Montgomery County, Iowa
Marriage Announcements

February 2, 1900
The Red Oak Express Red Oak, Iowa 2 February 1900
- Sutton - Mewhirter
25 Jan 1900 in Red Oak, at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. W. G. Hohansheit, Mr. Geo. W. Sutton, of Griswaold and Miss Emma J. Mewhirter, of Elliot.
- Warne - Alcorn
31 Jan 1900, in Stanton at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. Martin, Mr. Chas. Warne and Miss Gertrude Alcorn.
- Warne - McMullen
31 Jan 1900, in Stanton at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. Martin, Mr. Henry Warne and Miss Florence McMullen.
- Swanson - Bolt
31 Jan 1900, in Red Oak, at the home of the brides parents, by Rev. J. A. Shaw of the Baptist Church. Mr. Fred O. Swanson and Miss Myrtle Bolt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bolt
- Munsen - Wickham
30 Jan 1900, in Red Oak, at the home of the bride, by Rev. J. A. Shaw of the Baptist Church, Mr. Seth E. Munsen and Miss Nellie Wickham.
- Logan - Johnson
30 Jan 1900, in Red Oak, by A. W. Watson, J. P., Mr. Harry A. Logan and Miss Anna I Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Johnson.