.
Secor John Ray 27 Cedar Falls Iowa Cpl.
Smith Elmer C. 21 Ft. Dodge Nebraska Cpl.
Spargur Allen 20 Villisca Iowa Cpl.
Stevens Clifford J. 29 Cedar Falls Maine Cpl.
Wagaman Orville J. 22 Villisca Kansas Pvt. 1st Class
Webster James 22 Cedar Falls Iowa Cpl.
Yort Leo F. 22 Ft. Dodge Iowa Cpl.
      Cooks, Buglers, Etc.
Last Name
First name
State Born
Van Valkenburg Wesley 23 Villisca Missouri Pvt. 1st Class
Baker Archie D. 21 Villisca Iowa Bugler
Chupp Newton C. 21 Shelby Iowa Mechanic
Brown William 23 Villisca Iowa Cook
Phillips Clarence E. 23 Oskaloosa Iowa Cook
Stewart Harry F. 27 Trinidad Iowa Cook
Clark Lawrence R. 21 Farragut Iowa Bugler
      Privates, 1st Class
Last Name
First name
State Born
Anderson Gerhard A. 23 Cedar Falls Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Bickenback Paul E. 20 Waterloo Illinois Pvt. 1st Class
Brooks Lawrence E. 19 Ft. Dodge Indiana Pvt. 1st Class
Conklin Dean 23 Villisca Missouri Pvt. 1st Class
Croak Jerome M. 21 Waterloo Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Curttright Scott W. 22 Ft. Dodge Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Dimler Ralph 22 LuVerne Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Dolder Snowden H. 22 Ft. Dodge Illinois Pvt. 1st Class
Dryden Edgar O. 21 Clarinda Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
English Forbes T. 20 Villisca Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Findley Rhea H. 23 Villisca Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Frist Victor 23 Villisca Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Geeslin William T. 19 Ft. Dodge Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Gerlach Fred L. 25 Tama Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Gridley Lawrence W. 22 Villisca Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Haxby John W. Jr. 21 Villisca Illinois Pvt. 1st Class
Hendriksen Asge F. 28 Cedar Falls Denmark Pvt. 1st Class
Hicks Loy L. 23 New Maket Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Hudson Charles M. 19 Villisca Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Jennings Arthur D. 22 Cedar Falls Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Jones Bert E. 29 Clarinda Nebraska Pvt. 1st Class
Kendrick Glen 25 Villisca Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Kibling Elmore 22 Ft. Dodge Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Kohl Elden L. 22 Shelby Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Lawrence James J. 21 Cedar Falls Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Liken John A. 19 Clarinda Kansas Pvt. 1st Class
Lorance Glen F. 21 Ft. Dodge Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
McHugh Ercille H. 18 Clarinda Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Mann Wilbur R. 24 Tabor Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Merkle Ernest F. 18 LuVerne Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Moore Thad A. 18 Messina Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Mulnix Wilbert E. 22 Janesville Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
O'Boyle Joseph E. 22 Ft. Dodge Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Oyster Claude W. 21 Villisca Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Pill Goodman 23 Ft. Dodge Germany Pvt. 1st Class
Ralf John L. 20 Ft. Dodge Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Raper Carl L. 22 Clarinda Illinois Pvt. 1st Class
Raymond Paul A. 19 Creston n/a Pvt. 1st Class
Robertson Harold L. 21 Shelby Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Sampson Elmer S. 23 Ft. Dodge Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Shiffer Earl E. 19 Villisca Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Sollars Calvin J. 21 College Springs Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Sollars Charles L. 22 Clarinda Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Todd Edwin C. 23 Tabor Minnesota Pvt. 1st Class
Van Slyke Hugh E. 18 Cedar Falls Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Whiteman Hugh J. n/a Ft. Dodge Illinois Pvt. 1st Class
Williams Harle 27 Tabor Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Wilson Charles E. H. 19 Cedar Falls Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
York Ben H. 28 Clarinda Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
York Bert L. 18 Clarinda Iowa Pvt. 1st Class
Last Name
First name
State Born
Anderson John L. 25 Clarinda Missouri
Aries Harm 19 Waterloo Iowa
Ashmore Homer 28 Villisca Iowa
Ashmore James Lester 29 Villisca Iowa
Bales Clarence T. 21 Clarinda Tennessee
Barnes Joseph L. 20 Exira Illinois
Bates Roy C. 22 Villisca Iowa
Benson Anton W. 18 Stanton Iowa
Bentley Crawley 26 Clarinda Missouri
Benton Bruce F. 24 Exira Iowa
Bleuer Frederick 24 West Bend Switzerland
Boland Edmonf 18 Ft. Dodge Iowa
Bonsall Bruice (sic) A. 20 Clarinda Iowa
Bonsall Jake B. 18 Clarinda Iowa
Bosley Guy E. 21 Clarinda Missouri
Bridhman Daryl W. 18 Clarinda Iowa
Brummett Fred C. 19 Clarinda Tennessee
Burnett Francis Kirk 25 Villisca Kansas
Butson Eldred J. 19 Pomery Iowa
Bygel Harry W. 18 Dayton Iowa
Caldwell John W. 18 Clarinda Iowa
Canfield Willard I. 21 Osceola Iowa
Cervine Oswald C. 18 Ft. Dodge Iowa
Chambers Rufus W. 20 Osceola Iowa
Chaplain Clarencce 26 Cedar Falls Arkansas
Charter Carl H. 22 Adair Iowa
Christensen Henry H. Record incomplete
Clark John R. 19 Albia Iowa
Cooper Lorance F. 22 Clarinda Iowa
Cotton William F. 18 Ft. Dodge Indiana
Cowell Hamer L. 20 Eldora Iowa
Cremers Leo E. 21 Ft. Dodge New York
Crinklaw Glen B. 19 Cedar Falls Iowa
Cumming Cecil C. 20 Rolfe Iowa
Damewood Leon N. 18 Clarinda Iowa
Davis Ray C. 18 Ft. Dodge Iowa
Davison Glenn 23 Clarinda Iowa
Delph Ray W. 25 Shelby Iowa
Dewey George H. 29 Exira Kansas
Dimler Arthur W. 20 LuVerne Iowa
Douglas John W. 18 Albia Iowa
Doyle John 29 Ft. Dodge Minnesota
Earhart Wayne L. 21 Clarinda Iowa
Early George W. 28 Shenandoah Missouri
Early Robert L. 26 Clarinda Missouri
Eller Joseph O. 18 Cedar Falls Iowa
Emarson Seymour n/a Villisca Iowa
Fargo Charles H. n/a Gilmore City Illinois
Field  William P. 22 Ft. Dodge Iowa
Fishel Roy C. 18 Chandler Iowa
Fox Roger E. 19 Ft. Dodge Iowa
Fulk Claude A. 18 Clarinda Iowa
Fuller Leonard C. 19 Shell Rock Iowa
Gallagher Robert P. 19 Cedar Falls Iowa
Gelder Ben C. 21 Moorland Iowa
George Walter H. 18 Pomery Iowa
Gordon George C. 20 Ft. Dodge Iowa
Green Lee A. 18 Clarinda Missouri
Griffin Walter W. 22 Ft. Dodge Illinois
Grunewald Frank A. 25 Waterloo Iowa
Harrison Everett D. 21 Ft. Dodge Minnesota
Harvey Alfred T. 18 Parkersburg Iowa
Hazelbaker John E. 22 Clarinda Iowa
Hellig Roy E. 19 Shelby Iowa
Hellig Walter W. 18 Shelby Iowa
Henningsen Luie 24 Dike Iowa
Henry Hugh 18 Clarinda Iowa
Hobbs Charlie E. 30 Ottumwa Iowa
Hoffman Elmer A. 25 Clarinda Iowa
Hoke J. Howard 21 Red Oak Iowa
Hollis James C. 20 Nodaway Iowa
Hoover Robert J. 20 Ft. Dodge Iowa
Howland Lowell D. 20 Shelby Iowa
Hunt Harry P. 22 Exira Missouri
Jackson Floyd E. 26 Clarinda Iowa
Jimmerson James B. 35 Villisca Iowa
Johnson Clifford 19 New Market Iowa
Johnson John W. 25 Clarinda Iowa
Johnson Verne n/a Callender Iowa
jones Charlie W. 21 Clarinda Iowa
Kaster Leonard 19 Janesville n/a
Kehm Edwin D. 20 Ft. Dodge Iowa
Koch Walter J. 23 Waterloo New York
Kruegar Hermann 27 Waverly Iowa
Larson Lorin H. 21 Otteson Iowa
Larson  Ward C. 20 Hamlin Iowa
Lawson George E. 28 Clarinda Iowa
Lewis Lester L. 19 Cedar Rapids Iowa
Lind Roy C. 24 Ft. Dodge Iowa
Lockle Ivan C. 19 Pomery Iowa
Loft William J. 18 Clarinda Iowa
Loudon Eugene J. 21 Clarinda Nebraska
McCarney Willard N. 24 Lacey Iowa
McHugh Wendell D. J. 18 Clarinda Iowa
McKay Crumley C. 19 New Market Tennessee
Marks Charles A. 25 Oskaloosa Iowa
Marshall John S. 27 Clarinda Iowa
Meyers Werner 18 Ft. Dodge Illinois
Miller William H. 23 Cedar Falls West Virginia
Milleson Fred J. 23 Clarinda Missouri
Moore Joe 20 Cedar Falls Iowa
Morgan Harry V. 18 Clarinda Missouri
Merrill Harold E. 18 Atlantic Iowa
Morris Raymond P. 18 Clarinda Iowa
Mowery Howard A. 21 Shelby Iowa
Neeley Albert W. 18 Clarinda Missouri
Newman Phil H. 20 Nodaway Iowa
Osborn Roy A. 22 Shenandoah Iowa
Owen Clarence A. 21 Ft. Dodge Kansas
Parker Victor L. 18 Avoca Iowa
Parrott Raymond E. n/a Clarinda Iowa
Pashby Urbin H. 29 Cedar Falls Iowa
Patterson Harry E. 19 Shelby Iowa
Paul Ariel 19 Dayton Iowa
Paul Arnold F. 18 Dayton Iowa
Peterson Charles 23 Dayton Iowa
Peterson Oscar T. 24 Gowrie Iowa
Rasmussen Arthur M. 20 Cedar Falls Iowa
Rhoades Bert 23 Clarinda Iowa
Rich Sam M. 22 Cedar Falls Kentucky
Ridler Burl H. 23 Farley Iowa
Rising Clyde H. 25 Hamlin Nebraska
Roberts Claude D. 34 Clarinda Iowa
Sampson Walter A. 20 Ft. Dodge Iowa
Sells Elwyn O. 20 Gowrie Iowa
Simpson Alex S. 28 Clarinda Iowa
Simpson Floyd L. 22 Clarinda Colorado
Simpson Tom 27 Clarinda Iowa
Smith Edward E. 20 Villisca Iowa
Smith Glen A. 21 Farragut Iowa
Smith James E. 38 Oskaloosa Iowa
Stewart Lee C. 18 Ottumwa Iowa
Stickley Ben C. 19 Parkersburg Iowa
Stillinger Edward F. 23 Villisca Iowa
Thompson Roy L. 22 Clarinda Iowa
Thurman Joe F. 29 Nodaway Iowa
Trailor Dale 18 Atlantic Iowa
Trailor Dell 18 Atlantic Iowa
Trost Herbert L. 18 Ft. Dodge Iowa
Underwood Cyrus K. 20 Villisca Texas
Usher Fred D. 21 Clarinda South Dakota
Van Sickle Floyd A. 20 Ft. Dodge Iowa
Voorhees Ralph U. 21 Prescott Iowa
Weaver Bert A. 21 Clarinda Iowa
Weiss Raymond E. 20 Ft. Dodge Iowa
Wilcoxson Charles M. 27 Creston Kansas
Wilcoxson George C. 25 Clarinda Kansas
Williamson Claude P. 23 Exira Missouri
Wooten Harry 23 Clarinda Iowa
Wright Harley S. 19 Clarinda Missouri
Yaden Tony V. 19 Clarinda Hawaii
Yaryan Ralph W. 18 Clarinda Missouri
Yearous Nathan A. 19 Clarinda Iowa
      Men Who Refused to Take National Defense Oath
Last Name
First name
State Born
Simons Elmer H.Villisca
WashburnH. Riley Villisca

~ Source: "Report of the Adjutant General, Iowa", a listing of all men in the National Guard in Montgomery Co. and surrounding Counties.
~ Transcribed by Cay Merryman, County Coordinator for Mills Co., Iowa

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