Montgomery County, Iowa

168th Infantry
in Rimaucourt, France

November 1917 - December 1917

On November 14, 1917, the troops from the USS Grant were again at sea, but this time on the British liner R.M.S.S. Celtic of the White Star Line. They arrived at Winchester, England, on December 2nd, rested for a week then went on to land at Le Havre, France, December 11th. From here they marched to Rimaucourt, France to set up camp.

Rainbow Troops Marching through Rimaucourt France, December 1917

~ contributed by Bill Reiley (grandson of Oliver Reiley)

Source: Note: This photo came from the "Story of the 168th Infantry", Vol. 1 by John H. Taber, published in Iowa City, IA. 1925, by The State Historical Society of Iowa.)

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